Here we are in Chapter 3 folks, still going surprisingly strong but I don't expect that to be for much further since I'll be starting Uni again this coming Tuesday so need to focus on that.

In this chapter we'll be 'completing' the Gormott arc.


Also I found out that Rex is fifteen from one of the commenters, who knew? It's been updated in the previous chapter to reflect that now.

(Third Person POV)

"Captain Padraig," Brighid said gaining the Ardanian captains' attention. "You are to capture these four alive, is that understood?"

"L-Lady Brighid?" the captain saluted in confusion.

"Am I understood, Captain?" she repeated.

"Y-Yes, milady!" he saluted once more before rounding on his troops. "Men, get the you-know-what!"

"Sir!" The two soldiers saluted before running off leaving Captain Padraig and the Jewel of Mor Ardain behind.

Rex and Nia's weapons rose, a sword made of junk steel and the other spewing gouts of fire ether. Behind them, Dromarch readied his Twin Rings while Pyra began to supply ether to her Driver. In front of them, the captain adjusted the aim of his rifle while Brighid stood there calmly with her twin rapiers by her side.

Brighid took a step forward and spoke, "If you cease your resistance and surrender, you shall be unharmed. Continue to resist and lethal force shall be implemented."

"Yeh, no' gonna happen," Nia growled as she lowered herself. By her side, Rex adjusted his stance, ready to lunge.

"Nia, you, Pyra, and Dromarch take on Brighid. I'll take out the Captain, then I'll help you. Sound like a plan?" he asked.

Nia nodded, "Sounds like a plan. On three?"

"On three."

Brighid shook her head in disappointment, "I see you have chosen to continue resisting. Very well, Captain, lethal force may be implemented at your discretion, however, no killing."



For the second time, Brighid's sword rose.


In less than a second, Nia and Dromarch were on the 'Strongest Blade of Mor Ardain'. Fire and water clashed against blue flames, flecks of steam and smoke rising from their battle.

With the other two fighters, Rex shot forward like the wind already halfway to Captain Padraig before he could get in his first shot. By the time the first bullet left his rifle, Rex's junk sword was already turned sideways using the flat of the blade as an impromptu shield to soak up the shots, tiny dents forming in the blade as the bullets impacted the flat side.

"Yer dun!" the captain shouted as he continued to shoot more bullets as Rex continued his approach.

Back with Nia as she dodged a swipe of one of the twin swords which what do you know, turned out to be bloody whip swords she found out as she tried to block a strike only for the sword to suddenly extend and wrap around her own, almost yanking the Aegis Sword out of her grip. A swipe of said whip swords sent an X of blue flames flying at her necessitating her to jump out of the way lest she get burnt

"Bloody 'ell, I know she's meant to be strong and all but this is ridiculous," Nia muttered as she skidded across the dirt, coming to a halt next to Pyra. She took a breather as Dromarch sent water flying to the blue-flamed Blade.

"Aqua Wave!" the white-beast Blade roared as his Twin Rings spun in the air, a wave of water and healing ether flooding from them. Unfortunately for them, while the wave of healing arts was a nice touch, the water barely touched Brighid as she sent out another wave of fire evaporating it in a near-instant.

"Dromarch!" Nia yelled as she tossed the Aegis Sword over her head while grabbing onto the familiar handles of Dromarch's Twin Rings as they flew through the air. "Gemini Loop!" she yelled as she dashed towards Brighid whose whip swords came flying at Nia only to suddenly retract and block a red sword that had come out of nowhere. Pyra using the momentum leveraged her weight on the handle of her sword before backflipping in a feat of gymnastics.

While Brighid was sufficiently distracted by the Aegis, Nia got in two crippling strikes to her side. "Gah!" Brighid hissed in surprise and slight pain of the wound before she swung both swords outwards in a circle, flames rushing at both Nia and Pyra.

"My Lady!" Dromarch shouted helpless to do anything without his weapons by his side. Instead, he jumped in front of his Driver, a shield of ether forming before him to which the flames crashed against like an unrelenting flood. Similarly, Pyra formed her own ether shield to hold back the flames.

"Do you truly think this will be enough?" the blue-flamed Blade questioned as she pumped more and more ether, the flames increased in intensity and size.

