Chapter 1: The Path of Meeting.

Note: This will be extremely slow in updating. I am presently working on a different project primarily. I just felt like posting this as the second chapter has been started.

Cloud grinned with excitement. Her lightly glowing blue eyes shining. She was about to guide some of Shinra's finest through the Nibelheim mountains. She knew she had to try and be near the inn before Tifa got there. The other girl hated the fact that most traveler's wanted the town's outcast to lead them through the mountains. She paused seeing the four soldiers waiting for her to arrive with Tifa standing in front of them a scowl on her face.

"Why won't you change your mind. I'm just as talented as that stupid outcast. Why can I not guide you!" She exclaimed. Cloud groaned as she approached with a slight frown at the other girl.

"Tifa go back to your father. You know he doesn't want you risking your life in those mountains." Cloud stated rolling her eyes as the other girl glares at her.

"You are Miss Strife then?" The largest of the four men asked politely stepping away from Tifa.

"Yes, I am. You are one of the Soldiers sent to deal with the leak at the Reactor?" Cloud asked with a polite nod.

"Get lost, you and your mother don't belong in this town!" Tifa cried out in response to Cloud ignoring her.

"Miss you are acting in a way that shows yourself to have no true knowledge of what goes on around outside this small mountain town. I suggest you go home while we confirm our plans with our guide." Angeal said before turning a smile to Cloud.

"Excuse me a moment, I need to speak with the Mayor's daughter obviously." Cloud said then grabbed Tifa by the shoulder and dragged her away from the four men who all looked at each other in surprise.

"Her eyes looked like they were glowing like a 2nd class Soldiers." Genesis whispered to the others. Angeal and Sephiroth nodded having noticed it as well while Zack just stares at Genesis in shock having not noticed the girls eyes at all as he was looking around the town a bit.

"Listen here. This job will give me enough money saved up to leave this bloody closed-minded town the way my mother had previously. You get to be the guide after this and I get to head to Rocket town where I will get to start working under a mechanic and build things the way I have wanted to for ages so back off, you annoying little daddy's girl." Cloud growled the four soldiers clearly hearing their conversation.

"Oh, are you gonna do the same thing your mother did? End up crawling back here when pregnant with no man?" Tifa snarled. Cloud's hands clenched as her face blanked of any emotion.

"My mother at least was married when she became pregnant with me. It is not her fault that her husband died of sickness before I was born. It is this town's fault for not accepting that she did not wish to remarry" Cloud hissed rage barely being held back.

"That's what she claims but I bet she was never married just like you will never be!" Tifa snaps at the blond. Cloud's eyes narrowed before she spun around to walk back towards the four soldiers trying to count down from 100. She would not let this spoiled brat cause her to lose the cool her teacher had taught her in the last almost 10 years.

She stumbled as she felt a tug at the back of her head and turned to see Tifa holding some of her hair. Her eyes narrowed and before she could stop herself she lashed out punching Tifa in the jaw. Tifa fell back dazed from the power of the punch.

"Never grab my hair like that again." Cloud hissed in anger. Her eyes brightening with anger as the other girl whimpered her jaw aching far more than she could imagine.

"Legend shall speak, of sacrifice at world's end. I don't mean to interrupt but it seems this argument is getting a bit out of hand. Maybe we can get on with the plans so we don't have to remain too long in this town?" Genesis interrupted the two fighting girls recognizing that the girl that was hired as their guide was likely much stronger and could do much more damage to the other. Cloud took a slow deep breath and glared at the other girl before nodding to Genesis.

"Yes we do need to talk about a few things then you four should rest for the night before we head towards the reactor." Cloud agreed before walking away from the other girl her back stiff and straight looking almost like one of the Turks for a moment in her movements causing Genesis to watch her again.

"You really should choose your battles more carefully child otherwise your life will be much shorter than it should be. Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return." Genesis stated to Tifa before walking back over to the front of the Inn where the blond had already reached.

