Chapter 2: The Path that is Set

Cloud woke early the next morning the sun not yet rising. She stretched and started to do a slow warm up. She prepared slowly grabbing her clothing from a pair a long cargo shorts and a tight tee-shirt. She set a belt around her waist with a set of 6 throwing knives. She grabbed a set of gold armlets placing them over her wrist. She looked over the armlets remembering how she had gotten them. It had not been a pleasant fight she glanced to double check the small materia orbs she had inside of the armlets.

She stood and walked over to her small desk and looked at the pieces of paper on it. She sighed as she ran her hand over the plans for a complex very large sword. She couldn't wait to get somewhere where she could actually attempt to build the blade. She stepped to the side and picked up the longsword she had set against the desk before buckling it to her side. She stepped out of her room and grabbed some food from the kitchen before she left to meet the Soldiers near the mansion.

She arrived some time before the point of time to meet the four men. She leaned against the old metal fence as she waited. She went over what she had on her once more. She looked along the road towards the Inn as she shifted. The world around her felt far to quiet. It was putting her on edge and believing that there would be a chance of things going wrong. She shifted and knelt at the edge of the road, placing her hand on the ground.

"Goddess watch over me as I try to lead these people safely through whatever traps and plans have been left for them" Cloud murmured and looked up just in time to see the 4 men walking towards her Genesis staring at her position in surprise.

"Whatever are you doing?" Genesis asked sniffing at her kneeling on the dirt. Cloud looked up and then at them before slowly standing and dusting the dirt off. She frowned then sighed.

"Asking the mountain to be kind of course. This is not a place to not follow superstitions at least once in awhile." Cloud explained. Genesis sneered a bit at her words as Angeal walked over and smacked his friend in the back.

"Genesis leave our guide alone. This is not something to harass another about." Angeal stated as Zack ran up being in the back of the group yet looking as hyper as ever. Sephiroth on the other hand stood to one side standing waiting for everyone obviously bored.

"Sorry I got distracted!" Zack called and grinned playfully at Cloud. Cloud looked at him then the others and nodded before moving towards the exit of the town.

"Well let's get going. We have distance to cover and a few dangerous bridges to cross." Cloud warned anew before hurrying off expecting the 4 to follow. She glanced back at them a couple times to make sure they were following for now. Slowly the town faded away behind them as the climbed the paths going deeper into the mountains. She paused for a moment and tilted her head hearing the howls from the Nibel Wolves within the woods. She listened motioning for the 4 Soldiers to wait a moment as she moved forward just a bit. She kept her head tilted to one side shutting her eyes then frowned as another set of howls echoed in the air.

"I'm sorry to say we may have a fight on our hands. There is a new pack of Nibel wolves in the area. New wolves are always more aggressive than ones who have been in the area for awhile." Cloud warned.

"Please we can easily handle a few wolves." Genesis bragged as he began to move forward with no fear. Cloud frowned at the auburn haired main her eyes narrowing a bit. She reached forward and grabbed him with a soft growl that almost sounded like one of the wolves within the area.

"They are animals not monster and unless they are tainted should be left alone. I can get them to leave us alone, they do not need to be killed." Cloud snarled. Genesis looked Cloud over as he straightened himself up wanting to intimidate the young girl in front of him. She had no right to try and stop him from what was necessary.

"You should learn your place child. We are Soldiers and know how to deal with all threats. " Genesis snapped at her. Cloud stepped towards the man her eyes flashed with a rage that Genesis had never seen in a non-military person before.

"What at your feet like the majority of my town would like me to be? As if I will never desire protection from someone else. I can handle myself and once I get out of this town, there will be no way I will obey someone else." Cloud snapped and began to stalk away from the Soldiers as Angeal walked over and chuckled, placing a hand on the shell shocked Genesis' shoulder.

"Genesis my friend. Our guide is not the typical girl you would pick up on Loveless avenue. Don't challenge her." Angeal interrupted the start of Genesis brooding.

"Angeal is right. We are on a mission and annoying our guide will make it take longer." Sephiroth added as Zack laughed with a smirk in the background before running forward to walk next to Cloud with a grin.