"My Lady!/Nia!" Dromarch and Pyra yelled as cracks began to form on both of their ether shields, Dromarch's' cracking slightly faster than Pyra's.

"I know!" Nia hissed. Brighid was an unrelenting force, continuing to pump ether to supply her flames as they slowly increased in intensity, the air getting hotter and dryer the longer they fought.


The flames came to a stop as the sounds of metal clang in the air. Rex charged at the blue-haired Blade, the Captains' unconscious form out for the count behind him. With a leap he swung, his junk blade clashing against Brighid's' twin swords as she cut off her ether to block him.

Brighid was honestly surprised when she found her swords locking against his, a battle of strength and will. A battle of strength and will between a human and blade. 'Who is this boy?' she wondered as she slowly began to pump ether once more into her sword setting them aflame.


"Wild Roar!"

A blast of water ether flooded the two, weakening Brighid significantly as Rex broke the blade-lock and jumped backward to Nia's side. "You right, Rex?" Nia asked concerned as she looked him over, nothing more than a few cuts against his salvager suit and some singed hairs.

Rex grimaced a bit as he answered, "Could be better, honestly," he showed her his sword, sections of it unable to handle the flames of the Blade as it turned to melted slag.



"You ever had that moment where you think "I didn't think this through"? I'm having that moment right now."

Nia shook her head at him, astonished and amazed at his attitude in a time like this. "No' the time, Rex." She looked back at Brighid who was still recovering from the water. "Yah wouldn' happen to have any bright ideas would ya?"

"Aside from picking our asses up and run? No, can't say I do." Rex shook his head.

*thud thud thud*

Footsteps clattered down the road as more soldiers came running. "Wonderful," Nia remarked sarcastically as she readied herself, "Reinforcements." Dromarch's rings returned to him as Pyra and himself got ready to fight.

"Nia, you need to go."

"Wha-?" she looked at Rex in confusion.

"Nia, they're bringing ether nets. If they get you, you'll be caught and your ether supply with your Blades severed. You need to go, now." he urged her, eyes never leaving the Ardanian soldiers and the Blade.

"Rex, I'm no' 'bout to leave ya here!" Nia rebuked, raising the Aegis Sword as she did so. Like hell she was going to leave him behind.

"Nia, you're a wanted terrorist. In comparison, all I've done is resist arrest. Between the two of us, I think I'll be bette-"

"As lovely as that sounds, neither of you shall be going anywhere," Brighid's voice was soft but unyielding like steel as she finished getting up. "Especially not you, I have questions I need answered," her voice was still soft as she rushed Rex, her sword clashing against his.

"What-?" was all Rex managed to get out before his sword rose to black the attack. Unfortunately, his junk sword could only take so much punishment before it snapped.

"Argh- dammit!" Rex cursed as he looked at melted sword hilt clasped in his hand while Nia took charge and fought against Brighid. With barely a moment's thought he threw the melted handle to the side and grabbed the first thing he could reach from his bag and chucked it at the blue-haired blade in the hopes it'd do something.

And do something it did.


Nia stopped and stared.

Pyra stopped next to Rex as the ether supply to Nia cut off and she stared as well.

Dromarch stopped gathering ether into his rings and stared.

The Ardanian soldiers stared and wisely took several dozen steps back, two lifting up their unconscious captain as they did so.

"Hey Nia, I'm getting that feeling again."

Brighid's eyes cracked open the slightest of margins, baleful orbs of purple shining as the offending three-foot object slid off her face ever-so-slowly. Bits of slime residue and mould sticking to the normally steadfast Blades now almost incensed face.

'Why do I always have mouldy fish on me?' Rex wondered, followed by, 'Oh shit, she opened her eyes.' Rex had only ever seen Brighid open her eyes five times in his lifetimes. What followed never ended well.

"Men… arrest him!" Brighid growled, eyes alight while her soldiers saluted shakily to her.


Rex found himself blindsided by more Ardanian soldiers, aiming launchers at him. Looking around he knew what needed to be done.

"Pyra, follow the road down till you hit a dead-end turning left. At the dead-end turn right and you'll find that the wood wall is a false door leading to a house. A friend of mine will be able to help you out, tell him I sent you- Grah- shit!" Rex quickly spoke, barely loud enough for Pyra to hear much less anyone else before he found himself wrapped up in glowing ether nets.

