Due to "The July Jamboree" I haven't posted any other new items for a bit so I figured that I would post this teensy one-shot for fun. It was inspired by a prompt suggestion from KrisShannon! Thank you, Kris!


It was my birthday.

It was my birthday and Gibbs didn't care.

Everyone else remembered. I had a fridge filled with my favourite roses, a pile of stuffed animals and other gifts on the side. I was dressed in one of my favourite outfits, I was busy doing a job that I loved, I was surrounded by people who love me. I should have been on top of the world.

But Gibbs didn't care. He had always cared, but he didn't this time.

At least that's what I thought. And that's where I went wrong.

I wrongly assumed that Gibbs had forgotten my birthday. I wrongly assumed that he was ignoring my special day, that he didn't want to spend time with me. I also wrongly assumed that he would overlook my ignoring him and being just the slightest bit bratty.

That's what got me into so much trouble, because after giving me his gift (which was lovely and thoughtful and amazing!) he ended up having me come over to his house for a "little visit" that ended with another birthday tradition that I would rather that he had forgotten.

That is the only downside of getting older - the birthday spankings are longer! And my only remaining wish - now that I've got Gibbs' attention again - is that I would be able to find a tube of aloe vera gel to remove the sting!


The End

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