It was painless, just as everyone had said it would be, absolutely nothing to feel in the physical plan, but on spiritual it was completely different story. Nobody thought of that one, and to feel the soul being literally ripped out of the body and sent into a plane of a completely different existence… That is no simple pain, but something completely else and unimaginably different and it was definitely not pleasing and beyond simple conventions of pain. That is what Harry had thought of first, when he suddenly felt his being still present, with all of his senses, feelings and bearings being connected to him.

He opened up his eyes, finding himself in a completely white and pure space, staring at what he considered to be one of the castle's passages. He blinked a couple of times, before rising up from the ground, if it was one, and taking a look of his surroundings. It all was white, pure and completely spotless, bland as well in his own opinion, and the passage seemed to go on forever. No paintings, no windows, yet everything is as bright and illuminates the place so well, that Henry can see himself clearly. He didn't understand what had happened to him, and was he dead or something had happened. There were far too many questions in his head, questions concerning Rose, Dumbledore, the castles and everyone else…

"I had hoped that you would never you would never find your way in here, Harry." A calm, caring and warm voice spoke to Harry, making him turn its source.

He didn't widen his eyes at the sight of her, though he wanted to weep and embrace her after all those years of separation. She was just as beautiful as he remembered her, and her voice was just as sweet and caring as he had always been for him. Harry looked at a tall, beautiful woman with long light brown hair, where grey was already setting in, and the warmest set of green eyes that looked at him with warmth and love. She was dressed in black and red robes, as she walked towards him with a sad smile on her face. Harry gave his own smile to her, before he finally spoke up.

"Hello, Mom." Harry addressed Dorea Potter, his grandmother and a woman that was his real mom. "It is good to see you."

"And I am happy to see you again, my son." She said with a sad smile, as she went on to hug him, with Harry returning the affection. "But as much as I am happy to see you again, I had hoped that this day wouldn't come."

"I know, and I hoped that I would win and see the happy ending for me and everyone, but it doesn't seem to be my destiny." Harry said with a sad chuckle, as he disconnected from Dorea. "Where are we exactly? Purgatory, or something like a sorting place for sinners and saints?"

"No, nothing of that sort." Dorea said to him. "You are not dead yet, Harry, not completely, nor are you alive."

"I don't understand what you mean." Harry said to her in a confused tone. "Dumbledore had hit me with Avada Kedavra, the killing curse that he sent towards Rose. It hit me and with it I am supposed to be dead."

"Yes, but Albus have never factored in the sacrifice I've made to protect you from Voldemort." She told him, with Harry looking at her questioningly. "I don't know what Dumbledore was planning, nor do I wish to know, but what I do know, is that they were in some ways right about a Boy-Who-Lived. Only that they weren't right in who that boy was."

"Who that boy… Voldemort had come after me that night?" Harry asked of her, with Dorea nodding to him. "But you've stopped him, you've managed to block and deflect his curse back at him."

"Yes, in the moment the curse hit him, it split his soul once more and one of them latched right on to you, trying to take over your body." Dorea stated him. "The possession would've gone through and you would've died and Voldemort would've lived, if I hadn't done what I did. I've made a magical pact: my life in exchange for my powers and soul to protect you for the rest of your life. The magic accepted it and I've became your guardian, one that destroyed the shard of Voldemort in you, and kept you alive in Azkaban. And now, after your sacrifice… That pact has come to an end."

"So, then that means this is… You are…" Harry understood what she meant by those words. "You will be with grandfather now in Heaven."

"Yes, I will be with him and my sons and grandchildren." Dorea admitted to Harry. "My life has reached its end at last, but yours, Harry, it's not as simple. Because of me being within you when Dumbledore used the curse, and because you sacrificing yourself to protect your sister, much like me in the past, the magic had seen it and seems to offer you a choice."

"A choice?" Harry asked of her. "What choice?"

"To go back to living or to move on from that life." Dorea told him, with Harry not believing him. "It is entirely up to you, my dear boy. You can go back to everyone, or you can have peace there, with me and all that await for us there."

"Everyone? Like Nym and grandpa and…" Harry was elated for a second there, but then he realized what it meant if he were to go down that path. "If I leave with you… It is all over for me, isn't it? There won't be coming back."

"Not once you've stepped through the line with me. After that, there is no way back for you in that world, not in any form, not even as a ghost." Dorea told Harry. "I can't tell you what to do in this situation, Harry, nor will I hold it against you if decide to move on. After all that has been… This is the choice you have to make."