"Rex!" Nia yelled out in dismay as her short-term friend was captured.

"Pyra, go! Take Nia and Dromarch and run!"

"You shall not escape!" Brighid's flames fanned out in a large circle, trapping them but leaving her wide open to one more of Dromarch's attacks.

"Wild Roar!" water ether gushed forward, soaking the flame blade and dousing the flames enough for a hole in the wall of fire to be seen.

"Gurk!" Brighid gasped as she was flooded with water, her powers dimming severely once more while the soldiers were dragged away by the flood.

"Nia, we need to go. Now." Pyra urged her Driver insistently. As much as she wanted to help Rex, she knew he'd be dismayed if they didn't follow his advice. He wanted them to escape.

"We can' jus' leave 'im Pyra!" Nia disagreed vehemently, fully intent on helping him.

"Nia, just go!" Rex shouted at her like a glowing five-foot worm. "I've only resisted arrest remember? The most they can do to me is keep me captive for a couple o' days, I haven't committed any crimes. If you stay you'll be executed! Just go, I'll be fine!"

"Tch, yer not makin' this any easier Rex!" Nia growled, uncertainty in her eyes as she looked at his downed form then back at Pyra and Dromarch who were more than ready to run.

"Nia, I'll be fine. Do what you need to do and run. Run from whoever is coming after you, you don't need to worry about me," Rex flopped around as he spoke. "Whatever the Ardanian say, I'll be fine. The law will protect me, just go already yeh bloody cat!"

"Grrr, fine!" Nia growled as the ether supplying her sword rained away and she holstered it on her back. "I'll find you one day though, yeh hear me?!"

"Looking forward to it."

With a heavy breath and heart, Nia ran with Dromarch and Pyra. Giving them one last grin, Rex smiled before his face smooshed into the dirt with a thud.

'Man, I really messed up.'

A shadow fell over him.

He didn't need to look up to know Brighid was looking down on him in disdain. He could hear her teeth grinding after all.

"Captain Padraig, take this boy to the Consul's office. He shall be questioned extensively by Lady Mòrag come tomorrow morning." Brighid's tone brokered no argument.

Captain Padraig was more than wise enough to not comment on her current condition, instead grabbing the blue-clad boy while his subordinates grabbed the boy's equipment. If they heard screams of rage as they walked to the Consul's office or saw gouts of blue flame rise from where they had once been, they certainly weren't going to turn around and check it out.

There were just some things men knew not to mess with.

(Third Person POV – Pyra)

Pyra felt a large burden of guilt as they ran down the road and reached the turn Rex had been talking about. Just as Nia and Dromarch were about to turn, she grabbed Nia's shoulder. "Pyra?" Nia looked at her questioningly as she moved over to the wall Rex had described. A wall made of wood. "Pyra, we need to get going!"

"No, Nia." Pyra disagreed as she shook her head, the door pushing inwards much to Nia's and Dromarch's surprise. "Rex said to go this way."

"Rex did?"

"Mmm, come on before we get caught," she motioned to join her. Nia and Dromarch looked at each other before nodding, joining Pyra before she closed the door. It was only a few seconds too soon as right after Pyra closed the false wall behind them, heavy footsteps resounded from beyond the wall.

*Thud thud thud*

It was a few seconds of tense breathing before the footsteps faded away. With a sag of her shoulders, Nia let out a relieved sigh before rounding on her fire-element Blade. "Pyra, what the hell is goin' on? How'd you know about this place?" she asked, aggrieved. Too much had happened in the scant few minutes prior and very little was making sense to the Gormotti girl.

Pyra could only grimace guiltily at her Driver. "Before we ran, before Rex was captured, Rex he… he told me we needed to run. He told me about the wall, and that there'd be someone who'd be able to help us."

Before Nia could say anything, Dromarch intervened already able to see the aggravation clearly on his mistress's features, the conflict rushing across her face. "My Lady, perhaps now would be the perfect time to rest and recuperate before deciding on a course of action."