"So besides the fire happy Gen who you really should ignore are you sure the wolves won't be a problem?" Zack asked grinning happily causing Cloud to laugh at his hyperness. Cloud chuckled and glanced sidelong at Zack.

"Pretty sure most pack's ignore me. Only reason I'm nervous is that there is a new pack. Of course corrupted wolves are a different story. They become highly aggressive with no self-preservation that normal animals would have." Cloud explained.

"What do you mean by Corrupted wolves?" Zack asked knowing the other three would be listening.

"Animal that have drank from corrupted Mako. It drives them nuts." Cloud explained. She paused as growling was heard near them. She sighed and motioned for the Soldiers to stop.

"What is it?" Angeal asked.

"The new pack of wolves. It seems they have decided to challenge us. I will deal with it unless they are Corrupted then you can." Cloud explained. Angeal nodded and looked at Genesis ready to stop his friend if necessary. Slowly a group of five large wolves slipped from the trees in front of them growling. Cloud matched her gaze to the obvious leader of the pack as she slowly drew her blade, though at the same time she snarled making sure to show all her teeth as her body bent just slightly into a far more aggressive position.

Two of the wolves in the pack backed up a bit still snarling but obviously not wanting to challenge the girl in front of the pack. The lead wolf though bunched down snarling louder obviously trying to get Cloud to turn and run. Cloud stepped forward rapidly and one of her booted feet lashed out and hit the wolf on the side of its head causing it to stumble to one side. The wolf that had been right next to its leader pounced at Cloud, as it's form leaped at her chest she quickly ducked below and did a semi-spin in order to attempt to prevent any of the wolves from being behind her.

Cloud growled and locked eyes with the lead wolf once more. She was completely ignoring the 4 Soldiers that were watching the interaction but obviously preparing to interfere. She glanced at them and shook her head. Praying they understood to stay out of this before returning her sight to the wolf just as it pounced at her with a snarl. She ducked under the pounce and thrust one hand into the wolf's stomach before twisting around and grabbing it by the scruff of its neck. She kept it held down until it whimpered a few times.

Cloud slowly released the wolf before backing away keeping her eyes on the wolf. It slowly stood then growled at her before turning around and running back into the trees. Cloud stayed still watching as the rest of the pack chased after their leader then after a couple moments straightened and sighed. She nodded to the men and smiled.

"Sorry about that and thank you for staying out of it." Cloud said. She then turned and began to head towards the nearest of the old bridges to get to the reactor.

"That was amazing! Is that how you always deal with those wolves?" Zack exclaimed as he ran up next to Cloud again. Cloud shook her head and kept moving forward.

"Some will back down just with me staring at them." Cloud admitted. Zack grinned brightly and laughed a bit.

"That is so awesome! I wonder if it would be possible to intimidate some of the monsters that way!" Zack said and turned to face Angeal while walking backwards.

"Some it will work on Zack, but I suggest you keep your head in the mission." Angeal said. Zack frowned and pouted at Angeal before stumbling as he tripped over a slightly larger rock that was on the road. Cloud hid a small smirk as Genesis laughed loudly at seeing Zack fall over. She paused as Zack stood slowly back up and brushed his pants off still grinning.

"These roads aren't cared for I warned you yesterday." Cloud pointed out. Zack pouted a bit but shrugged after a moment and hopped forward again. Cloud glanced at the other three Soldiers, seeing a semi-pained look on Sephiroth's face while a fond exasperated look was on Angeal's. She shrugged and glanced back towards the now in the lead Zack who was walking with his hands held behind his head. Cloud shook her head at his relaxed posture knowing most of the towns folk would yell at him for it.

"Don't get too far ahead or you will miss the proper path." Cloud called out to Zack and grinned as the young man laughed and rubbed at the back of his head.

"Sorry can't help it. I maybe the youngest of the firsts but I'm also probably the most laid back." Zack admitted. Cloud giggled a moment before glancing at the rest of the firsts who were smirking a bit at the hyper young man. The trip became easily and comfortably peaceful as time passed until they reached the major wood and rope bridge she knew they would have to cross. She glanced at each of the soldiers as the sneered with disgust at the bridge.

