Disclaimer: SVU and its characters belong to Dick Wolf. I own nothing.

Seven months later

It was now November in Manhattan. Eight months had passed since the time when Olivia had been abducted and they'd rescued her from underground. Healing hadn't been easy, but Elliot had been by her side every step of the way. In the process, they had found a way to let their feelings for one another become known.

Olivia thought back to the day so many months ago. Elliot had just asked her to move in permanently, even though they had only officially been together a little over a week. She was seriously considering accepting his offer, based on what his kids opinions were. Then, she had gotten the lease renewal notice for her own apartment in the mail. To her, it had been a sign. She normally didn't believe in such things, but she couldn't ignore it. That night she had learned his kids approved of where they were going in their relationship. Even Kathy had given her blessing. As soon as that weekend was over, she had moved in for good.

Now, it was almost Thanksgiving. The holiday was next week, and Elliot was hosting it at his condo. Naturally, his kids were invited. However, because he and Kathy were on such good terms, she was coming as well. Joining his ex wife would be her boyfriend, Patrick, and his two children. It would make for a large gathering, but Elliot and Kathy still wanted to celebrate the day as family, even if the definition of family had expanded to include other people.

Olivia had no problem with this whatsoever. She and Kathy had actually grown closer over the past months. They would interact frequently because of the children, and Olivia would go so far to even call them friends. Maybe they weren't the type of friends who would go out shopping together, but they were definitely at ease with one another. There was even one occasion when Kathy had been unable to pick up Lizzie at school when the girl was sick, so she had asked if Olivia could pick her up. Naturally, the detective hadn't minded.

Currently, Olivia was at work waiting for Elliot to get back. He was out in the field with Munch, questioning a witness. George and the Captain had held true to their word, she and Elliot were still partners. However, she had injured her ankle last week during a foot chase with a perp. Because of this, she was still wearing an ankle brace until it healed. She was permitted to be at work, she just kept her duties to interrogations and interviews. The good news was that the brace was coming off soon, and she didn't need crutches. The other thing she was pleased about was even though she had injured herself, she'd caught the guy she was chasing.

Olivia realized she needed to stop letting her mind wander, and focus on her work. The report she was supposed to be working on was due soon, and she needed to hurry if she was going to finish it in time. It wasn't like her to get so easily distracted with personal matters while at work, she wasn't sure what had happened today.

With her attention directed to the task at hand, she finished the report in record time. It was soon printed out and ready to be delivered to the Captain.

Olivia was just sitting back down at her desk when Elliot and Munch returned to the squad room. From the looks of things, they had stopped on their way back to pick up some lunch. John carried food for himself and Fin, and Elliot's bags contained not only his own meal, but something for the Captain and Olivia as well.

While Elliot was taking Cragen in his lunch, Olivia decided she would go and get them something to drink. The day had been pretty busy, and there was no telling when they would get another call. She wanted to save as much time as possible, so her partner would actually be able to eat. Even if she knew it meant he would likely admonish her for the extra time she spent walking.

It didn't matter to Elliot that her injury was almost healed, he still fussed over her about it. This was nothing new, as even back when they were nothing more than partners, he would always worry about her when she was hurt. He made sure not to go overboard when they were in the squad room, as he knew she didn't like the attention. Even the day she had gotten injured, Olivia had insisted on bringing the perp back to the station first to be processed and questioned before going to the emergency room. By the time he had finally convinced her to go and be checked out, her ankle had swollen to the size of a softball, and she could barely walk on it. But, they had gotten the confession.

That was why Elliot knew better than to say too much to Olivia now when she approached with their drinks. She wasn't really limping per se, but she still favored the injured ankle a bit. He knew though, that if he asked her about it, she would tell him that she was 'fine'. Better to wait until they got home tonight. There, she would be accepting of his attention.

As they ate lunch, Elliot shared some of the information as to how the witness interview had gone. He and Munch had eventually been able to get the woman to talk, but he'd missed having Olivia by his side. She would have really been able to connect with their witness, sooner than either of them as men had been able to.

As soon as he was done eating, Elliot worked on typing up his own reports for the day. He needed to file the information from the witness interview, and enter it into the computer. He fervently hoped he could get it all completed without any interruptions. Pulling out his notes, he used them as a reference guide while he worked.

The rest of the day passed in relative quiet, and everyone seemed to pass the time working on necessary reports. Later in the afternoon, a call came in. There was a vic waiting at the hospital. Cragen decided to send Munch and Fin to handle it. There must have been some complications with the case, because the two of them were gone for quite some time. They still had yet to return when Elliot and Olivia were ready to clock out for the day.

Elliot and Olivia finished up the reports they were working on, then powered off their respective computers. Deciding to save Olivia a trip, it was Elliot who delivered both copies to the Captain's office. By the time he returned to their joined desks, she had already removed her purse from the bottom drawer, and was pulling on her jacket.

The last thing he did was head into the break room to clean out their coffee cups. This way, they would be ready for use when they arrived the following morning. With that task complete, he slipped into his suit coat, and grabbed his keys out of his desk. Just as he and Olivia were ready to step onto the elevator, Fin and Munch were exiting. From the looks they were wearing, their victim must not have survived. Olivia rested her hand on Fin's shoulder in sympathy as he passed by, squeezing gently. They all knew the pain that came with cases like these. Still, she knew her coworkers would still fight for justice.