Nia nodded stiffly. Letting go a deep breath she walked past her Blades. Dromarch looked over to his fellow Blade, Pyra watching her Driver walk away with emotions flittering across her face, most of which being guilt, concern, and conflict. "Perhaps it would be best we follow. Milady is most aggravated after the current state of affairs, especially after Master Rex's capture."

Pyra nodded wordlessly but followed Dromarch nonetheless. They both caught up with Nia before entering what seemed to be a house of some sort. It looked quite small all things considered with a kitchen and a second story to the house.

"Intruders detected and unrecognized. Initiating defensive procedures." a mechanical voice spoke before the three found themselves beset by a small figure, spinning blades coming their way.

"W-Woah!" Nia yelped before ducking under the swing. "Wha' the hell?!" she swore as she looked at the small figure as it came to a halt with its spinning slash. The figure was some sort of robotic girl.



Both blades took defensive stances in front of Nia, eyeing the small figure. All four, however, were distracted by a series of thumps coming from the second level.

"Mehmehmeh! Poppi?! What's going on down there?" a strangely accented voice called out from above. A few seconds later a large Nopon came falling from the second floor. With a roll and assistance from 'Poppi', the large Nopon's eyes fell on the three. "Mehmeh?! What Blades and Driver doing in house of Tora?!" he flailed around before grabbing onto the weapon in the hands of the machine.

Nia and Dromarch raised their own weapons in return.

"W-Wait, please! This is a misunderstanding!" Pyra intervened, desperate to prevent any casualties. "Tora, is it? Rex told us to come here! He said someone would be able to help us!"

Apparently, that was the right thing to say as the Nopon stilled. After a few more seconds he seemed to holster the shield that the machine head used to clash at Nia on his round back. "Rex-Rex told Driver and Blades to come to Tora?" the Nopon questioned. Behind him, the machine tilted its head slightly.

Nia and Dromarch looked at Pyra, slowly holstering their own weapons. With a nod, Nia let Pyra take the lead. "Um, yes he did. He said to go through the wall, that a friend of his would be able to help us." Pyra explained, pointing to the false door down the corridor they'd came through.

"You are friend of Rex-Rex?" Tora asked with wide eyes.

The three nodded uncertainly.

"Then friend of Rex-Rex is friend of Tora!" the large Nopon gave a toothy grin, "Come, come to house of Tora. Poppi! Driver and Blades are friend of Rex-Rex!" he said to them before talking to the small robot.

The robot tilted its/her head.

"They are friend of Unclepon Rex-Rex?"

Pyra, Nia, and Dromarch looked at each other then at the Nopon and Robot.


(Third Person POV – Nia)

The five of them were seated at Tora's dining table, a circular divot in the ground with a table to sit around. Tora had been nice enough to allow Pyra to use his ingredients and cook for them, much to Tora's delight.

Nia looked over at the Nopon gobbling down food, Dromarch and herself following at a much more sedate pace, Pyra eating daintily while the robot now known to them as 'Poppi' hadn't even touched her plate of food. "Uh, Tora? How exactly do you know Rex?" Nia asked inquiringly. After finding out that Rex was Poppi's 'Uncle' had left questions, questions she wouldn't mind answers to if anything to help get her mind off the day's events for even a moment.

Tora stopped for a moment from eating and thought. "Tora… became friends with Rex-Rex after Rex-Rex break into house of Tora!" he said cheerfully.

"Rex… broke into your house?" Pyra was almost aghast. "Why on earth would he break into your house?"

Tora merely pointed to a small console that was barely visible beyond the doorway from their position. "Rex-Rex break into house of Tora to play game passed down to Tora from Grampypon! Tora not know though how Rex-Rex know about game," Tora scratched his head with one of his wings. "Tiger! Tiger! game is broken, however, so Rex-Rex fix it before passing out!"

Nia and Pyra weren't exactly sure how to respond to that. "Lemme get this straigh'. Rex… broke into your house cause o' some old game, fixed it an' passed out?" Nia asked, her head swimming with more and more questions. For one, she could believe him doing something like that with how little she knew about him, but, why?

"Mhmm!" Tora agreed.

"And you became friends after that?" Pyra asked.

"Nonono—Tora and Rex-Rex became friends after Rex-Rex wake up and apologise. To pay Tora back, Rex-Rex help Tora get necessary materials for Poppi." he explained. "After helping Tora, Rex-Rex become good friend."

