First try. Feel free to point out errors, continuity, grammar, out of character behaviors. I wanna write this story well, I'm an amateur writer so constructive criticism is welcome. Anyone without anything helpful to add or flaming, you will be deleted. Thanks.

Just to shed some light on my intent for the characters.

Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan. His unbelievable power is matched only by his appearance in the form, terrifying. Banished to the Planetoid Vampa but final destination is Earth. Sarutobi found him in the outskirts of Konoha and once he's figured out what he is, will decide his fate in the village. At the tender age of 5, he is younger than Kakashi and the other jonin, but older than Naruto and the other genin, 5 years older. Their paths will cross, but their fates are not intertwined. This is his story after all, not Naruto's. As for his immense power because it's tied to his rage, he won't unleash as much during his first few instances of losing self-control.

The main cast of Naruto will still make appearances often and more than you think, but at the end of the day, unless the chapter focuses on them, they'll be 'demoted' to supporting characters.

Also, wanna know who else was age 5 during the kyuubi's attack? Itachi Uchiha. Let's do this.


"You sent my son to a remote planet?!" Paragus stared in disbelief at his king. King Vegeta III had banished his son to a planetoid, Vampa. An inhospitable world with some of the toughest creatures in the universe. Even the Frieza Force didn't bother with the planet as it was near worthless due to its climate and inhabitants.

"I did." King Vegeta looked down at his subject. "With his immense battle power, it's likely it'll drive him insane one day. When that day comes, he'll be a danger to no one but himself on the planet Vampa. I'm doing this planet a favor."

"He won't be a danger to anybody! Not if he's trained to use his power!" Paragus argued. Then it struck him, this was never about Broly's power being dangerous. It was about the King's pride and the fact that he couldn't accept the reality that his son was not the most powerful.

"You're treading on thin ice, Paragus." King Vegeta frowned. His patience was wearing dangerously thin and if Paragus continued testing his limits, he'd execute the man.

"I see now. It isn't about Broly, it's about you. You can't stand the fact that my son is on par with your son. That someone not of royal blood is more powerful. Yo-" Paragus was cut off by a thin beam going through his heart, nearly instantly killing him.

King Vegeta sighed in irritation. 'Even if he was this annoying, he was still a valuable colonel. I'll just have to promote another.' "Get his body out of here." Vegeta ordered his subordinates. "Nobody disturb me, I'll be in my quarters." He stood up and walked to his personal bedroom where his queen was laying down.

Vegeta took in his mate's perfect body and walked to his shower. He was in no mood for sex, just a shower and a good night's sleep what was it with this woman and sex? He liked it as much as the next Saiyan but sometimes the day did take its toll.

"Did you resolve the matter with Paragus?" Tuir asked.

"Yes, he and Broly are no longer Planet Vegeta's problem." Vegeta answered. He turned on the water and allowed it to fall over him. "Broly's banished to Vampa where he'll surely perish and Paragus is dead. They're no longer a threat."

Tuir merely smirked. While she didn't exactly care that Broly had a ridiculously high battle power, she liked being queen and Vegeta kept it that way.


In the vast space that was the universe, a single space pod soared through at beyond light speed. The Frieza Force had spent a considerable amount of money and time to develop a vessel capable of clearing the cosmos in record time. This would cut down the time it took to travel the universe and allow them to conquer and sell planets much quicker.

All of Frieza's army had access to these, they were standard issue. In this particular pod, a young Saiyan boy was quietly sleeping. He couldn't have been more than 5 years old. He wore the standard Saiyan armor the rest of his kind wore. His shaggy hair was pressed against the back of the pod.

His destination was Vampa. The world King Vegeta selected for him.

But as Broly ventured through the cosmos, he passed an uncommon celestial body, a magnetar. A dying star that spins so incredibly fast, it's magnetic field becomes so much more powerful than any other in the universe. Millions of times stronger than Earth and thousands of times denser than lead.

The space pod didn't pass by anywhere near close enough to be destroyed, but the magnetic field began screwing with the ship's instruments, specifically the navigation. It caused it the act erratically and change course. No longer was it headed to Vampa, it changed course to another planet. One called Earth on the opposite side of the universe.


