
I hope everyone is staying safe during these crazy times!

Who would've thought ever in our life times we would be going through a freaking pandemic. Please, continue to practice social distance, don't touch your faces, and eat as healthy as you can while almost the entire nation is stuck indoors for the meantime.

As you may have seen, I've been updating certain of my fanfics at a much more regular pace. I don't know for how much longer the lockdown in my city will be, but let's hope I can dish out more chapters as I now have so much extra time, that I've finished all my studies and assignments, and don't know what to do! XD

'Mad About You' will be updated next, followed by 'Heart of Thorns', and 'Lost and Found'. L&F will be updated last because it will be jam packed with a lot of drama and angst. You know, the zeecloud9 usual if you're familiar with my style of writing! (Lol)

Let's all try to be positive and optimistic during this pandemic. I know my natural pessimistic ass is definitely finding it hard seeing all the horrible stuff going on here in NYC concerning ramped up crime and death from the pandemic, but I only wish to return to the life of normalcy that now seems like a distant dream.

On a side note, please excuse any misspellings or errors you may see in the following chapters throughout my stories. I have very bad eyesight guys, lol.

The glasses I normally wear I broke by accidentally sitting on it because I didn't see it (why I placed it on my chair instead of on my face, don't ask me XD, lmaooo) so I'm waiting for the shipment of my emergency replacement. Too bad I can't update my prescription as all the glasses stores are closed. -_-'

Anyways, without further ado, please enjoy this chapter!

Even though it had been days, everything was still numb to him.

Allen had spent a good deal of the time in the presence of Lavi, who had seeked him out after a day.

At first, it had been to rip him a new one for leaving the way he did, giving (Y/n) the impression he was leaving for good. But after some exchange of words, and heart wrenching sobs, the redhead offered words of wise advice.

Even so, Allen couldn't help but feel a small twinge of anger and jealousy towards his friend.

Anger- that he would hide something big like this.

Jealousy- that he was the last know, yet Lavi was the very first…

… Really, he shouldn't be feeling that type of way, but Allen couldn't help the small influences of his demon side for trying to wreak havoc in his life from time to time, especially in times of inner turmoil.

Neah tapped him on the shoulder. "You need to eat." His uncle said.

"I'm not hungry." He said, not looking at him. "How can I be?"

The older Walker let out a huff. "I'll make you whatever you want?" Neah offered lamely.

Allen returned the huff. "You can't cook."

"I can start trying!" Neah said, defensive.

"I wonder what (Y/n) is eating." Allen suddenly pondered aloud, sitting up. "She hates cooking. Not that she's bad at it, but she'd rather have the meal already done than prep it. She's probably not eating well, knowing her."

"You usually make the meals?"

Allen nodded, leaning to rest his cheek on the cold piano surface. "Yeah. I don't mind it at all... I like cooking for her." Allen admitted softly. "She takes care of the hard stuff like laundry anyways."

Neah laugh. "Ah yes, laundry- the hardest of all chores."

Allen couldn't help but laugh. He remembered the time Neah bleached a bunch of Cross's clothes once… When they all lived together before the huge mess, and Cross left…

"I was going to ask for her hand." Alan admitted. "I bought the ring and everything. I've been saving up with the money from assignments." Neah's eyes widen slightly. "I thought it was finally time you know, since 8 years is a heck of a long time to heal." Neah's eyed grew soft at this. "I don't know how she's stayed with me this long to be honest. Any other person would've long since grone fed up without having marriage thrown in as an ultimatum, but she never brought it up not once. But it's not like I didn't feel like she didn't want it, you know."

"She most likely didn't want to stress you out in asking."

"… Maybe. I'd ask Lavi about it, but he's never tell me, or he'd brush it off like (Y/n) wasn't the type to ask or want that, but she's still a woman… I noticed when she would see married couples. And kids. And I felt bad."

"Well, I figured as much. You haven't exactly had good role models to look to for things of the sort." Neah gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm not much help in matters of family either."

"I just wished it were easier." Allen admitted, closing his eyes. "I wish I wouldn't be the way I am. So broken. She wouldn't have to suffer like this… I can't even be physically there for her as a man- I just, I don't know."

"Don''t beat yourself up over it, Allen." Neah said. "It's not like there's a manual for these type of things. God, it would be so easy if that were the case."


