Note: Yes, this is indeed another story for me to try and keep track of. However, this is an idea that has popped up a few times and is the rare isnstance of me actually knowing where I want to take it... so here we are. Also, this does not mean that I am giving up on the other stories. I'm just trying to think of what to do with them next. But I just want to clarify, in no way as I write this chapter does it reflect my views, I'm interpreting what I think Jacques' mindset is. But as a trigger warning, there is a slight bit of sexism and some comments about disabilities. Again, this is in no way my views, especially seeing as how a majority of my friends are female, I have several disabled friends, and I myself am, technically speaking, disabled as well... that last part is a little complicated to explain and is kind of a long story but I just wanted y'all to know that I have nothing against either of those groups. Anyway, I hope you enjoy an I'll see you in the next chapter.

Okay, begin!

Jacques Schnee sits with one leg laying across another as he reads a newspaper. Normally the birth of a child is a joyous occasion for a couple, but Jacques was never a happy man... and this child just had to force his wife into labor when he was in a very important meeting regarding the security of the company as some teenage faunus punk managed sneak inside one of his buildings and hack the system, wiping everything of importance and releasing a headline with the seal of the company itself saying:


Needless to say that a great many people lost their jobs. The kid hadn't even been born yet and was annoying him and keeping him from what was actually important, his work and pride... so far he didn't have high hopes for the brat. Before they began their work on his wife, a nurse asked if he would like to go in. Obviously, he refused as the constant noise he dealt with when Winter was born was a pain in the ass. He already has one heir anyway, so another child is just more work to deal with... but everything needs a fall back plan. If Winter turned out to be a failure, then her sibling would inherit the company instead.

"Mr. Schnee?" asks the nurse form earlier, causing him to look up from his paper.

"Yes?" he replies.

"They've taken your child to the back to run some tests and make sure that she's healthy."

"Good. Very good." Jacques says before looking back to the paper. Well this is a let down, he would have preferred a male, but he supposes a female will suffice. They're not as capable, but neither are they useless. After all, Winter is already a thing.

"A-actually, Mr. Schnee, Doctor Stein has something that he wishes to discuss with you."

The man with the moustache sighs and rises from his seat after placing the paper he was reading on the table beside him. "Very well then, lead the way."

The nurse only nods in reply and leads the head of the Schnee Dust Company to the room where his wife is located. "Doctor Stein will be with you in a few moments." The nurse announces before departing.

"How are you holding up, Willow?" questions Jacques, not that he really cares. It's just a natural question to ask at a time like this.

"I'm doing just fine." his wife responds.

"Did the child look like it was in good condition?"

"Well, that's the thing. They took her before I could even get a glimpse. I'm afraid that there's something wrong."

Upon hearing that there may be something wrong with this child, Jacques is even more displeased. He doesn't need her to be anymore of an annoyance than she already has been. A disabled child would be nothing but a nuisance. The head of the SDC is snapped out of his thoughts when the doctor enters the room.

"Ah, Doctor Stein. I trust that everything with my new blood is alright?" he questions.

"Yes, your daughter is in perfect health." Stein replies. "However..."

"Then why rush her from the room and scare my wife like that?"

"I was just about to get to that." The doctor adjusts his glasses before shoving his hands into his pockets. "You see, there is a complication."

"Which is?"

"There's nothing physically wrong, but it seems as though your daughter was born with a rare condition that does not occur often... hardly ever in fact."

"Doctor, stop beating around the bush and get on with it."

Stein sighs, only speaking a few moments afterwards. "To put it lightly, Mr. Schnee, your daughter is a faunus."

The room grows silent for what seems like hours with Jacques Schnee shaking visibly before he finally speaks. "Don't you toy with me, Doctor."

"I can assure you that I'm not." Stein announces whilst adjusting his glasses again.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Calm down, it's not that big a deal."

"Not that big a...?! That shouldn't be possible!"

