Hello and here is the last chapter of my story.

Chapter 6

Green Arrow and Supergirl waited a long time in the Avengers' Tower. For several hours, they had left the hangar, since the disappearance of Reverse-Flash. Barry Allen was lying on a bed in the constancies were good. He had been seriously muddled by his fight against Thawne, but the speedster healed quickly, and would resume his strength, much to the relief of Kara and Oliver.

Kara was about to fly into the heavens when she heard a slight moan. Going immediately to Barry's bedside, she took her friend's hand as he began to wake up.


The young man barely opened his eyes, and began to make a gesture to get up, when Kara stopped him with his arm.

"Easy, Barry! You've had a busy day. You must rest."

"Kara…" murmured the speedster Earth – 1.

"Yeah, it's me, Oliver is here too."

Immediately, Oliver in his archer's clothes came to the bedside of his friend.

"Good to see you again Barry," he said with a smile."We thought we were going to lose you. You scared us."

"How has you feel?"Kara asked anxiously.

"I felt pain everywhere," murmured the young man. "It's like a truck rolled me over."

"Don't worry, my friends Avengers assured me that you'll be out," assured him the kryptonian smiling.

"And Thawne? He has become so powerful, where's he?"

"He doesn't have all his powers anymore," Kara assured him again. "The source of energy he absorbed was only temporary. He has become a ordinary speedster again."

"And where is he now?" Barry asked.

"I don't know. He opened an interdimensional breach and he spun…"

"We'll meet him again one day, Barry, I promise you," Oliver assured him.

"And that day, we'll have all three," Kara replied firmly.

"And for Merlyn? He was stopped?"

"His whole army is neutralized," Oliver explained."Unfortunately, a few hours after he was arrested, he evaporated with the help of his Thea. Both are free. Fury thinks they have to leave this Earth. Because they are nowhere on the radar. Without resources, they must flee through the Multiverse."

"Anyway, they'll not risk coming back here, with the Avengers as protectors," said Kryptonian.

"Well, that's us ?" a voice said behind them.

All three then saw Steve Rogers and Tony Stark join them. The American super-soldier came to rest near Barry's bed.

"How are you feeling, Mr Allen?"he asked the young man.

"Good, thank you," said Barry.

"Barry, I'm so glad you get to meet Steve Rogers and Tony Stark," Kara said. "They are Captain America and Iron Man."

"Captain America and Iron Man? Wow!" exclaimed Flash, stunned. "I wish Cisco were here."

"So, you're Flash, Mr Allen, according to what Kara told us," explained Tony. (He turned to Oliver.) "And Legolas has a name, don't you."

"I'm Green Arrow, and it's a pleasure to meet you in spite of the circumstances," Oliver said, shaking his head.

"You don't have powers," Tony asked.

"Just my bow, my arrows and my fists," the archer from Earth – 1 replied simply.

"If you need a new battle dress…"

"Thanks, but I like mine."

Steve turned to speedster.

"We're glad you're all right, Barry."

The latter seemed very confused.

"Can you explain to me how you met Supergirl?"

"It's a long story," Kara replied, a little embarrassed.

Tony hastened to answer:

"For the short version, Goldilocks was captured and taken home. And she tried to kill us all because of Hydra."

"You can stop calling me Goldilocks, please? Kara said, embarrassed.

"What had happened to you, Kara?"Oliver asked with a frown.

"Let's say that I was brainwashed with a magic scepter, and those who held me back forced me to join their ranks. They had forced me to attack them, and I almost even killed my sister Alex twice."

"I'm so sorry," said Barry shocked.

"Fortunately, it's thanks to Alex that I became myself again," added the kryptonian.

Much later, Barry was back on his feet, attending a party organized by Tony Stark. There was a large crowd. Members of the government, former SHIELD agents, celebrities, decorated war veterans and even foreign dignitaries, all this little world was gathered for the occasion in the skyscraper that had once been the scene of an extraterrestrial invasion.

In a corner of the room, Barry met Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, telling them their stories. Kara was talking to Bruce Banner, talking about scientific facts. Oliver stayed away from everyone while meditating on what had happened in recent days.

Clint Barton joined him with a drink in his hand.

"You don't speak much, it looks like?" the Avenger archer pointed out.

"Nerd speak has never been my thing," Oliver admitted. "I must quickly return to my city. I have a son waiting for me at home."

"You have a son ?" said Clint, stupefied.

"Yes," approved the archer of Earth – 1.

"He must be proud to have you as a father."

"Nope. He doesn't approve of this part of my life. I gave it up for him. Balancing the Green Arrow part with the father part is a real challenge."

Clint looked pensive, then replied:

"Can I tell you something. I didn't tell others. You promise to keep this for you?"

"I promise," Oliver assured him, nodding.

"I have a family who lives in the biggest secrecy. Fury helped me keep the secret. I love my wife and my children. But this job… it's all part of me. My group has a God, a guy who can turn into Goliath… me, I'm just an archer with his arrows. I don't know if I should withdraw from all that. Spend time with them."

"If I can give you advice," Oliver said. "I think you should be honest with your team. Secrets between teammates, it brings complications, I know that. And I think you should withdraw. Either with your wife and your children. You have the choice. I became Green Arrow for dark reasons. And obviously, this isn't you."

"Do you think what you're saying?"

"Absolutely," Oliver assured him, smiling.

"Thank you Queen," replied Clint."I'll remember that."

"The pleasure is mine."

"And I'll tell you, your kid is very likely to have you as a father."

Later, Barry and Oliver decided to return to Earth - 1. They said goodbye to the Avengers.

Barry shook hands with Captain America.

"Thanks for what you did here!"

"It was a pleasure, Captain!"

Oliver greeted all the Avengers, quickly. He spoke to Barry and Kara:

"I cannot wait to leave this place and find my Earth.

"I was glad to see you again," Kara told them. "I hope we will have other opportunities."

"By the way, Kara," Barry told him. "In a few weeks, Iris and I are going to get married. I understand you don't want to come, but you'll be welcome among us."

"I would not miss that," assured Kryptonian with a smile.

Two days later. Green Arrow had returned to Star City. William was spending the evening at a friend's house. He had his own house with Felicity.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me about your meeting with the great heroes of another Earth?"the young woman kissed him in the neck.

"I do not think there is much to say," said Oliver.

"Me, I did," said a voice in the shadows.

Oliver immediately turned around to see Nick Fury, sitting in an armchair, quietly.

"Good evening, Miss Smoack," he greeted the young woman.

"Oliver," said Felicity, shocked.

"It's okay," Oliver said carefully. "What are you still doing here, Fury?"

"Relax, Mr. Queen, I don't come to urge you to return to my Earth."

"So why are you here?"

Fury got up and walked quietly towards the couple.

"Farewells have never been my thing, but since it was me who brought you to my Earth in the first place, I thought that goodbye would be appropriate. And that a man like you could help me to protect the Multiverse."

"I already have a lot to do on my Earth, and that's enough for me. Unless your Earth is still in danger, which I doubt, considering your Avengers, I will ask you to leave my house, please."

Fury went away, still neutral.

"It was a pleasure, Oliver!"

And he left the apartment without adding anything.

And that's it for this story. I have not done well this story, I am quite disappointed with me. I would have liked to deepen a little more the Tea of my story, but lack of motivation, I couldn't do better. I had this story on a whim while writing A Sister's Duty, and I'm not satisfied.

So here, really sorry for not being able to do better.