"By the way, I saw the shopping bag you threw in the trash last time I came over. Kind of in a very obvious spot." Neah chuckled. "How long have you been planning on asking her?"

"For a while. Ever since Cross left the note not to try and look for him."

'That was years ago.' Neah thought.

"Look, I may not be the best person for you to hear this from, but if your feelings haven't changed, you need to sort this out with (Y/n) darling." Neah said.

Allen's face wrenched in distress. "I'm scared."

"Scared of what? She's already in love with you." Neah pointed out. 'Plus, you two are soulmates. I've never heard of soulmates rejecting each other.' He thought, careful not to voice that out loud.

Allen sighed. "I don't want to start over again. I don't think I have the energy…" Neah patted hi shoulder.

"I doubt she is going to be leaving you anytime soon."

"… I feel in love with what she does to me- making me feel normal, fuck- I would give up everything for her, but what if she doesn't feel the same way anymore?."

"You're worrying over something that definitely won't happen, Allen-"

"- I spoke with Komui. I requested a formal blessing and retirement once I would start a family with her-" Neah's cheeks tinged pink. Hi mouth formed a small 'o'.

"Ohmigosh." Neah muttered quickly, before gaining his composure back.

"-I wouldn't doubt it if she doesn't want to see me after this…" His nephew's eyes grew lidded. "I haven't even been to the apartment since then. No texts, nothing. She probably thinks I abandoned her or something."

"She's staying with the Bookmen." Neah assured. "If you're worrying about her safety."

"Oh." Allen muttered. It would be a lie if that didn't make him feel some sort of way. Just a bit. "Well at least she's not alone. Lavi wouldn't let anything happen to her." His heart wrenched when he remembered how they both couldn't save her the night she became Kanda's bride… They hadn't been there to stop it.

"I spoke with her about you." Neah tucked a white strand of hair.

Allen frowned. "What? Why? You didn't need to do that."

"I did. " near stated calmly , tone firm.

"Why would you do that?" Allen was starting to get angry. His uncle had no right to meddle with his privacy like that! "I didn't ask you to!"

Neah frowned, feeling his nephew's growing irritation. "You're cross with me. I did it for the good of you both. You're both so stubborn and prideful."

"It's none of your business to talk with her." Allen answered.

"I did it to make matters better, not worse Allen. All I did was talk to her as a concerned friend. Nothing more. I clarified things with her, something you don't seem to be keen to do."

"That gives you no right!" Allen's voice rose a bit. "You haven't been mean to her, have you?" Allen asked.

Neah scoffed "Never! I would never talk ill to her. I actually like her." Neah said, slightly offended by his nephew's words.

"I would never try to hurt (Y/n)…" Neah whispered, a tone of finality in his words. "She is precious to you, therefore to me as well. It also helps that she can also hold a conversation." At this, Allen cracked a smile. "I've changed, Allen."Neah's voice grew small, pleading. "I'm not that Noah anymore."

"I'm sorry." Allen apologized, guilt written over his features. " I know I haven't exactly painted the best picture of you to her. That was really rude of me."

"It's alright." Neah assured. "With my history, it's warranted…"

"(Y/n) really respects you." Allen blurted. "She's always inviting you over for dinner because she has it in her mind she wants to do 'family bonding' time. I haven't told her the exact details, but she seems to think we need to have therapy and reconcile. I think she's been watching too much Dr. Phil, to be honest."

"Hahaha, how cute of her." Neah chuckled into his gloved hands. "Are you going to ask for her hand soon?" he asked, hope in his words. "I'm all for it, by the way. You two already have my blessing."

Allen snorted. "Yeah, (Y/n) told me about what you said years ago.." Neah stuck out his tongue.

"Honestly, I would very much like for her to be a part of the family." Neah quipped cheekily. "(Y/n) Walker. It's fitting, don't you think?" He smirked when he saw his nephew's cheeks bloom. "… It's also been a very long while since I've had children to entertain…" He watched in interest, liking how much of a reaction he was getting out of his nephew suddenly. "My, if I remember the last time correctly, it was around the time Cross showed up at my doorstep with you in tow."

"Oh god." Allen made a face, having flashbacks to those days.

"Allen, there's nothing more rewarding in life than when a man finds a family of his own to create." Neah said.

