Chapter One: Alex

I woke up bruised, dirty, and with no memories.

Yeah, typical.

I tried to sit up and saw dark spots. Ow. Pain.

Once my head stopped spinning, I tried to take in my surroundings. Oak trees, grass, dirt, mountains in the distance, and a purple sky.

Great, I was stuck, no food, no shelter, bruised and dirty, with no skills, memories or even a stick to defend myself, and night was approaching.

I pulled myself to my feet. Bad idea.

I fell over almost immediately, due to the splitting pain in my foot. I didn't know if it was sprained broken, or worse. All I knew was that it hurt.

I dragged myself to a nearby tree, and lay down against it. The hurting in my foot was so bad, pain didn't even have a meaning anymore. It was a constant.

From somewhere off in the distance, a zombie growled. There was a clatter of bones as a skeleton was born from the darkness. Leaves fell off a tree and formed into a creeper. All of this knowledge hit my brain like a speeding minecart.

Minecart! I know what a minecart is! It's a vehicle of transportation. Well, at least I wouldn't die with no knowledge. I know what a minecart is.

Yes. Extremely helpful right now.

I glance around looking for something I can use… something, anything…

Two beady black eyes meet mine from behind a tuft of grass.

With a groan, a zombie staggers out from behind the grass. He- or is it she- it? It spots me, helpless and vulnerable. Easy prey.

I punch down a section of the tree trunk behind me and brandish it like a weapon. If I am going to die, at least I won't go down without a fight.

The zombie pounces, and I try to kick it away with my good foot, but it grabs onto my bad foot, right at the ankle, making me scream in pain.

I whack the zombie with my log, but it only snarls at me and tears at my foot, ripping at light freckled skin with bloody ebony claws.

My health is fading fast… I can't think straight! The zombie keeps ripping at my feet.

"HEY!" Yells an unfamiliar voice, and a figure leaps out from behind a tree and whacks the zombie with a stone sword. "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

The zombie growls at the figure. No, the man. Then the zombie leapt at him.

"Take that, no brainer!" He whacks the zombie in the head with his sword. "Get it? No brainer? Like, you have no brain, and killing you is so easy it's a no brainer? Get it?"

The zombie snarls at him.

"Huh," He shrugs. "Guess not."

The zombie leaps at him in a final attempt, but he slashes it through the chest and it dissolves into acrid smoke. He collects the fruit of his labours, (rotten flesh, does this guy have a dog?) he turns to me.

"Hey are you okay?" There's concern in his voice.

I mumble something intelligent like, "shfriblegrng."

"You're hurt," He notices my foot. "Let me look at it."

"Who… are… you?" I manage to groan, trying to sit up.

"No, lay down." He pushes me back by the shoulders. "Steve. What's yours?"

"Alex," I mutter. Wait! Alex! I have a name! I have a name! All the excitement must be getting to me because my vision starts to get grey around the edges.

"Um… Alex?" Steve asks. His voice is weirdly fuzzy and far away. I stare up at his face, purple-blue eyes and copper skin.

"Alex!?" He's getting frantic. I want to reassure him, but my tongue feels like it's made of bricks. Bricks! Bricks exist! I know what bricks are! Bricks are-

Everything goes black.