Deku, The Omnifarious Hero

DISCLAIMER: I do not own either of the properties used in this fic. My Hero Academia and Ben 10 are owned by their respective creators. This is just for fun.

"That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero." - Stan Lee

Chapter 1: Prologue: A True Hero

All they could do was watch. Faces of horror were plastered on the masses gathered to see the troubling situation ahead. The situation is that a young man was dying. No, not dying, but rather being killed. Slowly and painfully the blonde-haired teen was losing life through asphyxiation, his lungs being filled with putrid sludge. In front of all those who bear witness to such tragedy was a creature with no shape. A polymorph with a deranged face that matched its personality. It would kill the boy with a smile, all for the desire to have a human body.

The horror was not exclusive to the pedestrians but to those who were supposed to save him. The heroes on the scene did there best to help but it was all for naught.

"My punches don't do any damage!"

"Wood and fire don't mix!"

"A one-lane street; my only weakness!"

"I'm busy trying to keep the fire from spreading!"

"Why are the heroes just standing there? The slime guy is right there and they're not attacking." Said a bystander in the crowd.

The bystander was not wrong in his remark. The point of a hero was not to look on but rather to act. This moral responsibility should not be restrained by those with a mask and a uniform, but to all those who were at the scene. It didn't matter what their quirks would allow. All that mattered was a will to act. That is the true essence of being a hero. Yet they still look upon the sight before them. The explosive blonde using his quirk, determined to stay alive, fighting his out of the liquid abomination.

All they could do was watch.

But not all present could stand by to watch a young life slip away from this world. From the crowd came another teen, with green hair and a determined look upon his face. Sprinting towards the danger, the green-haired boy enacted his on the spot plan of rescue. In an instant, the slime villain was blinded by a pencil that flew from the backpack flanged at his face. Ignoring the pleas from the bystanders and the pro heroes, the boy continued his rescue. While approaching the area of disaster, both of the boy's eyes meet each other in the chaos. The red eyes of the victim were filled with anger and confusion. He did not want the other boy's help in the situation. He would never accept the help from a weakling like the one before him. Meanwhile, the green eyes of the rescuer contained resolve and nobility. He will save the life of a dear friend, no matter the cost or what he had thought of him. True heroes persevere through torment and shame. This brave young man had suffered these things all his life. Although this was an act of pure nobility, there was still an urge within to prove himself that he can be a hero even though he had no quirk of his own.

That all changed six months ago when a strange device fell from the sky to deliver him from his darkest moment. From there on out a new hero would be in the making. One that would prove to all that anyone can be a hero.

'Villian distracted! Now to save Kacchan!' Izuku Midoriya thought. With his next move, he revealed the watch hidden by the sleeve on his left arm. By pressing a button, a dial had risen from the watch and with a few twists, he found the transformation he was looking for. Then as he slammed down on the dial, a heroic phrase came from his mouth.


This is the story of how Izuku Midoriya became the greatest hero in the world.



This is an idea that came to me when I was looking for MHA x Ben 10 stories on the web and I just had to write it. With my love of My Hero and Ben 10, my hyperactive imagination and my amateur writing I give you my first multi-chapter fic, 'DEKU, THE OMNIFARIOUS HERO'!

This story is one I hope others will enjoy and one that you keep reading until the end. Stay tuned, because this won't be some run of the mill crossover. There will be canon divergence, modifications from both sources and some characters will die and some will live. Along with original heroes and villains and some ships if you squint hard enough. Sorry romantics but this story's focus is about the characters and the action and I'm not very good at romance (maybe some other time).

Shout out to sunsetskywritesfor beta testing this fic and being a good friend. Make sure to check out her fic, 'Molecular Telekinesis', if you dig Quirk! Izuku fics. That story and it's writer is my inspiration to keep on going with this work (that and it's pretty good...).

Anyway thanks for reading this fic. Thanks for the support and until next time...

- Bran