"… A family of my own to create..." Allen repeated, the words making his heart flutter. "… Yeah, that sounds nice. " he looked about his uncle, a sudden fire back in his eyes "I'm going to see her tonight."

Neah smiled, patting his shoulder. "Go get your woman, Allen..."

Allen's nerves dropped to the pit of his stomach as soon as he pressed 'send'. His eyes widened immediately when he saw it go on read, and (Y/n) started typing.

[Beansprout's Girl: Okay. I'll come by the apartment at six.]

Six. That was less than an hour.

He practically threw his phone on the coffee table, standing up quickly to set dinner.

'What should I make? I don't know how she's been eating over at the Bookman's' He took out various ingredients from the pantry, going to the refrigerator.

'Knowing Lavi, all he probably has in the apartment is junk food. (Y/n) has such a sensitive stomach, she wouldn't be able to last just eating twix and doritos all day.'

'That and I've never seen Lavi drink water.' He let out a breath, bringing all the ingredients on the kitchen island to start prepping.

'I hope she's been eating well. She can be rather forgetful.'

'Maybe I should make all her favorite dishes?

'I should get her that sparkling Italian grapefruit water she likes.'

'Maybe even let her have some dessert... She loves the rose, lavender and earl grey flavored macarons I used to make for Master…'

So lost in his thoughts, Allen almost didn't hear the door to the apartment open. He looked down at his phone, seeing the time read six on the dot. He wiped his hands on his apron, clearing his throat nervously as his emotions soared at the sight of his girlfriend peek her head in, slipping inside the apartment quietly.

She flinched slightly when her gaze fell on him, heart twisting at the sight of shame and remorse mark her features. Allen averted his gaze awkwardly, nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he ushered her in, stumbling a bit with nerves to pull out a chair for her. "I made, uh- hungry?"

"You made food?" (Y/n) said, approaching the table. "You didn't have to- O. Wow, you made um, a lot."

Allen bit the inside of his cheek. "I wasn't sure if you'd eaten or not. So I did a bit of everything." Allen said with a embarrassed smile. "There's macarons too..."

(Y/n) smiled. "I'm only one girl, not a whole army." She joked, but never less thanked him for the meal.

Allen pursed his lips, going to sit down across from her, taking off his apron. "I uh, I was wondering how you've been eating." Allen started off, not daring to look up at her as he served them both food, cheeks growing hot at the feeling of her gaze on him.

"Have you been eating well? You always forget, and Lavi's bad eating habits probably have been making it worse. Don't let him coax you into eating junk all the time, you know."

(Y/n) laughed a bit.

Allen's nerves calmed down a little at the sound.

"Actually, gramps been making sure against that ever since I started staying with them. Lavi's kinda banned from grocery shopping. since he came with bags full of doritos and variety pack candy, instead of the lasagna ingredients he was supposed to bring." Allen looked reassured.

"Ah, that's good! I'm glad you've been eating well. I thought you hated lasagna, though."

"I oh do, but the Bookmens make a mean lasagna." She laughed. Allen watched her with a small smile. There was hope.

Maybe things wouldn't feel so weird if he could keep her talking like this.

"Do you like it?"

"Eh?" She blinked. Allen pointed to her plate.

"Oh! Yeah! You always cook good." (Y/n) said, before silence fell again.



Well, it was awkward now...

He peered up meekly at her between his thick white lashes. "Can you come back home now?"

Allen's words caused her to still, looking at him in surprise.

"I miss you." The white haired man confessed. "It's been rather lonely without you."

"You've been staying in the apartment by yourself?" (Y/n) asked softly.

Allen shook his head. "No, I've been staying at Neah's mostly. I thought you were going to stay here, and I didn't want to be a bother."

"Well that's funny, I had thought the same." (Y/n ) said offhandedly. "I guess we both jumped to conclusions."

"…" Allen looked away. "I would, um-" He felt her gaze on him. "I'd like to apologize for that night. I mean the night of the club, and me leaving the way I did after finding out. That was very insensitive of me."

"…" (Y/n) said nothing.

"I got so wrapped up in my own grief, I failed to realize you've been grieving all this time… I'm very sorry." Allen bowed.

"…" (Y/n) smiled softly. "It's okay, Allen."