"It is with a heavy heart that I conclude this service. Today we send off all these brave souls to the Pure Lands, for they deserve to rest in peace especially our late Fourth Hokage." An old man finished his speech. He wore the official uniform a customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that was tied using a white sash. All Hokage of Konoha wore this, his predecessors and his successor all wore it at some point or another during their reign.

"May the Will of Fire guide us in these difficult times. Please, all of you go home. Today we mourn, tomorrow we rebuild."

Every civilian listened to their former leader and began to disperse. A few remained a little while longer but eventually even they left.

Hiruzen sighed heavily. This day weighed heavily on everyone. He looked at what appeared like thin air, but was in fact one of his personal guards hiding. "Go home. I'm going to retire to my own as well, tomorrow we'll reconvene with the civilian and shinobi council."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Four people wearing animal masks appeared and left just as quickly. Hiruzen decided to take the long way home. He needed to walk and clear his head. 'Why? Why now? This attack was completely out of the blue. The bijuu don't bother going out of their way to attack the villages. And recent intel suggested the kyuubi was near the border of the Land of Fire, far from us. So what caused him to attack us?' Hiruzen replayed the order of events again in his head, trying to find something, anything that could perhaps lead him to the cause of all this.

While he mused, he noticed a bright orange streak zooming across the sky rather close to his village. It didn't take him long to realize that it was headed his way. He didn't have long to react given the speed the object was traveling at. But years of training and action have refined his reflexes to near instant speeds. He may have been old, but there was a reason he inherited the title of God of Shinobi.

The pod struck the ground and tore through the earth for several kilometers before finally coming to a stop. Hiruzen followed the trail of destruction to the pod.

"What on earth?" Hiruzen observed the strange craft. It was not very large, perhaps a person could fit in there if it was hollow but only one.

The pod was a very clean and shiny white, odd considering what it just went through. Hiruzen continued to circle the pod until he saw a window on the other side. He peered inside and nearly gasped at what he saw. A boy. A boy no older than 5. He began to inspect the pod closer to try and open the door. But no such luck.

The old kage bit his thumb and drew blood. He went through a few hand signs and slammed his hand on the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu." A puff of smoke indicated that he summoned something and as the smoke cleared Enma, the mokey king.

Enma's body and tail was covered by white fur which protruded from his sleeves and pants. He had long unkempt white hair that reached his back and long sideburns and a goatee. He wore a black suit with mesh armour underneath, over which he wore a sleeveless kimono shirt with white fur trimmings, and markings reminiscent of tiger stripes on it which was held closed by a red sash. Enma also wore a konoha forehead protector.

"What is it, Hiruzen?" Enma asked. He took a look at the space pod in front of him. "Don't tell me you think this came from space?"

"I don't think, I know." Sarutobi pointed out. "I saw it fall from the sky only minutes ago. There is a child stuck inside the craft and I need your help to get him out. From what I saw, the door is very durable and I'm unlikely to open on my own, I need your help."

"You wanna pry it open?" Enma questioned.

"I would like to avoid damaging the craft if possible. We could have our top engineers and scientists examine it and possibly reverse engineer it." Hiruzen already saw the limitless potential for civilian use, not to mention military use.

"Alright, I'll get this side and you that one." Both long time friends each took a hold of opposite sides of the circular door and pulled with all their might. At first the door wouldn't budge, but slowly they began to hear the metal groan and creak. With a few more pulls, they successfully opened the door. Sarutobi took a few breaths and straightened himself out. He knelt in front of the pod and smiled the same smile he had for most of his life. That smile helped his citizens get through trying times and it even helped him when his wife passed.

"Come on, child." Sarutobi beckoned to him. He held his hand out to him. "It's alright, boy. I want to help you."

Broly stared at his hand for what seemed like hours. Finally he slowly began to reach out to the old man. His instincts told him that he would not cause any harm.

"What's your name, lad?" Sarutobi questioned the youth, hoping he could understand him. He wore a strange armor that did seem durable from what he felt. "Oh, you have a tail!"

Enma chuckled. "Maybe he's one of us?"

Sarutobi couldn't help but laugh. "Perhaps. Now what is your name?"

Broly looked at the man and was reassured by his grandfatherly visage. He struggled to formulate the words at first. He was still learning the universal language before he was sent off. "B-Broly."