Elliot and Olivia exited the precinct and made their way to his car. Though they normally took turns, he had been driving ever since she had been injured. Her right ankle was the one that had been hurt, and the bulky brace made operating the pedals of the car a bit difficult. She settled into the passenger seat while he started the engine. This was always their favorite part of the day – going home together.

Once they arrived home, they went through their normal routine. The first thing they did, as always, was remove their guns and safely lock them away. Even though the kids didn't always stay with them, it was a habit to keep them out of sight and out of reach.

It hadn't taken long for Olivia to stop referring to the room they were in as Elliot's bedroom and start thinking of it as theirs. For as many years as she had spent living alone, she had adapted to living with Elliot quite easily. Never before had she ever felt more at home. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt hands come to rest on her shoulders.

"Let's get you out of those work clothes and into something comfortable."

Elliot's low voice rumbled in her ear. She could tell just by the tone that he didn't have any ulterior motives. He was, however, worried about her.

"I'm fine, El."

His hands pivoted her body gently, and she met his smiling face. His head dipped and his mouth met hers in a kiss. With the slightest amount of pressure, he pushed on her shoulders to encourage her to sit on the bed. He didn't want her standing any longer than necessary.

Elliot carefully removed her clothing, with no intentions other than helping her. He didn't miss the smirk on her face, and knew what was coming next.

"I can get changed myself, Elliot"

Not missing a beat, he kissed her again before slipping a tee shirt over her head. Then he helped her into a pair of drawstring pants and slid them up over her hips.

"I know you can, but I enjoy taking your clothes off."

Her eyes swept over him, nothing the mixture of mischief and heat in his gaze. Two could play that game.

"I have noticed, yes. I guess you could say I'm disappointed you put more clothes back on."

He pulled her back to her feet, holding her close. Wrapping his arms around her, his hands wandered down to squeeze her ass. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"You don't have to worry, Liv. Those clothes will be coming off again later, and believe me when I say they'll be staying off. That's a promise."

A shiver went through her then. She knew he would be true to his word. Visions swam through her head of what awaited her later tonight. In the meantime, she suppressed a cry as she felt herself being swept up in Elliot's arms. Olivia wondered what was going on, then realized he was carrying her out to the living room. The haze of passion building in her mind quickly gave way to frustration, even though she hated feeling that way toward Elliot.

"Elliot, I'm perfectly capable of walking. I've been doing it all day."

He silenced her with another kiss, still holding her in his arms. When he reached the sofa, he lay her down upon the cushions. Lifting her injured ankle carefully, he propped it on a pillow. Then he turned to face her once more.

"I know you can Olivia, and I know you hate it when I fuss. But you're still supposed to be taking it easy. If I can take care of you here at home, you know I'm going to. Please don't fight me on that."

The look in his blue eyes softened any negative feelings she was experiencing. How could she possibly argue with that? The truth of the matter was, even after all these months, she still had trouble accepting that she had someone who wanted to take care of her. It didn't diminish her independence in any way, because that was one of the things that Elliot found attractive about her. But leaning on him didn't make her any less strong. Just like it didn't make him any less strong to lean on her. It only made them stronger together.

"You're right, El. I'm sorry. I'll rest while you make dinner."

Olivia finally gave in. Elliot smiled, but wisely said nothing. Instead, he helped her out of her brace. Now that she was home, she didn't need to wear it any longer. Then he got her an ice pack and placed it on the injured ankle. Only when he was sure that she was completely taken care of did he head into the kitchen to prepare their evening meal.

Thirty minutes later, he was carrying two plates into the living room. He placed them on the coffee table, then left a second time to go and get them something to drink. He didn't even have to ask her what she wanted, and brought in iced tea for both of them. Unless they were out for dinner, or it was a special occasion, Olivia rarely drank anymore. By extension, neither did Elliot. He knew she wouldn't mind, but alcohol just didn't matter.

Joining Olivia on the sofa, he decided against helping her up to a sitting position. Even he knew there were limits as to what she would accept. Instead, he waited until she had swung her legs around, then passed her a plate. She accepted, telling him that the dinner he had made looked delicious.

As they ate, they discussed the upcoming holiday the following week. Elliot had talked to Kathy earlier today, and his ex wife had offered to help. She would be bringing several pies to contribute to their holiday meal. With dessert taken care of, that took some of the pressure off.

"I want to help, too, El. I mean, I've never cooked a Thanksgiving dinner before, but I still want to help."

He reached for her hand, taking it in his own. Squeezing it gently, he brought it up to touch it to his lips before releasing it.

"You will be helping me, Liv. There's no way I'll be able to do this without you."

With that decided, he went on to explain that the kids would be coming to stay Thursday night. He and Kathy had worked out an arrangement months ago, and they traded off custody every two weeks. Normally, his children wouldn't show up until Sunday, but she was letting them come early because of the holiday. They still had yet to discuss how they would handle Christmas and New Years, but knew a decision could be made peacefully.

Elliot needed to talk to Olivia about it first, before he said anything to Kathy, but he had an idea. He was going to suggest they each take a week of the kids time off school, and spend the holidays together, like they were doing with Thanksgiving. That way, the kids wouldn't be forced to feel like that had to choose between either parent.

