Two Weeks Later.

"You are a hungry little lady." Karen said softly looking down as she was feeding her daughter.

"Good morning my lovely ladies." Shane said coming into the their room.

Gracie had an amazing nursery but Karen insisted that she sleep in their room in her bassinet for now so they could be closer to her.

"Good morning!" Karen smiled looking up at her husband. "Did you get the boys to school OK?" She asked.

"Yes I did." He told her as he was looking at her and Gracie. "They really don't like riding the bus huh?"

"No Rogan doesn't mind on the way home but Declan doesn't at all. Kenyon it just depends on the day with him." Karen explained.

"Well I guess Marissa is picking them up from school and they are staying with her the rest of the week. She will be taking them to their Halloween stuff." He said as she sat on the bed next to Karen and Gracie.

"Do you really have to go to Saudi Arabia?" Karen asked as she adjusted Gracie in her arms.

"Yes sorry sweet heart. I don't want to but duty calls."

"I know it's just you are going to miss her first Halloween. It just doesn't seem fair is all." Karen said looking at Gracie.

"It's not ideal." Shane said. "But I got out of having to go to Europe this time. So I will be in and out in less than three days."

"I know just sucks." She said as she started burping Gracie.

"I will make it up to you. I promise next week Stephanie agreed to watch Gracie so we could have a date night." Shane smiled.

"Shane that's sweet but it's to soon for me to leave Gracie." She told him.

"Karen it's only for a couple hours. We need this. A nice quiet dinner out of the house just you and me." He said.

"I guess that would be OK." Karen said as Shane leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"I love you Karen so much. I know things haven't been easy but we are getting back on track." He said kissing her again. Then looking down at the precious little girl in her arms. "I love you too my sweet little Gracie. You bring us so much joy and now our family is truly complete." He said kissing the top of her head.

The Next Day.

Gracie had finally went down for her nap. The house was quiet the boys were at school and staying with Marissa for a few days. Shane left late last night to head to Saudi Arabia. Karen and Gracie had the house to themselves. She was catching up on laundry and just moving around trying to get back to feeling like her self again. When there was a knock on the door. She wasn't expecting anyone but went to answer it as several baby gifts were still arriving from friends and family. She opened the door and there stood Jon Moxley.

"Jon." She said. "What are you doing?"

" We need to talk." He said coming into the house the shutting the door. " I'm sorry for just showing up. You know what fuck it. I am not sorry. You've been ignoring me for almost two weeks now."

"Jon I haven't been ignoring you. We talked a few days after I got home from the hospital."

"Yeah that was the last time I saw you Karen. Then I called the hospital to see if you were telling me the truth. Olivia the nurse told me that you were and then sent me a copy of the results." He said pulling out the crumpled sheet of paper from his pocket.

"I am sorry it wasn't the news you wanted to hear." She said.

"Yeah me too. I've been drinking the pain away. I drank a case of beer when I saw this." He said pulling out his phone and showing her the photo that Shane posted on Social Media.

Over a week ago they got Gracie's new born photos done. One of the whole family then one of just Gracie and the boys. The boys were dressed in their Shane O'Mac white Jerseys. As Gracie was wearing a cute pink dress with tutu complete with a bow in her hair. The boys each held a chalk board each with a separate word. "Don't Mess With Her."

"Come in and sit down. I want to talk to you." She said as she lead him into the living room and they sat down on the couch. He looked over at the glider as Gracie was sound asleep.

"She's precious." He said softly.

"She's my life." Karen admitted. "I never met to hurt you please know that. I just needed you to know that Gracie really is Shane's."

"Is that it? What we had meant nothing to you?" Jon asked a little defensive.

"It meant more to me than you realize but Shane is my husband. I love him he has my heart. I love you too Jon but not in the same way I love Shane." Karen began to explain. "My relationship with him is far from perfect but we both are trying. I am being more honest with him. I told him to give me time but I wouldn't be able to cut you out of my life. We are friends."

"OH I bet McMahon loved hearing that." He scoffed.

"He wasn't happy because he asked me to never have contact with you again. I told him that I couldn't do that because we are friends."

"Just friends? That's it? I could have been her father? If I was would you have left Shane for me?"

"Mox since when are you the what if type?" Karen asked him.

"I was just curious I guess it doesn't matter because I am not her father. As much as I wanted to be. I am just useless Mox once again." He stated.

"Hey listen to me. You are not useless not by a long shot. You have helped me in more ways than one. I was losing myself again and you helped me not go to that dark place. I wont let you go there either. You have so much going on for yourself you are going to be in another movie. You have that huge match with the self righteous ass Omega. You are one of the biggest starts AEW has. The world is yours Jon Moxley." Karen told him.

"That's my career all those things are my career. What about my life? I wanted to be a dad." He confessed.

"You will be someday when the right girl comes along and it all fits together like it's suppose to it will." Karen said.

"I wanted that girl to be you."

"Oh Jon. In another life if things would have been different it might have been. But I love Shane he has my heart. I want us to still be friends but that's all we can be is friends."

"Fuck I know." He growled you. "I wish I would have met you first. If it would have been me to go to that school instead of Roman. You could have been my wife and we would have this life together."

"In another life Mox in another life." She said kissing his cheek. "Promise me something."


"Slow down on the drinking? Don't drink your problems away talk to me about it or talk to Roman. Someone I don't want you to get lost along the way. I know why you left WWE and I don't want you to get lost now that you are starting to find yourself again promise?"