"Broly?" Sarutobi repeated. He saw Broly nod. "Well then, Broly. Let's get you something to eat."

Broly's stomach instantly growled loudly, sounded like a bear. Sarutobi and Enma instantly reacted and looked around to make sure they weren't being attacked by some wild animal. But then they heard it again, and they looked at Broly.

"Kid could probably eat a horse." Enma commented. "And I don't mean it as a joke."

Sarutobi thought back to Kushina's voracious appetite. Thankfully she survived the events of the night before, perhaps... "I think that'll be it for today, Enma. You can go."

"Summon me anytime, something tells me this little sucker will be interesting." Enma disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Sarutobi pulled out a scroll from one of his sleeves and unrolled it. He sealed the space pod in the scroll and placed in his sash.

Sarutobi agreed silently. He wanted to see what the future held for young Broly. "Let's go get you some food." He and Broly held hands as both headed to his home.


Sarutobi stared in shock, as did his youngest son. They watched Broly eat with gusto. The mountains of food they had prepared as dinner for the whole family became dinner for Broly. At first, Sarutobi thought the boy was starved from being in that pod for who knows how long, but he kept eating and eating. It made him think that perhaps this was Broly's natural biology at work.

A few more minutes of eating and Broly was stuffed, satisfied and with a smile on his face. He turned to Sarutobi and thought for a few moments. His father did stress manners when he was able to play with him. "T-t-thank y-you for th-the food." He bowed his head.

"Kid's got manners at least." Sarutobi's youngest son commented. He stayed with his father when Asuma decided to leave. He felt for Asuma he saw what his brother meant, but their father had a job, to save the village even if it didn't include them. "So he's from space?"

"I believe so." Sarutobi nodded. "His armor is strange and rather durable, and the craft was far too advanced to be from anywhere around here. Even the technologically advanced Yukigakure wouldn't be able to create something like this. You know what this means?"

"I don't." His son replied.

"It means we're not alone in the universe, and quite frankly, the prospect of other life forms being around, it frightens me. I don't know if these life forms would be kind visitors or hostile invaders. In any case, we should be prepared." Sarutobi sighed. "This is a matter I'll have to discuss with the shinobi council. The civilian council has no part in this, they are not affected."

"I don't know what Lord Tobirama was thinking in creating a civilian council. Those snakes will look for anything to further their own goals."

"Greedy councilmen, yes. Traitorous councilmen, well they know what happens when a councilman betrays our village." Sarutobi reflected darkly. He wasn't a fan of killing, but anyone who would jeopardize the safety of our citizens and village their life is forfeit. He turned to Broly, "Broly, I need you to come with me. We're going to visit a friend, and he's going to make sure you're okay. We want you safe and sound."

Broly gave him a confused look. "Okay." He stood up from the table and began floating toward the door.

"He can fly?!"

"Incredible." Sarutobi stroke his chin. "Flying is very rare, I think this boy may have incredible powers locked away."

"That's an understatement."


"I called this meeting to discuss how we are to recover from the Kyuubi attack as well as attempt to solve the mystery of why it attacked in the first place." Sarutobi sat in the council chambers at his position. The elders of the village as well as the heads of all prominent and minor clans were in attendance as well as the civilian council.

"It's obvious isn't it? One of the other villages probably steered him in our direction." One of the civilians accused.

"It was probably Kumo! They must've sought revenge and tried to destroy us outright because they couldn't get our kekkai genkai." Another joined in.

"Or Iwa! They hold a grudge like no other."

Sarutobi held his hand up and requested silence. "I don't have reason to believe it was one of the other villages. Kumo attempted to capture the kyuubi before and they failed. Iwa may hold a grudge but they don't have the means to contain and control a bijuu."

"Then what was it?" Tsume Inuzuka growled. "I'm tired, I haven't slept in over 48 hours, and I don't want to waste time over nothing."

"It wasn't the other villages." A voice rang out. Everyone looked to the head of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga.

"What do you mean?" A civilian asked.

"He means it wasn't an outside enemy, but instead someone with intimate knowledge of our defenses and a dojutsu. More specifically, a sharingan." Shikaku Nara explained. "While everyone was fighting the monster, not many paid attention to its eyes. Not that I blame them, the kyuubi has red eyes, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed."

"Explain." Homaru demanded.