They finished eating, and Elliot cleared their plates. He carried them out to the kitchen, along with Olivia's now thawed ice pack. When he returned to the living room, he joined her again on the sofa, and she adjusted her position so her feet were propped in his lap. He gently began to massage her injured ankle while they watched television.

Hours later, his hand was still resting on her foot. Olivia noticed that he was completely engrossed in what was happening on the screen. Her mind, however had wandered back to what had gone on between them in the bedroom earlier. Deciding to try and get his attention, she shifted her feet in his lap ever so slightly. Flexing her foot so that it was now rubbing against his sweats, she waited until he reacted. It didn't take long until she got a response. While he didn't turn his head in her direction, his eyebrows raised and when he questioned her, his voice was shaky.

"Liv? What are you doing?"

"If you have to ask, I must be doing it wrong."

He laughed then, the sound coming out in an exhale of breath as he tried to collect himself. Even now, while she was trying to stir him up, she still could make him smile. It was one of the many reasons why he loved her so much.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it."

He admonished her gently, though his tone was anything but harsh. In fact, his voice was full of love and affection. He finally turned his head to look at her, and noticed that all of her attention was focused solely on him. Turning off the television, he raised her feet off his lap and stood up. Scooping her into his arms, he carried her toward the bedroom.

To Olivia's surprise, he didn't take her straight to the bed, like she had planned. That had been her goal. Instead, he carried her into the bathroom, and set her gently on her feet beside the bathtub.

"Elliot, what are you doing? I thought -"

He silenced her with a kiss. Then he turned on the taps, and added some lavender and chamomile scented foam to the water. It had always been Olivia's favorite scent when relaxing, but he'd come to love it, too. It was calming without being overly feminine. He always added it to their shared baths.

Then, he lovingly stripped Olivia of her clothing, and helped her into the tub. Once he lowered her into the water so she was sitting, he finished what he was doing. Turning off all the lights, he lit the few candles she kept in the room. The scene was becoming reminiscent of the first bath they ever shared together. That was a night he would never forget.

After the candles were lit, he shed his own clothing under Olivia's watchful eye. Then he stepped into the tub and sat behind her. Pulling her back against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her waist. Kissing her again, this time on the neck he whispered in her ear. He reminded her that their phones were off for the night, and there was no chance of anyone coming to visit. They had all the time in the world.

Olivia lay against Elliot, letting the warmth of the water relax her. Even though she had intended her earlier actions to lead to something else, she had to admit she was enjoying this immensely. Sharing a bath together was something they did often, and she always enjoyed the intimacy of the act.

Unlike when they would shower together, and their passion would match the heat of the rushing water, a bath was always different. Here, in the tub, they were relaxed, tender. It wasn't that they never got swept up in the heat of the moment during a bath, that had certainly been known to happen. However, this was more about taking care of each other in different ways.

Her hands drifted down to entwine with his where they were wrapped around her waist. She linked their fingers together, and closed her eyes.

After they had been soaking for awhile, she sensed when Elliot moved. Knowing that he was about to wash her hair and body, she held tightly to his hands to stop him. It wasn't that she didn't want him to, she just wanted to take care of him first. So often, he would lavish attention on her, and she would be too relaxed after to care for him. Tonight, she wanted to make him a priority.

She shifted in the tub, and instructed him to scoot forward. Elliot who had been momentarily concerned when she was moving that something was wrong, complied with her instructions. Olivia adjusted her position so that she was now sitting behind him. She was grateful that their tub in the master bath was so spacious, it made moving about quite easy.

Once she was settled, Olivia grabbed the body wash and poured out a small amount. She rubbed her hands together until a lather began to form, then began to wash Elliot's back. Starting at the base of his neck, she massaged gently, working out toward his shoulders and down his arms. She knew that all those long hours sitting at the desk or working out in the field had the same effect on him as it did on her. His neck and shoulders were the areas of his body where he carried the majority of his stress and tension.

When she was done washing his back, Olivia's next stop was to wash Elliot's chest and stomach. As her hands dipped lower on his waist, she felt his body tense against her. Now, the tension was for an entirely different reason. He was anticipating her next move, holding his breath as he waited to find out where he would feel her touch next.

As much as he had wanted to make this night about her, he had to admit that he loved when she took initiative, like she was doing now. In the many months they had been together, Olivia had never failed to surprise him in the bedroom – or out of it. He had a feeling that their lovemaking would never grow stale or boring.

Elliot pushed his wayward thoughts aside, his breathing quickening as Olivia's hand wrapped around him. Then his only focus was on her touch and that alone. She took his breath away.

Endless moments later, he was coming down from his high, leaning back against her. Her hands were smoothing across his chest, keeping in time with his breaths as they evened out. He felt her lips graze his earlobe, and heard her voice reach him.


He struggled to find the word to answer that question, as he wasn't sure he had an adequate response. Still, he didn't want to leave her without a reply.

"I don't have the words, Liv."

She used her good foot then, to pull the plug and allow the water to drain. Elliot was surprised by her actions, as he hadn't yet taken care of her needs. Nevertheless, he stood and helped her to her feet. Wrapping a towel around her body, he took the opportunity to question her.

"Liv, what about you?"

She gave him a warm smile, and her hands came up to frame his face. Leaning forward, she placed a soft kiss on his lips before pulling back to look him in the eye once more.

"It's not always about me, Elliot. I knew this is what you needed tonight. That's why I initiated what I did."