"So may I have your names so I do not address any of you inappropriately." Cloud requested once all four were in front of her again. They looked at each other in surprise then nodded to Cloud. The largest of the three moving forward again.

"I am Commander Angeal Hewley of Soldier. The man in red is Commander Genesis Rhapsodos, the hyperactive black-haired boy is lieutenant Zack Fair, and the man in the black leather trench coat is General Sephiroth." Angeal told her.

"Greetings to each of you and welcome to the ass end of the western continent Nibelheim. My name is Cloud Strife and yes that last name fits me. So expect some hardships on the trip to the reactor, but I do promise it will be as smooth as I can make it." Cloud introduced herself.

"So trouble hunts you down?" Zack asked jumping forward to take Cloud's hand and shake it. Cloud stumbled back in surprise and shook her head.

"A bit. When I was 7 got chased around the reactor by a Nibel Dragon. Nasty things." She warned the group. They blinked and Sephiroth looked the girl over again with a slight frown.

"Yet you are still alive that would be considered quite the miracle from what I have learned of those monsters." He said softly starting to relax more and their guide seemed like she wouldn't go into fangirl mode on any of them.

"I stumbled into one of the hidden caves that pocket the mountains and was able to hide until the dragon got bored." Cloud waved off the questioning not wanting to get into what really happened for her to escape the dragon. She could feel her teachers eyes on her and barely shifted as she knew she would be getting an earful once she separated from her clients.

"Wow, I wouldn't want to see you in my hometown. The touch-me's would have probably turned you into a frog so often." Zack declared with a laugh.

"Yes well, we should probably head out just after dawn so we take full advantage of the time the sun is up. We can meet next to the old mansion. I will warn you several of the bridges along the way are not in good shape and may break so make sure you have some way to heal up in case one collapses." Cloud reported to them and watched as they frowned.

"Why are these bridges in such bad shape?" Angeal asked.

"The contract stated that Shinra would keep the paths to the reactor in repair and it was not up to the town. They haven't been here in years now. The damage that was noticed at the reactor itself causing the mako maddened monsters is the first time they have sent people to fix anything that they are supposed to." Cloud explained with a shrug. Cloud noticed as Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose with a groan.

"Of course another action that Shinra Sr. refuses to follow." Sephiroth groaned in pure irritation.

"Yes well due to that we may have to take a slightly longer path which is why I request you be ready to head out just after dawn. That way if we do hopefully we won't be stuck out there overnight." Cloud explained.

"Thank you for the warning. Can we get an exact time to meet?" Angeal asked. Cloud tilted her head then groaned realizing they needed a scheduled time due to military training.

"One hour after dawn. So about 6:00 AM. The mansion is at the opposite end of town from where you entered the town, and was where Shinra stayed while the reactor was being built." Cloud explained. Angeal nodded slowly as Genesis looked Cloud over again.

"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess. You, my dear, have some interesting reactions. I look forward to trying to figure out your secrets." Genesis declared with a smile at the small blonde. Cloud looked at the auburn-haired man her blue eyes going wide as she stepped away from him for a moment.

"Yes well. Prepare as you all believe you will need. Nibel wolves and Nibel Dragons are common and though I am talented at avoiding them, there will still be a chance of running into them." Cloud warned then turned to leave as Zack jumped in front of her grinning widely.

"Hey before you go is there anything fun to do around here while we wait for tomorrow?" Zack asked.

"Not really. This is a small town high in the mountains, that is used to very rough weather. If people are not preparing for the coming winter they are setting up for the short growing season and heading out to get those items we can't make for ourselves. Most kids explore around town and throw stones at the old mansion since there is nothing else to do, or mess with each other." Cloud said offhandedly as Angeal reached over and pulled Zack away from Cloud.

"Come on puppy, it's time to head into the inn and get our rooms. Thank you, Miss Strife we shall meet you by the mansion in the morning." Angeal said. Cloud nodded and smiled before heading off.

