Here's the next chapter! Hope you like it!!



Splinter smiles warmly and nods. Leo gave a genuine smile and sips the tea he had finally gotten back from Mikey. Mikey snuggled into Leo and smiled, falling asleep in his brother's protective embrace. Leo smiles down at his baby brother.

Maybe things are going to be okay. But one can only hope.


Leo and Mikey have had a relatively calm rest-of-the-day.

They had sat in a calm, comfortable silence with Master Splinter. Mikey woke up half an hour after sleeping and had tried to steal the tea a few more times before eventually just going to asking Leo for a sip. After they had stayed in the dojo for a little while, Leo had thanked the ninjutsu master, picked Mikey up, and walked out to the pit.

Leo had sat on the bench while Mikey played video games with Raphael, the red-banded turtle. The two gamers were laughing and shoving each other. While Leo tensed every time Mikey got shoved, he was glad his brother was happy. But Leo was dealing with other unwanted emotions. He was secretly anxious and afraid of the mutant family, wondering if they would be like his parents. Unaccepting and abusive.

The rest of that day had been calm and a little stressful for Leo. Not that he would show and tell. April and Casey had gone home after they got a call from their parents. April had given the Smiths a hug. The two then left the Lair.

Leo and Mikey had gone into April's guest room that night with happy hearts. They were glad that this family did not hurt them. But Leo did not hold those expectations too high. You never know when they will strike.

This all leads to right now. Midnight. Leo was lying awake with Mikey cuddled up against him, sleeping peacefully with a smile. Leo's thoughts were racing. He was thinking of the times where his father and mother were nice to him when he had not ruined their perfect family. Then he started thinking on how all Mikey knew was the bad side of their father and the fact their mother left them. He let out a quiet hiccup.

Leo silently cried himself to sleep that night.



"Mommy, why are you angry? Is it because of me?"

"What do you think?"

"Mommy, what did I do?"

"You never seem to understand, Luna. You. Are. My. Daughter. Nothing will ever change that. Stop with this little phase you're going through."

"But, mommy, my name is Leo."



Leo jolted awake and sat up with a gasp. He placed a hand on his chest, his eyes darting around. He slowly calmed down as he saw no real threat. Leo laid back down on the bed with an exasperated sigh. He hates those nightmares.

Leo felt around on the bed with his hand, looking for something his sleep-muddled brain could not think of. When his eyebrows furrowed and he could not seem to find what he was looking for, he sat up and looked at the empty spot on the bed. His brain buffered for a bit before his mind seemed to realize something. Leo's breath hitched and his eyes widened as they darted around the room.


Leo scrambled out of bed and ran out of the room. He checked the pit, hiccuping when he did not see Mikey. His breathing grew rapid as he rushed around. He skidded to a stop when he heard voices coming from a room in front of him. The kitchen!

Leo followed the voices and saw Mikey eating cereal with Raph and Donnie. Leo breathed deeply and walked over to Mikey, sitting in the empty seat beside his baby brother. Everything went quiet when Leo leaned over and hugged Mikey. Leo's breath hitched in his throat.

"Don't leave me alone," Leo hoarsely whimpered.

Mikey nodded and gave his big brother a comforting smile, crawling into his Leo's lap. Leo lays his forehead to Mikey's and closes his eyes, breathing deeply. He does not want to lose Mikey. Not now. Not ever.

Mikey placed his hand on Leo's head and ran his fingers through his brother's hair. The two turtle brothers watched as Leo relaxed at his baby brother's touch. They chose to ignore the private moment between the two brothers, feeling as though they should not intrude.

When Leo pulled away from Mikey, Donnie thought it was a sign that he could talk to them. Donnie looked at Leo and asked, "Would you like anything for breakfast, Leo?"

Leo thought for a moment, then replied with, "Just a piece of buttered toast, if that's okay."

"Of course," Donnie reassures with a smile.

While Donnie prepared Leo's breakfast for Leo, Raph watched as Leo flinched a little with every movement. He saw Leo go to reach for his back, then panic and place his hand on Mikey.

"Ya alright, Leo?" Raph asked with a tilt of his head.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Leo stuttered, looking away.

Donnie turned from buttering the piece of toast to look at Leo. He hummed as he saw Leo's stiff movements, then remembered Leo's story from the day they arrived in the Lair. Donnie placed Leo's plate on the table and sat in the chair Mikey was originally sitting in.

"I can take a look at your back if you'd like. It shouldn't take long," Donnie offered to Leo.

Leo tensed and exhaled his next breath shakily. "N-No, thank you," Leo shuddered.

Donnie just nodded and stood up. "Well, I'll be in my lab if anyone needs me," Donnie told everyone, walking out of the kitchen. Raph walked out of the kitchen without a word, leaving Leo and Mikey alone. Mikey continued eating his cereal while Leo ate his toast, nibble by nibble. Leo kept one arm wrapped around Mikey in the reassurance that he was still there.


"Hey, guys," April greeted the twin turtles as she walked into the Lair with Casey.