He was about to argue, but she covered his mouth with her palm. Just from the look in her eye alone, he knew better than to say anything. So he remained quiet. It wasn't as though he could speak right now anyway.

"You've been tense and upset ever since you got back from the witness interview, El. I could tell."

His shoulders sagged as he realized she was right. He had been carrying the weight of that conversation with him. Of course she had been able to see. She knew him so well, just the way he could always read her.

He helped her out of the tub, and finished drying her off. Scooping their clothes off the floor, he deposited them in the hamper. He extinguished all the candles, then lifted her into his arms. Carrying her into their bedroom, he lay her gently on the bed. Kissing her tenderly, he rolled her over so that she was beneath him. He was ever mindful not to jar her injured ankle in the process.

To his surprise, her hands came up to frame his face a second time, her eyes full of questions. He knew she wasn't stopping him or saying 'no', but there was still a pause in her actions. Pulling back ever so slightly so he rested on his elbows above her, he looked down to study her expression carefully.

"Liv...what is it?"

"We don't have to do this El. It was never about me. I only wanted to make you feel good tonight."

He bent his head low, so that he could kiss her. Despite all the progress Olivia had made in their months together, sometimes self doubt still got the best of her. Didn't she understand that he wanted to be with her? More than just her touch, this was what he needed. To share this closeness, this intimacy with her. To feel his body become one with hers.

"Olivia, it's always about you. I want to make love to you Liv, but only if that's what you want."

She nodded her head in confirmation as a lone tear slipped down her cheek. He knew she wasn't upset, just swept up in the moment. So was he. Their feelings for one another were always so intense, that it wasn't an uncommon occurrence for them to become emotional when making love.

Lowering himself back so their bodies were touching, he touched his lips to hers again. She opened her mouth to him, and he deepened the kiss. His hands came up to caress her body reverently, the way he had planned on touching her in the bath. She moaned softly into his mouth, and he knew that was a sign that it was okay to continue. Moments later, their fingers interlaced the same time his body joined with hers.

As they made love, Elliot was determined to convey through his actions that tonight wasn't just about his needs. Hers mattered too. He had tried to make her see that earlier with his words, but he wanted to prove it with his deeds as well. He was immensely grateful that she cared for him so much to want to put him first – hell, he would often do the same for her, but she had to know that he would never take her for granted.

Soon, the only thing either of them were able to focus on were the feelings building within. Their movements became more desperate, their kisses more intense. They reached their peak together, and collapsed to the bed in a breathy heap of tangled limbs.

Once he could breathe again, Elliot rolled onto his side, bringing Olivia with him. He reached down toward the bottom of the bed, and pulled the covers up over them. Looking down at the woman in his arms, he thanked his lucky stars for what must have been the millionth time since they had become a couple.

"I love you so much!"

His words to her were a fierce whisper, the emotion causing his voice to get caught in his throat. He held her close, kissing her temple. Beneath his lips, he could feel just the barest hint of the scar that remained from where she had stitches all those months ago. He closed his eyes, and tried not to let the memories swarm in. She was here, alive and whole, safe in his arms. He felt himself relax when the gentle touch of her hands came to rest on his bicep and chest.

"El, I love you too. More than I could ever say. Let's not go back there, not tonight. We're here, and we're together. That's all that matters."

Even though she was the one who had lived through the ordeal, she always knew what to say to offer comfort during the times the guilt got the better of him. True, there were still times she still suffered from nightmares, too, and he was by her side every time.

She lowered her head to place a kiss on his chest, directly over his heart. His hand came up to cradle the back of her head, his fingers threading through her hair. She'd been growing it out again, and it was now to her shoulders. She even had grown in some bangs to add a new dimension to her look. He loved it all.

Feeling calmer now from the panic that had threatened to overtake him, Elliot held Olivia close, and snuggled into the pillows. She wrapped her arm around his waist, and sighed contentedly. They were both asleep in minutes.

The days passed quickly, and before anyone was quite ready for it, it was the day before Thanksgiving. Olivia's ankle had completely healed and she was back in the field with Elliot. They were looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Not only was the holiday tomorrow, but they were off until Tuesday. Olivia didn't know it yet, but Elliot planned on taking her shopping this weekend so they could pick out a Christmas tree for their place.

This was going to be Olivia's first Thanksgiving off since she had started working at Special Victims. Elliot suspected it was her first one off since she had started working for the force, period. As far as he knew, his partner had always volunteered to work every holiday. She was the reason he'd been able to spend so many with his family in the past.

Now, she was included in his family, and he would be spending the day with her. The same held true for the upcoming Christmas season. He couldn't wait so share those times with her. In fact, he already had in mind an idea for what he wanted to get her as a Christmas present.

For now though, he had to push those wayward thoughts aside. The next few hours, work still had to be at the forefront of his mind. Today had been relatively quiet, but anything could happen.

Luckily, they all made it to quitting time without any calls coming in. Since it was the day before a holiday, the four detectives were going out after work to celebrate together. They had invited their Captain to join them, but he had other plans.

The group arrived at the bar, and settled into what had become their normal booth. It may not have officially belonged to them, but it just seemed like it was where they always happened to sit. Fin and Munch ordered a pitcher of beer, and three glasses. Elliot was about to stop them, but a look from Olivia told him she wouldn't mind if he had a drink with the guys. She asked for an iced tea for herself.

