These fics are based on Braime Tumblr song prompts, so I decided to set them in my favorite AU: the rumored "original ending" where Kings Landing is burned after a fair fight between Dany and Cersei, Dany flies back to Essos, and Jon ends up King with Jaime as his Hand. Jaime is instituted as a check on Jon's potential power after he kills Cersei and becomes a dual King/Queenslayer and his marriage to Brienne is intended to help unify the kingdoms.

Although it isn't part of what I've written, some background: Sansa is Queen in the North, Tyrion is her consort, and Arya took Gendry adventuring with her. Also, Jorah lived and has retired to Bear Island and married a nice woman his own age. If I write any more of this, I may revisit those plot threads.

Because these are song prompts, we're not going to get into all of that. But as long as the story in this AU remains unwritten by a writer far superior to myself, here are my contributions.

Fair warning: what I've written is not kind to Cersei or Dany, as I generally frown on the massacre of thousands of innocent civilians. If you don't believe that Dany's actions were wrong in canon, you probably won't like this story, either.

The images solidified in Jaime's mind as he made his way through the streets.

Charred skeletons. Screaming children. Rampaging soldiers. Blood. Smoke. Mangled limbs. Chaos. He couldn't keep any of it straight.

His attention strayed to a singular feral roar that echoed above him.

He looked up to the massive black beast soaring through the air, the would-be conqueror clinging to his back as she flew away from them. He watched as the dragon spit out more flames of orange in the distance, the cries of those that that she hadn't quite incinerated ringing through the air.

Jaime didn't know what was worse: seeing his home erupt in flames of wildfire or be burned alive by the dragon queen's rage. He had ruined his own name to avoid seeing this happen decades ago, only to see the same fate befall it after his former lover had threatened to rain her own form on destruction on the city.

What had been the point of it all?

He remembered what Jon had confessed to him the night before he left for Kings Landing.

I don't know what Daenerys is becoming.

Whatever grip of insanity that had start to possess Cersei months ago had now spread like an infection. Jaime didn't envy the task set before Jon: he was sworn to Daenerys's side as her consort, the announcement of their betrothal being one of the forces that had set this vicious cycle in motion. Had it been the threat of another couple linked by blood that had convinced Cersei to begin plotting to murder her own subjects by wildfire? Or was it his defection, his relationship with Brienne, the death of their youngest ill-conceived child? He had been able to walk away, but not before nearly costing Brienne's life in the process. He didn't doubt that Daenerys would be equally ruthless.

Lose and you will answer to me.

Did it matter? Probably not. He didn't expect he would survive to find out.

Cersei still had the wildfire. He was the only one who could stop her from destroying what was left of the city with her own source of fervid revenge

Once a kingslayer, always a kingslayer.

The weight of the dagger on Jaime's waist somehow felt lighter as he approached the ruins of the throne room.