"I was on the rooftops attempting to restrain the beast with Inoichi and Choza when I got a close enough look at it. It wasn't doing this if it's own free will, it was being controlled. Now the question is, who in the Uchiha clan did it?" Shikaku aimed a pointed glare at Fugaku. "Keep a better eye on your clan members Fugaku. One of them may have gone rogue."

Fugaku snorted. "Unlikely, my clansmen know what happens when they stray. If one of my one did do this, they'll wish they never even thought of it."

"So you don't know who did it?" Hiashi inquired.

"Of course not, between running the police force and the Uchiha Clan, I don't have much time of anything." Fugaku crossed his arms. "I'll launch an internal investigation to find the culprit. Though I wouldn't rule out some old war enemy having possession of our most powerful dojutsu."

"Possible, but unlikely." Hiashi added in. Fugaku simply glared at his most prominent clan rival in the village. Even since the Senju faded into nothing and the remaining members dispersed, the Uchiha was the toughest around.

"I'll extend the benefit of the doubt, it's no secret that our village has made countless enemies over the years. I'll have Jiraiya prod around and see if he can find anything, in the meantime, this meeting is over. The civilian council may leave, I need to have a word with the clan leaders." Sarutobi dismissed the councilmen.

"My apologies Lord Hokage, but if what you're going to discuss with the shinobi council affects us in anyway, I believe we should be privy to such information." A councilman stated.

"It is of no concern to you, I assure you. Now please." Sarutobi motioned toward the door. They reluctantly agreed and left. "Now, my fellow shinobi, I have found something that may very well alter the course of world as we know it. Only yesterday did I encounter an unidentifiable object falling from the sky. It wasn't a meteorite or other space debris."

"Then what was it?" Choza asked, already this was sounding a little crazy, but he was interested in what his leader.

"A spacecraft." Sarutobi could hear a pin drop, and that was before everyone became deadly silent. It was quite possibly the craziest thing they had ever heard.

"What?!" Tsume shouted. "Are you crazy Lord Hokage?!" Such disrespect to one's kage in other villages wouldn't fly, but given Sarutobi's personality and the fact that that's just the way Tsume is, he didn't bother.

"I assure you, I'm still sane." Sarutobi rebutted. "It's far beyond any technology here on Earth. None of the other villages possess this or anything close to it, the only other explanation I can think of is it's extraterrestrial in origin."

"This could benefit our military immensely." Danzo Shimura spoke for the first time. "It would cut down on travel significantly, though it carries the risk of being spotted in the air."

"We could even have seals placed on the spacecrafts to camouflage them." Hiashi offered.

"All in due time," Sarutobi was glad they were creating useful concepts for the spacecraft. "But there is a possibility we will not be able to replicate it. It is lifetimes ahead of us, and perhaps we were not meant to cross paths with it."

"But we did." Danzo countered. "I believe this an opportunity we must seize while we have it."

Sarutobi saw most of the clan heads agree with Danzo. From a militaristic point of view, it was obvious to take this tech and replicate it. From a philosophical perspective, it would be wise to destroy it. Messing with it would only open Pandora's Box. They would probably unwittingly invite other life forms, telling them that by adopting this technology the Earth is ready for a higher form of war.

They'd cross that bridge when they got there. "I hereby order the RD department to reverse engineer this pod." The aged Hokage pulled out a scroll and unsealed the pod for everyone to see.

As soon as it appeared, all of the present clan heads and even the village elders stood up to have a gaze at it. Sarutobi left the door open so they could gaze the inside and take everything in.

"Remarkable." Hiashi couldn't help but truly be mesmerized. This proved that they weren't alone in the universe. "I hope whoever owns this craft does not come looking for it."

"That won't be likely." Sarutobi quipped.

"And why is that?" Homura asked.

"Because..." Sarutobi left the room and came back in with a little boy, no older than five. His hair was messy and his skin was tan, but the odd thing about him was his unusual clothing, some weird armor with shoulder pads and hip pads. His blue shorts were the only thing that could probably pass off as earthly.

"A tail?!" Tsume pointed out. "The kid has a fuckin' tail!"

Broly immediately shrunk under the intense gazes and scrutiny he was given. He hid behind Sarutobi's legs and didn't peek out.