Donnie and Raph were just about to walk into their designated areas, Donnie in his lab and Raph in his room, when they heard their friends walk in through the turnstiles.

"Hey, April. Casey," Donnie greeted with a smile.

"Sup, Case. Hey, April," Raph said as he nodded his head in greeting.

" Where's Leo and Mikey?" April asked Donnie.

"Oh, they're eating breakfast in the kitchen," Donnie replies.

April and Casey headed towards the kitchen with their backpacks on their backs and two others in April's hands.

"Thank you, Donnie," April thanked with a smile.

"You're welcome," Donnie called back as he headed into his lab. Raph went into his room and closed the door.

April and Casey walked into the kitchen and saw something that left them with warm hearts. Leo and Mikey were sitting at the table eating with Mikey on Leo's lap. But that did not fill them with warmth. The fact that Leo was genuinely smiling, no matter how small it may be, was something that made April and Casey immensely happy.

Leo looked over to the doorway when he sensed himself being watched. He waved at his friends and nudged Mikey to greet them. When Mikey saw who was at the doorway, he jumped from Leo's lap and raced over, hugging the legs of April.

"Hiya, Apey! Hiya, Casey!" Mikey shouted with glee.

April laughed and tousled Mikey's hair. Casey swooped down and grabbed Mikey, flinging him up in the air and catching him. Mikey giggled and squealed when he was thrown.

April smiled and turned back to Leo, only to frown as she saw Leo looking at Mikey with a panicked, protective expression. April walked over to Leo and sat beside him in a chair. Leo looked over at April and twitched his lip into what he hoped was a smile. Seeing as April did not look convinced, Leo dropped his smile and looked away.

April gave a gentle smile to Leo and handed him the backpacks. One is an orange and white bag and another being a galaxy bag.

"You left your bags at your house, so Casey and I grabbed them for you. Your dad wasn't home so... Yeah," April gave a huff and smiled at Leo.

Leo took the backpacks and gave April an appreciative look. Outwardly, Leo seemed calm. But on the inside, Leo was panicking. He stood up from his chair, grabbing his half-eaten toast and Mikey's soggy cereal and threw them away. He placed the dishes in the sink. Leo walked over to Mikey and helped him put his orange and white backpack on.

Mikey grinned up at Leo, making Leo lift the corner of his mouth into a half-smile. Leo put one of his backpack straps over his right shoulder and held Mikey's hand with his left hand. Mikey and Leo followed Casey and April to the entrance of the Lair. Leo gave one last distraught look to the Lair, then turned and walked out with Mikey and his friends.


Once Leo, Mikey, April, and Casey reached Mikey's school, Mikey clung to Leo's leg and seemed reluctant to let go. Leo knelt down and gently coaxed Mikey to head on in. Mikey gave one last tight hug to Leo, then breathed deeply and walked into the school.

Leo stood up and breathed shakily. He turned and looked down at the sidewalk. April, Casey, and Leo walked to Roosevelt High School in a tense, yet comfortable silence.

They reached high school just in time for the school bell to ring, meaning breakfast was over. Good thing they all ate before heading to school.

The three teenagers headed to their lockers, which were conveniently next to each other. Leo opened his locker and went to place his bag on the hook when his rib cage pulsed in pain. April and Casey watched as Leo winced and wrapped his arm around his rib cage, setting his bag on the floor. Leo took in a careful breath. His pain eased with each passing second until it stopped.

"Leo..." April soothingly scolded.

Leo flinched and looked away, glancing at April sadly from the corner of his eyes. His sapphire-blue eyes filled with tears and he faced his locker so he could hide the ones that slipped out.

"I-I know I have to take it off so it doesn't hurt, but... I-I didn't have anything to change into and... It's the closest thing I have to feel like me," Leo choked out through his tears.

April and Casey looked on in sympathy. They glanced at each other, communing through their eyes how much they wished they could help their best friend. April turned back to Leo and laid a comforting hand on his back.

"I have a spare in my gym locker. Let's head there so you can use it, okay?" April offered in a soft tone.

Leo whimpered and jerked his head side to side. He wrapped both arms around himself. He started hyperventilating as he backed away from his locker. The halls have emptied of all the students as they were already in class. Leo backed into the wall and slowly slid down. He pulled his legs to his chest, his arms still around his torso, and banged his head against the wall. Hard.

April and Casey rushed over to Leo. Leo banged his head with gritted teeth a few more times before Casey placed his hand behind Leo's head. Leo then resorted to scratching at his arms. His arms started to bleed a little until April grabbed Leo's hands and held them in his.

That's when Leo broke down.

Loud, heartbreaking sobs escaped Leo's throat as he laid his forehead on his knees. April and Casey could only watch in pure sadness as their friend broke down in front of them.

"I want Mikey," Leo croaked out.

"Leo, Mikey's in school-"

"I WANT MIKEY!!" Leo screamed, cutting April off.

Leo started to thrash in the hold his friends had on him. April and Casey tried to keep a hold on him, but Leo was a little too strong for them. Leo banged his head on the wall while making attempts to scratch at his arms again. Tears streamed down his face like waterfalls, his sobbing increasing in volume.

