Sorry for the delay, but I had some summer stuff going on that kept me busy and then classes came up! But here I am, back again!

Chapter 6: Conflicting Sides

"Please! Please! I don't want to talk about that anymore! I don't want to think about that person! Just stop...please stop!" the man frantically yelled in a panic, clearly traumatized and making it difficult for him to be questioned by the police. Rather, they were trying to question him about the incident with Yu Kurobane over a week ago, but they were getting nowhere. His words were frantic and unintelligible, and he wasn't giving any useful information. It was like part of his sanity had eroded.

"I don't think we will get anything good or significant out of him" one man in a military uniform said as they looked into the interrogation room from the observation room. Beside him was a woman who also looked military. wearing a military uniform and everything. "It appears he knows nothing of the strange occurances that have been happening in the city, and his memory is too fragmented to remembered what happened at the epicenter".

"So, we only have a name to go with. The girl, Yu Kurobane".

"What about the hospital records?"

"Although they remembered her name, and kept their eyes on her, there was another strange power surge at the hospital, and as a result, her patient data was completely deleted. All we have is that she has green hair, and is quite rebellious. Apparently she didn't wear any girl clothing, or acted like a girl at all".

"Hmmm...between that behavior, and that hair color, we should be able to find her easily".

"Well, we do know of a Yu Kurobane already...however, that one is a boy according to his records".

"So a different person then...unless, they were mistaken?"

"Maybe...should we investigate?"

The two decided to move onwards, leaving the observation room and heading towards the exit, when they ran into someone they did not expect.

"Well now, if it isn't Aki-kun?"

The two looked down at the young boy who stood there, not flinching or being intimidated by their presence.

"Hello Criminal...or should I call you Director of the JSDF's Special Research Division?"

"Ooooh….you have quite the attitude, boyo".

"Says the arrogant one, Reaper".

"...come on you two, this is a police station, not a debate hall. We have to get going".

Aki watched them leave, and then he heard his phone ding. He took it out and checked the notifications.

"So, it looks like the rumors are true after all".

", what is the plan exactly?" Yu asked as they looked at the map of the area where Greedmon supposedly was. "Even if they will let us in, I feel like a bunch of elementrary schoolers would stand out...especially Sola".

"Its a good question. How do we infiltrate this place anyways?"

"We could just break in and cause a bunch of chaos".

"...I could hack into the system and we could investigate remotely".

"We could try getting spyware onto the phones of the people who go in there and investigate that way".

"...none of those sound particularly, infiltration really is the only route, huh?"

"Hold on. I bet if Yu dressed up as a girl he could distra…"

"Absolutely denied, Yuri-chan".

"Awww...but it would totally work".

Aside from Sola, the other boys knew deep down it absolutely would work, but neither of them wanted to admit it.

"Hmmm...our biggest obstacle is the opponents strength. We absolutely cannot go in there without all of us. We will need all of our power to stand a chance against this foe".

"So, we need an infiltration route that gets everyone into an illegal casino that the cops have not been able to shut down yet..."

"...wait, hold on. Maybe that is it..."

And so, a few hours later, there was a large commotion going on in the casino. At the center of it, there was one person, an older male in his mid fourties maybe, at one of the tables. However, it certainly was not his looks that was attracting attention, but his luck.

That was because, in the last few days, he came in with about one thousand, and currently had over five million.

No one could see any method he was using to cheat, and a lot of people were looking for it. However, to their observations, this was pure luck he was using.

And in that commotion, Yu and the others were able to sneak in easily. In fact, security and staff were super nice to them even, offering them drinks, food, and such. And why was that? It was because each and every one of them was equipped with a camera, pointed at Greedmon.

Yes, their cover story was that they were hired by an anonymous client to investigate how he was cheating. Using children to spy was nothing new, especially for this casino. If anything, it stopped their customers from trying to rip them off as much. Because of that, they blended in perfectly. Hell, they were not even the only kids there with video cameras. There were like twenty other normal kids, scattered across the casino, doing the same thing they were. At least from what they could see. For an underground casino, it was lavish and nice, and really big. They were probably paying the police off or something like that.