"Are we sure she didn't cause the damage to the reactor?" Sephiroth asked softly as Cloud quickly vanished from sight.

"She didn't show the hatred or dislike for the reactor or the company as a whole that those that would do such a thing would show." Angeal stated.

"She was quite cute and didn't fangirl. Something I think we can all agree is a miracle worthy of our respect." Genesis added.

"Oh come on guys. She'll be fine it's not like you all to be so suspicious of someone." Zack smiled brightly as he moved around the other 3 soldiers. "Let's get to our room then you guys can call whoever should know that we made it in one piece without a Turk escort."

"Puppy this mission has been off since we were sent on it, but since the agreement is for an hour after dawn and we want to be ready." Angeal stated before walking into the inn the other 3 following after him each in their own thoughts.

"Should one of us maybe, I don't know, follow her?" Zack asked.

"Do any of us look like Turks puppy?" Sephiroth asked.

"Still she couldn't be that hard to follow and find out what she is up to. I mean she is a civilian." Zack pointed out.

"But she shows signs of training, and I don't think she is normal her eyes glow like a Soldier's. No following her to try and figure out if she is the reason is not an option. If a Turk was here it would be different." Angeal responded.

"The arrow has left the bow of the Goddess. This mission is starting to seem funny. There should have been at least one Turk with us." Genesis muttered. The other three nodded as Sephiroth pulled out his PHS and twitched obviously thinking about calling someone besides who he needed to report in to.

"Seph what are you thinking about?" Zack asked noticing the silver-haired man staring at his PHS.

"You are all right about the oddity of this mission. Something is off and I am thinking of calling Tseng and asking him about it." Sephiroth admitted with a frown.

"If you feel you can trust him to do so Sephiroth." Angeal said as he started to go through his bags setting what he wanted for the next day aside. Zack quickly copying Angela's actions.

"You two are far too prepared. Relax a bit." Genesis declared as he watched Angeal and Zack preparing for the next day.

"Gen I have said it many times, but it is better to be prepared ahead of time than to rush and forget things." Angeal lectured. He then looked seeing Sephiroth holding his PHS up to his ear.

"Tseng I need you to check about the mission me and the other firsts are on." He said. The other three look at Seph as Seph frowns.

"There is something fishy going on with this."

"Yes, there should have been at least one Turk with us."

"No, we do not have any Turks with us. Our orders had no Turk on the list."

"Yes, the issues with this has been brought up."

"No, we can't delay you know that. Just look into it please?" Seph finished then sighed as he shut off his PHS. He looked at the other's frowning.

"So Tseng noticed the flaws too huh?" Zack asked from his spot. Sephiroth nodded before going to prepare himself.

"Yes, he did Zack. Genesis, get your stuff ready. I want no rush to be there and it's hard enough to get you up some times." Sephiroth snapped at Genesis. Genesis grumbled but started to get his stuff ready.

Cloud sighed once she was out of sight of the 4 soldiers before groaning. She was so gonna get a lecture when she met with her teacher. She paused and looked around to make sure she was not being followed. Once she could tell that none of the Soldiers were following her she headed to the mansion and circled around behind it where she stopped and leaned against one of the trees to wait.

"You screwed up in that meeting Cloud." A male voice came from the opposite side of the tree causing Cloud to almost jump.

"Damn it! Why do you have to keep sneaking up on me!" Cloud exclaimed as she spun around the tree. Leaning against that side of the tree was a man with long black hair held away from his face by a red band. He wore a red cloak with a high collar and one hand was covered in a golden gauntlet.

"I will continue to do so until you can recognize me sneaking up on you." He stated. Cloud groaned at his words.

"Fine so I'm guessing you watched what happened." Cloud half asked being sure she already knew the answer.

"Of course I was. You lost your cool. You also let too much slip Cloud." He said.

"I'm sorry okay. You noticed that I can't lie worth crap when I found you!" Cloud exclaimed. The man shook his head his red eyes staying locked on the blond girl.