"You have got to be kidding me. The goddess must hate me making me required to cross such a rickety and badly cared for bridge!" Genesis cried out covering his eyes. Cloud rolled her eyes before looking at the group ignoring Zack as he moved to the edge of the bridge and pulled on one of the ropes obviously testing its strength.

"Are you sure this is the bridge we need?" Zack asked as he frowned at the rustic obviously old bridge again.

"Yup. It's the bridge in the best shape and on the shortest route to the reactor. If I could I'd take you all a different way but those are even in worse shape." She admitted with a shrug. SHe moved forward and jumped onto the edge of the bridge and winced at the creak from the boards.

"Damn this is not good. Looks like we need to go across one at a time or incredibly fast. I am not sure how long this bridge will last." Cloud admitted. She frowned then looked at them with a shrug.

"Up to you how we do this. Running also might cause the bridge to break faster." Angeal pointed out and slowly began to test it by walking onto it. Genesis, Zack and Sephiroth watched as Angeal reached the midpoint. The sound of tearing brought everyone's attention to the far side of the bridge. Angeal paused eyes widening as Zack cried out and leapt to run at his mentor.

"No don't!" Cloud cried out recognizing what was about to happen and leapt to try and stop the youngest of the Soldiers from running to Angeal. Genesis and Sephiroth soon moved as well to attempt to stop what was about to happen. As the last of them stepped onto the bridge the last of the rope tore throwing all of them down into the chasm beneath them.

Cloud groaned and shifted away from the hand that was gently touching her neck. Slowly she blinked her eyes open and frowned up at the auburn haired person looking down at her. He nodded and then reached for one of her hands.

"Well that is impressive. The goddess has truly given us a gift in you." Genesis declared as Cloud glared at bit at the man before sitting upright. Genesis winced and Zack leapt forward to attempt to stop Cloud from getting up.

"Wow you still might be injured lay back!" Zack cried out.

"I'm fine. I'm even less injured than the last time that happened." Cloud brushed the worry off as she moved to stand properly. She glared when Zack tried to stop her again and without thinking punched Zack in the gut causing him to gasp and stumble back. Cloud stood and growled at the boy.

"When I say I am fine. I am fine. I know my body and can tell quite well if I'm injured." Cloud snapped before looking around at the other two Soldiers who are obviously stretching out their muscles to prepare to continue on. Zack was gasping for air as Genesis started to laugh at the shorter Soldier.

"Genesis don't tease my puppy." Angeal warned the other man as Cloud glanced over to the largest of the four Soldiers and smirked.

"Oh so he's your pet? Do you tie him up outside enough?" Cloud asked only to blush as all the Soldiers looked at her in shock. She quickly turned away and began to head towards the caves that would lead them to the reactor now, while hiding her blush. She wondered why she had allowed herself to blurt out those words before Genesis' full out laughter broke through her embarrassment.

Sephiroth looked slowly between his friends the stunned face of Zack and their guide before attempting to contain the smirk that wanted freedom on his lips. He took a step to quickly follow their blonde guide and get the reactions of the others out of his sight. He could not let Genesis see him laugh at this situation or the auburn headed male would never let it go. Sephiroth watched as once Cloud entered one of the caverns and took a slow deep breath before glancing around her. He noticed just how much easier it was to see her glowing eyes within the Cavern and almost frowned. Here he could see her eyes were possibly even brighter than they had originally noticed.

"If we don't get moving, we will have to find one of the caverns that is safe for overnight, but many of these caverns also have Mako fountains or pools within them." Cloud said knowing Seph was there and that the others would be moving in.

"This has been far more troublesome than I would have expected a simple reactor inspection check to take." Sephiroth stated as his long stride brought him next to Cloud where he could glance down at her. She stared into his cat like glowing Green eyes without a single bit of fear or hero worship. He kept staring confused at the calmness within those glowing blue eyes. He reached towards her face to place one hand against her cheek only to stiffen as he heard the footsteps of the others following behind them. He backed away watching the confusion and shock in those blue eyes as they continued to watch him.