Incidentally, they had all changed their styles and such a little so they would not be recognized outside of this place, or be recognized either. Some had done a quick dye of their hair, something that they could wash out later. Yu still refused to dress as a girl, but he had his hair down begrudgingly. Even though he was dressed in boy's clothes, a few people still refered to him as a girl which annoyed him.

"So, have we confirmed anything yet?"

"If I had to guess, since not a single person has yet to spot how he is cheating, and since I seriously doubt Greedmon is playing honestly, he is likely using his Digimon powers to cheat somehow. He might be transforming the cards when he touches them while they are face down, or something like that".

"Have we even confirmed that it is Greedmon?"

Alphamon looked at him from the Digiwatch.

"I cant tell...but there is a strange presence here. Granted, we cant really trust anything Lustmon tells us, but...given the amount of money he is accumulating, its possible. Still, I wonder if he is holding himself back? He never knew this kind of restraint in the Digital World...has he weakened?"

"...he went from one thousand to five million. That is restraint?"

"There are seven of us and one of him, but I still feel like we are at a Disadvantage".

"Ouuu….whatcha talkin about?" a boy asked Yu from behind as he walked up to him, holding his own video camera. "Ahh, you are after Gold-san, huh?"

Yu turned to look at the boy, who just smiled at him. The boy had brown hair and brown eyes, with a bit of a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yeah...he sure has been winning a lot huh. Hired to find out how he was doing it?"

Something about the boy seemed familiar to Yu...but he couldn't quite place it.

"Come on, boy to boy here. Tell me what you have seen so far? Anything interesting? You seem more observant then that camera there".

"Ummm….sorry, nothing yet" Yu said, feeling as if something might be off.

"I see...well, let me know if that changes!" the boy replied, walking off again. "Oh, and be careful! You never know when things might get rough here, so you might want to leave soon".

"...I would be careful around that one. He is not normal" Alphamon said after the boy had left.

"What makes you say that?"



"...he reffered to you as a boy...with your hair down".

That was when it hit Yu, he did refer to him as a boy. He was able to tell he was a boy. Everyone always made that mistake at the start...but he didn't.

"So either he already knew who I was, or he is extremely perceptive".

"And that's not the only odd thing...Yu, there are several armed men in here that are not a part of security".

"...I was noticing that as well. Think they are private security for the guests? Maybe a hit team to take out Greedmon for winning so much? Revenge?"

"MAybe, although they seem almost...military".

"Military...wait, hold on..."

Yu immediately opened communications back up with the others.

"Tatsuo-kun. That program we use to track Digimon Disturbances...the electrical disturbances themselves are not much right? Like, you only noticed because of experience?"

"Yeah. I only figured it out thanks to that...though, it might be possible that larger distortions might attract attention from others. Why?"

"Al...that boy, you dont think maybe that was a subtle warning, do you?"

"I that's what is going on".

"...wait, what is going on?"

"There is a good chance...the JSDF or some secret security force is here in the casino, preparing to strike at and capture Greedmon".

"Hold on!? You mean, Military People?!"

"Digimon is one thing, but we cant fight the military. We especially should not let the military see us".

"So we should bug out?"

"We do that now, and who knows what they even understand the sort of mess they are walking into?"

"...they might, if they connected it to the creature sightings. Either way, if we all suddenly leave, it might be suspicious and call attention to us. We should slowly pull out".

"But we also dont know if the Military and their weapons will even be effective against Digimon".

"Then, there is one method we might have...but we better hurry and get ready".

In the elevator headed down into the casino, there were a group of five people dressed in military gear heading down to the ground floor, all of them with weapons of some kind. However, the fifth was a bit different from everyone else, in the fact that he was considerably younger, and next to him was a Digimon. The Rookie Digimon, Commandramon, was the partner to this boy, whose mother was actually in charge of this unit.