The bar was more crowded than usual tonight. Most of the city would be off work tomorrow, and it seemed that everyone had decided to start the celebrations early. As a result, they had to wait a little bit longer than normal for their food orders to arrive. No one minded, though. It was always nice not to be in a rush. While they were waiting, Munch questioned Elliot on his plans for the following day.

"The kids will be there, naturally. Kathy is coming over too, along with Patrick and his children. There will be ten of us total."

Fin let out a low whistle in response to the number. Still, before he could answer, Munch jumped in.

"Quite the family get together you've got planned, Elliot. Are you sure everyone will be able to get along?"

Though his tone was serious, Elliot knew Munch was only joking. Both he and Fin had been nothing but supportive when he and Olivia had told them of the newest development in their relationship several months back. They also were aware that even though they were divorced, Kathy still played an important role in his life.

Conversation was brought to a standstill when their meals came to the table. Elliot and Olivia were sharing wings again, as they often did when at this bar. Fin had ordered a burger, and Munch a sandwich.

When they were finished eating, they lingered a little longer than normal to finish their drinks. Finally, though, it was time to leave. Even though he wasn't drunk, Olivia took Elliot's keys so she could drive them home. On the sidewalk, she hugged Fin and Munch, and wished them both a Happy Thanksgiving. Then she slipped her hand in Elliot's palm as they walked to his car.

Thursday morning, Elliot and Olivia woke around eight. They wanted to grab a light breakfast and get started on the dinner preparations before Kathy, Patrick, and all the kids arrived later this afternoon.

Deciding to just share a bagel, they ate quickly, then started taking things out of the fridge. Elliot's phone chimed with a text from Kathy. She was letting him know that she and Patrick had taken the children to the parade this morning, and they would be to his place as soon as it had finished.

Meanwhile, Elliot and Olivia opted to divide and conquer when it came to the kitchen chores. Since she had never prepared a turkey before, he put her to work helping with the side dishes. She diced celery and onions, then peeled potatoes.

Elliot sauteed the vegetables that Olivia had cut up, then added the bread and some broth. Once the mixture had cooled, he stuffed the turkey. He also put some stuffing in a casserole dish to bake alongside the turkey. Both were just put in the oven when the door opened. His family had arrived.

Kathy and the older girls were each carrying a pie, which they brought into the kitchen and set on the one counter not in use. Patrick followed behind, bringing with him his contribution to the meal, a bottle of wine. Elliot shook the man's hand, and offered him a drink. He accepted a soda, which Elliot passed to him with a smile.

"Sorry I can't join you right now, man, but you are more than welcome to sit in the living room and watch some football."

Patrick nodded his thanks, as Elliot focused his attention on the two young children who were with him.

"Emily and Evan, please feel free to make yourselves at home. I know you two may not like football, but if you go into the bedroom with Dickie and Lizzie, they can find a movie you all can watch together."

The four youngest children all tore off to do as Elliot had suggested. Now that the crowd had thinned out somewhat, he turned to his ex-wife. He hadn't had the chance before, but now he enveloped her in an embrace.

"Thank you for coming, Kathy. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Thank you for inviting us, Elliot."

As he released her, his hands dropped down to hold hers for a moment. His thumb brushed across something on her left hand, and he looked at her in surprise. Kathy saw the shock on his face, and she hurried to explain. Olivia, sensing the two needed to talk about something important, excused herself from the room momentarily.

Elliot raised Kathy's hand, looking at the diamond ring that she wore where their wedding band once had been. He brushed his thumb across it a second time, battling with the conflicting emotions inside him.

"I was going to tell you, Elliot, I promise. He only asked me this morning. We haven't even told the kids officially yet."

Kathy's voice was full of quiet sincerity. She went on to explain that Patrick had asked the kids permission to propose, but hadn't told them exactly what day he would pop the question.

"Are you happy, Kath?"

"Yes, Elliot, I am."

He pulled her into another embrace, this time kissing her on the cheek as well. While he held her close he whispered into her ear.

"Then I'm happy for you."

To keep the mood from getting too heavy, Kathy then asked if he needed any help in the kitchen. Elliot thanked her for the offer, but told her he and Olivia had everything under control. Instead, Kathy helped herself to a drink from the fridge, and joined Patrick in the living room with the older children.

Olivia returned to the kitchen, and resumed helping Elliot. Soon there wasn't much to do but wait for everything to cook. They sat on the sofa with the rest of the group, and joined in watching the game.

As the afternoon wore on, the place began to fill with the wonderful aromas of Thanksgiving dinner. Soon, the oven timers went off, letting everyone know it was time to eat. Maureen and Kathleen set the table, and Elliot was immensely grateful he had purchased the larger one after all. It made it possible to have everyone here today.

Patrick called down the hall to the younger children, telling them to turn off the movie and wash their hands. The kids soon appeared and took their seats.

Olivia uncorked the wine and poured four glasses. She passed them out to Kathy and Patrick, then put one at Elliot's plate before taking one for herself.

Once all the side dishes were placed on the table, Elliot carried over the platter of turkey. After the blessing, he began to carve the bird. For the next several minutes, everyone spent their time passing plates around among themselves, and filling up their plates with food.

Elliot reached for his wine glass, and raised it. Olivia did the same, as did Kathy and Patrick. The kids all lifted their glasses of soda, too. All eyes were focused on Elliot.

