*bravely* This is...like a whole new level for me. And I thought... this is going to be one hella of a dark story and definitely going to be first for me.

RATED: M [Mature]

READ ME: Characters death; heavy violence; blood; gores; dark themes; monsters; disturbed details; yaoi, and languages [You have been Warned] *will add a new tag in this later story*


[Music/Songs for the mood during story]

Warning: unbeta. English is my second language. ASL is my first. Yes, I'm Deaf. *peace*

I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and songs/music. None.

Enjoy~ *grin*

Play: [Dark Dramatic Piano Music - Confluence]

Location: Namimori, Japan

Sawada Resident

Date: September 12th

Time: Morning of 6:06

The sky is filled with dark grey smokes that covered the golden sun and a pretty blue sky. There are ashes in the wind and the smell of flames and burnt woods. It has been like this for nearly a week since the fire was started a while ago in the forest. Nearly, half of Japan is covered by the smokes. Many citizens wore masks to prevent possible sickness, some school buildings and stores are shut down for temporary, and there are many police officers doing the patrol for safety reasons.

In one of the modest, modern houses, the Sawada Resident where a small family of two are currently living in. A mother and a son. Their names are Sawada, Nana, and Sawada, Tsunayoshi. And right now, Nana has woken up early, cooking breakfast while listening to the radio of a newscaster.

["…and not only that half of Japan is covered with smokes resulted of the wildfires in the area. There are other countries that are having the same troubles and consequences. The wildfires have been continuing over nearly a hundred and twenty countries. Government has been investigating these problems for a week now and none of them have found any solution, not even a single clue. I strongly suggest that you wear a mask when you leave the building, even though the air is filled with ashes and smokes."

A man voice speaks up. "That's right, there are new troubles that just recently came up a few hours ago. Civilians are getting diseases, and the doctors have not seen such bizarre symptoms before."

A woman responds. "What are these symptoms?"

"From what the professional doctor recorded, they said, the symptoms are sweating, aching muscles, headache, unusual rapid heart, skin flushing, eyes turning white, persistent vomiting, unusual sensitivity to bright light, chest pain, and fatigue."

"Sounds like a serious illness."

"Exactly, at first, they assumed it was a fever or pneumonia. However, none of the medicines has work to their astonished. It's possible that we're looking at the new virus."

"Is it contagious?"

"Not sure, but still a possibility. So, once again, please, I strongly advise you to wear a mask whenever you leave the safety building and avoid contact with diseases. If you happen to stumble on one, or any of your friends or family members are showing these symptoms. Take them to the hospital as soon as possible."]

Nana sighed softly as she glanced at the radio with a concerned frown. "This is terrible… I hope they find a cure for the illness." She bit her bottom lip. 'Should I allow my son to go to school today? Namimori Middle school is one of the few schools that are still open. But… I don't want my Tsu-kun to get sick.' She mused, contemplative. Then she shook her head. "What am I thinking? I shouldn't let him go to school today. Maybe, wait until the doctor finds a cure first then Tsu-kun can return to school." She mused out loud with satisfied and finished cooking breakfast.



Hide and Run!

Arc I: Survival in School

Danger One




Location: Namimori, Japan

Namimori Middle School

Time: Morning of 7:46

Namimori Middle school is still active, however, there are only half of the students' bodies that are attending right now. Other half stayed at home for safety. At first, Disciplinary Committee Leader wouldn't accept it and be urging to bite them to death however, after a few days, he stands down with understanding, reluctant. And now, he and rest of the members that belonged to Disciplinary Committee made sure the students are healthy enough to attend the school and to those who are not well enough, return to home or head to Namimori Hospital.

Currently, in the class of 2-B, the class is filled half of the room. Two girls are standing close to the windows, they wore the same uniforms as usual, except this time, with a mask that is hanging around their necks. One pretty girl named Sasagawa, Kyoko and one tall girl named Kurokawa, Hana. "When will we get to see the sun?" Kyoko asked with curiosity and longing. She missed the warm sun touch her skin.

Hana crossed her arms with a frown on her face. "I don't know. From what I have heard the news, over one hundred countries had similar problems, they all had experiences with wildfires." Kyoko bit her lips with worried.

"Eh?! What do you mean you won't be in baseball team for a while?!" a shocked voice cried out that caught students' attention and turned around. A boy in baseball uniform stared at popular star baseball player, Yamamoto, Takeshi.

Takeshi rubbed the back of his head with a sheepishly smile. "Sorry, my old man was really concerned that I might get seriously sick if I practice baseball outside for hours. He preferred to wait for the doctor to find the cure first." He explained, he really loves to play baseball, but he rather not gets sick and not play baseball. He preferred healthy and play whenever he wants with baseball.