Cloud huffed and shook her head as Zack races up to the two not even noticing the confusion on Sephiroth's face. He looked around then back as Angeal and Genesis slowly approached the reforming group.

"You are rude!" Zack declared pointing at Cloud. She blinked then tilted her head a moment before turning and starting to move through the Cavern.

"What do you mean rude? They called you a Puppy. I was asking a question connected to that." Cloud said as she paused and frowned looking around the cave. Finally her eyes locked on the Mako pool that came into sight with a strange almost crystalline giant looking sword sticking out of the pool. Cloud groaned softly before looking to the ceiling of the cavern and seeing the hole she had fallen through so many years ago. She rubbed at her head and shuddered even as she felt a pull towards the blade sticking up out of the pool.

"Woah what the hell? I've never seen anything like that! It looks like a sword made of Materia!" Zack cried out bringing the other three Soldier's attention to the pool. Cloud sighed as she continued to walk passed the pool.

"Leave it alone. It is not Materia but some other stuff and has soaked in that pool for thousands of years." Cloud warned praying they wouldn't attempt to get to the blade. She glanced back hearing soft footsteps moving closer to the pool and frowned, turning her head to see who was approaching the item. Seeing it was Genesis moving closer to examine it closer she groaned.

"The arrow has left the bow of the goddess." Genesis muttered in surprise as he almost starts to walk into the pool of Mako. A roar echoed through the cavern shortly after his words and the ceiling shook before the hole in the ceiling was torn wider and a large green scaled dragon dived through the hole crashing into the blade shattering it a bit before flying at the group of people standing on the mako pool.

Cloud backed away while the four Soldiers began to draw their weapons with some excitement. Cloud backed up and frowned looking at the others then nodded and triggered one of the materia in her bracers triggering a barrier on the group. Genesis blinked feeling the magic flow over them and glanced back seeing Cloud lowering her hand from casting.

"Not gonna complain about us fighting this one?" He asked.

"No, this one is mako crazed or it wouldn't of smashed it's way down here. None of the creatures around here that have not been tainted try to come here." Cloud stated. Genesis grinned turning back as Sephiroth leapt at the Dragon his sword snapping out and slashing deeply into the Dragon's side.

"Oh stop showing off General! Let me show you how it is done!" Genesis cried out before chucking a powerful fireball at the dragon. They watched as the fire actually seemed to actually heal the dragon. Cloud groaned and glared at Genesis.

"Fire is pointless against these things!" Cloud snapped.

It is at this point Zack attempts to charge the creature to help take it out. He pulled the large sword that Angeal had given to him for reaching first from his back and leapt at the dragon's head. The swords blade hit the head and sliced into the scales protecting the dragon's small brain. It snarled in rage as pain started to race through its body.

Angeal finally charged forward and began to pound into the dragon with rapid fire motions. He ducked back after a few more hits and watched the dragon stumble away from the beating he had been given it. Cloud chuckled softly at this action then lifted a single hand up. She called down a thundara watching as the lightning snapped into the dragon causing it to snarl. Gen glanced towards Cloud with a bit more appraisal in his eyes as Seph slashed with his sword through the dragon's head.

The group watched the dragon collapse as it died causing Cloud to sigh and move around the corpse to check for anything of use. The Soldiers shook their heads before joining Cloud in checking. She backed away after a moment then glanced at the rest of them.

Genesis moved away from the Dragon shortly after watching Cloud as she bent over to pick up one of the shards from the sword like structure that had been in the pool. He frowned watching the shard shimmer and almost react to the girl. He glanced at Sephiroth then back to the girl as she reached for another shard and watched as Sephiroth's cat like eyes narrowed at the reaction the shards seemed to have to the girl. Cloud started to gather more of the pieces after looking at them for a bit with a nod and grin then noticed the two Soldiers looking at her and paused.