"This year changed a lot of things for all of us, but we're still here together as a family. That will never change. I'm so very thankful to have each one of you in my life."

During his toast, he made sure not to mention Kathy's new engagement to Patrick. That wasn't his place. He did, however leave the floor open to his ex wife to make an announcement of her own if she felt ready.

Everyone clanged glasses together in celebration of Elliot's toast, then set them down again. Picking up their forks, they began to eat. Kathy was the first to compliment her ex on the preparation of the meal. While they were eating, it was Kathleen who noticed something her brother and sisters did not.

"Mom? What's that on your hand?"

Kathy nearly choked on the mouthful of food she was trying to swallow. She reached for her water, trying to compose herself. Patrick squeezed her hand gently, and both Elliot and Olivia gave her supportive smiles. They were letting her know it was okay to make the announcement here.

"It's an engagement ring, sweetie. Patrick asked me to marry him this morning, and I accepted."

Emily and Evan cheered loudly, but the Stabler kids were a bit more reserved in their reaction. They all looked to their father to see how he was taking the news. When they saw the he was smiling, and that he was genuinely happy for their mother, they joined in the celebration as well.

"Congratulations Kathy, Patrick. I'm so happy for you both."

Olivia offered her sentiments, getting up from her chair to give Kathy a hug. Later, she would check in with Elliot privately, but she could tell just from his body language alone that he was genuinely happy for his ex. Still, that didn't mean he wouldn't have any residual feelings that lingered. She would be there to listen to anything he needed to talk about.

The meal was winding down, and it seemed that everyone was getting full. Elliot made certain that all at the table had had enough to eat, then stood to begin clearing the plates. Before he had a chance, Maureen and Kathleen stopped him.

"We'll take care of that Dad, you did the cooking. It's our job to clean up anyway."

He agreed, and sat back down. Lizzie asked if she and Emily could go back in her room for a little while and play. Naturally, they were given permission. Dickie and Evan even joined them. Elliot promised them he wouldn't let them miss dessert.

Olivia stood from the table, and asked Kathy and Patrick if they'd like any more wine. When they declined, she put the bottle away. Going into the kitchen, she started a pot of coffee to brew.

The older girls finished clearing the dining table and started up the dishwasher. Then they joined everyone in the living room. Elliot and Patrick were now focused on the football game, so the girls were talking with their mother and Olivia. The prime topic of conversation was their mother's new engagement.

"I'm so excited for you, mom. You deserve to be happy."

Maureen's voice confirmed her own happiness. She really liked Patrick. He was nice to her and her siblings, and treated them as he did his own children. Plus she loved Emily and Evan, and didn't mind in the least that she was getting another brother and sister out of this new arrangement.

Kathleen on the other hand, was still always known for speaking her mind. It wasn't that she wasn't happy with what was going on, but she was thinking of ways things could be even better. At least in her mind anyway.

"So, Olivia...now that Mom and Patrick are getting married, does that mean it will be yours and Dad's turn next?"

At the question, Olivia began coughing harshly. Though she had long ago grown accustomed to Kathleen's bold ways, she hadn't been expecting that at all. She wished Elliot had been paying attention, as he might have been better able to answer his daughter. Instead, it was Kathy who came to her rescue.

"Kathleen, don't ask questions like that. That type of thing is between your father and Olivia."

Kathleen was instantly trite. She had just gotten caught up in the excitement of the moment. Plus she had grown to love the idea of her father and Olivia together, just as much as she loved her mother and Patrick together. The thought of Olivia being her stepmother was something that entered her mind often.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Olivia. I didn't mean anything by it."

Olivia reached for the teen's hand, squeezing it gently. She hadn't taken offense, just been surprised by the question.

"It's all right honey. I know you didn't. Don't worry about it."

Elliot on the other hand, had overheard everything. It gave him hope. He'd had thoughts in his mind earlier today when planning his Christmas shopping for Olivia. Those had only been cemented when learning of Kathy's engagement. Yes, he would still have to talk to his children first, and get their approval, but he wanted to ask Olivia to marry him. He wanted to buy her a ring and propose a few weeks from now on Christmas eve. Knowing that Kathleen was practically expecting it did his heart good that his other children would be accepting of it as well.

The game was almost over when Dickie came out of the room, asking when they could have dessert. Even though he had eaten his fill at dinner, he was already craving something sweet. The adults all shared a gentle laugh at how he was already hungry again, and promised him they would have pie soon. The boy headed back to his room, and they overheard him tell the other children the news.

"Olivia, may I help you get dessert together?"

Kathy made the offer, and the other woman accepted. The two headed to the kitchen together. Olivia poured the coffee while Kathy served up the pie. She had made both apple and pumpkin, and knew everyone there would be wanting a piece of each.

Soon, the family was gathered back around the dining room table, eating their sweets. As always, Olivia was impressed by Kathy's baking skills. Personally, she could cook, even though she never had much when she lived alone. Now, she and Elliot either prepped meals together or took turns. But baking was one department she always found herself lacking in. One of these days, if she ever found the free time, she was going to try and change that.

Eventually, the evening drew to a close, and Patrick announced it was time to leave. Emily and Evan didn't fully understand why they had to leave when the Stabler children were allowed to stay, but their father did his best to explain it to them. The two said goodbye to Elliot and Olivia and thanked them for being allowed to come for dinner.