All of this caught the attention of a hall monitor.

The hall monitor radioed to the nurse about the situation, told her where it was taking place, then walked over to the three teens. He knelt down in front of them, catching April and Casey's attention.

"What's going on here?" the hall monitor asked.

April was going to reply when Leo whimpered and stared wide-eyed at the adult. His body trembled in fear of what he was seeing that was not really there.

"Get away from me," Leo whispered at the monitor.

"Now, son. Calm down. It's oka-"


All of a sudden, Leo twisted out of April and Casey's hold and jumped about five feet in the air over the three people before twisting and landing with his knees bent in a crouch. Leo stood up and wrapped his arms around himself, scratching at them as they bled. He backed into his locker and banged his head over and over.

When the nurse finally arrived at the scene, she saw April and Casey helplessly trying to find out what to do for their friend while the hall monitor, Mr. Davidson, radioed one of the school's best psychologists, Ms. Miller.

The nurse, Mrs. Audrie Adams, walked over to Leo and gently spoke to the teen.

"Hey, it's okay. I need you to take a deep breath for me. Okay?" the nurse consoled.

Leo squeezes his eyes shut and shook his head erratically. He did not want to listen to her. He did not want to listen to anyone. All he wanted was Mikey.

"I want Mikey," Leo sobbed out.

Mrs. Adams, Mr. Davidson, and the now-arrived Ms. Miller looked at Leo confused. They turned to April and Casey.

"Who is Mikey?" Ms. Miller asked April.

"His baby brother. He goes to River East Elementary. Mikey usually calms Leo down when he's like this. Michelangelo Smith is five years old," April informed the three staff.

The excessive banging of his head made Leo's head start to bleed. His head and arms were now pulsing with pain as he kept banging his head and scratching at the mildly bleeding skin on his arms.

"We might have to pull the child out of school for this if he is the only one to calm down Leo, you said his name was?" Mrs. Adams said, to which April nodded.

"I'll call the school. I'll be right back," Ms. Miller called to the other people in the hallway, running off to her office.

All the others could do now was watch as Leo continued to abuse himself with bodily harm.


It did not take long for a staff member at River East Elementary to drop Mikey off at Roosevelt High once they heard the situation. When Mikey was informed his big brother was in a full-blown panic/anxiety attack, he had frowned in worry and stood up, making his way to his classroom door and waited for someone to take him to his brother.

Once they had reached the school, Mikey had bolted out of the car and into the building. He listened for the sound of banging and followed it. The staff member from the elementary school chased after Mikey as the five-year-old ran down the halls.

When Mikey reached Leo, his eyes teared up in how much pain his brother seemed to be in. He ran towards Leo and tackled the poor boy into a hug. Leo jerked in surprise and stopped banging his head and scratching his arms when he felt something grasping his legs.

Leo looked down and felt immense relief when he saw Mikey clinging to him. Leo knelt down and hugged Mikey as if his life depended on it. Mikey did not mind the blood as he rubbed Leo's head. He was worried about his brother and knew Leo needed medical attention, but his big brother needs him more.

So Mikey stood there and rubbed Leo's head in comfort, minding the wound, as the teenage boy cried on his shoulder. The staff, April, and Casey were happy when Leo stopped harming himself. The nurse went to walk towards the two boys to check the teen's wounds, but April and Casey stopped her.

"He needs this right now, ma'am," Casey answered to the nurse's confused stare.

"Yeah. Let him have this moment with his baby brother," April added with a soft smile.

Everyone just sat back and watched as the poor teen and the little boy clung to each other as if they were the only things left in their own worlds.


After Mikey had successfully calmed down his big brother, Leo had finally taken notice of the staff in the hallway. He looked around at them confused, then let out a pained cry when he felt pulsing pains coming from his head and his arms.

The nurse had walked up to him and gently consoled him to her office to take care of his wounds. Mikey had followed behind, even if he was told not to by the staff from his school, and had sat protectively next to Leo on a cot in the nurse's office.

April and Casey stood beside Leo and Mikey, watching worriedly for their friend. Leo had his arms wrapped around Mikey, wishing nobody had seen his meltdown earlier.

Leo flinched as the nurse started cleaning his head wound, but otherwise stayed still and clung to Mikey as the nurse tended to him. Mrs. Adams finished wrapping Leo's head and arms, then stepped away. Leo slowly looked up from Mikey and looked at everyone in the room. He looked back down at Mikey and carefully got off the cot, keeping one hand on Mikey.

"We're gonna have to call his father down here to take him home," Ms. Miller said.

This sparked another panicked reaction from Leo and Mikey.

Leo and Mikey both shook their heads frantically, trying to display the message that they did not want to go home to their father. Ms. Miller frowned at the display.

"And why is that?" Ms. Miller asked softly.

"Leo, would you like to come home with me and Casey?" April asked Leo, ignoring the psychologist's question.

Leo nodded and exhaled his held-in breath, picking Mikey up and holding him tightly. Leo dreaded seeing his father. He hoped he would not have to.

He is glad to have April and Casey as his friends.