Hello, this is the second installment of Heaven Sent. This story follows my own storyline with a female Yugi, Ryou, and Malik. I in no way own Yugioh or the characters in it. I hope you all enjoy. Please leave me a review if you have any critiques or if you like it. This is the first time I am writing in a little while and I am a little rusty.

"Yami, are you ready to go yet?" Yugi called up the stairs. She and Yami had moved into a small house together not long after leaving school. She was happy with the house because it was close to both her and Yami's jobs. When the two of them were in the last semester at school their friend Kaiba had approached Yami asking him to join his company. Yami now worked for Kaiba Corp as a game tester and programmer while Yugi worked at the museum Yami had proposed to her at. Her grandfather had retired from the museum in order to run his game shop.

"Yeah I'm coming," Yami called back from the master bedroom. Yugi sighed as she sat on the bottom step of the stairs to wait for Yami. She hadn't told him where they were going for dinner and he was trying to find something to wear. She looked up at the wall beside her and smiled when she spotted the picture of her and Yami at their engagement party in the museum. The two of them were standing in front of the large doors that Yami had made for her picturing their lives. After the party the doors had been removed from the museum and moved into their new home. It was now the focal point of the sitting room.

The next picture on the wall was of all of their friends surrounding them with the door. Their friends had all been extremely supportive of them moving into their new house. With the threat of Yugi's stalker no longer hanging over their heads life had gone back to normal. The other picture on the wall were of Yugi and Yami with their friends over the past few months.

The sound of Yami's shoes on the stairs pulled Yugi from her memories and she looked up to see Yami walking down the stairs clasping his watch that Kaiba had given him for graduation around his wrist. She smiled happily at him and he returned the smile.

"Are you ready to go now?" Yugi asked, pretending to be annoyed and placing her hands on her hips and looking up at Yami in a patronizing way.

"Yes little one I am ready," He replied with a chuckle putting his arms around Yugi when he reached her. She smiled up at him and shuffled closer to hug him tighter.

After a quick hug the two of them broke apart and Yugi excitedly grabbed Yami's hand and pulled him out of the door and to the car. Yami being the gentleman he is opened the door for Yugi and shut it behind her before making his way to the driver's seat.

The two of them sat in the car silently looking forward waiting. Finally Yami turned to Yugi and asked, "So, little one, you got me into the car now where are we going?"

Yugi laughed, "Of course sorry. How about you start driving toward the next town over and I give you instructions from there."

"Okay, you're the boss," Yami said as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

An hour later Yami was getting confused. They had entered a wooded area and it seemed as if they were only going deeper into the woods. Eventually a small open area appeared with a building in the middle of it. Yami pulled the car into a spot outside of the small building. It seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and Yami looked at her questioningly. Yugi just smiled back and got out of the car. It was still early afternoon and the parking lot had very few cars. Yami looked around at the large field around the building. It looked like there was a picnic area and some games set up further into the clearing.

Yugi ran around the car to Yami and grabbed his hand. She smiled up at him when he looked at her but did not say anything about where they were. She didn't want to give away anything about the place even though she saw the slight concern on his face. She knew that as soon as they stepped inside the building he would no longer worry.

She pulled him into the building and watched as his eyes widened. Directly inside the room was a large pool table where several large muscular men were playing. The room was rather dim and looked like a biker bar. Yugi dragged Yami further into the bar and pointed to one of the pictures on the wall. Yami read one of the nameplates before smiling down at Yugi.

"How did you find this place?" Yami asked.

"Joe and I went to a festival and these people had a truck there selling food. We decided we would come here and we thought it was so cool," Yugi said smiling as she looked at the pictures on the wall. All of the pictures depicted the family that owned the bar at special events that were held on the property. There were also news clippings posted about the bar and surrounding are. It was strange that such a small place out in the middle of nowhere could be so family oriented and have so much coverage by the local news.

Eventually the two of them found a small table in the corner away from the bar where they could watch the other patrons of the bar. There were a few people sitting at the bar but the waitress saw them and made her way happily over to the couple.

"Here's a menu for the two of you. Do you want anything to drink?" She asked.

"Just a Pepsi please," Yugi said after Yami had ordered himself a small beer. They sat and talked until the waitress returned with their drinks. Yugi had explained to Yami while the waitress was gone that she had come here to eat the wings and he had agreed to try them.

It wasn't long before the wings arrived and to Yami's surprise he absolutely loved them. They chatted as they ate the wings. The night was perfect.

A few hours later Yami pulled the car into the driveway of their home and sighed. Their date had turned out very well. He was not sure what to think when Yugi said that she wanted to take him somewhere and he felt even more concerned when they pulled up to the building in the woods. Now that he had experience the bar he was more than willing to go back. They had the best wings he had ever had. Looking over he realized that Yugi had fallen asleep on the ride home and was asleep in the passenger seat.