Maureen, Kathleen, Lizzie, and Dickie hugged their mother goodbye and told her they would see her in two weeks. Naturally, they would keep in contact during that time period as well. Patrick shook Olivia's hand first, then Elliot's thanking them a second time for the invite. Then Kathy hugged Olivia, receiving a final parting congratulations.

Lastly, Elliot and Kathy embraced, holding on to one another for a few seconds. She whispered something in his ear, and he nodded against her. What was said couldn't be heard by anyone else, so it remained a secret between the two of them. Olivia wasn't worried, and neither was Patrick, both of them were completely comfortable with the relationship the divorced couple maintained with one another.

Patrick, Kathy, Emily and Evan left and headed to the elevators, with Kathy promising to text when they arrived back in Queens. Traffic was still likely to be heavy this time of night, so Elliot knew that could take awhile.

Once they were alone, he turned to face his children. It was still too early to make them go to bed, but too late to do anything. He suggested everyone get comfortable and gather around the television to watch a movie. His kids all eagerly agreed and hurried to their rooms to change.

That left Elliot and Olivia alone for the first time since that morning. He needed to check in with her and see how she had processed the events of that day. He knew that today was one of the first big Thanksgiving gatherings she had ever fully experienced. Wrapping his arms around her, he touched his lips to her forehead.

"How are you feeling, Liv."

"Happy. Overwhelmed. It's so quiet now."

He laughed then at her comment. The noise level in the place had gone down considerably, but he couldn't believe she was calling the place quiet when all four of his children were still there.

"Quiet? Are you sure? You might not want to say that too loudly, they might hear you."

She joined in his laughter for a moment, then grew somber. Placing her hands on his arms, she looked directly in his eyes.

"El, are you all right? Kathy's engaged now, and -"

Elliot kissed Olivia then, silencing her mid-sentence. He knew exactly where she was going, and there was no need for her to continue. Though he loved her concern, it wasn't necessary.

"I love you for being concerned, Liv, but I'm fine. More than fine, actually. I said I was happy for her, and I meant it. She and Patrick are good for one another."

His sincerity was evident in his eyes, and she knew he was being truthful. They walked hand in hand to their bedroom. The kids were still getting changed, and it was their turn to get comfortable as well. A family movie night lay waiting ahead.

The following morning, Elliot headed to the kitchen to find the kids already awake. They were all as excited to go and get the Christmas tree as he was. All the group was waiting on now was for Olivia to join them. Knowing she was currently in the shower and would be several minutes yet, he decided to take the opportunity to talk with his children.

"I need to talk to you about something important."

Four faces focused on him immediately. They knew their father's tone of voice, and could tell he was being serious.

"I want to know how you all feel about your mother and Patrick, and how you feel about me and Olivia."

All of his children began talking at once, and Elliot raised his hands in the air, calling for some order. Then he indicated that the twins should speak first.

"I like Patrick, Daddy. He's nice. So are Emily and Evan. I like having them around, because it means I'm not the youngest anymore."

Lizzie was being completely honest, and Dickie nodded his agreement. Elliot also understood that his son liked having another boy around. Being constantly surrounded by sisters took its toll on him sometimes.

Then he added his own comment.

"We love Olivia. She's always treated us like we were special. I like that she lives with you now."

Now it was Maureen's turn to chime in with her opinion. He'd already heard Kathleen's yesterday.

"Yes, Dad. We love Olivia. As for Patrick, we think he's good for Mom. But where are you going with this? We already know you and Olivia are together."

Kathleen got a knowing smile on her face. She had an idea of exactly where her father was going. She only hoped her theory was right.

"What I'm about to tell you kids has to be a secret, all right? You can't tell Olivia, no matter what. Do you promise?"

"We promise."

Elliot took a deep breath, and cast a glance over his shoulder down the hallway toward the bedroom. Olivia still hadn't emerged. He knew he was operating on borrowed time, though.

"Christmas is coming up soon, and I want to buy Olivia a ring for a present. I'd like to ask her to marry me. Only with your permission, of course."

Almost instantly, Elliot was swarmed by his children. They piled on him, wrapping their arms around him and cheering. This was the scene Olivia walked in on a few moments later.

"What is going on in here? Why is everyone so excited?"

Maureen, worried that her younger siblings would spill the beans, quickly thought of a cover story. She pulled away from her father and turned to face the woman she had grown to love even more over the past months.

"Dad just told us he's taking us out for breakfast, then shopping for a Christmas tree. We're just excited, that's all."

Olivia looked to Elliot, who nodded in confirmation. She couldn't believe that she was going to have her first ever Christmas tree. Even as a child, her mom was never that big on decorating or celebrating. She found herself getting filled with excitement, too.

They left home, and headed for a favorite diner in the city. After breakfast, Elliot took them to one of the stores where they could buy a tree. Because of Lizzie's allergies, a live tree just wasn't a possibility. They also needed to get everything a tree would need, such as ornaments, lights, and a topper. It would be a costly expense, but in his mind every bit worth it.

Elliot supposed he shouldn't have been surprised when Olivia took half of the decorations and paid for them on her own. While each of them still had their own separate accounts, expenses for the household were always shared equally. It had been one of the conditions she had had upon moving in.

