Carl Winslow was having a bad day. It had started out as a relatively good day. He got up and kissed his wife. Had a good breakfast and headed off to work at the Las Angeles Auror's Department.

You see, Carl was a wizard and for the last 20 years was an Auror in charge of relations between the wizarding and wandless magical worlds.

When the muggle world of America had its Civil War so did the magical world. Despite common belief the two wars had nothing to do with each other. Deference of opinion about magical customs and beliefs, as well as strict laws passed by a controlling wizarding government to outlaw wandless magic lead to bloodshed from 1862 to 1864. The result was The American Republic Of Wizarding Kind, A.R.W.K., consented to defeat in the summer of 1864. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and all states to the west coast became the American Republic of Free Magic or A.R.F.M. Alaska and Hawaii are a part of the A.R.W.K.

A.R.W.K. Was for the most part just like every other wizarding governing body. The A.R.F.M had some noted deference.

Every state had had its own State Coven. Each coven made laws and regulations for their own state and usually worked independently of the other states. If an issue came up that involved two or more states, then a Federal Coven would be made to vote on the issue. One representative from each coven would go and vote on their state's behalf with the most powerful magical user in the A.R.F.M presiding as the mediator for the group. They kept the peace and where allowed one vote as well. This means there is a total of 18 votes. Should there be a tie in the votes the actual President of the United States would then decide on the mater.

The reason why the actual President had a say is because the A.R.F.M doesn't really disassociate from the muggle world. Magical families send their kids to muggle schools and educate their kids in magic at home. Muggleborns are given the option of going to a wizarding school in the A.R.W.K. or going another rout. They could apprentice themselves to a local magic user that would have them. They could try self-education ether threw a local library, a mail order business, or the internet. Every year children would be sent a standard test to gage their knowledge and power. If there were any problems, they would be forced to seek education threw a wizarding school or coven. Some magical families well send their kids to wizarding schools as well. Wand based magic is not outlawed in the A.R.F.M.

For obvious reasons, the A.R.F.M. does adhere to the Statute of Secrecy. It is the State Coven's job to keep muggles from finding out about magic. Everyone is responsible for their own discretion regarding their own magic. Muggleborns are responsible for telling their families about magic, not the Coven. Muggleborns can literally go their entire lives without telling their families about magic.

Now you're probably wondering why Carl is working at an Auror Office in Las Angeles when California is in a free magic state. It was decided that sense a good number of children attend wizarding schools in the A.R.W.K., as well as so many people still practicing wand magic, that each free magic state have at least one area still under wizarding control. So, one city in each state has an area similar to Diagon Alley located in London, England. Each magical shopping street has a hospital, bank, and Auror Office.

What was causing Carl's bad day you ask? It was a soon to be 13-year-old witch who was admitted to the Los Angeles Loving Angels Arms Hospital two days ago. The story was rather sad. A young girl had come home from a friend's house only to find her parents dead from what appears to be a home invasion gone bad. The perpetrators, three men, where still inside the house.

The young witch lost her mind in her grief and destroyed the perpetrators. The young girl was a Muggleborn who was self-educated in old celestial magic as well as earth magic and spirit magic. Only someone born with a celestial core can use celestial magic. The problem being here was the girl was powerful in all three.

She had inadvertently called forth dark spirits for strength to protect herself from the perpetrators. After she had done the deed, she succumbed to a magical medical condition known as magical overdose.

Wizarding warlocks and wizarding witches rely only on the celestial core inside themselves. Earth magic and spirit magic warlocks and witches rely on the magic they harness from various rituals they perform. The girl harnessed far more power than her young adolescent body could handle. Her core expanded unnaturally causing organ failure and oddly a rapid drop in body temperature.

Carl Winslow was the Auror helping with the case. He had gone to Sunnydale California, the girl's hometown, to help with some memory modifications on the local police who had responded before the California Coven could. When it was discovered that the girl, who was cleared of all charges because of self-defense, had no blood family, Carl became concerned that a rich and powerful dark magic family in the A.R.W.K. would try and adopt her.

A witch or wizard who could use all tree magics was extremely rare. If one of those families where to get their claws in this girl there could be no telling what could happen. So, Carl decided to try his luck and see if magic could reveal a family member. The Goblin Nation that controlled Gringotts Bank kept records of blood and magical signatures of there more wealthy clients. He had contacted an old friend in the Goblin Liaisons Office to see if he could use a sample of the girl's blood to possibly see if she had magical family.

As it turned out she did. The girl wasn't even Muggleborn. Willow Rosenberg had been adopted when she was two by Ira and Sheila Rosenberg. Carl knew this would cause an uproar in both the wizarding world and the wandless world when the news broke. The wandless world would be powerless to stop one of its up and coming stars from joining the wizarding world and the wizarding world would learn that Harry Potter was not an only child.

Lying half dead down the street from his office in the hospital bed of room 173 was the only daughter of James and Lily Potter. Harry Potter's twin sister Willow Daisy Potter. Carl was having a very bad day indeed.