Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter! Although I would have loved to! Kidding! it's perfect as it is!


Chapter:1 Birth

Hermione moved with a plan. One that required immediate citation.

She could no longer hold this charade up. The taunts were annoying and irritating the freaking hell out of her! She quickly needed to find him.

She slipped between the group people of bratty gossips, giving her more attention than she would have ever sought or could even handle. A slight inclination of her head was her only response to the inviting company to some of Ron's ex-workplace colleagues.

Seriously! What was thinking! Inviting them to his third sisters' anniversary celebration!?

Hermione huffed as a group of media and journalists ran towards her direction as they saw her leave the innermost circle of socialites. She ran faster towards the nearest fireplace for floo networks! In the meanwhile, scanning the lavishly decorated garden for a particular blond head.

But the reporters still followed with their flashing lights. Because they never understood the subtle language of denial. Or a vigorous shook of her head.


They are always clueless.

Utterly derailed.

When are frantic scan turned negative she decided to head back to her office in Malfoy Industries and clear her messed up mind and to even short out her proposals before she offers it up to him. The front page of the only half edited report flashed in her mind. She needed to work. After all, the licensees for the rare potion ingredients didn't complete itself!

Hermione almost ran into someone's back as she hurried into the nearest floo. Her sight caught a flash of blond hair and she clutched his arm earning a surprised jerk from her said boss.

A flash and a distinct shot of the camera reached their ears before Hermione voiced out their destination, floo-ing immediately.

As they appeared in the main foyer of the Malfoy Industries, Hermione immediately whirled around to confront her boss(kind of). She sounded perfectly professional. And she meant absolute business.

"I need to talk to you on an urgent matter."

"In the dead of the night?!" He scowled. "We finished all the approving right before we both left for Potter's celebration! What's left?"

"This isn't about the company or the licenses. I know we had a rough and tiring day and not to mention the chaos initiated when Mr. Burk interrupted our final conference-"

"Then, honestly Granger, it can wait until Monday." He ran a hand through his pale hair. "I was about to head home before you dragged me in here."

"It can't wait! Just hear me out, okay. I might have the solution to both of our problems!"


The pair trudged towards Draco's main office chamber, after all with Hermione's obsession to discuss the proposal in the foyer might lead to a few faint-ings (including Draco's) and a few untimely deaths of the employee staff!

A/N: 'Knew' will be updated every day and if time permits then even twice a day! It is mostly complete! However, the rating might go up! If I decide upon that is...