Harry thought about what his grandmother had told him, and conflict had risen within him. To move on to be with all those that were lost and finally be at peace… No more schemes, planning, revenges and all that, he could had what he had always wanted to have: peace. He would be able to finally enjoy his freedom, without any pretense or purpose, just that, with no responsibilities, duties and all that he was forced to deal with in life, and yet…

It wasn't who he was: he wasn't someone to simply abandon all that he built and fought for, even if he was done for. He had a choice, and if he didn't, if he was simply allowed to move forward, then perhaps he would've considered his life to be fulfilled and over for good, but if he was allowed to go back. If he were back, then he would be forced to endure hardships and deal with his enemies, to fight his way to the happiness and peace. He had sacrificed much in his way to victory, lost his beloved Nym and a woman that became his second mother, and even if he was allowed to move on after his sacrifice, Harry knew that as much as he wanted, he couldn't move on.

No, he could and wouldn't, because despite all he had lost, he still had far more worth fighting for: Rose, Tracey, Cassiopeia, Regulus, Arcturus and everyone else. This war he and other have waged, it was finally coming to a close and he couldn't just live it there for the chance. He couldn't allow Dumbledore to have his victory, even if he had denied him the body he wanted. No, couldn't and wouldn't leave the war to others, not when he still was capable of ending it without others taking the reins. The end of an era of his suffering and Light vs. Dark was near and he will see it come. He will obtain his peace and happiness, but not in Heaven, but on Earth, having built it as Henry Le Fay.

The choice was made as soon as Harry remembered who he was now.

"Harry Potter… He would've probably went on to Heaven, knowing that he did all he could and would enjoy the well-earned rest and happiness with all that waited for him." Harry told his grandmother, before turning to her with a smile. "But I am not him, not anymore, Mom. I've been moving away from it all, and now, when there is a chance for me to live in a genuine, actual way, to have what I always wanted… I can't just let it all go, not with it, not when I know that I can end that whole war. I just… I am not ready to go there, not now, not yet. I am sorry, Mom, but…"

"I know, son." Dorea smiles to him warmly, as she embraces him again. "I know what you mean, Harry. We'll wait for you, and I'll tell Charlus about what a man you've become, despite all the hardships. You go on and live, live a life you deserve and be happy. Whether as a Potter, or Le Fay, it doesn't change the fact that I love you, and I will always wish for you to be happy, my dearest son."

"I love you too, Mom." Harry told her with complete sincerity, as a tear escaped his eye, when they've detached himself from her. "This is goodbye for us, isn't it?"

"No, not until we meet again, Harry." Dorea told him with warmth. "Take care of yourself, Harry, and tell Rose that I love her too and I am very proud of you two, and that I shall wait for you. Until then, be happy and live the lives you deserve."

With those words said, Dorea slowly turned around from Harry and walked away from Harry, moving towards one of the lights. It took what seemed like a few minutes for Dorea to completely disappear from the place, and as Harry saw her form finally transcend and leave the realm of mortality, he moved himself. He turned towards the other end and moved towards it, feeling the coldness of the place being replaced by the warmth of a summer and smell of his castle entering his nostrils. The closer to the light he walked, the more he felt his house and his world enveloping him.

He was returning.

Albion's Hearth. A minute later.

A single sigh, with his chest rising and falling, was all that signaled to Henry that he was truly back and as the air entered his nostrils and travelled into the lungs, his faculties regained complete function. He opened the eyes and saw the intricate and patterned ceiling of his throne room, as he lay on the cold floor of his castle, right where Dumbledore had struck him down. He heard a yelp and a hiss of pain, coming from his little sister, with any and all doubts of him being alive evaporating. Henry pushes his body off the floor and finally rises again up on his feet, looking upwards and seeing a sight that was utterly infuriating for him.

Dumbledore was holding up his wand at his sister, while his feet moved to kick her in the face. The invigorated bastard was looking utterly murderous and completely enveloped in his own satisfaction from getting revenge for being denied what he saw as his. Henry wasn't going to let him enjoy this, as he stepped towards his laying sister and Dumbledore, who prepared to cast as spell upon her.