"You willingly gave information that made you suspicious. I wanted you not to take this job when you told me about it. I even warned you against it." The man growled.

"Yes but as I pointed out it would have been suspicious if I didn't take the job. I have taken every guide job in the last 4 years. Plus I lucked out a bit even if it shows an issue in that there is no Turk with them." Cloud pointed out.

"I noticed that. Everything about this is ringing wrong. I'm just glad Hojo is not with them." He muttered.

"If I had seen a scientist with them I would have done a no show and run. I am not letting any of them see me." Cloud stated.

"Good because he would have never let you get away with the obvious enhancements you have. We are lucky the Soldiers didn't seem to really notice." He muttered.

"Vincent at least one of them noticed my eyes. I'm surprised I wasn't questioned more than they have, but I think things will be okay." Cloud replied.

"Cloud you are taking too many risks. What have I taught you?" he asked.

"Hey, you've taught me plenty. I would have been discovered by now if not for you. Just let me do this last job. Personally, I think you need to talk to them especially general Sephiroth before they leave." Cloud said stubbornly.

"They would never believe me. They would assume I am a terrorist trying to turn them against Shinra." He said.

"Then you would have to show them the truth. There is enough within the mansion and what that Professor did to you is terrible and I doubt he didn't go through similar things." Cloud said.

"Cloud if it starts going downhill I will step in. Until then it is not right." He stated before narrowing his eyes. "Now stop trying to distract me from the lecture you obviously need." He snapped.

"And as I said I know what I did, but I believe it was necessary. I also believe you should talk to them." Cloud snapped back then began to walk away.

"Cloud I know what I am doing. Please understand facing them is not going to help at this point and just because you know what you did wrong doesn't mean you shouldn't listen." Vincent said.

"Fine just lecture away, I want to get home for dinner before my mom starts to worry." She stated.

"First when I say a mission is too dangerous and the risk is too great, listen to me. Second, if you decide that my worries are something that you can be ignored, then make sure not to tell the people your past. Especially anything that steps close to the accident that enhanced you. Third and finally, if you are dealing with anyone among Shinra wear those sunglasses I gave you!" Vincent snapped.

"Oh... I did forget those didn't I?" Cloud murmured and began to blush a bit as she ran her hand through the top shorter and spiky portion of her hair.

"Cloud they are important! They hide the mako glow within your eyes!" He cried out. Cloud shifted and looked away from Vincent obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah well don't worry about it. After this job, I am heading to Rocket town as I'll finally have enough Gil saved up!" Cloud redirected the conversation.

"Cloud where are the glasses?" Vincent asked. Cloud blushed and lowered her head while looking away.

"I broke them, I didn't mean to I just forgot I placed them on my bed before I laid down on it!" Cloud admitted backing away from Vincent rapidly.

"After you have dinner with your mother, return here. It is obvious you need some new drills and you will be doing them." Vincent growled his red eyes narrowed. Cloud nodded and ran towards her home still blushing.

Cloud returned to the old Shinra mansion after she had spent some time with her mother. It had been wonderful and peaceful as usual. She paused as she entered the old mansion from the back. She couldn't risk being spotted by one of the soldiers entering this old place. She paused as soon as she stepped into the building. The hairs on the back of her neck raised and she quickly found a spot to duck behind.

She scanned the room before dropping to her knees just before a knife embedded itself where her head had been just seconds before. She frowned then gulped a moment. She had really pissed Vincent off if he was using actual weapons. She took a slow deep breath and glanced around nervously now. The last time she had pissed Vincent of this badly she had ended up sore for a week with several bad wounds that had made her nervous to return home.

She had to find Vincent and hit him before the man decided to pull out his gun and start shooting her. She grabbed the small throwing blades she had at her side as she gulped a moment. She listened for any sound of motion even though she knew those could be misleading. She rolled from behind the couch she had ducked beneath and sprinted before moving into a slide as more knives went flying after her. She ducked under a table and saw Vincent's boots.