"Sorry, they look like they might work for a private project." She explained and gathered several more large shards even tapping one against the ground with a frown. "This is odd. These pieces are really strong. How did that dragon shatter it…" Cloud muttered getting distracted from the group and moving towards the pool only to jump when Zack stopped her from stepping into the pool.

"Careful. It wouldn't be good for you ending up in Mako. What would we do without our guide!" Zack exclaimed. Cloud stared down and winced a moment before shaking her head and smiling at Zack.

"Thank you. I guess I was a bit more distracted than I thought." Cloud stated with a laugh then lead the group towards the caverns working up through the mountains. She rubbed at her face trying to ignore the sharp eyes from the Soldiers on her. She knew as soon as she reported what had happened during the trip to Vincent that he was going to train her so hard she would barely be able to move.

"Hey what's wrong? You seem to be a little more distracted than you should be." Zack asked trying to get Cloud to open up.

"My trainer is not going to be happy about me spacing out. He's gonna work me to the ground for it." Cloud admitted softly. Zack frowned at Clouds words before wrapping his arm around her shoulders again.

"Oh come on I'll make sure he doesn't get to angry. Trust me!" Zack declared ignoring the groans from Genesis and Angeal. Cloud shakes her head and laughed before pulling free on the messy haired Soldier.

"No there is only one among you who will speak with my teacher and it is not you." She murmured and continued climbing the caverns. There were a few fights with monsters as they continued and irritation became visible on 3 of the 4 firsts. Cloud herself was starting to feel a headache and almost nauseous feeling growing in her stomach. She knew something that shouldn't be in the area was but she was not sure what or where it was exactly.

"Okay that's it! All of you stop and explain to me why all of your moods are souring?" Zack demanded finally as he glared among all the first before stepping back at the narrowed eyed glares from both Sephiroth and Genesis. Cloud meanwhile just rubbed at her temples shuddering a bit.

"I've always gained a headache whenever I've ended up within a certain distance of the reactor." She admitted with a shrug. "I can keep going though and usually I am capable of blocking it out."

"Zack we have to finish the mission then once we are back in Nibelheim we will deal with whatever is making us feel sick." Angeal said determination in his eyes. Gen just grumbled while Sephiroth's cat slit eyes continued to scan the caves they traveled through looking for every single fight he could possibly find. They finally reached the exit from the caverns and onto the plateau on which the reactor was built.

Cloud stumbled as the cold air brushed over her. Her head throbbed worse than it ever had. It felt like something was trying to tear her brains out. Gen moved towards her as though to make sure she was okay and steady her before sneering at her and stalking towards the reactor. She frowned feeling a strange energy seeping into Gen and gasped as that same energy tried to smash into her again.

Zack leaped forward and grabbed onto Cloud as she fell to her knees eyes mostly closed. He frowned with worry then glanced at the older firsts. Gen's form was showing all the signs that he was dealing with his worst fanatical fans and one of the worst jealousy fits for Sephiroth at the same time. Sephiroth looked to be an inhuman unemotional machine and his own teacher Angeal had confusion and strange jerky motions becoming visible more and more as they all moved closer to the reactor.

"Guys what is going on? None of you are acting right!" Zack declared with a frown helping cloud stand and moved after the others. Angeal paused turned to face Zack and frowned.

"We will be fine Zack like I said before we will finish the mission and get out of here quickly. You stay out here with Cloud. Maybe go back into the cave where the winds are not as sharp." Angeal suggested before following after the other two. Cloud reached out to them before wincing and grabbing at her head again. Zack pulling her back into the cave and away from the reactor.

"No, they can't." Cloud mumbled shuddering and shaking her head. Her body seemed to start to sweat with fever as Zack frowned.

"Cloud calm down whatever is wrong they'll be back soon then we will get back to Nibelheim and you to a doctor." Zack tried to comfort her. Cloud just shook her head and muttered her eyes glazed and panicked. Zack frowned looking towards where the others had entered the reactor before glancing again at Cloud. Cloud stared upwards for a moment muttering then finally passed out.

"Hurry up you guys. Whatever is wrong up here is bad." Zack muttered worriedly.