"I hope you realize, Rose, just what you and your damned sibling's love had cost me just now." Dumbledore practically hissed at her. "You've taken away from me my Fawkes, and now you've killed Harry, leaving me without the perfect body. And I will make you pay for it, and you will repay for my losses, and once I have what I want from you…" But Albus wasn't able to finish his rant, as he was grabbed by the hand and pushed to look right into Henry's murderous eyes.

Shock and fear came over Albus Dumbledore, and he didn't even notice how Prince Le Fay moved his left hand to the Elder Wand, before using his right fist to slug former Headmaster of Hogwarts in the face. The force of the punch was enough to send Albus Dumbledore tumbling down the steps and hit the cold and hard stone floor. Henry looked down on his form for a few seconds, before looking back at his sister, who stared at him with a look of shock and disbelief, but a single look from her brother had alleviated all the falsehoods in her head that it wasn't him. He helped Rose to get up with his right hand, while his left firmly held the Elder Wand, grabbed when Dumbledore had lost his footing.

"Go to the throne and call the reinforcements, you have my permission and order, sister." Henry granted his permission to Rose and let her go to his throne, while he turned back to face Dumbledore.

The rejuvenated Light Lord stared in disbelief at Henry, who walked down towards him, Elder Wand in his left hand. Recovering his bearings and thoughts, Dumbledore, who never truly believed before in miracles and had believed that the reason why Voldemort first fell was because of some ancient magic being used there to strike him down, believed that fate was actually on his side in this one. Noticing that the wand wasn't in his hand, he tried to use the wandless magic to get it back to him, but suddenly found himself unable to pull it back to him. He looked with fear and shock at Henry, who brought up the Elder Wand for a closer inspection.

"The great and infamous Elder Wand, one made by the very Death itself…" Without any more words to share or say, Henry broke the wand in two and threw the pieces at Dumbledore, who caught them.

"No, no no no no… What have you done?! Do you even realize you have just done, Harry?!" He screamed at him, as he hopelessly tried to reattach the two pieces back together. "This wand is the strongest wand in existence, and you've just… How could you do it to me?!"

"Easy, just like you've sent me to Azkaban." Henry replied, as he stood over the now kneeling Dumbledore. "It is over, Albus. You've lost. Even with the Dark Elves on your side, there is no winning for you, not today nor ever again. Once the barriers are turned on in full and bounded field is set, there won't be any escape or help for them. They will be slaughtered, but you don't care about it, really. As for you, there isn't any escape, not this time, only surrender or death."

"And what has brought this bout of mercy, huh? After all I had done to you and that girl of yours, you would actually let me have a chance of walking away?" Dumbledore asked of him in a sneering manner. "I am Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore, the greatest and most powerful Wizard that has ever existed. Without even the Elder Wand, I am still the Lord of Light and mightiest defender of it there is. You haven't won yet." He tried to use his magic on Harry again, but found himself unable to do so. "What?! H-how is this possible…"

"This is my home, Albus, the very heart of my kingdom and the place where I am at my mightiest and strongest. This is the center of all my power and magic in the land, the very same things that now do not let you cast any spell." Henry explained to him. "Elder Wand may've allowed you to cast your spells, but without it, you are as powerful as a Squib while I hold control over my lands and powers. And you think I am being merciful? Do you really think there is any chance for you to escape justice and the punishment you deserve? After everything that was exposed about you, and what is known to me and others about you, do you really hold onto a hope that there is an escape for you? No, there is no escape, only ending your war with dignity, or as a pitiful, worthless relic of a bygone era, that has haunted the Wizarding World for too long. I'm giving you a choice on how to die, Dumbledore, not a way out." Dumbledore realized that Henry was telling him the truth, and as much as he wished it, he couldn't deny it.

"If that's the case… Then I'll go out with dignity, as man I am now. Would do this for me, my boy?" Dumbledore asked of Henry in his usual, now fatherly way, with Henry nodding to him and putting his hand on Dumbledore's shoulder. "I know this may not meant much for you now, but I want you to know that I've always…"

"You right: your last words mean nothing for me, and people will know how you died." And without any further words, Henry swiftly grabbed Dumbledore by his chin and broke his neck with a loud crack, finally putting an end to his last enemy.

The lifeless body of the Light Lord hit the floor with a thud, before it slowly began to dissolve into black and oozing liquid, as it seeped out from all holes in Dumbledore's body. His flesh rotted away, blackening and festering out of existence like tainted object, before disappearing with the liquids. After it was all done, all that was left in the end was a large pool of dark ooze and a broken and decrepit skeleton of a man that had nearly destroyed Henry and Rose. She stepped closer to him and looked at what was left from Dumbledore, before speaking up.

