"I destroyed the world...and created it anew."

Finally…the culmination of his greatest work.

Red marred the platform as the crowd cheered for Zero, who stood gloriously with his sword pointed at the ground, looking like the symbol of hope he has always been. Lelouch's own vision was taken by the all-encompassing horror in Nunnally's face as she wailed in anguish.

His blood seeped in the ground as his vision slowly darkened. If there was one moment in his life that made him doubt his plans, it was now, under Nunna's despaired gaze. Only at this moment he was uncertain if it was all really worth it.

Nonetheless, it was done. Zero Requiem arrived at it's inevitable end, and with the death of the Demon Emperor, peace would reign.

Would Euphemia be waiting for him? Would she forgive him? Did he deserve any forgiveness? He was certain he didn't. If there was an afterlife waiting for him, it would certainly be red and hot. Maybe Rolo would be there to accompany him? His thoughts started to become muddled. He felt really, really tired, and under his sister's mournful cries, he decided to sleep a little.


It was dark and warm. He felt strangely constricted, as if he was dumped into a very small box. Was it his coffin? Did he somehow survive Zero Requiem? That was impossible, unless he somehow took his father's code. He had made certain he didn't though. After his battle with his Charles zi Britannia, Lelouch made certain to inspect his body for any sign of the code mark. So, him surviving made no sense.

But he obviously could think, quite clearly as well. Was it Descartes who said: "Cogeto, ergo sum"? For the first time he saw wisdom in that quote. Nothing like experiencing his own death to make him certain he was existing right now.

Something seemed to move beside him. Was someone else here? Afterlife was surely strange. It was not as red as he thought it would be.

Suddenly his entire would seemed to shake. Strange contractions happened all around him, as if the world wanted to squeeze him to death.

"I can see the head, keep pushing!' someone shouted. Was there someone else here? It took only one more second for Lelouch to ascertain his current situation.

"Oh, fuck. Reincarnation...alright, I didn't expect this."

"Come one, Marise. Keep pushing!"

Lelouch could feel light entering his eyes. His awareness of his own body was becoming better. He could feel it now, he was small and roundish. His hands were stubby appendages basically useless for anything other than sucking his own thumb.

"At least my intellect is intact, I suppose."

That also meant he wouldn't be meeting Euphemia or Shirley again. Well, maybe, if his mother is a noble, he might meet his sister again?

"He is out. Marise, keep pushing, I can already see her head."

Someone took Lelouch and wrapped him up in a towel before putting somewhere.

"This is absolutely humiliating. I, Lelouch vi Britannia, reduced to a crying bunch of flesh."

"That fucking bastard!" Was that his mother's voice? "If I see him again I am gonna kill him! His motorbike wasn't even that great anyway." she screamed.

"The girl is out, Marise...It's is alright now, she is out."


Lelouch brought his awareness to the place between his legs. He was quite certain this reincarnation business got his gender right. He suddenly felt a weight been deposited somewhere beside him.

"I will not take care of them!" the woman that was supposed to be his mother declared. "I don't care what anyone says, they are not mine! The bastard disappears from this world as if he never existed and expect me to take care of his children? Fuck him!"


"But, Marise" the other woman started.

Lelouch finally opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He wasn't in a hospital. This seemed to be a bedroom, a rather decayed one. It somehow reminded him of Shibuya. They were speaking in english, though. Was this somewhere in Britannia?

Lelouch suddenly noticed the woman's gaze at him. His mother was still gasping in the bed while the other woman gazed at him in awe.

"Beautiful..." she said. "His eyes are beautiful."

"I don't care!" his mother gasped. "Today, at night. There's that place the whores in the red district leave their children for the social workers. Take them there, I don't want to see them anymore!"

"Marisa, please. They're yours, and they are..."

"Fuck that, Ann. Get them away from me!" She said. "The little shits didn't even have the dignity of letting me abort them. I lost count of how many pills they cost me."

Lelouch stood silently taking it all in. He wasn't a stranger to abandonment. He'd had it worse back then, when his own family made him a sacrificial piece in their own grand game of conquest.

Wait! there was something he had been ignoring until now...

"Them? What the..."

Someone was crying beside him. He made an effort to turn his head and look.

There she was. A baby at his side, waving her hands at the air, claiming for attention.

"A sister..."

He should be feeling happy. Instead, he felt ice cold horror.

A feeling of panic grasped his heart.

Rolo dying, after a life of being pushed around. First by the geass directorate, then by his own surrogate brother, who developed him into a weapon for his own plans.

Euphemia, sweet little Euphemia. Laughing in madness, painted in blood, as she massacred the people she wanted to save.

Nunnally, her legs broken as she stared into nothing, spattered in her mother's blood. Her accusing gaze as she called out the horrors her brother unleashed under Zero's mask. Her mind-breaking horror as she watched his life slowly fading.

Lelouch wasn't a good brother. He had no illusions he was. He didn't wan't to burden another sibling with his existence.

Was this supposed to be his hell? To live this life with a new sister, knowing he would inevitably lead her to a most horrible ending? It was fitting.

The two woman started quarreling about them. The one who assisted at their birth wanted their mother to take care of them and tried to guilt trip her into it, their mother, though, had no intention of doing it. His sister was crying during the entirety of it. Lelouch was wide awake, taking in any information he could from their words.

From what he could deduce, he wasn't in Britannia anymore. This country's name was England, and that was worrying. There was no country with such name in his last life. How many years in the future is this? He could see a tube television on the corner of the bedroom, so it couldn't be too long since Zero Requiem.

Apparently, his mother met his father in a nightclub, at his friend's bachelor party. In a night of drunken debauchery, his condom broke. No one cared at the moment, though. After he woke, for some reason he immediatly ran away with his friend screaming something about lilies. He never appeared again after that.

His mother tried to find him with the government's help, but it was as if he never existed. "Sirius Black" wasn't registered in any government database at all. She looked for him for months, and there was no trace of him.

After that, she tried everything, short of stabbing her own womb, in order to abort them. They somehow survived everything she threw at them.


"What the..." the woman whispered as she took him in her arms. She furrowed her brows. "Is he smirking?"


That day, two new names appeared in the Black tapestry