"We have detected a dangerous Digimon down here. High power levels, higher then anything seen before. No confirmed distortion, but our source tells us its legit. We are to capture, but do not let him escape. We cannot fail. If anyone sees anything they shouldn't, make sure to capture them. We will find a way to keep them from talking after that".


And so, the elevator stopped as it reached the floor they had set. Immediately as they came out, the signal was given, and smoke and stun grenades were tossed by undercover operatives already there. They would capture the target, and anyone who managed to see anything top secret. If resistance was to be put up, then Zerato Lizardra would take charge with his Digimon while they backed him up.

And so, they entered the casino floor wearing gasmasks and such, built with optics to help them see through the smoke. However...

"The gone?"

"How did...quickly, check everyone! Question everyone!"

However, for all appearances, it seemed that he had just disappeared. In all the commotion, no one had seen a thing. And no one had noticed a number of children had disappeared either.

And that was because at this moment, they were all in a Digital Zone they had created.

"Well looks like I had quite a few people after me. What did I do wrong exactly?"

"I saw keep enticing people somehow to play cards with you, and then take all the money they have on them".

"And you were using your Digimon powers to cheat".

"...confirmed scum. We are dealing with you now, before you become a threat to innocent people".

" you brought seven of you to defeat me...well too bad, seven wont be enough!"

In that instant, everyone materialized their Digimon. At the same time, Greedmon transformed into his Digimon form. It still had a humanoid appearance, but it clearly was not human. He appeared to be a scheming old man who appeared to be all sorts of scum and evil. His skin was also blue and his ears pointed, and he also was wearing some suit that appeared to be super fancy but also a bit buffed.

"Now...allow me to show you my power! Snatch!"

All of a sudden, Yu and Yuri who were close to each other suddenly went red in the face.

"Oh no! Be careful! He can use that power to go through your outer layer and sap your strength!"

"That...that is not what he did!"

"GIve us back our underwear you jerk!"

"What, there are clothes that people wear under their clothes...humans truly are a strange matter!"

It appeared he had bypassed one layer, only to steal another. In retrospect, not having their strength sapped at the very start was a good thing for the battle, but Yu and Yuri were not happy at all with this development.

"Digi-Link Activate! Time to play some tunes, Musimon!"

"...Digi-Link Activate. Beginning analysis and breakdown".

"Digi-Link Activate. Supporting and monitoring enemy status".

"You have some interesting abilities! Perhaps I should take them as well!"

"Analysis: Greedmon's ability allows him to take things from his enemy, from their strength to objects in their possession...hold on, its rated as a low ability?"

"Of course...that's because Digimon dont wear clothes. Those that appear to have clothes...well, its kind of a part of them as well" Al explained. "Even our weapons are usually made of our power, and while his ability is indeed dangerous...its probably more effective on humans then Digimon".

"...I am sick of this guy...Digi-Link Activate! Sword!"

Yu took out his bamboo sword and turned it into a real sword. He seemed especially agitated now.

"Hold on Yu! Dont play into that! He is trying to lure us in!".

"Fine...then everyone, Bombardment attacks!"

At this point, all of their Digimon all attacked at the same time, unleashing a severe and brutal attack on them. However...he waved his arm and knocked it all away.

"Hiya!" Yu shouted as he swung his sword right into the arm. However, he was also knocked away. Kanji tried next to attack while he was still countering Yu, but Greedmon countered him as well. Their Digimon even joined in, trying to take advantage of the opening, but it was no good. Sola ran over to Yu out of concern, while Nini helped Kanji.

"There is just way too much strength...we need to amplify our power..."

" are we supposed to do that so suddenly. Supposedly, we powered up from the sports Festival...but..."

"Well, how about you try using the Digi-Link itself?" a familiar voice asked, as the one who talked to Yu earlier stepped out of the shadows. "After all, isn't the entire point of the Digi-Link to provide support. Isn't that right, Cluemon?"

And so, right in front of them...another Human with a Digimon had appeared.

"You should hurry though, he is about to unleash an ultimate attack" Cluemon added. Yu and Sola looked at each other.