"What… What has happened to him?" She asked of Henry.

"Who knows, probably an aftereffect from the ritual, or something else entirely?" Henry told to her. "Maybe he was so wrapped up in his own fantasies and lies that he had rotten from the inside out? Whatever the reason for this state of his body, there is no coming back for him, no Horcruxes or anything like that."

"How can you be so sure of it?" She asked in a tone that was filled with disbelief.

"Because he really surrendered to me, and he knew the price of a Horcrux on a person. You rip away not just your soul, but also a portion of your own being with magic. And this man had never would've shared his magic with anything or anyone, not like Voldemort. That and I saw it clearly in his mind." Henry said to Rose, turning to her. "It's over, Rose. We've won." He said to her, meaning more for himself as to confirm that it was really over.

Rose looked at him for a second, before smiling with tears coming out of her eyes. She moved towards him and embraced her brother, with Henry reaching out and embracing her on his own. She didn't say a thing, not wanting to know how, why or for what, she simply embraced the fact of him being alive and that they had just finished what they'd started. Henry didn't pressure or ask if she was curious, because he knew his sister simply embraced his return without questioning, knowing that he will tell her if she asks him. He simply embraced her as a brother, sharing in a relief and realization that this was the end of the war and a new beginning for them. He kissed the top of her head, as he spoke up.

"I saw grandma." He said with a quiet, small voice and a small smile. "She wanted me to tell you that she loves you and is very proud of you, sis. She's proud of us both."

"I'm glad." Rose replied truthfully and without reservation. "I hope she and grandpa are happy together in Heaven."

"I hope so to." Harry replied to her, before he and Rose saw Regulus and Bellatrix running into the hall.

"Henry, Rose, wh-why are you hugging each other like that and what's that?" Regulus asked of them, with Harry and Rose finally separating from each other.

"I… I just came back from the dead." Harry replied without holding back, with the two not really buying it. "And this… This all that is left of Dumbledore."

"Wait… That's Dumbledore? But why…" Regulus wanted to ask the question, before seeing a look in Henry's eyes. "You aren't kidding, are you?"

"No, he is not." Rose confirmed to Regulus instead of her brother. "It is over, Regulus. We've won."

"It really is… That explains why Dark Elves had suddenly up and teleported away. Malekith must've known that Dumbledore would lose and in case of that made sure his people wouldn't die once there was no cause for it." Regulus said to them, with Henry and Rose suddenly realizing that there were no sounds of magic or battle outside. "But… We still have a problem, Henry."

"What's that?" He asked, separating from Rose.

"Irene… She said that she needs to see you, and that it is essential if the portal is to be closed." Bellatrix told them, with Rose exchanging looks with Henry, before nodding to them.

In the next minute, the group used apparition to get back onto the roof, seeing Cassiopeia, Arcturus and Rias standing some distance away from Irene, as she held the portal from expanding and opening. Henry walked to them, before turning to Rias, who spoke to him in a concerned voice.

"She just told us not to come closer and to call for you. I-I don't know why, but she sounded… Henry, please, if there is something you can do to help her…" Rias' voice didn't hide away her fright and desperation at the fact that her mother was in possible danger.

"I will, do not worry about it." He simply told her, meaning what he said, as he moved past them and towards the glowing circle and Irene. "Irene, it's done. Dumbledore is dead and Dark Elves have fled the castle."

"I am happy for you, milord." She told him with a bit of strained voice. "I congratulate you upon the victory, and I am most sad that I can't share the feeling of victory and finality of your struggles."

"What do you mean?" Henry asked of her. "I know it must be hard, but you can close that thing, right?"

"I can, but I fear that I won't be able to enjoy the spoils of my labor." She told him, as she looked Henry in the eyes, who realized what she meant. "The portal can't be closed without a sacrifice, blood for blood, magic for magic. Without it, it will simply be left like a gaping wound over the House Le Fay. As a sworn servant of House Le Fay, I must inform you that… That I shall be doing what I must."

"I understand, Irene, and… And I thank you for everything you have done and your service to House Le Fay." Harry told her sincerely and with regret, making Irene smile. "If there is anything I can do for you before you…"

"Just… Take care of my daughter, milord. I know that it is foolish of me to ask you of it, but…" Irene saw him nodding to her confidently, saying that he will do it. "Thank you. And now, if you may, I wish to say goodbye to Rias."

