A/N: Thanks for joining me! Hopefully you enjoy this first chapter and remember to read, review, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: Overlord does not belong to me

Chapter 1

Entoma watched as the tiny black beetle crawled across the fine grained floor. It had been a while since she had eaten, and Kyouhukou's cockroaches only restricted themselves to the second floor. Saliva dripped down from under her mask as the beetle continued its lengthy trek towards the cabin door. It stopped for a moment as if to gauge its surroundings, and that's when the arachnoid decided to strike. Grasping the struggling insect with her pincers, she raised it to her hidden mandibles.

Entoma felt a breeze tickle her antenna and she turned, her hard armor bug fully formed and aimed towards whatever had alarmed her.

"Aaahh! You caught me!"

Entoma lowered her shield, still hanging onto her snack, "Lupisregina," She greeted.

The werewolf of the Pleiades grinned, placing her hands on her hips, "Almost got you by surprise En-chan. Should've remembered your antennae."

Entoma dispelled her shield and tilted her head slightly to convey her amusement, "I'll be sure to act surprised next time. I don't want to spoil your fun."

"It's no fun when the reaction isn't genuine, "Lupis replied, frowning in mock disappointment. Her grin returned a second later, "Your shift up here is done anyway, I'm here to replace you. Not permanently...I think."

"See you later Lupis," Entoma replied, handing over the [message] scroll that she was required to have while being a sentry.

The werewolf took the scroll, amusement sparkling in her yellow eyes. The arachnoid turned to view the already open trapdoor in the floor of the cabin, presumably used by Lupis when she had attempted to sneak up on her. Entoma started to ascend the ladder, only to realize that she still had the beetle clutched in one pincer. She placed the still struggling insect in her mandibles and ate it with a satisfying crunch before descending the ladder.

The [gate] in the basement took her directly to Floor Nine of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. This was only possible because she was a recognized member of the Tomb. Any other would have been torn apart by the statues that flanked the [gate]. The arachnoid made her way towards the entrance to floor ten, pausing briefly to let a trio of homunculus maids pass. She could feel their eyes upon her back as they passed. Entoma knew that she wasn't the most well liked of the Pleiades. Most maids never talked to her, either because they never knew what to say or they didn't want to.

She felt a slight twinge of envy towards CZ. She was the most well liked out of most of the maids. Entoma knew that the automaton would have no trouble making friends among the homunculi, especially considering the fact that she had a friend amongst the humans. An inferior race no less!

Under the mask she closed her eyes and ended the train of thought. Feelings like that would be counterproductive to serving Nazarick. The [gate] to the tenth floor loomed up ahead, and Entoma steeled herself for what she had to do next.

Emerging into the Great Throne Room, Entoma saw him. The Overlord of the Sorcerer Kingdom, the last of the Forty-One Supreme Beings to remain in Nazarick, and the one who had promised her vengeance towards the voice-stealer Evileye sitting on his throne, listening to a report from one of his most trusted advisors, Demiurge.

Entoma waited in the back for the demon to stop speaking before she went up to deliver her own report, and as the two passed each other, the arachnoid felt another twinge, this one of gratitude. She never forgot the moment in which he saved her, neither had she forgotten her anger towards Evileye.

The Overlord seemed troubled as he sat through Entoma's summary of her sentry duties for that day.

"You say that you saw nothing today?" He asked, steepling his fingers.

"Yes Lord Ainz,"

"Nothing? No life?"

"Yes Lord Ainz,"

Ainz absorbed this information silently, looking troubled.

"Lord Ainz, I apologize for any action I might have-"

The Overlord cut Entoma off with a wave of his hand, "It is not your fault Entoma, merely, the world has seen fit to put a damper on my plans,"

The Arachnoid bowed, acknowledging her Lord's mercy.

"You have done well Entoma, enjoy your rest. You have earned it"

The arachnoid bowed again, knowing that her plea for more work would be ignored by Lord Ainz. Leaving the floor via [gate], she realized why it had felt quieter when talking to the Overlord,

Where was Albedo?

Entoma pondered that question for a few moments before dismissing it. If Lord Ainz had not questioned it, he probably knew where she was. Besides, Entoma felt hungry. Perhaps she would visit floor two for a quick snack.

Ainz Ooal Gown stared down at the Floor Guardian roster, one name in particular catching his interest.

The Overlord hadn't seen the overseer of the floor guardians for a while. The last he remembered seeing her was yesterday when he had exited floor ten to speak to an envoy from the Baharuth Empire asking for aid. He had received no response to the messages he had sent and the name on the roster hadn't shown any status changes to her, so what was the matter?