"It's alright, Broly. They're not going to hurt you, they just want to know you." Sarutobi reassured the young boy. He gently nudged him forward and with some reluctance, Broly stepped forward. His tail instinctively wrapped around his waist.

"What is your name, young one?" Hiashi questioned.


"And where are you from Broly?"

"I don't know. The sky?" Broly was genuinely lost on that topic. His father never told him anything, but he did remember the name Vegeta.

"Do you have any family?" Choza knelt in front of the young Saiyan.

"My dad." Broly said. "I didn't see him when I left. I don't know where he is."

"Do you have a mom?" Choza pressed a little more.

"Dad said she went to heaven when I was born." Broly's head hung a little.

Tsume wanted to give the little guy a hug when she heard his answers. Sent away from his home. Father likely dead. Mother died during child birth. In a new place with absolutely no way to get home. Maybe if she could, she'd adopt him into the clan. Unless Kushina got him first, the fiery redhead was always a loving person. Maybe she'd catch the redhead up to speed in the hospital.

"Do you know what you are?" Danzo questioned. This instantly put Sarutobi, Hiashi, Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza on edge.

"Dad said I'm a Saiyan. He said I'm gonna be the strongest person ever." Broly grinned.

"A Saiyan?" Danzo repeated the unfamiliar word. If the boy's father said he would be the strongest being, perhaps this boy would be the perfect soldier for ROOT. 'Even if I can't have Broly, when he is of age, I'll enact the Clan Restoration Act. He may not have a clan, but he will create one. A clan of super soldiers.'

"Inoichi?" Sarutobi beckoned the blonde.

"Understood, Lord Hokage." Inoichi stepped forward. He knelt in front of Broly and give him a smile. "Broly, can you please sit down on the chair?"

"Hmm. Okay." Broly sat down and kicked his dangling feet backed and forth.

Inoichi stood in front of him and cracked his knuckles. "Alright Broly, I'm just going to look in your memories. This is going to hurt at all. I just want to make sure no one hurt you."

"Okay, mister." Inoichi was a little surprised that Broly would trust him so easily, even if he was a child.

Inoichi took a seat and dove into Broly's memories.


A tall man with a goatee and spiky tall brown hair approached young Broly. His red cape and insignia on his pectoral told Inoichi that perhaps this was his father, or at least an important leader.

"Come with me child. You've been assigned to conquer planet Vampa for planet Vegeta." The man grabbed Broly's hand and practically dragged him away. Broly tried his hardest to pull away and escape the man's iron grip.

"No!" Broly screamed.

"Quiet. Your father will thank me for this. Paragus has no idea what your power will lead to if you're allowed to live amongst us. I'm doing this planet a favor."

"I don't want to!" Broly struggled in vain. His power began to steadily grow until it exploded. His green aura blew the man away into a wall.

"You little bastard!" The man growled. "You should be thanking me for not executing you!" His patience was thin. "Bardock!"

Another man came into the room. His hair resembled a palm tree and he wore the same armor Broly did. He had a scar on his cheek and he looked every bit as gruff as the first man. "Yes, King Vegeta."

"Get this boy out of my sight. Throw him in a pod and set course for Vampa. If the journey doesn't kill him the inhabitants of the world will." Vegeta ordered his subordinate. Bardock was one of his best soldiers. The man was nearly as powerful as himself, but he stayed loyal to the crown. A man he could count on if there ever was one.

"Yes sir." Bardock nodded. "Come Broly, you've got a trip ahead of you." Bardock grabbed his tail and Broly froze with intense pain. He let out a pained shout and his vision went black.


"Who is this? What is this boy doing in the same room as my son?!" King Vegeta's voice rang. Inoichi couldn't see anything, but he did hear every word. "I demand an explanation."

"This is Broly, my king. He is the son of Colonel Paragus." A scientist looked at his clipboard.

"Why is he in here? This room is for Saiyan elites not commoners! Paragus may have proved his worth but he is not strong! He's middle-class at best!"

"Yes, my king. According to data, he's as powerful as Prince Vegeta. Maybe even more so."

This didn't sit well with the king at all. "Give me a scouter." One of them handed him one and he pressed it against the glass harshly. Broly heard this and began to cry. The scouter fluctuated wildly before exploding. "Grr. What?!" He held his hand and the someone cleaned up the mess.