Nia's head swiveled on a turn as she looked at the robot beside Tora. "He helped make you? Is that why you call him 'Uncle'?"

"Unclepon Rex-Rex help masterpon purchase final materials for making Poppi. Very expensive materials." Poppi informed them.

"Uh… okay…" was all Nia could say to that. "Back to earlier, you said Rex passed out? Do you know why?" Nia wasn't sure why she was continuing to ask questions.

Poppi rose her hand and shook it like an excited child. "Uncle Rex-Rex was inebriated!"


"Excuse me?" Pyra covered her mouth in shock.

"He was wha-?!" Nia questioned.

"Unclepon Rex-Rex was inebriated when breaking into masterpon's house. After helping finish Poppi, Poppi scan Unclepon Rex-Rex." Poppi nodded assured. "Uncle Rex-Rex consumed large quantity of Arduran Milk. Pure Arduran Milk contains trace amounts of ethanol due to fermentation."

Nia just stared. Too much information was getting shoved into her head and none of it made sense. "Wha-?" was all she uttered.

"Um… where is Rex-Rex actually?" Tora asked looking around curiously for the blue-clad salvager.

The guilt in both Pyra and Nia came plummeting back. "Uh… he's…"

(Third Person POV - Rex)

Rex was sort of surprised by the way he was treated. He wasn't placed in solitary confinement like Nia had been which all things considered was pretty good. Instead, he was placed under watch and guard in Consul Dughall's office with meals coming at 8000, 1200, and 1800 Ardanian Military time.

Being under watch and guard certainly gave time for Rex to think. What to think about?

'I'm surprised it took me this long to get arrested,' Rex mulled over as he laid down on the Consul's floor. He was allowed to sit on the couches but where was the fun in that? 'Considering I've socked Dughall in the middle of Torigoth before, I'd thought I'd have been arrested far sooner.'

With how much lives Rex has lived, he'd certainly turned to crime in some of them. It wasn't known well but Pandoria certainly knew how to lock-pick and was more than willing to teach how to do it. Rex had broken into several important places with that particular skill set.

"Lady Mòrag, surely you needn't question this boy yourself?" the bumbling Consul's voice was easily heard from beyond his office walls.

The familiar accent of the Mor Ardanian Special Inquisitor's voice washed over Rex's ears. "Consul, what questions I have for this boy are not of your concern. Your concern should be the arrest of the TORNA fugitive within your area of command."

The door swung open.

Familiar clacking of armored boots against wood floor paused for a moment. Slowly the clocking rose back up as he heard her walk over to his little space on the floor. Cracking open an eye, a single gold orb met two brown. Behind Mòrag was her ever-loyal Blade, though with how intently Brighid wasn't looking at him, he'd probably say she was still mad.

"You were not what I was expecting when I was told an accomplice of TORNA had been captured. One that managed to hold back Brighid and defeat Captain Padraig at that." Mòrag remarked blandly.

"And I was expecting to go sleep in my room in the Inn and make some Pan-Fried Tartari but here we are." Rex shot back from his place on the floor.

He took note of the almost imperceptible upturn quirk of her lips. Turning around Mòrag addressed the soldiers keeping watch of him along with the Consul behind her. "Leave us, I shall interrogate the prisoner."

The two soldiers saluted silently but Dughall spoke up. "Special Inquisitor, is it truly wise for one such as yourself to be alone with the accomplice?"

A sharp glare was returned causing the rotund man to flinch. "Consul, continue questioning me and I shall have you stripped of rank for Insubordination. Is that clear?" her voice was cold as ice.

"M-Ma'am!" Dughall couldn't have spat out fast enough to run.

The two soldiers followed him but at a slower pace. Walking over, Brighid shut the door and locked it with a click. Walking over to the sole desk in the room Mòrag sat down. Rex, on the other hand, found himself being hauled up like a sack of potatoes by the collar of his suit by a warm almost burning hand.

"Ow," Rex glared at Brighid as she deposited him in front of the desk, a glare she was more than glad to return with greater intensity.

"If the two of you have had enough, perhaps I can begin with the questioning?"