"Of course." He told her, as he moved away and towards Rias, before speaking up to her. "She wants to speak with you, Rias."

"Wh-what did she tell you?" She asked of him, but saw that he won't reveal it, she simply nodded to him and walked towards her.

Henry and the rest of them looked towards mother and daughter, with Rose casting a charm to let the two speak up uninterrupted, as well as to let their words be shared only amongst themselves. None of them could hear what was said, but when they saw a look of shock and despair on Rias, all of them understood that it was probably their last conversation. They saw how Rias was screaming, pleading and begging her mother, but Irene didn't yield her position, simply looking at her daughter with a smile and tears in her eyes, saying something to her which stopped Rias from preventing her to do what she needed to do. The next second, and Rias was magically pushed towards Henry, who understood what it meant, as he caught Rias and didn't let her go, no matter how much she resisted him and tried to get out.

"LET ME GO! No, Mother! Please, I beg you! Please don't do it! Don't do it! Mother!" Rias cried out in anguish and despair, unable to stop her mother, with Henry hold her tight.

Irene shared one last look with her daughter, giving her the warmest smile in the world, and with tears in her eyes, she used her magic on herself and did what needed to be done. Her form dissolved in a flare of energy, as it all went towards portal, closing it and finally healing the wound upon the reality. In a matter of a minute, the circle had finally disappeared and the sky was back to normal, with an eerie silence in the world being all that was left in its wake. That silence was only broken by the cries of a grieving daughter, held firm in the arms of Henry, as he offered whatever small comfort he could to her, with others looking at crying Rias and Henry holding her. None were able to say anything or offer any reprieve to ease the pain of what had happened, as they all had lost dear people in this war that was now over.

The war between Light and Dark was finally coming to a close, and neither of those were victors, and those that were now had the time to grieve and remember those that they lost in this war.

Five years later.

Henry stood on the battlements of his castle, overlooking the lands that surrounded his castle, with a small smile on his face as he breathed in the fresh morning air, brought by a sea breeze. There was not an ounce of stress or tense in his body, not a thought about schemes and plotting in his bright head, not even a thought about anything of dark nature. All that occupied his head was peace and happiness, both of which he now had in spades and enjoyed immensely. Just some five years ago he wouldn't have dreamt of just waking up and walk out to meet the new day without any plan or expecting something bad to come his way.

He never knew a live without grand plan or purpose, before he had finally won the war, and now that he has, he enjoyed the peace with his family and friends. The really did come to an end after the death of Dumbledore was announced and his crimes revealed in the fullest to the public. Given the fact that it was already no secret just what the man was responsible for, the public was happy to be rid of the man, with Ministry now firmly in hands of Amelia Bones moving towards modernization and progress.

With both the Dark and Light families completely decimated by the wars and defeat, the Wizengamot was quickly taken over by the Neutral Houses, who opted for moderation, stability and steady development of the society. The progress of modernization and a more equal in rights society was not rushed or immediate, but steady and natural, with caution and care being prioritized over fast results. But even though it may still take years for all the reforms to become reality, the progress was already made and results were starting to show themselves, as even now Muggleborns in Hogwarts could enjoy a far better status and safety from prosecution from anyone.

After having fully searched and secured Hogwarts from any and all its secrets and mysteries, Henry had opted to lend it back to Ministry a year after he seized it as a place of teaching, though with a far more modernized teaching program and more student safe environment. The teaching stuff was completely new, made up for modern professionals and who had experience in teaching young students, with Horace Slughorn as Headmaster of Hogwarts, a position he combines with being a Potions Teacher. The previous staff of Hogwarts was either fired or sent to prison, given their ties to Order of Phoenix and Dumbledore, with scarce few getting to enjoy retirement outside the cell, like Aurora Sinistra.

As for the Order itself, in months that had followed after the death of Dumbledore, the last of its members were finally caught and trialed by Wizengamot and Judicial Commission from ICW, to ensure that the justice was not compromised by personal feelings or some form of corruption. The most eager and active supporters of Dumbledore, like Weasleys and many wizards and witches like theme, were tried and over several hundred witches and wizards were sent into newly constructed prisons, guarded by wizards instead of any magical creatures or beings. Those that cooperated or surrendered willingly were mostly spared, getting out with fines and a proverbial slap on the wrists, allowing them to remain free and safe.