"My apologies, my king. Perhaps it was caused by a malfunction. There we are." A woman placed another gently on the glass and waited for the reading. "920. That's still much higher than most other progenies."

"What was the highest reading? You said that his power fluctuates."

"As of now, his highest- which is the highest in Saiyan history- was 20,000. Broly may very well be the legendary Super Saiyan."

"It's a myth! Just like the Super Saiyan God!"

"Yes my king."

Vegeta walked away from Broly's pod.


Inoichi stood up in a cold sweat. His breathing and heart rate quickened as he drank a glass of water that Shikaku gave him.

"What did you see?" Choza questioned his life long friend.

"This boy. He- he was banished from his home world, Planet Vegeta by his leader, King Vegeta." Inoichi explained. "In his memory, I saw the boy display an incredible power. It was so much that even King Vegeta decided to banish him to some inhospitable world."

"Then we can't have him here." Homura wasted no time.

"Now hold on, you want to do the same thing and get rid of the kid? That's not right." Tsume crossed her arms.

"If his own King decided to do it, then we should follow suit." Fugaku agreed with the elder.

"Wait." Inoichi held his hand up. "I have reason to believe that his King's reasoning was flawed. One of the memories showed me that King Vegeta was upset that Broly was more powerful than his son. He downright refused to believe it. I feel that maybe he sent Broly away out of jealousy. Paragus is his father. I think Paragus may have tried to save his son, but failed."

"Then his anger was petty." Sarutobi reasoned. "Broly was sent away through no fault of his own."

"I think so." Inoichi confirmed.

"I agree." Danzo spoke. "If this boy is indeed powerful, then it's best to keep him here where we can keep an eye on him, and where no other village can get their hands on him or his power."

"Then comes the matter of where he will live." Sarutobi started. "The orphanage is off limits, he needs to live where he can be monitored."

"The Uchiha clan?" Fugaku volunteered.

"Your reasoning?" Hiashi inquired.

"The Uchiha can train him to use his power. And if he were to have trouble, we can calm him with a genjutsu. The Uchiha are capable of taming the bijuu and calming them down. While powerful, I doubt this boy is stronger than them. Itachi already has the mangekyo sharingan, he is the most gifted Uchiha I have ever seen, and if this boy does indeed lose control, Itachi can stop him."

'Or control him.' Shikaku thought.

"I disagree." Tsume cut in. "He doesn't need a life of training and control. He needs nurture like any other kid. We're all parents, most of us just had kids not that long ago. Broly lost everything, what he needs more than anything, is someone who can give him what he lost, a family."

"Then I assume you want to adopt him?" Shikaku raised an eyebrow. The Inuzuka's were a clan of absolute loyalty, once you got past their brash personalities they were caring and friendly.

"As much as I'd like to, there's one person I know who can do the job right."

"Who?" Sarutobi asked.

"Kushina Uzumaki."


On a hospital bed laid a redhead. She was known to many as Kushina Uzumaki, the Red Death, the red hot-blooded habanero. She was a powerful and skilled shinobi in her own right.

But to a few individuals, she was known as Kushina Namikaze, the wife of the late Fourth Hokage. A loving wife and new mother to Naruto Uzumaki and possibly, adoptive mother to Broly if she accepted Sarutobi and Tsume's proposal.

She had only woken up hours ago and was currently holding Naruto in her arms. She had her Uzumaki vitality to thank for that. While she loved her Naruto more than anything in the world, she was hurting inside as well, she lost her husband. A knock at the door got her attention.

Kushina looked up and saw her aged kage and Tsume, one of her best friends in the doorway. She mustered the strength to smile at them. "Hey. What's up you guys?"

"We're just checking in on you, Kushina." Sarutobi returned her smile. "We wanted to see how you are doing."

"As good as can be." Kushina looked down at Naruto. The little bundle of joy was what was keeping her going at the moment. She needed to be strong for him, for both of them.

"We have something to talk to you about." Tsume started. "It's about a recent turn of events."

"The kyuubi?"

"No, we have you and Minato to thank for his imprisonment in young Naruto. This is about something else." Sarutobi closed the door and activated a seal that would soundproof the room.

"What is it?"

"We know this is a difficult time for you, and you haven't fully recovered, but we have to ask you if you can take a young boy into your care." Sarutobi didn't bother beating around the bush much more.