"But… the champion game is coming up soon, if you don't get practice, we'll fail!" the baseball player protected.

Takeshi felt guilty. "I'm sorry…"

Hana furrowed her eyebrows at this in disbelieved. "Is he serious right now? Does he not know there's a possibility that diseases could be contagious and plus, the smokes and ashes can make your lungs sick if you are outside for a long time, with or without masks. Idiots, lots of stupid monkeys." She clicked her tongue sharply in disgusted.

Kyoko sighed softly as her shoulders slumped. "I really hope these problems will be clear soon." She mumbled as her eyes gazed back at the sky through the window.



Namimori Hospital

Time: Morning of 8:57

Doctors and nurses are everywhere, tended the sick patients in the room as much as they could with the best of their ability. It was a very hectic since a couple of hours ago that patients kept coming in the hospital with a new sickness. At the entrance, a nurse fast walked inside as she quickly adjusted her name tag on her shirt. Her eyes were widened in shocked at the double digits of sick patients in the waiting room.

When the nurse arrived at the front desk. "Since when has the waiting room been full?" she asked with stunned. Behind the desk, a woman was busying with phone calls and typing the keyboards on the computer. The woman glanced at the nurse.

"Since two or maybe three hours ago? It's not stopping, and we needed the cure. Hopefully the government figures it out, otherwise, there won't be enough to room for them." The woman explained, hurriedly reached to the clipboard, grabbed it and handed it to the nurse.

"Seriously?" the nurse was baffled as she took the clipboard and glanced over the new illness and the symptoms.

The woman nodded her head. "Even the storage room is used as the room for patients, so yes, seriously." Then she returns back to the computer.

The nurse shook her head in distressed at the thought of how much these poor patients in pain and suffering. She quickly walked into the waiting room and glanced around until her eyes landed on a little boy who looked barely seven years old. He was sweating, breathing shallow, and shivering. His skin is flushed, and his eyes are glazed. The nurse was so concerned that she rushed over to the little boy, bend down and pressed her hand against his sweating forehead. "Hey, sweetie… where are your parents?" the nurse asked with concerned.

"I….I do-don't ha-have…p-par-parents…" he stuttered heavily.

The nurse frowned with worried. "I see." She mentally files that this little boy is an orphan. "What's your name? My name is Katsumi."


Katsumi gave him her maternity smile. "Nen, that's a nice name. It means deep hope." And she hopes that Nen will be healthy and safe once the doctors figure it out the cure. "Come with me, Nen. I need to take you to one of the rooms and check your health." Katsumi stood up with her hand open to him.

Nen took her hand, shakily. Katsumi curled up her hand in his tiny, sweating and warm hand. "I promise… we'll get you better." Katsumi promised with a soft smile at the orphan boy.

When Katsumi found an empty bed in one of the rooms, she immediately went to the bed and helped the little boy climbed onto the bed. Katsumi did her routine checked on the little boy's health. Soon, Katsumi frowned at the paper on the clipboard. 'His heart rate is speeding a little quicker than average, his temperature is increasing to almost one hundred and two, and complains about muscles aches, mainly in his arms and legs.' She mused with disturbed. Normally, she should say that these symptoms matched the fever. However, something tells her that it's different, trouble, difficult, and dangerous.

Then suddenly, a loud ruckus heard outside of the room. Katsumi glanced over her shoulder with uneasy when she heard a bunch of jumble words from nurses and doctors.

"– get me that bucket!"

"I need that syringe –"

"Patient number fourteen is vomiting up the blo–!"

"– Doctor Jiro! His heart rate is increasing alarmingly fa–!"

Katsumi turned to a shivered little boy with a weak smile. "Stay here and I'll be back, okay?" Nen slowly nodded his head as he cuddled underneath the blanket. The nurse quickly left the room and saw how crowded at the end of the hallway. She quickly jogged to them and attempted to look but was futile. She turned to one of her fellow co-workers. "What's going on?"

The male nurse frowned deeply. "Patient number fourteen was brought here earlier, three hours ago. First, it was rather fever signs. But then, it has gotten worse. Hearing them right now, sounded like the patient got the new disease."

"The one from the news." Katsumi stated, she had heard the news before she left her house. The male nurse nodded his head. Katsumi bit her lip as she glanced around. "If this continues… without any cure… there will be death." She whispered.

"…then we best to prepare for it." The male nurse said, gravely.

The nurse woman shook her head. "I need to return to my patient." The male nurse nodded his head understanding and Katsumi jogged back to the room where Nen is staying. 'Kami-sama… please… please help us and save these people… especially that little boy.'