Though a great deal of Light families was out and about, they've had enough of Dumbledore and endless strife with Dark Houses, so they've welcomed a period of peace and progress, supporting it. As for the Dark families themselves, after the deaths of Voldemort, Death Eaters and Dumbledore, they were left in such low numbers and with so few supporters, that there simply were no way for them to protest the changes. With Houses like Rockwood, Yaxsley, Malfoy and many more gone, the entire political block of pureblooded bigots had evaporated, with the remaining Dark Families being forced to move and conform to the moderates. Left with no choice, the Light and Dark families had to let go of their old beliefs in good and evil, and instead embrace the grey side of the world and modernization as necessity to survive. With any luck, this would go a long way to finally establishing a lasting peace within Great Britain.

As for Henry himself, he had grieved and mourned the losses in this war much like most of his family did, before coming to live a life of peace and quiet, ruling his domain and remaining a firm ally of Amelia Bones and her party in Ministry. After the war was done, he had time to focus on the internal matters of his domain, dealing with trouble in it and smoothing the edges between magical races and Noble Houses under his command. It had taken him some time, but he managed to firmly establish his rule and loyalty of all people under his command, while also presenting a look of a strong, clever and bright ruler, with strong connections and allies.

Henry didn't involve himself much in the internal dealings of Ministry, only stepping in when Amelia required some assistance, which wasn't often. As for his family and allies, Henry still maintained contact with those that were still around and alive. Regulus and his family had opted to return back to USA, to their usual lives and peace there, with Henry maintaining contact with him and Faye from time to time. Cassiopeia went on to actually teach at Hogwarts as Transfiguration Professor, having been offered the post by Horace himself, and agreeing to it, while also pursuing her own interests in dark arts and so on. She had managed to lift the curse from the post of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, earning her praise and good reputation from the start.

Arcturus Black, due to his quite old age and stresses, had passed away two years after the war was over, dying in peace at the fact that most of the enemies of House Black were dead. He and Henry remained friends and companions in politics, and after the death of Arcturus, he had passed on the title of Lord Black to Henry, much to his own shock. As it turned out, Regulus wanted not to be Lord Black, and instead was more than happy to start up a Branch Family in America. He and Arcturus had long decided that Henry will see to House Black not disappearing and remaining the world, as well as prospering.

After the war was over, Bellatrix and Ted Tonks had both grieved over death of Andromeda and Nymphadora, both comforting each other, providing a trusting shoulder and helping hand to each other. It had taken them both several years to recover from the loss, but the two had managed to move with their lives, which, much to everyone's shock, they've decided to spend together. All thought that it was a spontaneous decision and not made in clear mind, but it was soon clear that Bella and Ted did care for each other and didn't have just grieve to bind them.

They wouldn't be able to forget about Andromeda, but they knew that she would want them both to be happy, and if it meant they were happiest together, and then they hopped that she would approve. Bella had long lost all her reservations about the muggles and Muggleborns, and given the fact that she lived in a muggle part of London, expecting her first with Ted child, it was safe to say that they were happy and content together.

As for Rose, after the war she had embraced her role as Lady Potter-Peverell, moving on to restore the House she was now running to the proper state. The years after the war had done wonders for her and she is now considered to be one of the most beautiful and intelligent witches of her generation and a prime target for all sorts of suitors. Rose, of course, knew of it, but simply ignored them all instead focusing on her life and making her way in the world, not interested in an early marriage like most of her peers at the time. She and Henry were still close, of course, though she had moved on to be more independent and self-reliant from her older brother, something that Henry had to come to terms with, but he didn't obstruct her from that. The two knew that they could always count on each other when the time comes, and if need be, they were always near each other for support.

And as for Henry himself, his life had most certainly become something out of a fairy tale to him, where all seem to end with a happy ending. He knew that his ending was a long way from coming, but it certainly felt like he was living one at the moment, and he couldn't help but embrace the peace and certain tranquility that it brought. With war over and allowing him to properly grieve the losses, he had managed to finally put away his life as Harry Potter completely and embraced Henry Le Fay without any trouble, along with his wives and family he was building now with them. It wasn't long after the war that the women in his life had wanted to solidify their relations and status with him, and Henry didn't object to it.