"I can barely take care of myself. I don't have any income especially now that I'm a single mother. A second child isn't going to make it easier."

"We know, Kushi." Tsume told her friend. "But Lord Hokage is going to take care of that."

"Minato left a fortune for you and Naruto. Millions of ryo. He didn't throw his money around and being gifted allowed him to take multiple S-rank missions. And when you take S-ranks, you walk away with a small fortune. You will be taken care of, Minato made sure of that. Not only that, but I have Kakashi and Itachi as body guards for you. No one will hurt you."

"I-" Kushina was hard pressed to say no. Uzumaki's were all about family, just as much as the Uchiha and Senju. If a young boy needed her, she couldn't say no. "Can I see him?"

"Of course." Sarutobi opened the door and motioned for Broly to come in. Kakashi and Itachi were behind him.

Kushina nearly gushed at how adorable Broly was. His black eyes and shaggy hair were too cute to not notice. "What's your name little guy?"


"Broly, do you want me to be your mommy?" Kushina asked in the most loving voice she could. Her heart nearly melted when he shyly nodded. "Will you be a good boy?" Another nod. "When can I leave?"

"The doctors recommend you stay another few days for observation, but legally you can leave whenever you want."

"Since when have I ever listened to authorities. Get me out of here. I have two children to raise." Kushina grinned.

"So then this means...?"

"I'll do it. I wish I could take in all the orphans, but something tells me he's special." Kushina looked at Broly, running her hand through his hair.


"I know you two are dedicated to your duties, more so than most of your colleagues." Sarutobi told two of his most trusted agents. "But, Kakashi, Itachi, you're both close to his age, you don't have to but-"

"You want us to befriend him, don't you, Lord Hokage." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, Itachi. I do. I want him to socialize with others. He needs friends and family and I trust you two."

"I'll do it." Itachi nodded. Another friend he could introduce to Shisui.

Kakashi simply shook his head and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Kakashi is still bottling everything inside." Itachi noted. "It won't do any good. I know, Father does the same."

"We all cope with grief in our own ways Itachi. I cannot thank you enough for doing this."

"Broly's friendship is enough, Lord Hokage."

"Good. I will summon you to my office tomorrow at 0700, until then go home and be a kid."


"This is your new home, Broly." Kushina said as she pushed the door open with one hand. She was holding Naruto in the other while Broly simply held onto her dress like it was his lifeline. "I know it isn't much but, it's cozy."

Broly let go of her dress and walked around the house. It was a two bedroom home with two bathrooms as well as a sizable kitchen with a large island. The fridge was already packed completely with food. Kushina picked the note off the fridge and read it.

'Broly can eat a horse for every meal.' Kushina laughed and crumpled the note. "No way."

Naruto was fast asleep in her arms so she set him down in the crib that was in the living room. She took Broly's hand and led him to the table. Both sat down and Kushina smiled. She gave him a good long hug and smiled even more when she felt his small arms wrap around her. "Hey Broly. Old man Hokage told me you needed a mommy. I can be your mommy. I'll take care of you, feed you, take you to the doctor, everything a mommy is supposed to do. Do you like that?"

"Y-yes." Broly stuttered.

Kushina giggled when she heard his soft voice. He was already the polar opposite to her and Naruto. They were loud and brash while Broly was quiet and shy.

"Then I promise to take care of you and love you just like I do Naruto. Can you promise me the same?" Kushina asked. She felt Broly nod his head. "Then as of right now, you are my son, you're Broly Uzumaki from now on."

"Okay, mommy." Broly smiled into her chest.

Kushina felt her heart swell with happiness.




That's a good stopping point for this chapter. I just wanted to establish some context and introduce the characters. I always found Kushina's death to be unnecessary. She was a waste of talent just like Itachi. His 'incurable' unidentifiable disease was crap to me. An Uchiha who could possibly rival Madara in skill? And then they have him killed off, wasn't really even Sasuke that killed him. Whatever.

As for Itachi, I plan to have him befriend Broly and given their shared dislike of fighting, I figured they'd be great together. This doesn't imply that it'll be a yaoi story. I don't dislike those but they're not for me.

Well, let me know what y'all think. Any helpful tips, advice. All welcome.