Sawada Resident

Time: Afternoon of 12:14

Nana and her son, Tsuna are eating their lunch on the table in silence. Until the mother sighed softly then glanced at her son who is playing with vegetables with his chopsticks. "Tsu-kun…" his caramel-eyes shifted up. "Are you upset that you aren't at school today?"

"Heeeii? No, no! Not at all. I understand that you want me to be safe." Tsuna assured his mother who smiles in relief. "I just… I didn't think the commotion would continue this long."

The mother hummed with contemplated. "…well, all I know is that the wildfires and disease are still out there. There are no answers to the troubles yet, but I'm not too worried because I know that in the end, we'll have happy and safe in the future." She chirped happily.

Tsuna smiles at his bubbly mother. "Hai." Then he sat up and start eating his lunch. Nana nods her head with content and returns to her meal.

After the lunch meal is finished. Nana noticed that she is missing a few ingredients for the later dinner. She decided to take a quick errand. Nana went to the coat racks, grabbed a red raincoat and slipped it on. Then picked up a mask to covered half of her face and her wallet in her pocket. She turned to Tsuna who is standing by the stairs with worried eyes.

"Do you want me to go with you, mama?"

Nana shook her head. "There's no need. I'll be fine, Tsu-kun. It'll be a quick errand, thirty minutes at most." Then unexpectedly, she walked toward to her son and hugged him in her arms, tightly.


The mother shushes gently at her son. Her eyes closed as she leaned her forehead against Tsuna's head. He is growing up so fast, almost to her height and she is so proud. "I love you so much, Tsu-kun. Always and forever." She whispered lovely.

Tsuna hugged his mother back. "I love you too, mama." Red blushes appeared on his cheeks but with a warm smile. Then, they released their warm hugs, and Tsuna watched his mother walked to the door, hand on the doorknob and turned. "Be careful and come back soon." He blurted it out, worried.

Nana halted then turned her head over her shoulder with eye-smiles. "I'm leaving now." She walked out of the house and shut the door.

The petite boy stared at the door with worried and nervous for his mother. 'She'll be fine… when she'll come home, she will smile and start humming as she begins her cooking.' He mused, attempted to assure himself. And yet…

Why does it feel like he won't see his sweet mother again?



Namimori Middle School

Time: Afternoon of 12:55

The hallway is eerily quiet as most in the classes are filled with paper rustles, scratching pencils, and flipping pages from textbooks. In one of the hallways, a figure of a handsome boy who is known as Hibari, Kyoya. Hibari is patrolling the halls quietly as he scrutinized his surroundings.

After his patrol, he returns to his office but paused when he saw Kusakabe, Tetsuya standing by the window with an anxious expression. "Kusakabe." Tetsuya snapped out of it and turned to Hibari with attention.

"Ah, Kyo-san." He tipped his head, greeted his leader and friend. "I apologize, I just got a called from my father, my mother is sick." He explained.

Hibari walked to his desk and sat down on his leather seat. "Hn." He glanced at his trustworthy right-hand man from the corner of his eyes.

Tetsuya knew what his leader's tried to say. "He took her to the hospital. Hopefully, they have a cure for this new disease." He said with a hopeful smile then turned his eyes at the window.

Hibari shifted his stormy gray back to his desk, picked up his pen and start working on the paperwork. It's been like that for a few minutes until a hand in the clock strike at one. Then a speaker from the school intercom emitted an electric crackle, something that happened every time an announcement went on. Hibari and Tetsuya glanced up at the speaker as it caught the students' and teachers' attention.

"Students, I advise everyone to remain in your classrooms until further notice." A shaky voice said.

In the class 2-B, students were confused and concerned by this sudden start. Takeshi leaned back against the chair in nervous while Hana furrowed her eyebrows with troubled, and Kyoko's eyes wide in concerned.

"All teachers are ordered to let no student out and to lock all doors of the classrooms that you are in. We are not allowed to open the gate until we have permission from the army soldiers."

"Army?" Hana whispered in surprised while Kyoko hugged her herself, feeling very edgy while Takeshi frowned deeply. The students were murmuring while the teacher quickly locked the door in anxious and confused.

"If you happen to meet a diseased person, I strongly advise you to avoid contact. It's contagious, a very dangerous contagious. If you notice anyone who has a new disease, send them to the nurse as soon as possible. This disease can cause death, as we don't have the cure yet."

Hibari frowned deeply at this disturbing news, he glanced at his right-hand man who immediately knew what his leader wants him to do. Tetsuya quickly went on his phone and contact the members to warn them.

"Once again, I repeat. No one is allowed to leave this school building until we have a signal from the army. That is all." The announcement turned off. And the school is now filled with silence.

