Dedicated to my friend fist-it-out cuz she's going out of town this week and I'll miss her dearly!

Rated M for later content! Enjoy~!

"Addison! Wake up honey! You're gonna be late!"

Addison's eyes shoot open at her mother's exclamation, looking over at her clock to see she only had time to get dressed and run out the door if she wanted any chance at making it on time. She threw off her blankets and jumped out of bed, rushing over to grab a uniform out of her closet. Only to realize she needed to do her laundry yesterday.

"Shit!" She mutters under her breath in a panic. "Ok. Calm down Addison. What are your options." She said to herself. She shifted through her closet and found she still had one clean shirt left and a handful of old skirts that she's been meaning to throw away.

"Great, a 9th grade skirt for an 11th grade body." She grabbed the two garments off the hangers and went work putting them on. She has no choice in the matter. Either wear a clean uniform that's a little too small, or wear a dirty one that stinks.

She hurried out the door before her mom can see the short length of her uniform. Being the mayor's daughter meant this was definitely not acceptable apparel. As she walked to school, she continuously tugged at the hem of her skirt, hoping if she acted normal no one would even notice. It's not that short, right?

As soon as Bree caught sight of her at their usually meetup spot halfway to the school though, she realized it wouldn't be so easy to hide.

"Alright. Either your cloths shrunk, or your ass got bomb overnight." Bree declared as she walked up. Addison was quick to shush her, looking around frantically to make sure there wasn't anyone eavesdropping on their conversation. Then sighed in relief that they were late enough that no one who would normally be walking close by was anywhere in sight.

"I forgot to do my laundry after finishing my art project last night and this is all I had left." Addison grumbled as they kept walking.

"Ah. So freshman year sizes it is!" Bree teased.

"Shut up." Addison pouted, still tugging at the bottom of the skirt. Bree laughed and linked her arm with Addison's like any best friend would to show support, 100 percent.

"At least you got the body to make it work! Your ass looks great!" Bree basically yells. Addison slaps a hand over her mouth but the two girls end up giggling as their banter continues the rest of the way to class.


The two girls walk into class just before the bell rings and quickly get to their seats. Addison heard someone whistle quietly when she passed but she didn't even give them the satisfaction of turning to look at them. Though her cheeks were bright red when she sat down.

"Damn! Did ya see the legs on her?"

"I think I saw some panty!"

"Where has she been all my life?"

"She's totally asking for it!"

Zed never paid attention in class, and rarely to anyone in those classes, but he was getting extremely annoyed by all the raunchy comments about the snotty, rich, nerdy girl in school. Even if she did act like she was too good to talk to certain groups, including himself, she didn't deserve to be raped because of the outfit she put on today.

"Oh I'd take good care of her."

"She'll be begging for more."

He scrunched his nose in disgust from the lewd remarks he'd just heard. He may not be the a saint, nothing close to one really, but he still respected that no means no. He'd never force himself on a girl.

'Not that I ever have to.' He thought with a smirk. He didn't have to work very hard for any girl he wanted to throw herself at him. Every girl wants a bad boy. One they can try to 'fix'. He rolled his eyes.

Maybe he could help them both out though. She was obviously innocent and not 'asking for it', like these blockheads were implying, but maybe she is looking to gain a little experience. And if he was the one to do that, she would be safe from all these nimrods that might try something without her permission. He leaned over the side of his desk and glanced at the blonde a few seats up that all the talk was centered around.

He could see her smooth creamy legs that she was obviously trying to hide under the desk and his interest was perked. She definitely has a nice body and, he couldn't lie, her face is cute.

'I can work with that.' He thought smugly.

He ripped a page out of his notebook and scribbled out a little message for her. He folded the paper a few times then went to write her name on the front. He paused. 'Shit! What's her name again?' He should totally know her name. She's the mayor's daughter. But for some reason he was coming up short. 'It's something with an A. Ashley? Alison? Anna? Fuck! I know that's not right!' He racked his brain but ended up blank. He shrugged giving up and labeled it with a big A.

There was one girl sitting between him and her. He tapped the girl's shoulder, which she nearly jumped out of her skin. She was obviously terrified of him. He gave her a smirk and offered the note between two of his fingers and indicated to the girl in front of her. The girl shakily took the note and passed it up to the blonde.

He watched her hesitantly take the note and the girl gestures back at him, his eyes catch hers. He gives her a wink, earning a wrinkled nose in distaste as she turns back around. He continued to watch her as she unfolded it, knowing she'd be a blushing mess when she finally read the note he scratched down.

Nice skirt

Wanna test out the breeze

on a drive with the top down?


Before he can get a reaction out of her though, "Addison Davis!" Their teacher Mr. Zeck exclaims loudly. "Passing notes now? I'm very disappointed in you!" He says.

"I-I didn't, I was just-" She stammered in shock.