Ainz slammed a bony fist down on his armrest, feeling immense frustration before his limiter forced him to calm down. As the green glow faded, he pondered why it would have been yesterday that he had last seen her. It had to have had to do with the reports that both Demiurge and Entoma had delivered. Demiurge had explained how he had felt an immense surge of power from the mountains bordering the Re-Estize Kingdom and Baharuth Empire. However, any scouts sent there had not returned.

The information from Entoma was troubling. If he hadn't destroyed it, he would have attributed the lack of animals to Zy'tl Q'ae, however, he had well...destroyed it. Ainz straightened up and cast the [message] spell.

"Shalltear, gather the floor guardians and bring them to the throne room. I have something to inform you about."

Cutting the spell, he sank into his throne feeling guilty that he didn't pursue this earlier.

"Forgive me if she's dead, Tabula, " He whispered.

Entoma patted her abdomen, the sharpest edge of her hunger having been sated with some of Kyouhukuo's subjects but now she was at a loss of what to do next. There was still plenty of daylight outside, and she was freed from work for the rest of the day. She thought about checking some of the webs she had strung up on the Sixth Floor. Perhaps she had caught some low tier undead that had foolishly wandered into the trap.

Then she remembered that the area where she had strung the webs had been cordoned off by Aura, who feared one of her precious beasts falling into one. Entoma suddenly felt lonely.

All of her sisters were either engaged in a task or enjoying their own day. Lupis was on sentry duty, Solution was off in the Slane Theocracy spying for Lord Ainz, Sebas was off somewhere, most likely gallivanting around with Tuare. Narberal… she shook her head, wishing for company wouldn't make it come to her. She had to go find it herself.

The arachnoid suddenly heard the childlike voice belonging to Shalltear Bloodfallen coming from the hallway that led to the [gate] to the tenth floor.

"...understood Lord Ainz. I am on my way"

As the vampiric floor guardian came into view, she spotted Entoma who was standing outside of the black capsule, and subtly quickened her pace.

As Entoma watched the vampire enter the [gate] a spark of inspiration hit her. She made her own way towards the [gate] to the third floor, confident that she would find company there.

In a dark room on the Third floor of Nazarick, four pairs of long legs unfolded themselves from where they had been pressed up against the wall. Eight unblinking eyes opened, and focused on the entrance to the room. A new presence had entered the floor.

Entoma exited the portal and started meandering down the hallway in search of her special web. It had been made by Lord Genjiro himself, and that alone made it more precious than any of her own. It stretched from wall to wall in an unbroken spiral pattern. Gaps on the top, bottom, and sides made it so the other denizen of the third floor could make her way to and fro.

Entoma jumped up onto the web and closed her eyes, letting its familiar stickiness and softness cradle her. Occasionally she would lie there for hours, imagining herself in Lord Genjiro's arms. She wished that he was still here.

"Hello little one."

Entoma opened her eyes to see another arachnoid hovering over her. This one was bigger, at least two times the size of her own body. Bright red eyes made eye contact with the mask covering Entoma's true face.

"Hello mother,"

Grant, guardian of the third floor, subordinate to Shalltear Bloodfallen, and fellow arachnoid stared down at Entoma from her position on the ceiling.

"Why do you still use the voice of prey in my presence?" Grant asked, "You know that I enjoy speaking to you in the voice of our kin"

Entoma glanced to the side, "I like this voice better"

Grant let out a vibrating sound that Entoma took as a laugh, "Little one, I see that you will not part with your voice, so I'll allow it, but you must tell me, why? Every time I attempt to make you use your original voice, you always refuse."

The smaller arachnoid pondered this for a second, tilting her head, "For starters, everyone except for Lord Ainz, Lord Demiurge, and my sisters are all uncomfortable with my voice. They may be small winces or subtle shifts with their body, but I can tell,"

Grant gave Entoma a surprised look, "Lady Shalltear has never shown any signs of disliking my voice when I give reports. Are you sure these are true reactions or are they merely reactions from what is affecting their bodies or surroundings?"

Entoma gave this some thought, recalling the occasions where she had to use her original voice because she had lost her other one to Evileye., "I-I couldn't say,"

"I see. Next time there is a large gathering, use your original voice. I will send one of my children to keep an eye on you. We'll both see if there are any changes in any of the Floor Guardian reactions"

"Thank you mother," Entoma responded, a warm feeling starting to make itself known in her belly area. Surrounded by the embrace of her creator and being treated kindly by another of her kind. It made her feel protected and slightly melancholy.

"Little one, I hear that you have established your own webs across floor six. Have you caught any prey?"