Breaking eye contact with the Blade, he nodded at the Special Inquisitor. "Go for it."

Mòrag rose a brow at his nonchalance but chose not to question it, instead pulling out a small list of questions from her breast pocket. "I will be asking you a series of questions, each of which I need you to answer truthfully. If you comply, I will see to it that you are released after you have spent time for resisting arrest." she addressed Rex with a firm tone.

Rex looked at her unimpressed. "You do realise I resisted arrest because I was unlawfully being arrested for being an internationally illegal Driver? Something which I was not. I also was arrested for being an accomplice of TORNA when I hadn't known Nia was a member, right?"

Mòrag looked at him with a similarly unimpressed gaze. "You still resisted arrest and assaulted the Blade of a high-ranking officer of the Mor Ardanian Army with produce. Do you deny that?"

"Pfft no." Rex gave an infuriating chuckle, much to Brighid's consternation.

Mòrag rose a hand as Brighid hands were ablaze, holding her rapier-whips in both hands alight with flame and her face contorting in aggravation. Brighid almost looked like she was contemplating ignoring the unsaid order, but eventually acquiesced.

"What is your name, place of residence, and occupation."

"Rex, Fonsett Village in Leftheria, and ex-Salvager of the Argentum Trade Guild."

"This will need to be checked over extensively at a later date to ensure this is true, do you understand?" Mòrag asked as she wrote down his answer.

"Loud and Clear."

"Very well," she nodded in acceptance as she flipped through some reports. "It says here that you arrived on an unregistered Titan within the last week. Does that Titan belong to you or is it a roaming one? In addition, what are your reasons for visiting Torigoth?"

Rex shrugged his shoulders at the first question. "Gramps is the caretaker of Fonsett Village. I lived on him while I was a Salvager but after a particularly good haul I asked if he could drop me off here before bringing the haul back to Leftheria," he explained, "I'm looking to take a ship Uraya since Gramps couldn't take me all the way."

"I see…" Mòrag muttered. "And your reasons for heading to Uraya?"

"Is this something I need to answer?" Rex asked in confusion. He didn't think this was how interrogations were meant to go. He'd seen T-elos do an interrogation and the one he was getting in comparison was so tame it may as well be lukewarm water.

"It is to ensure you are not a threat to the citizens of Gormott and Mor Ardain. It will also allow us to track you should we need to bring you in for questioning again in the future," Mòrag supplied calmly.

Rex admitted it made sense on some level. Maybe it was Ardanian policy or something? He'd never really paid attention to the minor details. "I'm looking to joining the Garfont Mercenaries," Rex answered truthfully. He didn't see any reason not to.

"Interesting…" was Morag's only reply. "Okay I believe that is all for the questions," she said as she tapped the papers into a neat pile on the desk before relaxing in the chair, her hands clasped together as her elbows came to a rest on the surface of the desk. She looked at him with her ever sharp eyes. "Now, I believe the interrogation may begin."

'Well, damn…' he thought dumbly, of course, it couldn't have been easy. "Wasn't that the interrogation?"

Mòrag gave a thin smile. "No, it wasn't. That was merely the regulation questions submitted when requiring to profile a prisoner. Consider this interrogation more of a vested personal interest."

"Okay…" Rex nodded unsurely this time. He couldn't exactly say he'd had experience with actual interrogations much less being on the receiving end.

"Why were you traveling with the Gormotti TORNA member-"

"Ex-TORNA." Rex interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Mòrag seemed stunned by his interruption.

"She's Ex-TORNA. She's on the run from them." Rex grinned, a small idea forming in his head.

Mòrag's eyes met his, a firm resolve standing behind them. "Ex-TORNA? If you don't have sufficient proof, I'm afraid I won't be able to take you at face value."

"How about we make a deal." Rex suggested, the small grin on his face growing ever-so-slightly larger.

A finely plucked eyebrow rose. "I'm afraid you don't have anything of value to supply. You are a prisoner, you have nothing to offer."

"I have information." Rex replied, his grin turning smug. "I have information on your Blade's past."

Mòrag thought about it before shaking her head. "My Blade's past is of no relevance to you."

"Oh? That's a shame."

Mòrag leaned forward, closely examining Rex. "Should you have any other information, however, that may be of value I would be open to negotiating terms."