His eyes went wide, staring. "Wait, just like that..?" He trailed off. "I can grovel some more if you'd like-"

She shook her head. "- No way. I told you, it's okay. We're cool."


"So you'll come back home now?!" Allen said. He couldn't believe she had just forgiven him just like that. Perhaps, he'd been wrong to assume she would hold a grudge against him.

"I can't come home yet."

Allen looked crestfallen. "Oh. Okay…"

"It's not what you're thinking." (Y/n) immediately interjected. "It's best for me to stay with the Bookmans for a while. Kanda knows where I live and work. The Bookmen have some kind of ward thingy over their home, so he's not gunna be able to find me there."

"Ah- right." Allen said. "That's a good idea."

"So uhm, you wanted to talk, right?" (Y/n) asked. "Or was it about that?"

She gasped. Allen's hands had found their own as he leaned forward, resting his forehead on hers as he closed his eyes in bliss.

He had missed holding her like this. Her hands were still small and soft.

"I want to clarify some things." Allen said. (Y/n) slowly nodded. "I promised you when we first got together, I would always be by your side. Yet I broke that promise. Twice. I want to give a proper apology for letting you down."

"You never let me down, Allen. And I already told you we're cool."

"Regardless, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I let my own pain cloud yours. I'm supposed to protect you, yet I couldn't even make sure you were okay that day…" He clenched his teeth. "I always worry so much about not paying attention to everyone, but I didn't to the person most important to me."


"- Please, keep hearing what I have to say." Allen pleading, pulling her hand to his cheek. "I'd understand if you don't want to stay with me after this. I lied to you, I kept my real identity a secret. I betrayed your trust by not telling you who I am- but if I have to beg for you to stay, I will. I'd do it without a doubt…" Tears misted in her eyes.

"Allen-" She sniffled, wrapping her arms around his neck as she nuzzled her cheeks closer to his. "Fuck, you're so romantic…"

"- I won't let Kanda have his way. I'd rather rot and die than to leave you in that fate. Which is why I'm not going to hand you over to him. Until my last breath, I'll do whatever it takes to stop him from taking you."

"!" (Y/n) blushed.

Allen kissed her hand. "Your pain is my pain. My breath is yours, (Y/n). So be my wife, and not his."

(Y/n)'s heart felt like it was about to leap out of her chest, swelling with Allen's declarations of love. Her gaze trailed to the small box Allen held out, opening it. "O-oh."

Hands shook to touch the intricate ring he held out. "A-allen?!"

"Be my family I didn't have growing up, (Y/n). Make one with me." Allen whispered, bending down on one knee with his head low.

God, this man just knew how to make her melt.

"I fucking love you, Allen Walker." She whispered. "Yes…"

"I love you too, (Y/n)." She shot up, hugging him tightly as she cried.

Their gazes met, locked onto each other's eyes, bright, hot and fierce. So many emotions were communicated with each other without words, displayed by their loving caresses, and intertwined fingers through tufts of hair. Every inch of skin burned to the touch.

The food had been long forgotten in their haste, arms frantically holding onto limbs as they tried desperately to melt into each other, fervent kisses and whispers of sweet nothings draping the air around them in need…

(Y/n) awoke refreshed for the first time in a while.

She ached dully, twinges of pressure on her pelvis made her look down, before she let out a small audible gasp. She had slept on top of Allen, bodies still connected from last nights events. Blood rushed to her face, and she covered her eyes.

"Morning." Allen called out groggily opening a sleepy eye towards her as he wrapped his arms around her waist to keep in place. "Ah." Her eyes lidded at the hard pressure inside her, between her thighs, shaking as she tried not to move.

"Now this is a nice way to wake up to." Allen chuckled handsomely, causing her rush of blood to now pool between her legs.

"Oh my god, you're a pervert like Lavi." (Y/n) mumbled, hiding her face in his shoulder.

Allen grinned cheekily. "A nice view too." His hands slid down, cupping her behind. "Perfect."

(Y/n) groaned, finally getting off him. "Okay, I'm going to go wash up before you decide you want to 'wrestle' some more." She winked, laughing as she could feel his eyes over her form, watching her leave for the bathroom in their shared bedroom. After a moment, he heard the shower turn on, and she cursed.

"Shoot, I forgot my towel. Can you grab it for me, Allen?!" Her voice echoed from behind the bathroom door. Allen watched the door, eyes clouded and dark.