"On the contrary, if you recall, I said that hardly ever shows up. Statistically speaking, it's about a zero point zero three four three five seven nine percent chance. There's nothing wrong with a faunus being born to human parents, even if there has never been any faunus heritage. It just doesn't happen often. In fact, in my fourty six years of delivering kids, this is only the second time I've seen it with my own eyes. Ask any professional in the medical field, Mr. Schnee, they'll give you the same answer."

Jacques Schnee was at a loss for words. His child is... a faunus? His child? HIS CHILD?! HE BROUGHT ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE ANIMALS INTO THE WORLD?!

With her husband in a state of shock and essentially licking his wounds, Willow asks: "What kind of faunus is she?"

"Well if your husband promises not to explode into a million pieces, I can show you." announces the doctor.

A half hour later and the Schnees are about to walk out of the hospital with their new child. Thank the gods her tail is hidden in the blanket. Before getting within the view of the hospital's exit, Jacques stops pushing Willow's wheelchair.

"Why are we stopping?" questions the latter.

"We still have time." the former replies. "We could just say she died at childbirth."

"Jacques, enough! You may have been able to get me to do whatever you want for our entire marriage, but for this, I am not budging one solitary inch. This is our child and you will not throw her out like trash. And I swear if any harm comes to her, I will tell the press everything."

Jacques opens his mouth to retort but immediately snaps it shut because of his situation. Now the tables had turned, Willow was the one in control and Jacques had to do what she said... or he loses his career. She may have well just threatened his life. She knows it, and no more words are spoken between the two as Jacques leads his wife through the hospital doors and into the crowd of awaiting press.

Seventeen years later...

A young girl by the name of Ruby Rose is listening to some music on her headphones as she flips through a weapon magazine. After several minutes of viewing and daydreaming, Ruby closes the magazine and places it under her arm before heading to the section of the store containing the dust she requires for Crescent Rose. Because of her music, she fails to hear the door to the shop open to signal someone's entry. When she is done collecting what she needs, the young girl pulls off her headphones to purchase her supplies. As the old shopkeeper starts to ring up her items, Ruby spots a girl not much older than herself fill up a descent sized vial with ice dust before screwing the lid on and throwing the vial in a light blue sling bag that looks a little worse for wear. The girl herself has hip length white hair, ice blue eyes, is wearing a white turtleneck and blue jeans... both items being dirty and ripped in a few places, no shoes, a rapier on her hip, and finally, has a white wolf tail.

The girl continues to fill up containers and toss them in her bag. Another ice, fire, lightning, gravity, water,... She's going to pay for those, right? It doesn't really look as though she can afford it... but maybe she can? Ruby is snapped from her thoughts as the shopkeeper gives her the price for her items and she is forced to pay. After that, she tells the shopkeep to have a good night and walks out the door, after a few yards however, Ruby's instinct tells her to wait for a moment; so the silver-eyed girl stops and turns around to look through the windows of the shop. Upon doing so, she finds that the same girl who was stuffing dust containers into her bag has finished so and removes a snow globe from one of the shelves before throwing it to the back of the store where it hits an expensive looking statue of a Warhammer off the top of another shelf and the former breaks on impact as the latter is knocked off and busts on the floor.

After doing this, the girl ducks down behind the cabinet where she got the snow globe as to hide from the shopkeeper's view. The half-bald man looks around the store to find out who caused the mess, but fails to see the wolf faunus from her hiding spot. After collecting a broom and dustpan, the shopkeep leaves the register and heads towards the back of the store. Once he is a good distance away, the girl slowly moves from her hiding spot and jumps over the counter. She breaks the little bell that sounds when the register opens and slowly pulls open the drawer before stuffing the lien inside her sling bag. Ruby narrows her eyes at the sight. So she is stealing. That jerk is taking the older man's hard earned profits away from him.

Ruby marches back into the store and yells: "Hey! Cut that out!" startling both the girl and the shopkeep.

