(Read account bio for context. Also, PM me if you'd like to use this idea in your story!)

Class: Organism

Rating: Red

Source Material: Venom

S.ymbiotic M.atter O.rganic G.eneration

"At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this one, but decided to go through with it because I was getting a bit lonely in my own universe. This wasn't going to be a normal symbiote though. From when I first had the idea I knew it would be different. The acronym essentially states what he is. Not just a symbiote, but a custom made sentient being."

I'm not gonna put you through the whole process of making it this time. A massive block of text describing the process of making a sentient being practically from scratch would be both longwinded and boring, so instead I'm gonna do a massive block of text describing the symbiote himself.

Now as I said, Smog isn't a normal symbiote. He has differences. First off, and probably most importantly, Smog can't take control of his host. It would be stupid of me to not make it like that, especially with the possibility that things might go wrong. Second, the mental connection between Smog and his host is different then that of a normal symbiote. Instead of Smog constantly being able to read the mind of his host without the host having the same luxury, the host has the ability to cut off the connection at will, preventing the symbiote from reading his mind. The host can read Smog's mind as well, with Smog also being able to cut the connection. The only exceptions are if the symbiote or host had access to a non symbiote related way to read minds. Third, Smog doesn't have the same needs as a normal symbiote. He doesn't need a host to survive an oxygen rich environment, and he doesn't need phenethylamine (a chemical found in the human brain and in chocolate) to preserve his sanity. Fourth, Smog doesn't have most of the weaknesses that normal symbiotes have. He's not weak to fire (or extreme temperatures in general), and instead of being easily disabled by multiple specific sound frequencies, he's only weak to one certain sound frequency that I decided to add in as a precaution. He also doesn't have a dangerous, detrimental and predatory personality like most symbiotes normally do. Fifth and finally, Smog has the ability to create a massive smokescreen from a set of chemicals he naturally produces, similarly to how dragons breath fire. I also did something that should always be done when creating a sentient being at any age later then three. Prior knowledge. I knew Smog would need some form of prior knowledge of the world he would be thrown into, or else he would be overwhelmed by... basically everything. So I put in a ton of prior knowledge about basic and complex concepts, from atoms to... well, basically everything I knew about. Though no ways to use the information, just nouns and their definitions. I also had to design his personality from scratch, which is too complex a process to share here. It would just take way too long.

After that, I figured I was done. I had made the perfect symbiote.

Wait a minute! I completely forgot about physical features! Um, ok, uh, what can I come up with in under a minute? Um, for the color, dark blue, but not to the point of navy blue, gold eyes and, um... I don't know... he's generally less creepy, I guess.

I'm not good at this. 84P