"Yugi, it's time to get up little one," Yami cooed as he attempted to lightly shake Yugi awake so they could walk into the house.

"Five more minutes Grandpa," Yugi mumbled lightly slapping Yami's hand away and curling up more in the uncomfortable passenger seat. Yami smiled at his fiancé and got out of the car coming around to open the door to the passenger side. He picked Yugi up and carefully made his way into the house and into their shared bedroom. That night the two young people slept peacefully in the comfort of each other's arms not knowing that when they woke up in the morning, their lives were going to be turned upside down.

"Yugi have you seen my car keys," Yami called from the bedroom. Yugi leaned out of the kitchen to look up the stairs and called, "Last I saw them they were on your dresser."

A few seconds later Yugi could hear a loud cry of victory as Yami ran down the stairs now carrying his car keys. "What would I ever do without you," Yami said wrapping his arms around his fiancé and giving her a light kiss as thank you.

"You would be late for work," Yugi replied with a small smile, "Now you need to get going before Kaiba gets mad that you aren't there already."

"Right, see you after work," Yami called rushing to the front door. He quickly opens the door and turns to run out when he notices a man standing on the front porch

The man blinks at Yami in surprise for a moment before lowering his hand and asking, "Is this where a Mr. Yami and Miss. Yugi live?"

"Oh, uh, yes. Who are you?" Yami asks completely forgetting that he was in a rush to get to work.

"My name is Sargent Moore. I am the officer overseeing Miss. Yugi's case," The police officer explains, "Would you have a moment that I could sit down with you and Miss. Yogi to discuss some things?"

"Of course, please come in," Yami exclaimed quickly moving out of the way for the officer to come in. He shows the police officer into the kitchen where Yugi is still putting away dishes from breakfast.

"Yami what are you doing? I thought you were going to be late for work," Yugi asks before turning around.

She notices the police officer standing in the entrance way to the kitchen with Yami and quickly apologizes, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize we had company. Can I get you something to drink?"

Sargent Moore declines the refreshments and soon everyone is seated around the small table in the kitchen, "I have come here to inform you that Brian is still in jail and will remain in jail without parole for the next ten years." He explains.

Yami and Yugi look to each other in confusion, "Yes, we were made aware of that when we won the case against him," Yami stated. He was holding Yugi's hand. Why would the officer have come all the way to their house just to tell them something they were told by their lawyer and the judge at the end of the trial.

"Yes well it seems that some people in the area have gone missing and we were worried that it might be a copy-cat. We are currently looking into some of the people who have gone to visit Brian over the past few months in jail as well as the people he contacted during his phone calls. We do not want to alarm you, but we are worried for Yugi's safety. It is possible that these kidnapping could be a copycat practicing for a time in which they could go after Miss. Yugi. All of the people who have been kidnapped have similar features to Yugi," The Sargent explained.

"Thank you for letting us know," Yami said with a concerned smile. He could feel Yugi's hand shaking in his and had squeezed it to calm her. The Sargent got up from the kitchen and started to make his leave.

"We will be posting an officer outside your house until the kidnap victims and the one responsible for the kidnapping are found," Sargent Moore explained turning back to the couple.

"Thank you, we appreciate it," Yami said also standing and walking the man to the door. Once he saw the officer out of the house, he pulled out his phone and called his boss.

"You know I don't approve of my employees using my personal line to call out of work," Kaiba's irritated voice range over the phone.

"I know and I'm sorry but Yugi is in no condition to be left alone right now," Yami explained, "There is someone out there copying Brian and I don't want Yugi alone." With a sigh Kaiba agreed that it would be best to have someone at home with Yugi.

After the phone call Yami walked back into the kitchen where he found Yugi staring into her cup of coffee.

"Don't worry little one, I am sure the police will be able to find the copy-cat soon," Yami said placing his arm around his lover's shoulders and pulling Yugi toward him.

"I know I'm just worried that nowhere in the world will be safe, and I can't imagine what those other people are going through right now. I hope they will all be okay," Yugi said referring to the people who had gone missing recently.

"Leave it to you Little One to be worried about someone else's safety when you might also be a target," Yami replied shaking his head before adding, "You know I think we should get a security system for the house. It would make me feel a lot better at night and when I'm not here."

Yugi looked up at Yami with a thoughtful expression, "I think that might be a good idea. I think I will be able to sleep better at night knowing that no one can break in."

"That settles it, we should go to the store now then so I can get the thing installed before tonight. I don't want to take any chances with you," Yami said kissing Yugi's forehead and standing up. Yugi quickly followed him grabbing her wallet while Yami grabbed the keys to the car and they headed out the door. On their way down the driveway in the car, a police officer that had been stationed outside of their house got out of his car and waved them down.

"Where are the two of you going?" He asked.

"We wanted to get a security system for the house. We shouldn't be gone more than an hour," Yami assured the man.

"Alright happy shopping," the police officer replied with a wave and a small smile.