Entoma shook her head, "The area has been blocked off," She replied, "No big prey are allowed to roam there,"

"Tch, it's unfortunate that you don't have a floor that you can spin webs in. To be fair, I haven't captured any prey either. Ever since Lord Ains established the Kingdom, my children and I haven't been able to feast on any humans. Enough about me though, how about-"

Grant looked down to see Entoma breathing evenly and laying completely still. The only way to know that she was sleeping because her bug mask never moved.

"Sleep well little one," The floor guardian said fondly, leaving to attend to her other duties.

"Albedo is gone."

The throne room erupted into pandemonium, each floor guardian attempting to glean answers from Ainz.

"Quiet!" Ainz bellowed. The room went silent immediately. "I do not know where she has gone. What I do know, is that Albedo would have informed me of her actions beforehand."

"Lord. Ainz. Perhaps. Albedo. Has. Betrayed. Us. Like. Shalltear. Had."

The Overlord turned to stare at Cocytus, who visibly wilted.

"I can assure you that she has not been controlled by any Yggdrasil items. Even without mind control, I firmly believe in the fact that Albedo would not betray us on purpose. She is far too loyal to Nazarick...and me."

Ainz took a moment to gauge the reactions of the floor guardians. Most looked anxious or worried. Even Shalltear, who Ainz believed would have been overjoyed at the lack of her rival, looked distressed.

"I think…" Ainz said, mulling over his words, "that whatever you felt, Demiurge, is the cause of Albedo's disappearance. Have you made any further discoveries on it?"

"Well Lord Ainz, I took the liberty of investigating in the mountains myself. A powerful magical barrier blocks any entry from the air, and while I attempted to explore from the ground, another magical barrier blocked me from entering that section of mountain. So I decided to do some experimenting. I sent a contingent of Death Knights beyond the barrier. Strangely, they were able to enter the mountain with no trouble."

"So the barrier does not block a certain type or class," Ainz responded.

"Your wisdom is impeccable my lord," Demiurge replied, "I deduced in fact, that the barrier blocks anyone of level fifty-five or higher. Other than that, I have no idea of what kind of creature could cause this kind of barrier"

"You have done well Demiurge,"

The demon bowed and kneeled next to Cocytus.

"Lupisregina. Tell me, did you see anything during your sentry hours?"

The werewolf, who had been waiting to give her report, stepped forward, "No Lord Ainz."

"Very well. Aura, retrieve any tracker beasts that you have stored away, and return to the throne room."

The dark elf sprang up, and with a resounding, "Yes Lord Ainz!", exited the throne room, dragging her brother along.

That being done, Ainz placed two fingers to his temple, "[message]"

On the third floor, Entoma stirred as she heard the voice of her Overlord ring through her head, "Here Lord Ainz!"

While listening to Lord Ainz's recap of what had transpired, the arachnoid jumped off of her web and made her way to the tenth floor [gate].

Inside the throne room, the occupants were speaking in hushed whispers about what had just transpired. Lupisregina approached Entoma as she came out of the portal.

"Albedo's gone" Lupis informed, "On top of that, Lord Ainz wants to go check out the barrier. I wonder if he'll try to break it down?"

"That will be a sight," Entoma replied, glancing over to the Overlord who was busy sending a message.

"Lord Ainz, I've brought them!"

Aura sprang into the room, closely followed by three long legged dogs with spines running down their backs.

"Chupacabras?" Ainz questioned, having finished his messages.

"Yup! I've used them a bunch to help me find something I've misplaced, or to find Mare...he gets lost in the library sometimes."

The younger dark elf poked his head into the room, a blush forming on his face, "Auraaa...you weren't supposed to tell anyone about that."

Aura grinned, pulling Mare into a side-hug, "Sorry little bro, it's just such an interesting phenomenon. How do you get lost in the library?"


The denizens of Nazarick quieted and stared towards Ainz, who was now standing.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen, Demiurge, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, Aura Bello Fiore. You will accompany me to the site of this barrier. While I am gone, I trust that Cocytus can manage the kingdom along with Pandora's Actor who will continue to masquerade as me in my absence."

The Floor Guardians that were to stay behind murmured their acquiescence with a small " Lucky." from Lupisregina, and those who were picked went up to stand next to their Overlord.

Ainz Ooal Gown raised a hand and activated a [gate]. The swirling portal opened, and the four denizens as well as the three chupacabras entered it.

Entoma raised a cloth draped arm to block her sensitive eyes from the sudden sunlight that shone from up above. As she adjusted to the light level, she gradually lowered her arm and beheld her surroundings.

They were standing in a clearing which was surrounded by thick woods. In front of them was were both Yuri Alpha and CZ2128 Delta who were already kneeling in front of the Overlord.

