About a week had passed since Bulma's little get together. Goten was playing a card game that made zero sense with Yamcha and Barack Obama, and Obama was winning. A sudden distant tapping distracted Goten from what was already a confusing expirience. He thought the tapping was someone in the room helping Obama cheat. He eyed the former president, "How ya doin' Barack?" He questioned, he didn't get a response. Then the distant tapping was replaced with a distant "Goten". "Hey do you guys hear someone calling me?" Goten asked. Yamcha shrugged, Obama didn't react, he was too focused on his cards. Goten looked down at his cards, the patterns were shifting and changing at random. He sighed and put his head in his hands, there was no way he could win this.

The distant calling of his name was getting louder. Suddenly everything went blurry. Goten fell backwards and got the wind knocked out of him, he was gasping for air, the room spun around him. It got louder "GOTEN GOTEN GOTEN." Everything went black, now the constant shouting of his name was a whisper, but one very close to him. He opened his eyes and less than 2 inches away from his face was Trunks. "Goten, good you're awake."

Goten jolted upright, his head crashing into Trunks'. Trunks stumbled backwards. "Jesus what the fuck man?!" Goten whisper-shouted. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, anyway let's go get dressed." Trunks rummaged through Goten's closet throwing him a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"What? Why?"

"Because we're going out, you can't go out if you're in you're in your underwear."

Goten turned bright red as he realized the implications of Trunks being in his bedroom, the blush dissipated quickly as he realized the assumption that he was wearing underwear meant they hadn't done the no pants dance the night before. The blood quickly rushed back to his face as he connected the dots on what else this meant, Goten didn't wear underwear in his sleep, in fact he didn't wear anything. "Uh Trunks, can you maybe get me a pair of unnn-" he couldn't finish.

Trunks stared at him for a minute, then he blushed as well. He quickly turned away from the other saiyan as he too realized what was under the blanket. He wasn't exactly sure why he was blushing, maybe it was Goten blushing that did it. He threw him a pair of underwear. Goten rushed to pull them on under the blanket, he then put on the rest of his clothes as well.

"Can you tell me where we're going please?" Goten asked.

"Anywhere but your house." Trunks replied.

"Dude can this wait? It's..." Goten squinted as he read the clock next to his bed "...4 am, I'm kinda tired."

"Exactly! that's why we need to go and now, your mom wakes up at 5 every morning, we gotta go before then so get moving."

"Are you sure this is a good idea? And how do you know when my mom wakes up?"

"Both of those questions are unimportant, now just get going."

"But I don't know if-"

"Oh jesus christ!" Trunks grabbed Goten and tossed him out the window, he jumped out behind him. "Come on, you can come to my house and sleep- Wait, actually let's go into the woods." He grabbed Gotens hand and ran along. Not really understanding what was happening, Goten followed groggily.

He woke up under a tree, the sun shining through the leaves above him. Trunks was sitting on a branch laughing at his phone. "Hey" Goten called.

"Oh you're awake, I was starting to think you never would." Trunks said.

"Yeah, right. What time is it?" Goten asked.

"About noon I think."


"No Goten, c'mon, settle down, you need a day off."

"But what about my mom?"

"Oh she'll live."

Goten checked his phone. 32 missed calls from mom. He groaned and sat on the ground. He clenched the grass.

"Alright, you've seen the missed calls, you wanna go back to THAT, oooor do you wanna have a fun day out with me, your pal Trunks?"

"Can I just kill myself?"

"Probably not."

"I'm not hearing a no."

"Goten you're not killing yourself."

"Ok fine, but I'm gonna text her." He took out his phone and texted ChiChi "hi I ran away not kidnapped don't call police".

"Ok so now what?" He looked at Trunks.

"What do you wanna do?" Trunks answered with a question.

"I don't know, this was your idea."

"Yeah but it's for you, like, you need this, anything you could do anything at all what is it?"

"Uhh I don't know why can't you just pick?"

"Fine, lets do heroin."

"Fine lets go to Costco!"


"Yeah Costco!"

"Ok Costco it is then!" Trunks walked through the forest with Goten trailing closely behind him. Eventually they reached the sidewalk where Trunks' car was parked. Trunks sat in the drivers seet.

Goten eyed him puzzled. "Why can't we just fly?"

"So that I can gratuitously flex my families wealth, duhhh."

"Alright lets just go." Goten got in next to him. Trunks smiled and winked at him. Goten looked out the window. Without a second to spare Trunks floored it, he took out the muffler so that everyone in a 37 block radius would now how awesome and cool he is.

"Adults are so lame, all they do is yell at us for doing cool stuff and being awesome!" Trunks said without being prompted.

Goten made a vague noise in response, he wasn't really paying attention, he was too antsy, the thought of what ChiChi would do when he got home was weighing on him too much. He could appreciate the sentiment in what Trunks was doing for him but he clearly had no clue what Goten really needed. But on that note not even Goten knew what Goten really needed. Was it a day off? Maybe but he didn't need one with the stress of knowing that his mom was at home waiting to beat his ass. Trunks made attempts at conversation for the duration of the car ride, Goten only answered with murmurs.

Once they got to Costco Trunks hopped out of the car excitedly. He had to practically pull Goten out of the car. "I think I want to go home" Goten squeaked.

"Yeah, me too, Costco kinda sucks." Trunks scratched his head. "But you can't go home.

"Why not?" Goten groaned.

"Because you need to have character development, also your mom will almost certainly kill you."

Goten grumbled and followed Trunks inside. "Here we go, the books, pick something out, man." Trunks nudged him.

Goten looked at the books, not really processing what any of them were. He pulled out a random book.

"Woah Goten, I didn't know you were a freak." Trunks laughed.

Goten looked at the book in his hand and realized he was holding an erotic novel. He put it back. "Let's go somewhere else." Goten said.

"Alright sure, I know a good place to relax." Trunks and Goten made their way over to the camping section. Trunks gathered some firewood and put it in the display fire pit. He got two lawn chairs and sat them beside each other. He sat in one and patted the other for Goten to sit in, Goten slumped down in it.

"Check it out, I got the dogs." Trunks pulled frozen hot dogs out of his pockets.

"A couple of frozen hot dogs covered in your pocket lint? There's no way I'm eating that." Said Goten.

"They're not- okay watch this." Trunks shot a small amount of ki at the fire pit, which burst into flames.

"Is that allowed?" Goten asked, for the first time thinking of something other than his mom.

"No." Replied Trunks. The two sat in silence for a moment as Trunks held the hot dogs over the fire with his bare hands.

"You're such an idiot." Goten said.

"How so?" Asked Trunks.

"Just because you hover the hot dogs over a flame with your filthy hands doesn't mean I'm gonna eat them."

"Ok, that just means there's more for me." Trunks popped both of them into his mouth.

"Hey, Trunks." Said Goten.

"Yeah, man?"

"Thanks." Goten smiled. The two sat there for about 5 minutes before the smoke finally reached the sprinklers. They both ran out giggling like crazy. For just a few minutes Gotens worries left his mind and the only thing that mattered was hanging out with Trunks.