The next morning, before going to school, Kairi went to see how Sora was doing. She knocked and the door was answered by Roxas.

- Hi Roxas,

- Hey Kairi

- I came to see how Sora was doing

- He's still sleeping, he won't go to school today, maybe tomorrow, but that's not sure.

- Oh… okay, do you think you'll be leaving soon?

- Yes, in just a few minutes

- I'll wait for you, we'll walk together to school if that's okay with you

- Yes, I'll be ready in just a few minutes

So Kairi sat on the couch in the living room waiting for Roxas.

After just five minutes, he came back downstairs with his bag.

- Okay, let's go! He stated

And so, they both exited.

- So, has your mom called the high school?

- Yes, Seifer and his friends should be asked to go to the headmaster's office today.

- I hope they'll get expelled

- Yes, me too

And so they arrived a few minutes later. While they were chatting near their lockers, they saw Seifer and his friends coming toward them.

- So, did your brother like our little encounter yesterday? Seifer provoked

- Shut the fuck up! Roxas spat at him

- At least he seemed to have listened to what I told him, cause I see him nowhere close to you, he continued this time provoking Kairi

- If you continue I'll show you how close to your face my fist can go.

Though before he could do anything, he was held back by Kairi.

- Just ignore them Roxas, they're already gonna be send to the Headmaster's office, most likely expelled, you don't need to be punished for hitting them.

- Yes, you're true, he answered lowering his fist

And so, the rest of the day went well, and, as Kairi was expecting, Seifer was expelled, though his two friends, as they were only following him were only expelled for a week.

At the end of the day though, Kairi went with Roxas to check on Sora.

When they arrived at Roxas and Sora's house, they saw Sora on the couch, he seemed thoughtful.

- Hey Sora, Roxas said

- Hi Roxas, Sora answered getting out of his daydream.

Kairi decided to sneak on him. Though, as she was just a few centimeters away.

- Kairi, it's no use trying to sneak on me

She stopped surprised

- How did you know?

- I heard your footsteps

- But I mean, how did you know it was me?

- That's why I had to wait until you were close, I recognized your scent

- And I thought you would be easy to sneak on

- Don't underestimate me

- So I guess you're feeling better?

- Yes a lot better, I think I'll go back to school tomorrow

- That's great, it was less fun without you.

- Well I think I'll live you two alone, Roxas said, heading toward the kitchen

- We should go to my room, it'd be quieter, Sora said

- Yes, let's go

And so, he and Kairi went up to his room. They both sat on Sora's bed.

As they sat there, Kairi was looking at Sora and saw all the bruises from Seifer's beating. She softly began to cry.

Sora heard it and gently wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry in his chest.

- Kairi what's wrong?

- I'm-I'm sorry Sora

- What for Kairi, you have nothing to be sorry about.

- It's my fault you got hurt

He held her a little tighter

- No it's not Kairi, you couldn't know he would do this

- But I-I should have protected you

- You were alone, they were three, at least you didn't got hurt, that's the most important

- You're too kind with me Sora

- No I'm not, I could never be kind enough with you

She continued crying but said nothing more, Sora kept his arms around her, trying to soothe her gently.

After a few more minutes, she finally calmed down, and Sora slowly loosened his embrace.

- Thank you Sora

- No problem Kairi