He got up, making his way to follow after her, towel forgotten.

"Did you get my towel?"

"Fuck the towel…" (Y/n) looked up in surprise, seeing the look in Allen's eyes as he closed the bathroom door. She pressed her legs together, knowing she wouldn't be getting a chance to wash up and get her towel for a while as he approached her…

(Y/n) groaned for the umpteenth time, dragging her hands over her face as she listened to Lavi talk. "No offense, but I'm not going to start acting like a sheltered princess in a castle."

"Well, the princes is gunna have to stay cooped up in her prison for a while."

Lavi and her were fighting more often, it seemed. Maybe it had to do with the fact that they were around each other more, but it seemed like they were fighting because she kept sneaking out of the apartment.

"I'm going to work, Lavi."

Said man crossed his arms, fixing a mean glare. "No you're not." (Y/n) tired shoving his shoulder to move past him, but the tall redhead didn't budge. She then fixed him a mean glare of her own.

"Some of us don't have some fancy schmansy inheritance or are crazy smart enough to get a prestigious scholarship." Lavi rolled his eyes, not budging.

"Nice try. That doesn't work on me anymore." Lavi taunted. (Y/n) scoffed. "You're not going outside, and that's final. The wards don't extend that far, (Y/n)." He sighed. "I know it's boring, but it's not forever. Just until we can figure out how we're gunna break this curse."

"Look, if this is about money, then you don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of your tuition."

"NO way. Don't waste your money on me." She spat out, shaking her head.

Lavi shrugged. "I don't mind. And it's not wasting money if it's for educational purposes." He pointed out.

"(Y/n). And I'm sorry, but you really can't be risking going outside too much. Kanda knows where you work and live. And I'm sure he has a way of tracking you down."

He pointed to the cursed box. They had managed to pry the ring of her finger, although it had not been easy, and left her an ugly scar. It's way too dangerous. "(Y/n) She scowled a him. "You have to stay here."

"And when will it be safe for me then? A couple of days, months? YEARS?"

"Kanda's most likely staking the places out-places, you hear? So you can't risk him finding you. You said he found you at your job despite never having been there before, so I don't doubt the curse lets him keep close tabs on you."

"So I'm stuck indoors until we break this stupid curse?"

"Sorry (Y/n), but that's how it is until now. Look on the bright side, at least you and Allen got to make up, right?" Lavi said, smirking as he watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ears, feigning a look of 'I don't know what you're talking about'. "I'm assuming that's why you didn't come home last night…"

You hadn't even told Lavi all the details, but the damn idiot rabbit was scary good at guessing. It almost frightened you.

That and he saw you come in with a bag of clothes, and angry purple love bites all over your neck and collarbone.

"Man, it's about time you guys finally fucked." Her cheeks flared red at his grotesque word.

"Can you not be so vulgar?"

"On an off topic-" Lavi suddenly smirked. "- does the curtain matches the drapes or nah?"

"…" (Y/n) pulled on his hair.

(Several days later:)

Allen panted as he circled Krory, watching the older man's moves diligently.

The sun had long since set, casting the nearby canopy of trees surrounding the clearing in thick black. The clearing was just in the outskirts of the forest surrounding the Order, as the top spikes of Headquartes was just barely visible on the horizon.

The vampire did the same as Allen, before he suddenly zapped in multiple directions. only the after images of his silhouette phasing in and out of view was all that Allen could see through the haze. His eyes darted rapidly to keep up.

THe white haired man brought his sword closer to him, ears twitchingfor a change of noise. He whipped his body to the left suddenly, immediately grunting at the force in which the older exorcist attacked. Allen shoved his foot out, attempting to make the other lose his balance.

It wasn't quick enough, as Krory immediately jumped back, swiping at him with claws.

Allen dodged the swipe, rolling several feet as the heavy impact of Krory's flying round house kick cracked the ground he was standing on moments before. He hissed in pain when he felt his ankle buckle under him, and falter with a limp backwards, nearly having his neck clawed.

Instead, Krory tilted forward from the momentum, barely able to stop himself from being decapitated by a long swing of Allen's sword.

Krory wiped his nose from the dust of the impact with a delicate handkerchief.

"You're off. Something trouble's you." Krory said, no longer willing to fight as he focused on his comrade. The soft buzz of crickets resounded all throughout the forest.

