Note: RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.


Somewhere in Remnant

A figure walked through the barren land. She wore a long robe which covered her head and most of her figure. In the grey land, only she had any colour.

She had lost. Ruby knew that. Everyone had tried their best, yet it wasn't enough. The woman pulled out a small bottle containing blackness. Looking at her reflection, she blinked.

It matched the planet itself; devoid of life, devoid of hope.

She shook her head, put it back, and carried on. There was no point, was there? Even if she unleashed her, nothing would change. Her chances wouldn't change.

She'd still die. If not from the grimm queen, then from dehydration.

And, she'd prefer to die from something she could control. Which is why she let a thin smile adorn her face at the sight of the mountain in front of her, its peak glowing a light orange.

The upward trek took three hours, though the woman was too tired, physically and mentally, to care. Her legs protested, but she ignored them. Her equipment felt heavier, but it too was ignored.

Finally, she reached it, and the warm air greeted her. This was it, huh?

The woman pulled out a lamp; its colour had faded and it was cracked. "Jinn." she said, only for nothing to happen. She tossed it into the flaming liquid.

She then pulled out two pieces of a staff and pointed them toward the ground. "Imagi" Nothing appeared, not even a spark. She clenched her hands, and threw them into the flames as well.

A sword came out next, a hole at its hilt. Once, it had felt so fierce, now it was cold to the touch. "Hades." she said, slashing behind her. Again, nothing happened.

She then put on a crown, it's colours dulled as well adorned with numerous holes. "Queen." she spoke, but her vision remained the same.

She let out a sigh and threw it off.

Clutching the dark bottle from before, the woman jumped as well.

The flames didn't burn.

Schnee Mansion

In a white, featureless room, a woman woke up in the morning. She had pale skin and long, white hair. She yawned and looked at her calendar.

She got ready for the day and wore a white coat with light blue pants. After wearing her gloves, she looked at the white metal door in one corner of the room.

She walked to it and opened it and was greeted by a cool breeze. She narrowed her eyes and a small, nostalgiac smile covered her face.

Within the three frosted containers, stood three beautiful women. They had smiles on their faces, the expressions they'd chose to rest with.

She let out a long breath and smiled once again. "Good morning, team." she spoke, nodding. "This is Weiss speaking, and I hope you are all watching over me."

"Today, it's been seven years since we last fought as a team, and five since we save the world from Salem. Oscar's still the headmaster of New Beacon, but I think he's getting tired."

She tried laughing, but stopped herself.

She turned, but stopped for a second, noticing something. She looked at one of them a little closely.

"Ruby, you're getting a little grey." she said and opened the door.

The room became colder.

She then pulled out a small bottle and sprayed it on the corpse's cheek. After rubbing it a little, she smiled. All better, but looks like she'd have to do some maintenance later.

The woman turned back and after one last bow, she left.

It was time for breakfast, after all.

The woman walked silently through the halls, occasionally glancing at the paintings and the sculptures. They could use some changes.

Perhaps, a sculpture of brave warriors fighting a witch. she thought. The idea was immediately shut down when reached her destination: the dining table.

"Good morning, sister." spoke her brother, looking at her, his untouched breakfast on the table in front of him. She sat down opposite to him, in front of her breakfast.

"Good morning." she said, and the two started eating in silence.

A few minutes passed. Whitley looked at her.

"Happy anniversary." he said. "Were you taking care of them?"

Weiss nodded, her eyes narrowed. "Not yet, we were simply talking. I will refresh them before I leave."

Her brother sighed. "They've been gone for seven years. Let them rest. At least give them to their families."

Weiss flinched a little, but did not show it. "I refuse. They all think the bodies were taken by the grimm."

"At least bury them."

Weiss stood up, her eyes narrowed. "I have to go refresh them." she said, walking out of the room.

Whitley looked at her as she left.

"I hope you find peace, dear sister."

The City of Mistral

A soothing, light breeze went through the dark city of Mistral, the broken moon shining brightly. A rare sight, considering monsoon was right around the corner.

A woman with dark hair and cat ears looked down at a simple shop. She wore a dark shirt, with holes at its sides and dark pants.

Loud bangs came from the shop, alerting a nearby policeman. The woman's ears drooped and she frowned. She took out her blade.

A man walked out, carrying bags. He looked at the policeman and gasped. "What the?"

