Disclaimer: I don't own High School DxD or its characters. They belong to Ichiei Ishibumi.

A/N: This the rewritten version of Awakening of the Greatest One, and, by extension, The True God, which was supposed to have been the rewritten version of Awakening of the Greatest One (as you can see, it didn't work).


Between the Three Worlds lay the Dimensional Gap, and beyond the Dimensional Gap lay the Void Realm.

The Void Realm had only one inhabitant—its creator and ruler, the Voidborn. In the center of the Void Realm, amidst the currents of chaos and the swirls of oblivion, sprawled a massive bed, where the Realm Ruler lay in slumber.

For more than two thousand years he had lain there, unperturbed, in complete isolation.

Suddenly the Void Realm trembled. The Voidborn stirred.

Blinking, he opened his eyes. Relaxed, he looked at the endless darkness that surrounded him and let out a deep yawn. A tear in space appeared next to the bed, disturbing the void, and from the portal walked out a small cat. Without warning, it jumped onto the bed and ran over to the man's side. "Master!" it cried in a human's voice.

"Chaos," the man said, reaching down to stroke his companion's back, "have you been well?"

"No," the cat said, purring. "I've missed you!"

The man smiled. Chaos hadn't changed at all. "It has only been two thousand years, no? And I know you've actually spent most of that time curled up beside me."

"One second is already too long for us to be apart, Master," the cat complained, rubbing its body against the Voidborn's stomach.

The man chuckled. "Don't be dramatic." He used his other hand to stroke Chaos's chin. "In any case, tell me, what has changed?"

"Not much," said Chaos absentmindedly, too busy basking in its master's affection. After a moment of purring, it continued, "But there was a war."

"Oh?" He perked up. "Between whom?"

"The Three Factions."

He frowned. "And those are?"

"The Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels."

The Voidborn's frown deepened. That term was unfamiliar to him; he didn't like the sound of it. "Fallen Angels? What are those?"

Chaos stilled. And then it said, "God… God kicked out the angels who opposed his teachings. They migrated to the Underworld and started the Fallen Angel Faction."

"He kicked them out?" he repeated, incredulous. He eyed the cat. "And yet you answered with 'not much' when I asked what changed?"

"Their wings just turned black," the cat said, rollings its eyes. "It's not a big deal. They just changed their name to feel important, really."

"You…" The man shook his head and sighed. Chaos was named Chaos for a reason. "Very well. What about that war you mentioned? Did anyone important die?"

"Important?" The cat shook its head. "Of course not." Chaos looked down, thoughtful, before continuing, "Well, they aren't exactly important, but... God, the Satans, and a couple of angels, devils, and fallen angels did die."

"God? And the Four Great Satans? Dead?" The Voidborn's mouth dropped open. He gave the cat a warning look. "Chaos, I know you're mad we spent so long apart, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop teasing me."

Chaos looked away, murmured something, and then said, "Well, all right. But I wasn't lying; they really did die, and they weren't that important."

He rubbed his temples. "Chaos, they're some of my first creations in this iteration of the universe."


The Voidborn sighed. "Forget it. Anything else I should know?"

"Well..." Chaos took a moment to think. "I believe Trihexa got sealed, and Ophis is currently in a fight with Great Red."

"Trihexa was sealed? By whom?"

"God. He was weakened after doing the sealing; that was why he died."

"Why would he Trihexa seal it in the first place?" The Voidborn was puzzled. "She's usually so well-behaved."

"She went on a rampage."

"A rampage?" He furrowed his brow. "Why?"

"I've got no idea."

"Haven't you tried to ask her?"


His eyes slowly narrowed. "Why?"

Chaos lay down on his lap and snuggled up to him. "I don't like her. She wants to steal you away from me."


The cat looked away, indignant.

"Come on," he said, adopting a more gentle approach. He started rubbing its ears. "You're both my creations. Be nice to each other."

"By that logic, I should be nice to everyone," the cat murmured.

He sighed again."In any case, it looks like I've missed quite a lot this time. Considering my powers are stable again, I'll pay them a visit. I also would like to hear more of that war."

"Really?" Chaos looked up, jumping off his lap, suddenly excited. "May I suggest something, then?"

He crossed his arms, amused. "Go ahead."

"Well, whenever you leave the Void Realm, you either spend a few days outside, catching up, or you decide to destroy the current universe and start a new one in order to calm your powers. This time, why don't you do something different? Why don't you try to live among your creations for once?"

"Oh?" The Voidborn was interested. "Live among them?"

"Yes," Chaos said eagerly. "I had this idea after reading some novels—they're something like books, I'll explain later. In any case, why don't you try reincarnating as a human being?"

He raised an eyebrow. "While that does sound interesting, I fail to see the point."

"Master, the point is that it's interesting. Haven't you grown tired of your current lifestyle? I think it could be a good experience for you." And then, in a lower voice, Chaos murmured, "I also really miss you, you know? We barely spend time together anymore..."

The Voidborn seriously considered the idea. After a moment, he said, "Just answer me something. Why would I reincarnate in the first place? Humans were created in my image; I look just like them. Wouldn't it be easier to just descend there as I am?"

"Well, yes, but wouldn't you like to experience babyhood and childhood for once? I know you've always been curious."

He smiled. "Well, you got me." He nodded his head. "Very well, that seems like a plan to me. Anything else you'd like to add?"

"Just one thing." After a moment of hesitation, Chaos said, "I think it'd be interesting if you avoided using your powers."

"Avoided using them? Why?"

"Because then it'd be too easy!" Chaos said. "I know what you're like, Master. You'd doubtlessly get bored in a heartbeat, and that's exactly what we want to avoid. Humans have a saying, 'The journey matters more than the destination'. I want you to really experience a mortal's life. Ideally, your powers would be sealed, but since that's impossible, avoiding using them should suffice."

He thought for a moment. "I won't stop using them entirely, as I have some things I'd like to do"—he grinned—"but I see your point. I'll try to avoid using them as much as possible."

Chaos lit up. "Is it decided, then?"

"I guess it is. To be honest, when you told me about that war, an idea very similar to that occurred to me." He fondled Chaos's ears playfully. "As you know, I've always liked wars, and one of that magnitude should've been quite interesting. Alas, I missed it, but it's not as if I can't make another one, right?" He smirked, then shrugged nonchalantly. "In any case, it's been a while since the last time I did something like this, as you said, and I am looking forward to growing through childhood at least once—it should make for an interesting experience, a much-needed change of pace." His smirk broadened. "Who knows? Perhaps it'll even inspire me, and we both know I am in dire need of that; I've been progressing at a snail's pace as of late. "

The bed they were on suddenly disappeared, and the Voidborn stood up. He started stretching himself. "Can you make arrangements?"

The cat smiled. "Already done."


He opened his arms wide and grinned.

"Go ahead."

Chaos slightly touched him with its paw, and the Voidborn vanished.

"I'll be seeing you soon, Master," the cat said.

With that, it jumped back into the spatial tear it had come from.