"No, no! If your note is so much more important than my class, why don't you just read it aloud for all of us." Mr. Zeck insists. Addison's cheeks are red with embarrassment.

Zed purposefully shoved his math book, the heaviest one he had, off his desk onto the foot of his neighboring student. The guy yelped in pain, successfully drawing the attention away from the blonde.

"What the hell Necrodopolous?!" He yelled

"Whoops! Didn't mean to drop that Man!" Zed said sarcastically.

"Do you have a problem Dude?" He asked in a fight ready tone.

"I don't think you wanna know my problem Pete." Zed's threatening reply seemed to make the other guy back off slightly but Mr. Zeck had the final word.

"That's enough! Pick up your textbook Zed and both of you keep your hands to yourself!" Mr Zeck ordered with a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "What is with you kids today?" He muttered in annoyance. "Everyone open your text to page 112 and work on the word problems. We'll go over the answers before the end of class."

Addison was still in shock. She turns to look at Zed, the bad boy of the school. Did he really just save her from the embarrassment of reading his flirtatious note to the class? She thought he would have enjoyed watching her squirm, but no. He created a distraction so the focus was on him instead.

He looks up and their eyes met again.

For a second, she's not sure what the look is in his eyes but it makes her pulse quicken. He then morphs his expression into a sly smirk and gives her a swift smooch face. She frowns and turns back to open her book. His note still open on the desk as she's about to cover it with the hardback.

Maybe he wasn't as bad as all the rumors made him out to be. A small smile spread on her lips. She'd have to thank him later.


Addison told Bree she was going to the library during free period. Of course Bree was going to tryout for the cheer squad instead.

"You should come with me to tryout!" Bree encouraged. Addison shifted nervously.

"I'm not good enough to make the team. You go and make it for me! I'll cheer with you from the stands!" Addison assured her in return. Bree smiled sadly at her friend before pulling her into a quick hug.

"I'll let you know how it goes!" Bree told her as she ran off towards the gym.

"Good luck!" She called. She sighed and headed towards her destination getting lost in thought. Obviously she wanted to tryout. She's always dreamed of being on the cheer squad! But she would never be good enough to actually make it. Her thoughts were derailed when she hears a voice.

"Addison, right?"

She looks up to see Zed blocking her path with his arm propping him up against the wall. It was the first time she'd really taken in the sight of him. He wasn't dressed according to dress code with his leather jacket instead of the usual maroon or green the school allowed, but the rest of his outfit matched to code. She figured it was close enough that no one bothered arguing further with him about a stupid jacket. His hair died green, also against dress code, but that must be the least of their worries. They had to deal with his misconduct almost daily, so why fuss over his appearance?

He really was attractive, though his reputation with a lot of girls around the school made her instantly think twice. But then there was the incident in class.

Maybe he wasn't such a bad boy?

"Yeah. And you're Zed." She counters. He chuckles.

"So what's the deal? Are you just blind to all the guys ogling you? Or do you like the attention?" He teases. Addison looks around to see guys quickly turning their heads to look away from all sides. She straightens her back to collect her remaining dignity. "Don't do that." She blinked in confusion. She hadn't done anything.

"What?" She questioned.

"Straightening your back like that." He told her with a displeased look on his face. "It makes your butt pop and whoever's behind you will be able to see your panties." He said matter-of-factly, for some reason upset by that fact. She immediately tightened her grip on her textbooks against her chest and hunched over slightly, the embarrassment hitting her once again that she was dressed so skimpily.

But she shook her head to stop thinking about it. "Anyways, I wanted to thank you for helping me stay out of trouble," she paused, "even if it would have been you who got me in trouble to begin with." Zed laughed.

"I guess you kinda owe me, right?" He smirked, leaning forward to be more on her level from their height difference.

Addison wasn't in the mood for this and ducked under his arm to walk away as her answer.

"Whatever. I'm going to the library." She said, only for him to jog in front to blocked her path again.

"Gross. Why?" Zed asked with a scrunched nose. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Duh? To study? You know, for the exam Friday? We're in the same Biology class fourth period. Remember?" She questioned, wondering if he was joking or not.

"The library is for losers." Zed scoffed. "Why don't you just come take that ride with me? I'll put the top down for you. And we'll call it even." He offers with a smooth smile and eyebrow wiggle that suggested his bad boy tendencies would rear its ugly head. But Addison wasn't swayed by his slick tone and narrowed her eyes at him.

Maybe she was wrong. He just expected payment for helping her. Did he really think she'd give it up for something so small? He's obviously an idiot.

"Unlike you, I actually care about my grades. Go find another floosy to 'ride' with." She says before walking around him with ease this time.

Zed is completely stunned that he was turned down. Usually girls would immediately swoon at just the mention of his car. But this girl, not only declined, she called him a man whore!

When he finally snaps out of his shock, Addison is already gone. "Shit." He cursed under his breath. Turning tail and heading for the library to make sure she wasn't assaulted with unwanted gropes, or worse.