Allen slowly untensed, relaxing his guard as he sighed. "I guess it's that obvious, huh?" Allen smiled faintly, he took Krory's offer of a newly pressed, clean handkerchief gratefully. "Thank you."

Krory nodded. "What troubles you, Allen?"

Allen sighed once more. "I'm just feeling rather melancholic, is all."

"Your off beat heart rhythms say other wise." Krory answered back.

Allen laughed inwardly. Of course Krory would notice. "I haven't exactly been truthful."

"Did you have qualms with your lady?"


"Ah, my apologies. I mean like a disagreement. That's the only reason I can think why someone of your usual cheery disposition would ever be upset for."

Allen laughed out loud at this. "Actually- you're right we did. We had a huge fight- but we're good now. I just miss her."

"I understand." Krory smiled wistfully. "I too miss my Eliade." Krory sighed. "I keep wishing for the very best for you and your lady." Krory winked.

"Have you asked for her hand?" Allen nodded. "Splendid! What was her answer?" Krory clapped his hand together in excitement, beaming at the younger man.

"She said yes."

"Ara!" Krory's smile widened even further, showing his glistening rows of sharp teeth. "I must meet the extraordinary lady who managed to ensnare your heart. When will you introduce her to us?" Krory, raised a brow.

Allen laughed. "Well, she knows now about everything, so I suppose soon enough."

"Oh, you told her about the three worlds?" Krory blinked.

Allen shook his head. "Lavi did. They're childhood friends."

"Oh, I see. It's great that she's aware at least. But be careful that it might attract unwanted attention." The older man warned.

Allen only nodded. 'If only he knew it already has.' He thought solemnly, as the two exorcists made their way back indoors.

"Do you have an assignment soon, Alistar?"

"I suppose so. I was able to find that pesky coven. They were rather starved half to death already as we had intercepted a lot of their supply runs."

"That's good. That means less kidnappings."

Krory sighed. "Yes, but also I found something rather disturbing." Allen paused, looking over at his friend.

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"There seems to be a lot of chatter in regards to Kanda Yu." Allen's eyes darkened, narrowing.

"… Like what…"

Krory continued, unaware of his friend's sudden change of mood. Allen was doing his best not to let his emotions get the best of him. "It seems he's been spotted amongst several supernatural communities. He seems to be rather active, and it has a lot of the covens in a frenzy. I'm not sure why, but that's all I was able to overhear. Do you think he's plotting something? Do you think the rumors are true that he's found the sacrificial virgin to wed already?"

"I don't know." Allen nearly gritted out.

"I heard he's already bed her. Poor thing. it's just horrible." Krory said sadly. "I can't imagine having your body defiled in such a way-"

"- I think I'm going to go wash up." Allen interrupted, flashing Krory a bright smile. "I'd hate to have dinner while smelling like a sweaty pig, hahaha."

Krory waved him off. "See you at dinner."

Allen turned, walking. As soon as he couldn't sense the vampire's presence, he hit his fist on wall, causing a large crack. With gritted teeth. Allen clenched his eyes shut, one hand gripping the now cracked wall, while the other clasped his chest, trying to hold in his angered scream. He opened one of his eyes, the normally bright silvery orbs glowing a dangerous gold as he took in deep, even breaths.

"Not here…" Allen hissed lowly, falling to his knees. 'Hold it in.' He took in a deep breath, nearly wheezing as he bit his lips harshly, drawing blood.

Oh god, he was going to lose his hold.

Panic clouded his senses, making his heart race as he fought to stand and make his way towards his room.

"Not here… Please!" His vision swayed, splotching black. Allen could feel the static buzz in his ears increase in volume.

He turned a corner sharply, only to collide with something. "Argh!"

Allen rubbed his nose. "Fucking hell…"

"Beansprout?" Lavi called out, looking down in mild surprise as he helped his friend up. "Eh?"

He noted the man's heavy breathing, and instantly became concerned. "You okay?"

"I need my grip." Allen hissed, trying to calm down.

Lavi immediately understood, face growing serious. "Okay, just breathe dude. Don't think." Lavi said, holding his shoulders in a steady gaze. Allen met his gaze, normally kind eyes sharpened with malice.

"I'm fucking trying."