At the sight of what the white-haired girl is doing, the store owner raises his broom into the air as a sign of hostility towards the thief. The girl then quickly zips up her bag, leaving the rest of the lien in the register, hops onto the top of the counter, and leaps towards Ruby. The girl then plants one foot on the top of the younger girl's head before launching off of it and through the window. The action makes Ruby stumble forwards for a second before she regains her footing and turns to look at the girl.

"It alright if I go after her?" Ruby asks the store owner.

The shopkeep nods in response and the caped-girl places her bag of newly purchased items down on the counter before running after the girl. Going back to the faunus, she stops behind the corner of a building to catch her breath and looks back to make sure that she isn't being followed when a force of wind and rose petals brush by her. She turns around to see what that was about, falling over as Ruby is only a few inches from her face. It's only now that Ruby sees exactly what kind of state the girl laying on the ground staring back at her in shock is in. Her white hair has some sticks and dirt here and there, her clothes are also not only dirty but have a few bits of faded red in several locations, her feet are cut up and bruised from the lack of footwear, … and over her left eye lies a vertical scar extending from the middle of her forehead down to her cheek. Okay, so maybe she may need the stolen items, but that doesn't make it right.

"Please return the money you stole from the old guy." Ruby requests, but because of the girl's appearance, she adds: "I'll buy you the dust... seeing as how you probably don't have any of your own money since you're stealing some."

The wolf faunus just stares up at the red cloaked girl without saying a word as her chest rises and falls pretty quickly. She actually looks... scared.

"Hey, it's okay." Ruby assures her in the most calming voice she can create. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Maybe she overdid it with the whole "using her semblance to run right past the girl and position herself three inches from her face" thing, but she's never had this kind of reaction before. Usually people just back up and get mad at her, but this girl, it's like she thinks Ruby could kill her at any second. Is she really that scary? I mean, Crescent Rose does tend to shock people the first time they see it, but she hasn't even taken her weapon out. How is this girl that scared of a tiny fifteen year old?

Ruby extends her hand to help the girl up while dawning a gentle smile. "Here."

However, this has the opposite reaction of what she wants as the faunus' ice blue eyes grow larger and she recoils in fear as she sticks her palm out to the black-haired girl. An ice blue glyph forms in front of her hand and collides with Ruby's, making her pull back her hand in pain and look to see what damage had been done. However, there's nothing wrong with it, it just hurts a little bit. While Ruby turns her wrist in her other hand, she looks back to where the girl was, only to find her missing. The younger teen looks around for a glimpse of the faunus and spots her running down the street.

"Hey, wait!" Ruby calls out before chasing after her.

The wolf-girl glances behind her to see the younger girl following her so she snaps her head back to her front and runs even faster. Ruby only uses a small part of her semblance this time to gain some speed, but the thief realizes that she's being gained on and a glyph forms under her feat as she turns into an allyway. Ruby stares in awe as glyphs are formed on the sides of buildings and as the girl in front of her leaps from the glyph underneath her feet and begins to parkour on the walls. The caped girl shakes her head to snap out of it and puts more speed into her semblance. Ruby looks up at the girl when she gets underneath her and the faunus glances to her as well before snapping her head away. A few seconds later, the wolf-girl backflips off the wall and lands a few feet behind her pursuer. Ruby looks back at the girl in surprise, but ends up crashing into a wall made of glyphs as a result. Ruby shakes her head to rid herself of her dizziness and turns back to find another glyph wall in between her and the girl. The faunus stares at her for a moment before running back in the direction that they came from.

"Hold on a second!" shouts Ruby as she pushes herself off the ground.

She tries to climb the wall but the top is too high for her to reach. With that fact, Ruby pulls out Crescent Rose and uses it to latch on to the top of the conjured wall before clambering over that way. A few seconds later, and she's once again startling the faunus girl by the use of her semblance, with her weapon placed back in it's holster. The girl doesn't fall over from surprise this time, but she does recoil back a little ways.

