Hello everyone, here's a new story involving Arrow and Flash in the world of Avengers! This story is related to my other story which is "Sister's Duty"! I hope you enjoy this first chapter! Good reading !

Chapter 1

Night had fallen. Two guards were doing their rounds around a secret building. Two former cops turned into a night watchman, who was supposed to ensure the safety of dangerous objects on a protected site. Attentive, they watched the surroundings. One of them turned to the other:

"Your kid is a fan of the Avengers, so?"

"Oh yes, he loves Thor and Captain America! He only talks about these heroes…"

"The kids of now!"

"Yes, before he played police cars. But he moved on to something else. His father can't fight against heroes like Thor or Iron Man.

"But not all heroes wear masks or capes. For example, protecting a site that contains dangerous objects is really heroism."

It was then that a black arrow came and crashed right into the guardian's head, instantly causing his death. Before the second could react, a yellow and red blur crossed him, jumped up and landed on the ground. Wanting to get up, he saw a strange man in a yellow suit.

"Too bad your son will have to do without his father," made the man in yellow with a filtered voice.

He did vibrate his hand, and came through the guardian's body, immediately causing his death.

Eobard Thawne, nicknamed Reverse-Flash, got up. His sidekick, an archer dressed in black, joined him. Both entered the secret premises. They came upon an ambush of guards, who were pointing their guns at them.

"Don't move, stay where you are!" shouted one of them.

Thawne rushed into super-speed, crossing a few guards in the process, leaping into the air, and found themselves right behind them.

"I'll let you take care of the guards," said Thawne to his mate.

And he disappeared with his incredible speed. The archer unsheathed his bow and shot several arrows, killing a large number of guards. Once his stock of arrows was exhausted, he took out a sword, and sliced the heads of all those who remained.

Soon after, Thawne came back to him.

"I have what we need," he announced.

The archer wiped the blood that was on his blade, and left the warehouse with the speedster.

Both came to rest on the roof of a building and admired the sparkling city of New York. Thawne removed her yellow mask, revealing the face of Harrison Wells.

The archer took off his hood, revealing Malcolm Merlyn's face.

"We're nearing the point," said Thawne with a grin.

"Excellent," Malcolm said with the same grin."Thank you for leaving me the guards. I wanted to let off steam."

"Once we have accomplished our task on this Earth, you can let off steam on all the Multiverse, Mr. Merlyn. I promised us power."

Malcolm Merlyn jubilated with his sidekick.

"You're really a great ally, Eobard. I am proud of what we have accomplished together."

"And I therefore."

"I look forward to meeting these Avengers, and to measure ourselves to them."

"Patience, Malcolm, patience. We're not yet ready to face them. The opportunity will come soon."

Earth – 1; Central City

In a corner of the City of Central City, Flash was facing two of its worst metas-humans: The Master of Mirrors and his girlfriend the Top. She used her power to lose the speedster balance, giving him vertigo. He fell to the floor groaning and being mocked and attacked by the Master of Mirrors.

"It's time you get out of my city, Flash," scolded the latter grinning.

"Our city, honey," said Top, annoyed.

She lowered herself in front of Flash with a smirk.

"What's going on, sweetie? You don't have sarcastic retorts to swing us?

"In fact, yes," faintly replied Flash, "Screw both you!"

The meta-human uttered a sinister laugh.

"You really think you're up against us?" he continued, throwing a huge kick into the back of the superhero.

"And you don't think Bonnie and Clyde are a little out of date now," Flash said, defiantly.

"You don't seem to understand! You're one to two! You think you can stop us?

"Trust me," Flash said with a reassuring smile. "To put you both this is gonna be fun."

Bright as lightning, Flash had risen to a super speed and threw the two evil lovebirds into the air before they fell to the ground. The Top tried to get up, but Flash slipped handcuffs to neutralize her powers.

The Master of Mirrors wanted to get up and run away, but fell on Flash, who appeared straight ahead.

"You didn't think I was going to forget you, sweetie!" sneered the speedster by handcuffing him in turn. "Greet your prison mates for me!"

"No!" exclaimed the meta-human, as sirens rang out.

"See ya, guys!" said Flash, proud of his success.

As he was about to go on a super-speed, a tranquilizer dart came and crashed into his neck. The speedster kept all eyes open, but eventually collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Earth – 1 ; Star City

Late in the night, Green Arrow was fighting several ninjas in an abandoned building. He used his bow and arrows to neutralize them. Then, he struck several times at the last one, until it was completely sounded.

Once the fight was over, he put his hand on his headset to communicate with his bunker.

"Tell me it was the last one, Felicity," he radioed at his lair.

"In fact, the rumor is that several ninjas were gathering in the abandoned warehouse right next to you," Felicity Smoak said from the bunker.

"This evening couldn't be calmer," the archer grumbled as he left the building.

He went inside the abandoned warehouse, and was astonished to see it completely deserted. He didn't see a single ninja around. What worried him so much.

"You're sure I'm in the right place?" he asked, by radio.

But his call went unanswered. He did not hear Felicity's voice at all.

"Felicity! Felicity! I can't hear you anymore! Felicity, you hear me? Felicity?"

But nothing at all. It was as if the communication was scrambled. Worrying.

Green Arrow drew his bow, preparing one of his arrows, and walked slowly into the lair. He saw in the distance an inert figure on the ground. He approached and was surprised to find that it was his friend Flash unconscious.

The latter ends up waking up, half sounded.

"What is happening?" he whispered.