In the class 2-B, Hana and Kyoko exchanged their worried glances while Takeshi thought about his father. 'I hope the old man is safe.' He mused with concerned.



Namimori Market

Time: Afternoon of 1:00

Nana is currently at the small grocery store while examining the ingredients in the shelf. When her large caramel-eyes landed on the spice bottle. She reached for it, grabbed it, and placed it in the basket. Nana double checks all the ingredients she needed for the dinner. Once she is satisfied with what she needed, she walked to the cashier behind the counter. Nana set the basket on the counter as she smiles friendly at the cashier.

The cashier grabbed the ingredients to checked out while Nana waited. Until the cashier finished it. "That will be forty-seven yen." Nana paid the cashier with the right amount of her money then grabbed a grocery bag.

The mother left the store as she adjusted the mask to make sure it covered her mouth and nose properly. She could see a very few civilians and a couple of police officer nearby. Nana turned the direction and walked down the path. She narrowed her eyes through the misty fog and ashes in the air, soft whistles from the breezes and her footsteps whispered across the ground.


Nana flinched in shocked and cautioned as she jerked her head back. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, oddly, the path is eerily empty. She waited after a couple of heartbeats then resume her walking.


The mother shivered from goosebumps as she hurried her steps down the path. Making loud tapping from her shoes against the ground. Her heart beating fast, blood pump up with anxiety and fear, and shorten her breath. When she saw an alleyway, she darts into it and pressed her back against the wall. Panting from the fast speed she was forced into as she opened her ears to any suspicion noise.


Shivered appeared back in her spine when she heard a noise behind her. Slowly, she turned around robotic as her eyes widen in frightening. A man had one ear missing, both of his lips had been bitten off, one hand had been mangled, his right bicep was chewed away exposing the white humerus beneath, and he was stumbled, dragging himself on the ground as his left foot was missing. He made a low growling moan that chilled Nana's blood. His pigmentation eyes were wild as he reached out.

Nana took steps backward with horror and it sparked the creature's interested and made low moan growled once again. The creature hopped toward her with snapping jaws.

The mother screech in great terror turned around and left the alleyway, leaving the grocery bag messily on the dark, dirty puddle. Unknowingly that creature has abnormally speed that it catches Nana's ankle. The mother fell forward on the ground as tears appeared in her eyes.


Nana released her ear-splitting high-pitched screamed filled with indescribable pain. Tears and snorts spilled over her face as she was shaking, attempted to get away from the monster that is gnawing on her shin.


The mother cried, helplessly and scared as the monster chopped onto her thigh. 'Tsu-kun… Tsu-kun!' she cried out to her one and only son. She shut her eyes as she kept fighting against the terrible monster.


Nana whimpered when she felt her forearm is gnawing by teeth from the monster. "Tsu…kun…" she whispered, slowly resigned herself to the monster. '…I love you, Tsu-kun…my baby boy…' was the last thought from her mind and the monster continued feasting the dead mother on the ground.



Namimori Hospital

Time: Afternoon of 1:25

Katsumi whimpered as she covered her mouth, forcing herself not to release any sound while hiding in the cabinet. She shut her eyes as tears spilled all over her hands. The sounds outside of the cabinet, it filled with groaning, snarling, howling, screaming, shrill, crunching, rasping, tearing, hissing, shuffling, grunting, and screaming. The nurse curled up in a small ball, pleading for the Kami above to save her, save everyone who is still alive and stop this madness outbreak. While inside of her heart sank with guilt and sorrow at the reminder of a little boy whose names meaning of deep hope is gone. '…is this a sign… a sign end of humanity?'

Outside of the cabinet in the room, Nen stood in the middle with clouded eyes. His head tilted to his side as he turns slowly to the cabinet. He sniffed and limped toward it until he stood in front of it. Stare blankly at the cabinet, alone. Ignore the blood and corpses surroundings.



Sawada Resident

Time: Afternoon of 1:39

Tsuna pulled his legs against his chest while his arms wrapped around his knees. His chin rests above on his arms while waiting for his mother to return. He stare out at the window, watching the grey smokes covered the blue sky and golden sun. Tsuna tilted his head to the side than from the corner of his eyes, the news is on the television in very low volume. Until a red blazing sign appeared on the screen.

Breaking news! The chaos of outbreak! Stay at home! Lock doors! Contagious virus! Safety Zone!

Then the screen went blank. The electric lights winked out, and the warm temperature lowered. Tsuna blinked in bewildered, confused, nervous and worried. He stood up from the couch and walked to the closed baloney doors. He pressed his palm against the cool glass. '…where are you, mama?' his heart squeezes with anxious.