Cloud rolled and as she did, tossed several of her knives towards and above the spot where it looked like her mentor was. She kept moving refusing to believe she might have hit him which was quickly proven as another knife embedded itself in the floor near her.

"Goddess damn it!" Cloud yelped as she rolled to her feet not even bothering to look around as she hurried towards one of the doorways to duck around the side. She heard the metal of blades streaking through the air as she avoided the blades. She ducked around the doorway before taking a slow deep breath.

She slowly went into one of her pockets and pulled out a piece of metal that was highly reflective and used it to look around the doorway she was hiding next to. Carefully she tilted the mirror about to get a look in the main room trying to spot Vincent. She frowned before tilting the mirror and looking around the ceiling. Slowly she smirked a bit spotting Vincent up on a chandelier waiting though his face showed he was preparing to pull his gun.

She licked her lips and grabbed her last throwing dagger. Vincent's location meant the sword she had would not be useful and the gun was something she did not want to use. She had great aim thanks to the training Vincent had given her, but it was not her preferred weapon. She leaped out of the doorway and threw her last blade right at the chandelier. She stumbled and ended up flat on her back before hearing a grunt from the chandelier. She opened her eyes and looked up only to see her blade sticking out of Vincent's shoulder.

"Impressive Cloud. You actually got me that time." Vincent said as he leaped down from the chandelier and then pulled the blade from his shoulder. He cleaned it before casting cure on himself to seal the wound.

"I.. I actually did it? Goddess, I can't…" Cloud muttered from where she laid. Cloud just watched Vincent's calm face with her shock.

"Yes, Cloud you did it. You have learned some of my lessons well. Now we just need to raise your skill and speed. Maybe I will be able to get you up to Turk skill someday." Vincent stated. Cloud laughed and shook her head slowly before moving to stand and check her clothing. She found a few slices in the clothes revealing a few very close calls but no split skin.

"I don't think I will ever be as skilled as you at some things Vincent. Plus some of the things I will not want to learn." Cloud pointed out. Vincent nodded slowly and shook his head a bit.

"You are too soft to be a Turk, and I don't want you that close to Shinra and their science department." Vincent pointed out again. Cloud groaned and shook her head a bit.

"Yes well I don't know for how much longer I can stay hidden we both knew that would happen sooner or later but for now. I need to go home and sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow." Cloud pointed out to Vincent.

"Go but be ready. If things go bad we need to be ready to try and get control. You noticed it as much as I did. This seems like a set up to destroy someone or something." Vincent warned once more as Cloud moved towards the back entrance.

"I know. I was the first to notice that it was wrong. I will see you later and please be ready as well. If it starts going wrong I will need your help." Cloud said before she left and headed home to sleep. She stumbled feeling a bit of exhaustion thrumming through her from the training. She opens the door only to be startled as her mother hurried over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Cloud dear why do you keep vanishing like that?" Her mother declared holding her tightly. Cloud sighed but hugged her mother back with a smile. She stepped back as her mother's eyes narrowed seeing the rough shape of her clothing.

"I was training with my teacher again. One last time before the guide job I have tomorrow." Cloud pointed out. She frowned a bit looking closely at Cloud.

"Are you sure you will be okay with this?" She asked worriedly. Cloud sighed but nodded slowly.

"Yes mom. I'll be fine, and after this job I'm gonna head for Rocket town to get the engineering apprenticeship I've been wanting." Cloud pointed out with a smile. Her mother hugged her again smiling brightly.

"I am glad you are getting away from this town and it's stereotypes and prejudices before they could harm you with them." She murmured. Cloud smiled and nodded a bit.

"That's why I have been doing this as long as I have, mom. I knew staying here would not work out for me." Cloud replied before slowly stretching and moving towards her small room. She could feel her mother's smile behind her as she slid into her room and changed then curled into her bed to sleep.