"What information have you gathered so far?" Ainz asked, staring at the large wall of shimmering light that was presumably the barrier.

"Well my Lord," Yuri replied, "Shizu and I have been able to enter the barrier with no problem, just as you said, however we didn't proceed far into the area. Other than that, we have perceived nothing else in this area."

Ainz nodded, "Very well. Everyone, stand back. I am going to attempt to destroy the barrier!"

Entoma launched herself backwards, sensing the rest of their group doing the same. Aura passed her, pulling the Chupacabras on a leash followed closely by Yuri and Shizu.

The pleiades stopped when they reached a safe distance which was a small rock formation right before a massive explosion shook the ground and sent up a dust cloud that could be seen from where they were standing .

"So powerful…" Yuri commented, cleaning her glasses from where dust had covered the lenses.

"Of course. Lord Ainz can do anything." Shizu's monotone managed to convey both respect and confidence.

A few minutes later, Shalltear made her way over to the pleiades.

"Lord Ainz needs us back at his position."

Moments later, the five were in front of the barrier again. The Overlord stood in front of it, his immaculate robes barely ruffled from all of the explosions. His product, a large tear that was now visible in the shimmering barrier.

"That was truly impressive Lord Ainz."

Ainz took in Demiurge's praise but if he thought anything of it he didn't say. Shalltear however, took Ainz's silence as him feeling offended.

"Lord Ainz isn't just impressive," She hissed scathingly, "I doubt that we could even make a dent in that barrier!"

"Forgive me Lord Ainz, I have underestimated your grandeur-" Demiurge started, grasping what Shalltear had thought.

The Overlord held up a hand for silence, and with his other, touched the barrier. Rainbow light rippled up and down the barrier. By Demiurge's barely concealed astonishment, Entoma could tell that this was new to him.


"Yes Lord Ainz?"

"Come here and touch the barrier."

The arachnoid was confused. Wouldn't she just pass through since she was a low enough level? Yet, she had a feeling that Lord Ainz was right, that she should touch it. So reaching out a cloth draped appendage, she brushed it. Contrary to what she thought, she didn't sink into the barrier. It felt soft and pliable, like...

Suddenly, a bright light flared across every surface of the barrier, blinding everyone who was looking at he. At the same time, Entoma felt something wrap around her leg and yank her into the area beyond the barrier.

Something else grabbed her around the waist, and acted like a dead weight, slowing whatever was dragging her into the interior of the barrier. The pull abruptly strengthened, forcing whoever was holding her around the waist to grip tighter.

Red dots flickered to life inside of Ainz's skull as he looked towards where Entoma had been dragged off. Displaced leaves formed a path deep into the forest.

"Aura." Ainz resisted the urge to scream the dark elf's name hysterically. His limiter kicked in, sending him back to a calm mindset. First Albedo, now Entoma.

"Here Lord Ainz."

"Send your chupacabras into the forest. Find Entoma."

"Lord Ainz. I don't have anything belonging to her that they can track. Perhaps if we went back to her room…"

"That would take too long." Ainz replied, frustration growing inside of him despite his limiter having just kicked in.

"Lord Ainz. Shizu, she grabbed onto Entoma before going into the barrier."

The Overlord looked over at Yuri, who was, by the expression on her face, feeling the same way as him.

"We'll find them both," He reassured.

"No Lord Ainz, I mean that Shizu drank one of her chocolate drinks lately. It has a distinctive smell that we might be able to track her with."

"That would also require going back to Nazar-"

Ainz looked down at the thermos that Yuri was offering him.

"I usually keep one on hand whenever I'm out. It's my job, being the second-in-command."

Ainz took it and tossed it to Aura, who poured it on the ground, letting the chupacabras take in the scent.

"We're ready whenever you are Lord Ainz," She announced.

The Overlord turned towards Yuri, "I place this mission in your hands Yuri. Bring them back, Do not engage anything unless it attacks you, and if you happen to find Albedo... report to me immediately. Now go!"

Yuri jumped on the back of a Chupacabra and grabbed onto a spine with dear life as it raced off towards the barrier. It rippled as she passed through with no problem.

Ainz turned back to the rest of the party.

"Aura, return to Nazarick and retrieve Gargantua and Mare. Demiurge, Shalltear, you will stay and help me break down this barrier. If it can be cracked, it can surely be broken."

"Yes Lord Ainz!"

As the Overlord opened the [gate] for Aura, his thoughts turned towards Albedo. "Please be alive," Whispered the voice of Suzuki Satoru.

A/N: That's it for chapter 1! Thanks for reading and please leave any thoughts.

Edits: 6/26/2019: Fixed Line Breaks and a plot issue