Rex gave her an odd look. "This seems like a bit of a stretch of your powers, don't you think."

"Let's consider this less of being here within my official capacity as Special Inquisitor, and more a… concerned citizen." Mòrag gave a barely-there twitch of the lips smile.

"Right…" Rex didn't believe that for a single second but he knew that she could tell he was hiding something but that wasn't all too surprising. He was leading her after all. "What do you want to know, then?"

"What do you know?" she asked, leaning back in her chair, ears open to whatever he had to say.

"That's a bit broad, don't you think?" Rex asked with the slightest hint of sarcasm. "I know many things, such as the return of the Aegis', both the ones she fought against and fought with."

His statement caused Morag's eyes to shoot open while Brighid stood ramrod straight.

"I could tell you about how the Consul of yours outside is colluding with Chairman Bana of the Argentum Trade Guild and that both are working with TORNA. I could tell you about the secret operation currently running in the Old Factory near the Chansangh Wastes that's used to supply TORNA." Rex continued, looking at the two. They were seconds away from breaking, their eyes almost bulging. "Of course, that's a bit too broad isn't it."


Mòrag sat silently.

"What terms do you wish to implement with the negotiation in exchange for information regarding the Aegis, TORNA, and all factions supporting both?" she finally asked, to which Rex gave a canary-like grin.

Hook, line, and sinker.

Rex hadn't expected to be doing negotiations, but sometimes he just had to try something new.

Two days later in the dead of night saw Mòrag and Brighid watch as a Titan ship left the port of Torigoth. This particular ship was heading on its way to Fonsa Myma in the Urayan Titan with a special VIP aboard at the Special Inquisitor's behest.

(Third Person POV)

"Do you think it wise to believe him?" Brighid couldn't help but ask her Driver.


"Lady Mòrag?"

"I do not," Mòrag admitted slowly, "However, he was not lying either."

Brighid's brows furrowed in slight confusion. "I'm not sure I understand, Lady Mòrag."

"I checked Dughall's personal console, there were audio files of him and Chairman Bana that has lent credence to the boy's information," Mòrag said as she turned away from the docks and began to walk, her Blade following in line with her. "The information he exchanged with us has so far been proven to be truthful. However, I do not think it wise to believe that all he told was the truth till we investigate ourselves."

"I see…" Brighid murmured. "About the operation near the Chansangh Wastes, would you like to deploy a squad to investigate?"

The Special Inquisitor shook her head. "No, we shall handle the matter personally once we have finished business in Torigoth."

"And the Aegis?"

"We shall abide by the terms of our agreement. The Aegis and its Driver, in addition to any company she may keep, is not to be pursued so long as its goals do not cause any harm to innocents." The Special Inquisitor informed her. "Should they cause innocents harm, however, then the terms of our agreement have been broken and the Aegis and company are to be imprisoned and executed."

"I- ...Understood, Lady Mòrag." Brighid hesitated for a second but agreed not a moment later.

Looking at the night sky, the Special Inquisitor could only pray to the Architect she was making the right choice. Looking at the night sky left Mòrag unable to notice as Brighid shied away from a particular store on the Torigoth market.

Brighid gave the stall of Tomi Fishmongers a slight berth as they passed it.

(Third Person POV – Nia)

Nia was at a loss after days of skulking around Torigoth. Sure, she'd known Rex would have been fine after he'd told them to leave, but to find out he'd been let out after two days of imprisonment and was already on a ship to Uraya? Nia had been expecting something more at least.

'I'll take what I can get though…' she thought.

Her guilty conscience may have told her that they should have tried and freed Rex if only to assuage the guilt of abandoning him but in the end, she knew it would have only created more trouble, something Pyra, Dromarch, Tora, and Poppi had agreed with. Therefore, it was with a heavy heart that they left him behind to travel to the World Tree with the help of Tora and Poppi, both of which who had become close friends with through their mutual acquaintance of Rex and were quite happy to assist them.

Nia looked around the boat Tora's uncle had been kind enough to allow them to borrow on the condition that they procure the required materials and find the missing Titan. 'Still can't believe she's an 'artificial blade'.' she thought as she watched Pyra, Dromarch, and Poppi converse.

