Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.

Sorry for any misspelling. Also I have only watched up to Season 5 episode 1 so that will be the point of view for the characters.

I will give the name of the video and the creator at the beginning of each chapter.

Chapter One: The Room

It was the night of the full moon and Stiles and Scott where sat at the lookout point over Beacon Hills, with the jeep, discussing college plans. The storm was over Beacon Hills at the moment and lightning flashed across the sky.

"All right, so I found some cool two bedrooms in the Mission District, but they're pretty expensive. A couple in Haight and Ashbury…also expensive." Mentioned Stiles as he was hunched over a map displaying places him and Scott could stay. They had been going over this for the past hour and so far, no decisions had been made.

"What about Berkeley? Don't a lot of students live around there?" answered Scott, finally giving some opinion and ideas of where the two of them could live.

Berkeley was a nice place, but Stiles was still concerned over his jeep. His jeep was not being left behind, okay.

"Yeah, yeah, we could try Nob Hill. But the Jeep would probably burn through a lot of clutches."

"You're bringing the Jeep?" a confused Scott answered back.

It was adorable that Scott thought he was going to leave his jeep thought Stiles as he spoke about no one being left behind and the plan he had.

"You know the plan, no one gets left behind. That's the plan. Lydia's not gonna have a problem getting into Stanford. Kira's thinking USF. Malia's, uh… gonna… you know, she'll figure something out, okay.

The plan's perfect."

Scott though seemed to find a hole in his plan…his vision.

"Or we could also wait until we actually get into college and then figure out where to live."

Shaking his head and looking at Scott like he was a puppy, Stiles spoke about his vision and how he didn't want the vision to be ruined. It has taken him years to configure his vision out and he was not going to let Scott ruin it.

Stopping the talk about college plans they finally got to the reason as to why they were at the lookout point and not at home getting ready for the big event that night.

"Think it's been long enough?" Stiles murmured to Scott as he jumped of where he was perched on Stiles' jeep. Looking over, the both of them started walking up to where Liam was tied to the tree. As they were walking over all three of them started to feel funny, like someone or something was trying to suck them up threw a vacuum cleaner.

Next thing they knew they were in a room with no light. Just total and complete darkness.

"What…what's going on. Where are we?" stiles spoke out after getting his bearing that they were not in the woods anymore.

"Scott. Liam. You here?"

"Yeah and I think the others are as well." Answer Scott. As he said this the darkness went away and the room was flooded with light.

The room looked like a lounge with some couches and seats and one giant tv hung up on the wall. The couches created a half circle around the TV. There was some snacks and drinks in the corner as well as some doors. The main thing though was who was in the room with them.

As Stiles looked around the room, he noticed his Dad and Melissa stood by each other.

Chris and Isaac where next to each other and where staring at someon-

"Allison" Chris whispered and started walking towards her like she would disappear followed by Isaac who looked like he had just been slapped.

Stood by Allison was the Twins, Aiden and Ethan, with Ethan was holding Danny's hand. Both looked like they had just been kissing. Ethan then moved to hold Aiden and didn't look like he would be letting go anytime soon.

Next was Derek who was in the middle of hugging both Erica and Boyd with Braeden putting a hand on his shoulder. Off to the side of them stood Kira and Malia, with Lydia who looked like she just woke up. Parish was walking from where he stood to go and talk to John (Stile's dad) but diverted to check on Lydia.

After looking around the room it was obvious that they were there for a reason. I mean who would being people back from the dead and just put them into a room. After everyone finished talking and growling (and a bit of crying, not that anyone would say) they moved to sit down on the couches.

The order went like this:

On the first couch sat Chris, Allison and Isaac.

The second couch held Stiles, Malia and Lydia.

Parish, John and Melissa sat on the next one.

Scott, Kira and Liam sat on the fourth couch.

On the fifth couch Derek, Braeden, Erica and Boyd sat.

The final couch held Aiden, Ethan and Danny.

After sitting down and taking in who was in the room, the main questions on everyone's mind was where the hell where they and why?

Before anyone could speak and piece on paper appeared on a table in the middle of the couches.

Stiles went and grabbed it before anyone else could, without even think what could have happened it was dangerous.

"stop looking at me like that. It's a piece of paper. I never knew paper could be dangerous. Though it can give you hella paper cut and they hurt."

John putting a stop to Stiles rambling took the paper from him and read it out loud.

"Dear everyone,

I am someone who has been watching you all since you where born. I am not God or anything like that. And before you ask, I am not evil ever.

You were all brought here so you could watch somethings.

They are little videos that people from where I come from have created about your lives and the challenges you have all faced. It will show secrets you have tried to keep and show others what you went though.

On another note. Allison and Aiden, I am sorry to say even though you are alive here when it is all over you will be going back to where you were. I am sorry. There is nothing I can do. I hope you can spend the time you've got cherishing it and making some happier memories with the people around you.

As soon as you put this paper down onto the table a remote will take its place. All you have to do is press play and the first video will start.

The doors all lead to bed rooms with have showers and toilets. When you chose a room changes of clothes and other necessities will appear for you.

Good Luck and I hope you have a good time.

From someone looking over you."

The room was quiet when John finished. He placed the letter down on the table and just like it said a remote took its place.

"So…shall we start the first video then?" Malia stated as she leaned into Stiles.