The ride to Pride was going to be a long one. It was a 4 ½ hour drive without counting stops for gas and bathroom breaks and Alfred, despite being younger than Arthur, was the only one who could drive. He had gotten his license as soon as he turned sixteen and asked if Arthur planned to get his too, but he had just shrugged and said he didn't see the point. He didn't have a vehicle, lived close enough to walk to most places, and the places that were too far Alfred usually drove him to anyway. Alfred couldn't argue with that logic, and he had to admit he secretly loved driving Arthur around, but he had never driven this far before. The trip was a little daunting to think about, but he was American! He had grown up on summer road trips that had lasted days, he could handle a few hours! So he put on his best smile and began to drive. The radio played lowly as they dug into their breakfasts. Alfred tried to fit his entire cinnamon roll into his mouth and drive at the same time. He failed spectacularly and Arthur looked properly scandalized, but Alfred just smiled between bits of cinnamon roll and tried to focus on the road.

About an hour in the radio began to crackle and Arthur spoke up as the other teen began to search the stations. "Ah, Alfred, would you like to see what I brought now?"

"Ooh, you mean your 'super secret case of mysteries'?"

Arthur rolled his eyes at his driving companion, but got the case out anyway. "It's not a big secret- you're just nosey and impatient."

"Guilty as charged!" Alfred laughed. "Sooo, what is it?"

"See? Impatient! Maybe I should wait a little longer…"

"What?! Artieeeee, you're killing me!"

"It's Arthur, and fine," Arthur huffed. He unzipped the case to reveal a multitude of cds.

"Whoa," Alfred whistled. "That's old school, Art."

"Arthur. And yes, well, I know your truck is older and still has a disc reader so I thought I'd burn some cds for the trip."

"Wait, you made these? Awww, you're such a softie!"

"I am not!" Arthur blushed. "Anyway, I didn't make them for you."

"Right," Alfred responded easily, "you made them for us."

"I made them so I wouldn't have to listen to your horrendous country 'music' the whole way."

"Ya know ya love it!" In his thickest southern drawl. "But okay, okay, put one in."

Suddenly nervous, Arthur looked through his cds, unsure. The first one was mlm love songs- fitting for pride month, but maybe a bit awkward to play in a truck with your best friend. The second was a mix of both of their favorite songs, which would be nice, but, Arthur thought, explaining that he knew Alfred's favorite songs by heart might be just as awkward. His safest bet would probably be to pick one of the cds he organized by genre…

"You okay there, Art?" Alfred asked, concerned.

"Oh, um, yes. Just deciding which one to play."

"You're not gonna make me listen to The Who for the next three hours, are you?"

Arthur sputtered. "N-no!"

"Oh god," Alfred continued. "Broadway musicals?"
"You liked those more than I did you absolute git!"

"Okay, maybe," the younger blonde confessed. "They're very catchy!"

They sat in silence for a minute until Alfred reached over and grabbed the cd case. "Alright, what'cha got?" He quickly flipped back through the cds.

"Alfred, you're driving! Give those back"

"Nuh-uh, we're at a red light and you're too indecisive."

Arthur reached for the case, but Alfred plucked a cd out first and jammed it into the player. He quickly pressed play as the light turned to green and music filled the truck once more.

"Ta-da~" Alfred smiled.

"I would have picked one out you numpty."

"Uh-huh." Alfred just continued smiling, humming along to the music and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove. "This is a really good cd, Artie."

The cd in question was the amalgamation of their favorite songs. Arthur prayed Alfred wouldn't notice and ask about it. A bubble of dread filled his stomach as he wondered what Alfred would think- of the cd and of him. His feelings for the American were complicated. Alfred was his best friend, his confidant, his home away from home, his...Alfred. They were touchy and flirty with each other, but that came with being best friends since elementary and they bickered just as much, if not more. Arthur cared about Alfred, a lot, and he knew the other knew it despite the attitude and walls Arthur put up. They knew each other well and loved each other- maybe just platonically, but it was still love- and something as little as knowing each other's taste in music shouldn't change anything, but Arthur couldn't help but wonder if it would be just too much. That this would be the thing that exposed the feelings he wasn't even sure he had. So he sat on eggshells and tried to focus on something else.

If Alfred noticed his internal dilemma he didn't say anything. He hummed along to all of the songs, even the ones that weren't his favorites and drove. A couple songs in and Alfred didn't seem to notice and Arthur relaxed and found himself enjoying the music, the scenery, and the company- even when Alfred was belting out the lyrics to Jolene. With an hour left in the trip the cd ended and Alfred fixed him with a strange look. Arthur steadfastly ignored it.

"Thanks, Arthur," he said softly.

At that, Arthur looked. Alfred was smiling a gentle smile, eyes glued back on the road. "What?" Arthur asked.

"For making the cd. It was perfect- you really know me, y'know?"

"Oh." Shit, Arthur thought, but didn't know what to say besides. He tried to think of something, anything, to say when Alfred called out "Gas stop!"

"Oh," Arthur repeated. Alfred was out of the truck already, stretching his legs and filling up the F150.

"It feels great to finally spread your legs, doesn't it?" Alfred asked as Arthur got out.

"Mm." Arthur replied noncommittally. "Euphemism?

"What? Oh! Oh my god, Arthur, you're such a perv, man!" Alfred laughed. "I'm going in to use the bathroom and pay for gas, okay? You need anything?"

"Mm," Arthur answered again, not really paying attention.

Alfred walked up to him and lightly knocked on his head, "You okay there old man?"

Arthur scoffed, "We're the same age, you twit."
"You're still an old man," he said as he stuck out his tongue. "And you get way too wrapped up in your own head sometimes."

"At least I use my head."

"Ouch. No snacks for you!" Alfred teased and turned back to the gas station.

Arthur smiled to himself. Everything was okay. Of course it was. And the butterflies in his stomach? To be filed away as a later problem he decided. When Alfred came back Arthur was already in and buckled.

"You sure you're al-"

"I'm fine Alfred." Arthur looked at Alfred's puppy dog eyes and sighed. "Really, I'm alright. I were right. Caught up in my head, I suppose. But everything's fine and we're almost there." Arthur fixed Alfred with a genuine smile and Alfred returned it tenfold.

"Alright, cool! And I lied. I bought you some Twizzlers," he said, pulling out a bag.

"Alfred! We already have that whole bag of junk food you packed," Arthur complained even as he grabbed the Twizzlers and began to open them up.

"Yeah, but this is different! These are road trip snacks," Alfred said very seriously.

"Aren't they all 'road trip' snacks?" Arthur asked, confused.

"No! Well, yes and no? Just, it tastes different when you buy them during a trip."

"That's absurd."

"No, it's totally true!" he argued as Arthur rolled his eyes good naturedly. "You laugh, but this Snickers hits different than the one in the bag."

"Wait, you bought chocolate we already have?"
"I tooold you, it hits different."

"Oh my lord, Alfred."

"I'll make a believer out of you yet Artie!"

"Mhmm. Just drive Alfred," Arthur replied sternly. He was secretly amused by his friend's antics, but refused to admit it.

"Of course, your highness." He made a small bow towards Arthur and started the car. He checked his GPS and grinned. "Almost there!"