Disclaimer: All the characters, names, and incidents portrayed here are strictly fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased) is intended or should be inferred.


P.S. Spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home and YJ up through season 2. You have been warned.


Heroes didn't live long. Falling victim to potentially world ending cataclysms was an occupational hazard. The only way to avoid that was to retire young, and never go back.

Artemis is gonna kill me.

But that was the thing about being a hero. There was always some potentially world ending cataclysm to stop and the kind of person who could be a hero once, just wouldn't be able to stop. The next time the world needed saving and there were just too few people to save it, they'd feel compelled to jump in and do it themselves. Once a hero, always a hero.

And that was why Wally West died on June 20, 2016, at approximately 13:48 UTC… Or at least that's what Wally, and everyone else, thought as he felt the painful blasts from the MFD dissolve his speeding form.

Not a moment later though, Wally realized he hadn't, in fact, died. Or at the very least he didn't feel dead. But he did feel disoriented, like he had just been on a super-fast carousel while being broken down and put back together, which was actually a fairly accurate description of what had just happened. As such, Wally lost his footing and found himself flying through the air faster than even he had any right to be going. He landed in a snowdrift and skidded to a halt along the ice.

Wally pushed himself off the ground and looked about him. There was no doubt that he was still in the Arctic but if he had to guess, he'd gone quite a ways from where he'd started.

Gotta go back, they might still need me.

Wally took off back in the direction he'd come, only to find that he was once again going faster than he had any right to be. As a result, he overshot.

That was weird.

Wally gave it another go and this time he didn't overshoot and he arrived where the MFD and his uncle and cousin were. At least that was where they were supposed to be. Something wasn't right. He wasn't too sure about Bart, he hadn't known him for very long after all, but he was pretty sure his future first cousin once removed wouldn't just leave him at the North Pole to freeze to death and he was certain that his uncle wouldn't. There was also the matter of the missing MFD. Wally looked around looking for clues as to what had happened but the only signs of life he saw were the drifts of snow he'd churned up from his running.

Wally activated the scanning capabilities of his goggles to try and get more information only to find that there was nothing else to find. No signs of the MFD, no signs of Barry or Bart. Wally then tried his communicator, only to get static on the other end. That was when Wally noticed something else was wrong. Supposedly, from a purely geographic perspective, he was in exactly the same spot where the MFD had been, and where magnetic north should be. Only it wasn't there. Magnetic north seemed to be much closer to true north than he remembered.

Okay Wall-man, stay whelmed. There's gotta be another explanation. There's no way you're in another universe. The odds of there being multiple realities are… Can't think of that. The only way to find out what's going on is to get back to civilization.

That was when Wally finally noticed that his suit wasn't in exactly the best shape. It may have been friction resistant, but however fast he'd been going had been enough to cause it to wear faster than it normally would.

Another unexplained phenomenon.

Making up his mind to get back home as fast as possible, Wally took off south at top speed, hoping against hope that his hunch was wrong. That he'd soon find himself back in Central City with Artemis waiting there to kill him for being so reckless.

He would find himself sorely disappointed.