"Drop the bags and raise your arms!" the policeman spoke, pointing his gun at the man. He shook a little, and took out a scroll. Before he could call anyone, a shadow descended.

With a slash, the man fell down, and Blake kicked away his scroll. The man looked at her, but she knocked him out with a rough kick.

"I apologize for being late." the woman spoke, looking at the man. "Mr. Acadia?"

The man gave her a quick nod.

Blake sniffed, and mentally smiled; he didn't smell of blood. She shook her head and spoke. "I heard gunshots. What happened?"

The man nodded. "Intimidation... I didn't kill and-"

"That's enough, now, where do you have to go?"


The woman walked into a normal-looking building, yawning. She opened the door and saw the usual people. Some were customers, while others wore the same tattoo.

She walked to a man and a woman, both wearing pink clothes and showing their weapons. They gave her a smile and she handed over a bag of lien. "Thanks, Bella." spoke the woman, a smile.

Blake nodded, a small smile on her face as well. She then ordered some food for herself and started eating. With some luck, she wouldn't have to go on another mission for a while.

While she ate, the radio buzzed in the background, playing a merry tune and calming the people.

With a jingle, it was time for the news. "This morning, a train carrying Schnee dust was ambushed by the White Fang, the CEO of the company, Whi-"

Blake paused for a second, hastily ate the rest of her food and walked outside, panting. She didn't want to listen to that organization's actions right now.

When she was well away from the radio and into the cool streets, she let out a breath. Realising something, she quickly covered her head with her hood.

Faunus weren't much liked. Especially due to that organization's recent actions.

Relax, Blake. she told herself, clenching her fist. With what had happened, she couldn't change things.

She looked at the moon and smiled. It wasn't in its broken phase and she smiled. If only it could remain that way forever.

She narrowed her eyes, seeing something drift past it. It wasn't a bullhead. Its path curved and it shot towards her.

Before she could react, it had already crashed into her.

Her vision faded to black.

Western Anima

"Again!" a woman's voice boomed through the camp. It was surrounded by a number of trees and would be hard to find for many.

A young man stabbed at a woman with his blade, gritting his teeth. At the same time, a bullet whizzed by him. Another boy yelled, slamming a hammer down.

A blonde dodged the blade and the bullet. She then stopped the hammer with her hand and kicked backwards. She grabbed the young man and threw him at the shooter. A simple punch knocked the sword-bearer down.

"That's enough!" the woman spoke, holding up a hand, stopping the three. The woman had sharp lilac eyes and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She wore a pale yellow shallow cut dress and back pants.

On her arms rested two dark gauntlets and a pair of daggers were strapped to her waist.

"Damn it." spoke one boy, punching the ground. "I thought we won."

The woman looked at him, a thin smile on her face. "You lost because of over-confidence and not noticing your environment."

She then looked at the other two; a girl walked to her, and the boy with the hammer looked downwards. The woman sighed.

"Tetra, shoot when the enemy is distracted. Forget about kindness!" she then looked at the hammer-wielder. "Timber, don't announce your attack."

The three nodded and gave respectful bows.

The woman sighed and looked away from them. They were getting better, but they did not need to know that.

"Lady Xiao Long!" came a voice from a younger woman who walked to her. She wore a green shirt and brown pants. She folded her arms behind her back.


The scout nodded. "The nearby villages have put up 'bandit' reports. The coordinates are near to this location." she said, narrowing her eyes. "I believe we should change locations."

The elder woman nodded. "Very well, tell everyone we're moving." She then looked at a man with glasses. "Give me that map."

In mere hours, only broken tents remained.


After a few hours, they arrived at a temporary location to rest. Their destination was still quite a few kilometres away, but it wouldn't hurt to explore.

In front of them stood an old castle, standing tall against the wind. A team, including the leader, walked in. Strangely enough, there were no grimm.

A the faunus next to Yang gulped. "I... don't think we should be here, leader." he spoke, his eyes darting around.

Yang looked at him for a second. She then sighed. "If you're scared, head back. I don't have place for weaklings on this squad."

The faunus looked downwards, but didn't retreat.

Yang then spotted an odd door, made of rusted metal and clockwork. A keyhole was present at its centre. The woman smiled.

With a punch, it broke down. She did not expect what she saw next. The people next to her gasped, but she smiled.