"You ready for this?"

"Of should be great if best friends do it, right?"

"Yeah...okay, lets go!"

Suddenly, their Digivices both responded to that.

"Digital Link Established. Datasharing Activated. Link Digivolution Engaged".

Suddenly, data started flowing between Musimon, Kotemon, Yu, and Sola. Immediately, huge spheres of Digital Energy engulfed them.

"Kotemon Link Digivolve to..."

"Musimon Link Digivolve to..."

The two of them suddenly started passing through the rings, as data was shared between them. The data that they had, that each other lacked. The data that Yu and Sola possessed, that would enhance their power. The bonds of friendship between them all.



ANd so, with a shockwave as the energy dispersed, the two Champion Level Digimon revealed themselves.

"And now, power up with the power of my Digi-Link! Dance to the musical beats!"

"Alright...lets do this!"

"YOu think that...sharing...the power of sharing and friendship can defeat me?!"

"...well, we were not thinking that in those words..."

"...he really is a lame old man".


He tried to punch Gladimon and Mediamon, but the two managed to dodge out of the way. Gladimon slashed at Greedmon, and unlike previously, was able to do serious damage. Mediamon meanwhile enhanced the attack while also firing powerful sonic waves. The attacks seemed to be doing their mark, but...not fast enough. Greedmon launched another attack and practically knocked Yuri and Nini to near unconsciousness. Tatsuo and Kyoko found themselves fired upon next, but they were able to defend against it in time.

"His defenses are strong! We are having trouble accessing his data or getting weakpoints on him!"

He then went in for another attack, but were blocked by Salamon and FanBeemon, although they got pretty hurt in the process.

Aki however jumped forward at this time, manifesting some sort of digital pistol and fired several rounds at his head. This seemed to annoy him, but it was more of a distraction as Aki hit his real target...the wallet he was carrying with him. In that instant, it seemed he took some serious damage.

"As expected...his wealth is his power. Harm his wealth, harm his power".

"As expected of a great detective!"

"He really is smart and dreamy!"

Yu then overheard some things from some of the girls in his group.

" girls really like that stuff?"

"Lately, boy detectives has been an increasingly popular trend, especially young ones, in manga and anime. So a real life one is going to be super popular".

"...huh...I guess I am just unpopular then".

"No, you are just popular with different groups and crowds for the most part..." Kanji muttered, leaving out the part that it was mainly with those who thought he was a girl, or major kendo fans. Or himself, not that he would admit it, for many of those reasons, being someone who is a fighter himself after all.



""Combination Attack on his weakspot!""

The two combined their power and charged forth. Greedmon tried to dodge them, but...

"Aoimon! Restraint!"

Suddenly, police handcuffs appear from the ground and grabbed the arm he was using to attack, retraining it.

"No! I cant lose! I will have everything!"

Those were his words as his weakspot was struck, inflicting large amounts of damage. However...something felt off...

"This guy...isn't he just a bit too weak?" Aki asked, clearly picking up on it. "Wasn't he ultimate or whatever level?"

"Yeah...the way we were told, this guy should have been more powerful..."

"More powerful?! He blew us away with a single hit!"

"And he nearly took us out as well! My firewall shattered in an instant!"

"Yeah...but he was definently weaker..."

Suddenly, a massive digital distortion appeared at the edge of the Digital Zone.

"What the...what is going on?!"

"Someone is way...its some sort of military forces?!" Al shouted, warning everyone.

"What the...ah!" Yu mentioned, taking a step forward and then collapsing to his hands and knees. Sola also did the same, while Gladimon and Mediamon de-Digivolved.

"Its the Digi-Link...our first Digivolution...must have been too much to handle".

Again? COme on...I have trained and trained...I cant just let the Digi-Link exhaust me again!

Having already collapsed once from using the Digi-Link, Yu did not want to accept collapsing again so soon and so easily, but his whole body felt heavy.

"Hold on...we cant let the military see who we are!"

"But, as evil as he was, we cant let them capture Greedmon right?"