"Okay, well try harder." Lavi shot back, gripping his shoulder tighter. "Look at me, and just breathe. No need to lose your cool here."

They both knew the consequences if Allen's demon side got out of control. He was already under strict watch.

Allen closed his eyes again, trying to picture all his favorite foods. Any thing that would distract him from the images of ripping through his friend's flesh.

"Think happy thoughts."

"Happy thoughts…" Allen repeated, biting his lips.

A fresh meadow. Lavender fields as far as the eye could see.. jerry's cooking…. (Y/n)'s smile…

… Slowly he could feel his mind start to settle more on his girlfriend, the thought of her starting to calm down his desire for carnage.

Lavi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, smiling faintly once he saw his eyes open, and his friend's usually kind, serene look return. "Fuck, you gave me a scare there." Lavi breathed out, clutching his chest. "Did you do that?" he said, pointed to the cracked wall behind them.


"Dude, what happened?"

"… I thought about Kanda."

Lavi understood. "You wanna talk about it?"

"I'd rather not. He leaves a sour taste in my mood."

Lavi chuckled. "Hahaha, yeah, he tends to."

"is (Y/n) alone in the apartment right now?" Allen asked.

Lavi shook his head. "No, Gramps and Neah are with her. You don't mind right?"

"Mind what?"

"Neah being around her. I know you guys don't get along.'

Allen smiled faintly. "… I'm starting to think I was wrong about him." He admitted. "I'm hungry."

Lavi looked at him, deadpanned. "Is all you think about just food?"

"Food and (Y/n)."

They both laughed.

Kanda peered down from the tall building, watching with narrowed eyes.

A light in a room turned on, and he saw white haired man passing by the window briefly as he spoke on the phone.

Given how far he was, his crazy good eyesight had given him enough sight to read the man's lips, noting every feature with detail.

"Interesting." Kanda muttered, curling a corner of his lips up in disgust. "That half breed is the one in the photo…" Kanda scowled.

He was sure he had seen him from somewhere when the bitch pointed at his picture that day. But it had taken him a while before he pieced it together.

That half breed was with the Order. He was an exorcist just like that idiot Bookman. Which meant he was just another stain he had to wash off from his shoes.

"So he's the man she spoke about. Che, I can't believe Walker's the one that bitch was going on about."

Kanda walked away. From the edge. He could kill him right now, but Kanda thought it best to lay low for a while and figure out just were that detestable woman had hidden herself.

She hadn't been at the apartment for weeks now, and he had the faintest of inkling that annoying Bookman idiot had something to do with it since the last time they fought. But the redhead was proving hard to find as well. He suspected the Bookman was using some kind of spell or warding to mess with his senses. He scoffed.

That wife of his was proving to be rather annoying.

"I need to find that wench and take her back so I can proceed with my plans. I doubt she's conceived by now." Kanda said, pausing as he saw the summoner's circle of one of his minions appear before him. "I'll just have to try again-"

"My liege." The small demon bowed, hand over the crest in their uniform.

"I want you to monitor that house and the boy. I'll be searching for the girl." He said before stalking off.

"Yes, my liege."

Kanda growled. "Where the fuck is that bitch."

(Y/n) shivered, goosebumps prickling at her skin as she made her way to close the living room window. "Neah. Hurry up and bring the Jenga will you?!"

Beside her, Gramps chuckled lowly, settling himself on the opposite end of the coach as the ex-Noah, came waltzing in with a charming smile, and a bin full of jenga pieces.

"My my, are you as demanding as this with Allen?" The older man said smoothly, setting down the bin as (Y/n) reached over for them. "I've only got two arms, doll."

"No, I've trained him, well." (Y/n) retorted, smirking. Okay, so you guys know how to play Jenga right?"

Both men nodded.

"Cool, so let's-"

Lavi burst open through the doors. "Honey I'm hooooome- oh." He stopped his loud yell, seeing all three heads turn to the obnoxious intruder. "What?! You guys are playing Jenga without me?! Traitors!"

(Y/n) flipped him off. "We just started, loser. Come."

"Good, cuz I could go for a round." Lavi snickered, plopping himself rather obnoxiously in between Gramps and (Y/n). "Prepared to lose, suckers."

… Neah proceeded to wipe the floor with them all, winning every round…

A/n: Till next time! Ja ne!