A mural of a clockwork owl stared back at her. So, the Branwen did live here long ago.

The woman smiled. Such knowledge. She looked back. "Everyone, leave. Tell the younger to train, I'll be joining you all later." she spoke. She then narrowed her eyes. "We move three hours from now."

The squad nodded, leaving her alone in the room. As soon as the door behind her closed, she heard the tick-tock.

In a second, a table appeared out of the wall, a number of books haphazardly placed on it. Perhaps more in the drawers.

She looked at the language, which was, fortunately, something she could understand.

At least her mother had left a dictionary of sorts.

Yang flipped through the pages, but her eyes landed on a page. It was about time and connecting souls. Pictures of maidens, she guessed, were there as well.

Yang closed the book and shut her eyes. She breathed in and out, clutching her fists. "Things can never be the same. Remember that, Yang Xiao Long." she told herself.

But she couldn't stop herself for at least trying.

If she didn't try, what would've Ruby thought?




A fifteen-year-old girl woke up with a gasp. She had short black hair which was red at the tips. She looked around and couldn't believe what she saw.

Her room, the one from her home at Patch... Which was destroyed long ago.

She breathed in and out, and clenched and uncleanched her hands. This simply didn't made any sense.

She relaxed. You're dead, you jumped into that volcano. she thought to herself, letting out a sigh. She then looked around.

If she was dead, then, was this the afterlife? If so, she liked. It was good enough, she guessed. She gasped when she saw a lump on the other bed.

Yang! She's alive! Well... at least she's here.

Ruby got up, and went to her sister. Tears filled her eyes as she saw her struggle in her sleep.

"Y-Yang." spoke Ruby, leaning over her. Without another word, she raised the blankets, and laid down next to her, hugging her sister.

Wonderful sleep awaited her.


A young woman opened her eyes, staring at the light blue room illuminated by the complete moon. She closed her eyes and opened them again.

"What?" she spoke, her voice quiet and fearful. What happened? Last thing she remembered was... that strange grimm.

Relax, Weiss Schnee. This has to be a dream.

However, the dream did not turn lucid, nor did it end. The girl gulped and felt her hair. It was longer and she was shorter.

"Am I... in the past?" she asked herself. Naturally, no one answered. She then glanced at her scroll.

It was the older model, and the date was... old.

She got up with a jolt, and went through the recent news. All of them were around the same date; a week before Beacon.

The girl felt a smile creep on her face.

A second chance? Of course she'd take it.


Blake looked around the room, her eyes wide and her arm reaching for her weapon. She grabbed nothing and saw then saw it on the floor nearby.

What was that? Where am I? The girl though, blinking. Was there something in that drink? She knew this wasn't a dream.

Her eyes then fell on a calender on the wall. In a flash, she ripped it off and just looked at it.

It was the year she went to Beacon, and that date was a week from today. She flipped through the pages, expecting it to be a joke.

When the pages ran out, she threw it on the floor and grabbed her scroll. It was an older model, but it would at least have the right date!

"What in the world?" she breathed out and sat on the floor. It was a week before Beacon, and a day before she'd quit her job.

"Is this a second chance?" she spoke, but as expected, no one answered. She held her head in her hands and simply breathed in and out.

"I can do this... I will do this." she told herself. "I won't run anymore."

But, how do I know I'm not lying to myself? The girl shook her head and laid down.


Yang let out a gasp as she felt the softness of a bed beneath her. She would've moved if someone wasn't holding her tight.

She didn't struggle and looked around the room she was in. She gasped and her eyes watered.

"I'm home..." she spoke, gulping. She unlocked her scroll and saw the date; she was in the past. "It worked... It worked!" she spoke out, careful to not raise her voice.

Her eyes widened, and she turned, careful not to disturb the person holding her. She then stared at the peaceful, sleeping face of Ruby Rose.

"I didn't protect you." she spoke. "Forgive me." She reached out and felt her skin and her hair. It was soft and smooth.

Tears leaked out and she pulled her sister close and hugged her. "It's okay. I will protect you this time." she spoke, smiling.

She'd miss the tribe, but they were nothing compared to her sister.


AN: So, here is another fanfic. As you can see, this is a time travel fanfic, but with RWBY from different futures. I hope you all enjoy.

I wanted to write this after I read Time MixUp by Lucillia.

As the summary suggests, this will be AU.

Also, updated.