The first to become his official wife was Daphne Greengrass, with whom it was originally supposed to be just a marriage of convenience and mutual benefit, but it did grow into a union of care, trust and no small amount of affection. It took time and effort for the both, but now Henry and Daphne were just as much in love with each other as they've once hated each other in Hogwarts at one time. They didn't undermine each other and accepted who they were, and Daphne showed that while she was calculating, witty and clever, she could be caring, sensitive and loving towards her husband. Her parents and sister were happy for them both, and were eagerly expecting news about Daphne expecting a baby. She herself wasn't rushing Henry with it, but it was clear that the thought was a pleasing one for her, and for Henry, as she wanted to give him Heirs Slytherin and Greengrass.

Tracey didn't wait long after Daphne to marry Henry, and their marriage was just as happy as one could expect. Their love and devotion to each other had long blossomed and bloomed, and they were only too happy to embrace it in a marital way. Her and others' support was a great help to Henry when finally coming in terms with all that he lost and moving on with his life. Now he and Tracey enjoyed their lives, with the ebony goddess expecting their first child in a few months, with Henry and everyone else preparing to greet next Lord Prewett, as the title had been claimed years ago after the effective end of Weasleys by Henry without any trouble.

Alongside them, Henry, over the years, had found himself with two more women that became a part of his life and heart, with whom he wouldn't part in his life. The first one was, unexpectedly, Cornelia Lestrange, with whom Henry had begun to first become fully acquainted sometime after the war, providing her with protecting and help whenever she needed. It wasn't long though before Daphne and Tracey had figured out that their husband and the single mother from Hastingstown were starting to develop more fond feelings for each other. They didn't object to the union, and after a considerable period of courtship and coming in terms for Henry and Cornelia, and Bellatrix's blessing, the two married, making Cornelia Lady Black, while her son was now Lord Lestrange and a step son for Henry. Surprisingly, Henry proved to be a good father to the boy, much to delight of his mother, who was happy to have a supportive and loving husband, one that she was sure wasn't going to betray her.

And as for Lady Le Fay and arguably the most important Lady amongst them all, it turned out that none could fit the role better than the Lady that was born and raised in the House. His and Rias' relationship may've been tense and at times not as amicable as they wished, but they did work out their differences and work well together in the war time. After the war, with both of them having lost much in it and proving each other a needed emotional support and help, it didn't take long for both of them to discover that they weren't as opposed to joining their lines of House Le Fay into one. Only last year did they do so, and while most of the Wizarding World believed that it was done after a very long time of diplomacy between the two rivals, those that were close to the knew that it was done so only after Rias and Henry had fully consented to being in love for each other. In Rias, Henry found an equal in mind and power, as well as a person that could understand just as well as Tracey, if not even better.

Their marriage was affectionate and loving one, though the two liked to give off the impression to others that it was a necessary thing to happen. And while it was done so to make sure that House Le Fay was not to face civil war in the future, it was also a marriage out of love, just like the others, proven by the fact of Rias being the first of his wives to give birth to their child. Their daughter, bearing the name of her grandmothers, Irene Dorea Le Fay, was the jewel in their lives, one that Henry loved more than anything, weeping out of happiness when he first held her in his arms.

Henry's smile widened a little at the thoughts about his family and all that had transpired over the years. Thinking back to the time when he was in Azkaban, not even in the wildest dream did he expect himself to end up where he is now, and though the path here was not easy and without losses, he couldn't now imagine his life being different. Even if at times he missed Nym and Andromeda, he still had to admit to himself that right now, despite all the hardships that he faced, his life was good and he had earned it.

He breathed in a full chest of air, sensing the change in the air, with no ill omens coming with it. The sun rose, warming the lands and gifting Henry a sight to remember as it spread it's lights upon his lands.

It was going to be a good day for him and his family.

It was a good life, which he felt was only truly beginning for him.

It took me a month, and even then I couldn't do it properly and in a justified way, but I needed to see this finished, if I was to move on. I only hope that you won't hold it against me for doing you a disservice with this epilogue, but… I simply was spent with this story, one that I had taken into directions I didn't expect and made mistakes with that cost it's quality, as I believe. I can only hope and try to see my new story, Argent Knight of Pendragon, be done in a proper and good way, and I very much hope you help me with it by your support and reviews.

But, as it stands, this story is now officially and finally over, with Henry Le Fay receiving his happy ending, and one that he deserved after all that had happened. I thank you all very much for your support and help with this story, and I do very much hope you continue to be the supportive readers you are in the future. Thank you all very much.

The End.