"Then we will use the Capture Device".

At those words, everyone shot Aki a look.


" didn't know about the capture, I will show you".

Aki then pressed one of the buttons on the Digiwatch, and then selected an option that appeared.

"Capture Device...on!" he voice activated, as a strange floating top shot out of his Digi-Watch and circled around Greedmon, creating a ring of energy that eventually closed in around him and trapped him. He seemed to turn into an orb of some kind, which was then stored inside the Digi-Watch. However...the breach had already begun.

"What these things come with disguises?!"

"That would be nice!"

"Enabling Identity Protection Mode" their Digi-watches replied, as masks based on the design of their Digiwatches appeared on their faces. Immediately after, the Digital Zone was busted into, with military or paramilitary forces storming into the place.

"Targets located! Primary target missing!"

"Everyone, hands up and surrender!"

"What?! Why us?!"

"YOu are all under arrest for the illegal housing of alien creatures and illegal immigrants, and for being a danger to the public!"

"That's total bull!"

"Those creatures did not immigrate through the proper channels, did they?" a boy closer to their age spoke out. "Unlike Commandramon here who was cleared, that is".

"Someone like us?"

"Seriously? This is problematic".

"It explains how they broke into the Digital Zone though".

"Now, hands up and surrender!"

Yu looked over to Aki.

"...this isn't good..."

"Don't worry...a good detective always has an escape plan..."

"...what do escape plans have to do with being a detective".

"It helps you anticipate other's escape plans".

"...I kknow you are a detective, but is that really safe?"

"Says the kendo master who wanders dangerous alleys and beats up thugs who attack him, among a group of people who use digital creatures to fight other digital creatures?"

"All of you, stop talking!"

"Sorry, we needed to kill some time for the smoke bombs to go off!"

In that instant, the smoke bombs in question did go off, and the entire area was filled with smoke. In this moment, they all took the chance to leave the Digital Zone and enter the real world, entering right outside the doors by the elevator.

"Dont take the elevator! Its probably locked down! Stairs, stairs!" Aki warned them. The group quickly followed him, and successfully managed to escape the trap.

"It looks like they somehow managed to escape...not sure how they knew to set the smoke bombs up though" one of the soldiers reported.

"Someone with careful planning...I wonder..." Zerato muttered, thinking back on the group. They all had masks on, but for some reason other details were hard to remember as well. The girl with green hair...two other girls to the side...a boy girl pair in the back, and a few others...but one of htem….

Could that have been Aki? I wonder...maybe, just maybe...this will need to be reported at once.

And so, he decided to go and deliver his report of what happened. However, there was still something bothering him about all this...

"So you call yourselves the Digi-Warriors huh? That's a...decent name" Aki Shirogami mentioned as they were sitting and resting at a playground. "And this Greedmon….he was one of a group that seems to be causing problems around here?"

"Pretty much. There are still four others, though...he seemed weaker then he should be".

"Indeed" Al mentioned. "Aki, can we see his data? I think we need to analyze it".

"Sure" Aki replied, bringing up Greedmon's data. Al immediately started to scan it.

" looks like he had weakened, but was recovering. It appears that he recently took some damage when that incident occurred...but it looks like he was starting to recover".

"I your saying that the more time passes, the stronger these guys will get until they return to original strength?"

"Yes, exactly. Although, if we have to worry about the Military tracking the same things we are, we might have a problem".

"At the very least, things are more complicated then before..."

ALmost instantly, their Digimon Detector App started to go off once more. Everyone took it out and looked at it, but...well, they quickly rechecked and made sure that the information was right.

"What is it...what is going on?"

"According to this...there is a Digimon a hot springs location near us..."

"Sounds like a fun adventure. Besides, no offense...but it kind of looks like we need some bonding time. The teamwork was kinda low, excluding some pairs".

" are joining us?!"

"Sure. Seems like fun, and best to work in groups right?"

And so, their group got another new member...unaware of the next member they would be getting would be at the very destination they were headed to.