"Would you please stop running away from me?" questions Ruby. "I told you I would buy your dust... just give the guy his money back.

The white-haired girl looks back to the shop, From Dust Till Dawn, which is once again in view as the two girls are back to where they began after the oldest of them turned around in the alleyway. She then turns back to Ruby and the silver-eyed girl's heart sinks a little bit when the scarred-girl removes her rapier from it's resting place and points it at her.

"H-hey, wait!" Ruby exclaims at the action. "I don't want to fight you!"

The girl continues to glare at Ruby before pointing her head to the side as to signal the younger girl to walk away.

"No, I'm not leaving. You need to return the stuff you stole."

The older girl lets out a nasal sigh and she turns the chamber in her rapier before slashing a line of fire at the girl in front of her. Ruby lets out a small yelp and dives from the attack, rolling onto one knee and simultaneously removing Crescent Rose from her back. The blue-eyed girl is obviously surprised by the weapon, and even more so when Ruby spins the scythe around a few times as she stands up before slamming the blade down into the concrete afterward; making the faunus stare into a gun barrel. The girl with snow-white-hair rotates her weapon's chamber again and spins around before slamming the blade into the ground, sending spikes of ice at Ruby. The girl with silver eyes removes her weapon from the street and uses her semblance to get away from the attack. She moves behind the girl and attempts to bring her weapon down on top of her, but the faunus quickly turns around and blocks the attack. She goes for a slash to Ruby's side, but the latter scoots her body and makes an attack towards the back of her opponent's head. Neither side gains any ground for a moment or two until the white-haired girl slides underneath a horizontal slash at her midsection by Crescent Rose and stands up behind Ruby, kicking her in the back immediately after.

Ruby turns back around and slashes her scythe at the girl again, but a glyph forms under the thief's feet and she speeds away from it. The white-haired girl once again attempts to hit her black-haired opponent in the back, but the latter uses her own semblance to be able to meet the attack. For the next thirteen seconds, that's how the fight goes. Semblance vs semblance, as the two move from one location to the other and slash at one another faster than the eye can see. It only stops when Ruby manages to jab the thief in the gut with the back of her weapon, making her lean over for a second. As the wolf-girl does this, Ruby spins her weapon around in the air before swinging it at the girl. However, the faunus creates a glyph to stop the attack, making Ruby start to fall backwards from the closeness of it. Using the opportunity, the girl spins her weapon's chamber again and jabs the cloaked girl in the side, sending her flying back with the use of gravity dust.

As Ruby soars through the air on her back, she eventually grips her other hand to her weapon and swings the scythe over her head. In doing so, she flips her body and digs the weapon into the concrete, breaking it apart as she slides back for a few more seconds. After finally stopping herself, Ruby begins to fire upon the girl. The faunus runs from the shots but Ruby eventually nails her in the ankle and she faceplants on the ground. The scarred girl rolls sideways, finally resting on her knee, and spins her rapier's chamber again. Ruby and the girl stare at one another, waiting for the other to make a move as the latter stands up. They each slowly slide one foot on the ground and continue to watch their opponent until the white-haired girl swings her sword diagonally and sends flames at the younger of the two.

Ruby dives out of the way and front rolls on the ground before quickly getting up and charging the girl. The two weapons collide once again and more flames emerge from the rapier, temporarily blinding both of them from the attack being at such close range. However, Ruby recovers first and swipes the girl's legs out from under her with one of her own before lifting herself onto Crescent Rose, which is currently stuck into the concrete again, and quickly swings herself around before kicking her opponent in the gut with both feet. The older girl tumbles across the ground for two or three yards before recovering and turning her weapon's chamber once again and slamming her rapier into the ground. As Ruby is mid jump as to get away from the spikes, the white-haired girl raises her weapon into the air and spins around, pointing the rapier at the red reaper. Several small glyphs appear around the thief before they get sent flying at Ruby when the girl points her weapon at her.