"Promise. Can still call and talk to you?" He asked.

"Of course. We are friends and I will always be here for you."

"I will always be here for you too." He told her. "Can I hold her?" He asked looking over at Gracie.

"Yes of course." Karen said going to get her and placing her in Jon's arms.

He looked down at the precious little girl in his arms.

"You are gonna break so many damn hearts little girl. But I will kick their ass if they break yours." Jon stated looking down at her.

"She's got a lot of great amazing men in her corner." Karen smiled.

In Saudi Arabia.

Shane was in the hotel restaurant looking at the menu when Roman came over.

"You really wanted to meet me for dinner?" Roman asked as he sat down.

"Yes I did. Thanks for meeting with me."

"Sure. This about the Team Hogan vs Flair match tomorrow? Are you getting involved or something?" Roman asked.

"No nothing like that this is more personal. It's about Karen." Shane said.

"Karen? Is she OK? Is the baby alright?" Roman asked with concern.

"She is amazing and Gracie is perfect. It's nothing like that. I just never thanked you." Shane said.

"Thank me for what?" Roman asked confused.

"If it wasn't for you I never would have met Karen. She is someone special. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. You brought her into my life and I never said thank you for that." Shane said.

"She is someone special that is for sure. I fell in love with her too. But the universe had other plans for us. It took me a long time to realize that. I held on to her for too long and I lost a lot of good years as her friend and yours because of anger and jealousy. I realize now we are better off as friends and she knew that all those years ago."

"I almost lost her recently we drifted apart. I let us drift apart. I almost called it quits." Shane admitted.

"I know. I still want to super man punch him." Roman said low.

"Wait you know?" Shane question.

"Yeah Mox told me what happened. He thought maybe I could talk to Karen it was after you had kicked her out and she was staying in the hotel. She ignored him and he got worried. He came clean to me. I asked him what the hell his problem was. That was partly my jealousy because he got to have her in a way I never did. The other part was I know that isn't the type of woman she is. To cheat on you? Something just didn't seem right with it. But then Karen confirmed it to me. I could tell she regretted it and wanted to make it work with you. No couple is perfect Shane but Karen loves you with her whole heart. She chose you over me."

"She helped me learn to love again. We have an amazing little girl now. I will do what ever I have can to make her happy. She is my life my family." Shane said.

One week later.

Stephanie was at the house watching Gracie and the boys. While Shane took Karen out for a romantic dinner.

"Here Aunt Stephanie Gracie likes this pink paci." Kenyon said handing it to his aunt.

"Thanks." She said putting it in Gracie's mouth as she started sucking on it.

"Here Aunt Steph Gracie doesn't really like that monkey blanket. She likes this penguin one instead." Rogan said handing it to her.

"Boys thanks. I take it you love having a little sister." She smiled.

"It's great she just likes to cry a lot. Mostly when her diaper is dirty or when you change her." Rogan said.

"And when she's hungry." Declan said. "She let's us know when she wants something don't you Gracie."

"Yes she does. She use to scream really loud during her baths but she's getting better at that." Kenyon added.

Stephanie smiled at her nephews who were so attentive to their little baby sister.

With Karen and Shane.

"Thanks for this I think we really needed it." Karen smiled looking around.

"Do you remember when you brought me here for my birthday?" Shane smiled.

"Yes I do. We have a lot of amazing memories together. Shane you've made me the happiest woman in the world. I am sorry I couldn't do the same." She admitted looking away from him.

He reached out for his wife's hand.

"Karen please look at me and listen. I know we've had a rough year but we are getting back to being us. I am working on being a better man being the man you truly deserve. I am sorry I wasn't there for you in the way you needed me to be. But I am trying now." He told her.

"I know you are. I am sorry too. For not living up to the promise I made to you on our wedding day. I will always regret breaking your heart. But I am working on being a better wife and mother to our kids. You all deserve the best of me and I am going to give that to you."

"I love you so much and I knew that the moment I met you. Life is far from perfect but together we can get through anything. So from here on out I promise to love you the way you deserve and be there for you when you need me in the way that you need me. I will try to be open with you and not push you away. To be the husband you deserve me to be. To be the father our kids deserve. I love you."

"Shane I promise to be more open with you on how I am feeling and not shut you out. To be the wife and mother you and our children need me to be. You have made my dreams come true in ways I never thought I deserved. I am a wife and a mother to our four amazing kids. Gracie is our little miracle baby. I love you Shane you have my heart."

Shane leaned over and kissed his wife.

Shane and Karen didn't know what their future would hold as a family of 6 but one thing they knew for sure was that whatever came their way. They would tackle life together as a couple.

"I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. There's nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of this Earth for you. To make you feel my love, oh yes. To make you feel my love."

That my lovely readers brings our story to an end. I hope you enjoyed this roller coaster of a ride. I hope you didn't think the ending seemed rushed but this story was longer than I originally had thought it would be. I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you Guest, Jenna, Blaze, Lisee, Jessica619, Kinley Orton-McMahon, jjd022980, Debwood-1999, TiedInASlipknot and MamaChele81 for you amazing comments and reviews.

Thank you to all who commented at some point in this story as well. I loved reading your thoughts and reviews on this story.

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to follow and read the story. You are all amazing so Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So I have had another idea for a Roman story that focuses more on Roman. But since there seems to be a love of Karen and Mox I had an idea for another Karen an Moxley tale. Which would you love readers be more interested in reading? Please let me know.