"Barry? Are you okay?" Green Arrow asked as he approached him.

"Oliver?" Flash wondered as he looked around him.

"What are you doing here?" asked the vigilante of Star City.

"I… I'm in Star City?" exclaimed the speedster.

"Yes. What's going on, Barry?"

"I ... I don't know ... the last thing I remember is that I was fighting two metas-humans in Central City. I had stopped them both. I was about to go home, when I received a tranquilizer that completely knocked me out, I must have lost consciousness. That's all I remember. Why am I in your city?"

"I don't know."

"I can answer that question," said a voice suddenly behind them.

Flash stood up, while Green Arrow brandished his right bow on a man walking quietly toward them. He was a bald black man, wearing a leather jacket, and also had a black cover on his left eye.

"Who are you?" thundered the Star City archer.

"Calm down, you can lower your bow," said the black man, stopping a few feet from them. "I'm not your enemy, and all my apologies for the tranquilizer. I had to talk to you two. I had to use radical means to attract you both to this place. My name is Nick Fury."

"And what do you want us?" Flash asked, frowning.

"Before you start, know that it's a great honor to meet you… Mr Allen and Mr Queen. Or Mr. Mayor.

Green Arrow and Flash looked at each other, stunned by the fact that this stranger knows their secret identities.

"I know who you are, and then I'm not from here. I belong to an Earth that is different from yours. I guess you, Mr. Allen, are no stranger to the Multiverse.

A little shocked, the speedster nodded, while the archer eventually lowered his bow.

"Yeah," confirmed Flash.

"How do you know who we are?" intervened the archer of Star City.

Nick Fury mimed a slight smile before answering.

"It's been a long time since I knew about the Multiverse and you'd be surprised at the number of amazing things I've seen in my lifetime. I only have one eye, but I can observe everything I want to see. I saw countless lands and watched you for a long time. I even observed your friend Kara Danvers on her Earth.

"You know Kara?" exclaimed Flash, stunned.

"Exactly, and where I come from, my world is in danger. Two individuals that we can not identify have entered a site that was storing extraterrestrial material. In the wrong hands, this material can become a dangerous weapon that can destroy a world."

"And why call on us?" Green Arrow asked, still wary of Fury.

The latter took out a briefcase from his jacket, and took out folders containing photos.

"Because these individuals seem to be knowledge to both of you. One is a speedster who runs very quickly that it is impossible to apprehend, and the other turns out to be a formidable archer able of killing everything that moves. (He took pictures of the man in yellow) These photos were taken by our surveillance cameras. It seems to me that you recognize this man, Mr. Allen?"

Flash took the pictures and could see to his surprise that it was Eobard Thawne, his worst enemy and also the one who killed his mother and destroyed his family.

"Indeed, he's not unknown to me," he confirmed, ruminating with rage. "It's Eobard Thawne. I thought I had got rid of him!"

To learn that his former enemy was back filled him with immeasurable rage and a thirst to stop him at any cost.

Oliver glanced at a picture of Thawne, and turned to Fury.

"And for the archer?" he asked.

Fury handed him some pictures revealing the identity of the archer without his hood, much to the surprise of the archer of Star City.

"Malcolm Merlyn?" exclaimed Green Arrow, stunned. "Impossible! He died on Liam Yu in an explosion! His remains were found! It's impossible he's still alive! That's can't be him!"

"Unless it's a Malcolm Merlyn from another Earth," Flash suggested, taken aback.

"Anyway, these two persons threaten the safety of my Earth," Nick Fury said. "I appeal to you because I need you to help me stop these two. You know them in addition to their modus operandi."

"I'm on it," said Flash.

Green Arrow, after a shock, seemed to hesitate, then finally obey.

"But before that, I have to tell you something," Fury added to the two heroes.

Nick Fury told them that he was a leader of a government organization called SHIELD, whose goal was to protect the entire country against terrorist and alien threats, and then, due to the infiltration of the organization Hydra terrorist, they had been forced to dismantle the protection agency. Then he also told them about the Avengers, the greatest heroes of his world

"You have a group of superheroes on your Earth called Avengers?" Flash asked, curious.

"Exaclty," Fury said, nodding.

"Why not appeal to them?" Green Arrow added, frowning.

"They are indisposed for the moment," explained the one-eyed black man."They must handle a crisis with Hydra. Since you know these two men who threaten my Earth, you must know their motives."

"Thawne, yes," said the Star City archer. "But for Malcolm Merlyn, it's a bit more complicated. He seems to master the martial arts, like the one I knew, but in terms of his motives, I have no idea. This Merlyn is a mystery to me, I do not know how to stop him."

"Anyway, can I count on you to help me neutralize them?" Fury asked with a defiant look.

"If Thawne is on another Earth," Flash added, and he is interested in alien technology, "It's certainly not trivial. He has to prepare something, and I want to know what. Oliver, I'm going to need you."

Green Arrow looked at Flash, then looked at Nick Fury suspiciously, then nodded.

"All right, Fury! We follow you! But I don't trust you!"

"Whether you trust or not, it doesn't matter to me," retorted the black man."My world is in danger, and even though I don't lead anything anymore, my mission to protect the Earth has not changed. I will go all the way to make my mission a success."

So much for this first chapter! As this story unfolds at the same time as Sister's Duty, Oliver and Barry will not see the Avengers right away, because they are busy with Supergirl, who is trapped with Hydra! It maintains a certain coherence. I introduced Eobard Thawne to Wells, because he's better than Matt Letscher!

I hope you enjoyed this beginning!