Before the black-haired girl can touch the ground, the glyphs attach to Ruby's wrists, ankles, and waist, leaving her stuck in the air. The white-haired girl then sends more ice spike at Ruby, this time they hit their mark and Ruby is sent back. She screams in pain once she hits the ground but begins to stand again whilst shaking her head. She looks back to where the girl was only to find her missing, but a quick turn to the left reveals that the girl is climbing a ladder to a tall building to get away from the fight in the hopes that her opponent won't see her. Ruby chases her up the roof and the red reaper fires her weapon behind herself once she reaches to top. Using the recoil and her own semblance, Ruby flies at the girl with amazing speed and hits her across the back, sending her skidding across the "ground."

The girl uses a glyph to launch herself into the air before creating another one at her feet, launching herself at the silver-eyed girl. The girl's attempt to impale her younger opponent is in vain as the latter activates her semblance to take a quick step to the side. Ruby punches the girl in the face, seeing as how she is too close range to use her weapon, only to leave herself open long enough for the white-haired girl to deliver a punch of her own to Ruby's gut. This action is followed up by a headbutt that forces the younger girl to take two steps back. The eldest of the two attempts to run her opponent through, however, Ruby shifts Crescent Rose into it's gun form and uses it as a shield. After pushing the faunus' weapon away, Ruby changes her weapon back to it's scythe form and makes a horizontal slash at the girl. However, the blue-eyed girl backflips over the attack and creates a glyph under Ruby's feet after landing back on the roof. The older of the two points her index and middle fingers as they lay against one another upwards, commanding the glyph to send her opponent flying into the air. As Ruby falls back down, the girl rotates her weapon's chamber again before readying herself for an attack. Ruby faceplants into the rooftop, dropping Crescent Rose in the process, and lifts her upper body off the ground to spot her opponent with her sword pulled back as if it were about to be pulled out of a sheath.

Ruby's eyes widen as the girl jabs her rapier forward, sending a blast of flames at her. The younger girl quickly lowers her head to the ground and covers her skull with her hands in anticipation... but the blow never comes. Ruby opens her eyes and slowly looks up to see a blond woman standing in front of her, a riding crop in her hand and a purple glyph that seems to have stopped the attack. The white-haired girl stares at her in shock before her mouth drops into a frown and she slashes her blade over and over in diagonal strikes at the woman, but she just keeps on deflecting the fire and making it either scorch the stone below or light up the night sky. The two then send their own glyphs at one another, the creations colliding and creating a bright light. The blonde keeps on walking towards the thief and the latter begins to send dust attack after dust attack at her in desperation as she backs up. Ruby just stares in awe at the sight before her. The woman, a huntress, is deflecting ice, lighting, and even gravity and not breaking a sweat! She's so cool!

The white-haired girl has gone into full panic mode and is attacking faster than ever before, however none of it matters as the purple-caped woman keeps her steady approach. The girl finally runs out of room to back up and her feet hit the ledge, forcing her to balance herself as to stay on top of the roof. The girl looks absolutely terrified of the blonde and acts more like a cornered animal than anything else in her struggle... ironic for a faunus. Eventually, the huntress flicks her weapon, disarming the thief as her weapon is flung away from her grasp. The girl looks to her weapon before turning back to face the blonde, who is currently glaring at her. The faunus looks over her shoulder to the ground below her before once again facing the blonde. Making her decision, the girl jumps from the ledge to avoid capture, but is almost immediately trapped in a purple aura and forced to her knees in a position as if her wrists were chained to the ground. She tries her hardest to escape via violently lashing about as she screams in frustration and panic... even a few tears actually fall from her eyes. She stays that way until her strength finally gives out after several seconds of trying to break free and she drops to the material below her, having fainted from exhaustion after using up all the energy she had left.

The woman then lowers her crop and pushes her glasses up as she sighs, only turning to the girl behind her when the latter says: "You're a huntress. Can I have your autograph?!"