Finding out that Poppi had been what was known as an Artificial Blade has led to much confusion for the intruding trio when Tora and Poppi fought alongside them while getting the required wood for the boat. It did, however, prove that both Tora and Poppi were strong and skilled enough to hold their own.

"Wow…" Tora's awed gasp broke her out of her musing. Looking at him she found him looking up, her own view following suit.

Her breath got stuck in her throat.

Slowly their Titan ship drifted closer and closer to the base of the World Tree. She faintly felt Pyra and Dromarch join her at her side. "So tha's the World Tree, huh?" she breathed out, gazing upon its sheer size, "I've never seen it so close before…"

"It very big!" Tora understated with Poppi nodding beside him.

Nia noticed though that there was a section surrounding the World Tree where the Cloud Sea just seemed to fall. "The current here's really strong…" she noted as she grabbed a grip on the steering wheel. "If we fall in that, we're toast…"

"Pyra, you've any idea how to get past tha'?" Nia asked her Blade.

"Pyra?" Nia turned around at her silence, Pyra seemingly staring at the World Tree with a thousand-yard stare.

"We… Nia, we need to go!" Pyra urgently said, surprising Nia with her suddenness. "We can't stay here!"

"Wha'? What're you blabberin' about Pyra?" Nia looked at her in confusion.

The Cloud Sea bulged before shooting up, causing the boat to rock violently. "Woah!" Nia yelped, barely grabbing onto the steering wheel to steady herself while everyone tried to grab onto the railings of the boat the best they could.

A shadow descended upon them causing them to look up.

"Wha' the hell is tha'?!" Nia asked as she took in the giant purple serpentine monster looming over them.


Nia looked over at Pyra. "Who now- ?!" she asked but was cut off as the monster's body surged upwards, causing the boat to shake even more. Ophion looked down at them and-


"Gaaah!" Nia grimaced as the screech tortured her sensitive ears. She'd vaguely heard Pyra yell out something but her ringing ears could barely hear, judging from the tone though, it probably was something like "We need to go!", something Nia was fully on board with.

Giving the steering wheel a spin, the titan ship gave a turn and began its quick getaway. She could still hear Pyra saying stuff but none of it was making its way through the ringing of her ears.

Suddenly she was left with a feeling of utter weightlessness.


Pain blossomed as she slammed against the floor of the ship, barely missing her head against the steering wheel by inches. Hastily grabbing the wheel, she looked back and noticed the monster move back towards the World Tree."

"W-Wha'? W-wha' was tha' Pyra?" Nia asked between sharp pained breathes, her ribs aching as she struggled to steer the ship. It was not to be though as the wheel barely took effect, the boat seemingly following a strong current rather than the steering wheel.

"My Lady!" Dromarch's yell caught her attention causing her to look forward.

"O-oh damn it!" Nia sputtered a course as she realised why the current was so strong. They were being pulled into the mouth of a Titan.

The Titan of Uraya!

"Everyone! Hold on!" Nia yelled before they were swallowed by darkness.

Okay so lol, got halfway through writing this, read 'Inquisitor Nyah' on AO3 and thought 'y'know, let's just fuck my canon-centric story right off!' and now I've gone off the rails. Everything I said would be in this story such as pan-fried tartari has now been kicked off.

Nia will follow Canon for the most part (sadly) while Rex now has his own thing going on while till he meets up with the main cast, yay! Won't take long though.

With what I was going to write, it wouldn't make sense for Nia to break out Rex. Like Rex is just a salvager, not a member for TORNA, he's not about to be executed or anything. Also, she'd only known Rex for around three to four days at most, yeah she cares for him in that little time, but she couldn't break him out lest he get hurt (she doesn't know he's a Driver, as well and won't for a while).

Also, the whole Torigoth thing happened because they were trying to lure Pyra out of hiding to eliminate her and all that jazz, but at the time Rex was captured, Mòrag and Brighid did not know about the existence of the Aegis till he tells them.

Also, I just find the whole Torigoth breakout scene stupid, like it's cool and all in the first playthrough but in the second one you just realise they can go back through the entrance they originally came through and not have to explore a whole ship of Arrdanian troops looking for another exit.

P.S Still no idea where I'm going with this story.