Most of my Starfire/Robin characters are an amalgamation of every version of them (comics and animated movies and cartoon). Here's a nostalgic fanfic, written with Cartoon Network's 2003 Teen Titans version purely in mind.

A/N: This takes place a year after the Trouble in Tokyo movie.



It's the expression on Robin's face, when he enters the Common Room to see her and Speedy in their current positions, that embarrasses Starfire to no end.

She's in a straddle. She swears she doesn't remember the straddle. But minutes ago, when Speedy turned on a horror movie and lifted the remote high over his head in some flirtatious challenge, Starfire had to get to it before the suspenseful music started playing. So here she is now: remote victoriously in hand and her knees on either side of Speedy's lap. Starfire is frozen in embarrassment, her mind racing for all the wild assumptions Robin may be reaching in his head.

"Yeah, it's exactly what it looks like, Wonder Boy." There's something in the tone of Speedy's remark that worries Starfire; she can't tell if it's simply a joke or something meant to cut deeper.

Robin doesn't miss a beat. "It looks like Star's gonna waste three minutes of her life she won't get back."

Speedy roars in laughter before sucking in air dramatically. "That's pretty harsh, man. As if Starfire minds the rush. She's got a thousand other hearts to break before the night's over."

The comment grazes Kory unpleasantly, and if it bothers Robin, he's not letting it show. Instead, the mood of the room lightens and he's casually chatting it up with Speedy. Star slowly and sheepishly dismounts and faces herself back at the television.

They're talking about things far beyond the scope of her interests: expensive cars, sports, niches of the music scene she's not really into. It's a thing she never likes whenever Speedy or many of the honorary male titans come to stay at the Tower: the very predictable way they often use her as the punchline to a sexual joke (usually pointed at Robin) and then very promptly leaving her in the dust at their abrupt change of a conversation she can't follow. She wonders if they'll ever get passed the banality of objectifying her and then dismissing her altogether.

She's long gone from trying to listen in on their conversation, but Robin's laugh is of such distinction and warmth that it overwhelms her as she absently clicks away with the controller.

It's been a while, hearing his voice. Two weeks ago, Robin had sent in a request to Bumblebee and Aqualad for a temporary Titan transfer into Steel City in order to be closer to Gotham and Batman. In the exchange, Titans East sent over Speedy. And although Speedy brought in fun, the presence of Robin back is something else entirely. Even after all this time.


The mere utterance of her name in his mouth whips Kory right out of her thoughts. She realizes Speedy is no longer in the common room. Instead, Robin is here, leaning over the couch to meet her face and he's giving her an expression full of confusion and concern. "You haven't said anything since I got back. You alright?"

"I am just the Tired today," Starfire gives her best smile and he gives a light one back. But he gently pulls the remote out of her hand and points it at the screen. "I can see that. You're either trying to fix the TV with your mind, or this is a new show I'm not understanding."

The static clicks off and an actual television program starts playing, and Starfire can't beat herself up enough at how nonfunctional she is when Robin is around. When he pushes himself away from the couch and towards the kitchen, the sinking feeling in her heart shows her she's far from getting over him.

"How was your trip home?" Starfire tries. There's the sound of the fridge door opening and the rummaging of plastic containers.

"Steel City was fun, actually. Gotham's how I left it, but whatever. As for home..."

He hops over the couch and takes his place next to her. Not too far, not too close, what she assumes is the perfect distance for just friends. It's as if Robin has it all worked out, this line that separates their friendship from something more. A line that Starfire can't balance on for the life of her. He passes her a water bottle he grabbed from the fridge. "I haven't considered it home for a while," he says lightly. "You know that."

They end up watching a whole 30 minute drama in what she's surprised to be complete comfort. Not an ounce of awkwardness that usually comes with ex territory. It's the oddest feeling; once upon a time an hour alone on the couch was spent so differently between the two of them. But that's all Starfire allows herself to think before reining all her thoughts back in with a quick pull.

At the end credits, Robin wishes her goodnight before offering her the remote and retreating to his room. The ease of which he enters and leaves her always, always shocks her.

From the very beginning, Starfire invested her time with Robin with the hopes of being more than friends. And now, with the prospect of their relationship tried, tested, and completely over and done with, Starfire is a little lost, struggling to figure out what being just friends means.



First Look into Chapter 2:

You know," he says, leaning back in his seat and nursing his drink, "I have to be honest. The food issue used to bother me when we were dating."

Starfire already feels the turmoil inside her churn and crash against the mental guard she had worked hard to put up.

Uploaded on RobStar Week 2019, Day 3: Lost. Reviews are always appreciated :)