Konoha forest, October 10, midnight.

"Damn you Yondaime! I will not be sealed into a ningen again!" The roar of anger echoed through the air as a massive nine-tailed fox lashed out against it's chains. Slitted red eyes glared at the small blonde standing on top of a large toad.

The Kyuubi couldn't believe this! After finally getting free of his prison, this ningen wants to put him back! That bastard Madara already wasted his precious time in making him destroy half of Konoha before he was teleported away by the Yondaime.

'I will not let this stand! I refuse!' The fox snarled, teeth dripping in saliva as his mouth opened and a bijuu bomb began to form. The Yondaime cursed, hands flying up and quickly going through hand seals. But before he could finish them a swirling vortex appeared right under him and the surrounding area, that included the Kyuubi.

The large fox grinned savagely as the vortex began to swallow everything around it.

The large toad croaked as black tendrils lashed at him. "We should get out of here Minato, before those nasty things catch us." The blonde nodded as he got ready to move. The Kyuubi, seeing his foe try and escape, lashed out and knocked the man off the toad.

"If I have to suffer, then you all get to join me!" Minato cursed as he fell right into the vortex, black tendrils ensnaring him and dragging him deeper into it.

'Damn it,' He thought just as he was engulfed in darkness. 'Kushina's sacrifice was all for not.' The Kyuubi roared in victory as he broke free of his binds and prepares to launch a Bijuu bomb at Konoha.

"This is the end!" But before he can launch it the vortex under him begins to bubble. The fox looks confused as the tendrils glow blue with chakra.

"What?!" The tendrils lash out and ensnare the massive bijuu, dragging it down toward its center.

"Why is this happening? It shouldn't be glowing this colour, unless." The fox roared as half his body was engulfed in blue chakra.

"Damn it!" Anyone watching would have been amazed at seeing the large bijuu get sucked into the earth and disappear.

Once the area quieted a group of shinobi appeared around the scene to search for survivors. One of them was the third, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had his monkey summons out to help with the search.

'Please be alive Minato, Kushina.' He thought before a shout rang through the air. "Third! We found someone." Hiruzen felt his heart tighten at seeing the cold body of his friend's wife.

"Keep searching, we might find the Yondaime." 'Hopefully alive,' He kept that part to himself as the group split.

"Hey blondie, open your eyes." Minato groaned as he cracked open his eyes, the darkness surrounding him making it harder to see.

"Look over here." A skeletal hand appeared in his vision and gripped his chin, forcing his head upwards.

The grinning maw of the Shinigami greeted him. "Pretty bold of you to try and save yourself from this void blondie, but the only good it did was trap the Kyuubi in here with you." It pointed over it's shoulder to the chained up bijuu. It once more turned it's attention to the trapped shinobi.

"Well, it also saved your life too." The shinigami let him go and crossed his arms.

"Now what am I supposed to do with you three?" "Three? I only see the Kyuubi and myself here." The being sighed before a small, cloth covered bundle dropped into Minato's arms.

"Your son got sucked in too." Minato hissed as he clutched his son protectively to his chest. "Calm your tits Yondaime, I don't harm children."

The shinigami sighed as he conjured up a chair and sat down.

"Now, what are gonna do with you? I can't send you back home cause that's out of my district, can't send you to the after life cause you aren't dead." He rubbed his temples in annoyance before an idea popped into his mind.

"Wait a second." A large glowing orb appeared in his skeletal hands and the shinigami hummed.

"This changes everything." Looking up at the shinobi and then at the kyuubi he snapped his fingers.

The Kyuubi suddenly lurched forward and roared as he was ripped in half and sealed inside both Minato and his son. "Wha?" Minato coughed as the demonic chakra filled him, tainting his own chakra.

The Shinigami rolled his shoulders as he finished the sealing.

"What? Wasn't that your intention in the first place? To seal the bastard fox?" He muttered under his breath as he snapped his fingers.

A swirling portal appeared right in front of the duo. The Shinigami clapped his hands and instantly Minato was hurling right towards it at break neck speeds.

He clutched on tightly to his son as he disappeared right into the portal. The swirling mass vanished and the Shinigami was all alone.

"Hmm, maybe I should have given the guy a warning on where he was headed." Golden eyes peeked out from under the hood before he shrugged.

"Eh, it's much more entertaining this way." Giving the void one last look the shinigami left to who knows where to keep an eye on Minato.