While they were out, the kids wanted to split up a little and do some early Christmas shopping. Even though the stores were crowded, Elliot agreed. He carried the tree and other things out to the car to store them while Maureen and Kathleen went off on their own. Olivia took the twins to go and look at something for their mother.

In reality, the situation couldn't have played out any better. Elliot was given time alone, and he knew exactly how to handle it. He headed straight for the jewelry store, to look at the rings. Now that he'd gotten the okay from the kids, he wanted to move forward with his plan.

After spending a good deal of time looking, he found just what he was looking for. The ring was practically made for Olivia. It was a platinum band with a half carat stone. He knew instinctively that she wouldn't want anything that would attract a lot of attention. Likewise, it had to be something that wouldn't interfere with her work. In addition, when they did ultimately decide to get married, the ring had matching wedding bands for each of them. It was perfect. Elliot made his purchase and stored it safely in his pocket.

Olivia met back up with Elliot, none the wiser as to what he had been up to. She was helping the twins carry a few bags of things they had bought. Granted, she may have helped a little with their purchases, but she didn't mind in the least. She would do anything for these kids.

A text message to his two oldest got them to join the group again, and everyone headed to the car to go home. Too tired from shopping to stop somewhere for lunch, they opted to head straight back to Elliot's and order something in. The plan was to spend the rest of the night putting up the tree and decorating.

As soon as they got back, the kids all headed to their rooms to hide the things they had bought. Elliot stacked the tree box in the corner of the living room with the decorations. While Olivia was making a phone call for pizza, he ducked into the bedroom. He quickly hid the ring box in the back of his sock drawer, where he knew she wouldn't find it.

By the time the food was delivered, Elliot had managed to get the tree assembled and the lights on. After taking a brief break to eat, everyone soon gathered back around to help put on the ornaments. When the tree was fully decorated, Lizzie grabbed the angel from its box and handed it to her father.

"Daddy, will you put the topper on?"

"Of course, honey."

He lifted his arms and placed the angel on top of the tree. With a nod to Olivia, she turned out all the lights. He flicked the switch, and the room was bathed in multiple colors. They sparkled and glittered, dancing off the ornaments.

They left the tree lit, then put away the boxes in storage. Now it was time to relax for the rest of the night. While the kids had missed sharing this part of their holiday tradition with their mother, they knew there would be a tree at her house, too. Instead, they focused on enjoying the rest of their Thanksgiving vacation.

Similar to past years, the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas passed quickly. It seemed like only yesterday his family had been gathered in his home around a turkey dinner, giving thanks, and now Christmas was in two days.

Months ago, when he and Kathy had initially divorced, Elliot had been dreading the holiday season. Now, he was looking forward to it with anticipation. Not only was he going to still get to be with his family, but Olivia was by his side. If he was truly lucky, she would say 'yes' when he presented her with the ring he'd bought. He still planned to give it to her on Christmas Eve - tomorrow.

As for Christmas Day, Kathy had invited them to the house for dinner. The kids were spending the first week of their vacation with her, but he would get them after Christmas until New Years. Next year, they would switch.

In regard to Christmas, by a true miracle, both he and Olivia had managed to get the holiday off. Yes, they had to work on tomorrow and on New Years day, but it was a fair trade in his Elliot's opinion. He knew he couldn't always be that fortunate to have such a good schedule.

Olivia returned to her desk, having found what she needed in the file room. However, it was time to leave for the day, so it could wait until tomorrow. It was just a reference for paperwork anyway. Locking it in her desk for safekeeping, she retrieved her purse.

When he and Olivia got in the door, the first thing he did was switch on the lights for the tree. They always kept it lit while they were at home and awake.

His next stop was to make sure that everything was in place for tomorrow night. His plan was to make a special dinner, to be served by candlelight. He wanted everything to be perfect for his proposal. Olivia deserved only the best.

Tonight, things would be kept simple. After a difficult day at work, they planned on ordering in. On the way home, Olivia had asked for Chinese, and he could never deny her anything.

After dinner, they watched a movie before going to bed. Wrapped up in each others arms, they slept peacefully through the night. Olivia's nightmares were now few and far between. Sometimes her sleep was disrupted, but Elliot was always able to calm her down.

The following day at work, they arrived to find that Cragen had treated his squad to breakfast. Fresh coffee and an assortment of bagels were laid out in the break room, along with an assortment of pastries. Elliot and Olivia helped themselves, then sat down at their desks, eager to get the day done with. It didn't escape Olivia's notice that Elliot's knee was bouncing up and down as he sat at his desk, a clear sign of anxiety. She didn't want to question him about it in public, so she filed it away to ask him about it when they were alone later.

By what could only be described as a Christmas miracle, the day passed without them getting a single call. Elliot and Olivia said their goodbyes to the Captain, Fin, and Munch, wishing them a Happy Holiday. Munch didn't always necessarily observe Christmas, but appreciated the sentiment just the same.

Walking to their car, Elliot took Olivia's hand in his. She was surprised by the gesture, as usually they refrained from displays of affection while still on precinct property. Still, she squeezed his hand in response. His palm was sweaty, and her worry for him increased. Was he feeling alright?

However, when she questioned him, he immediately insisted he was fine, and told her not to worry. Elliot drove them home, and when they arrived, he devoted all of his attention on her. Leading her first in the bedroom, and then into the bathroom, he helped her shed her clothing.

Thinking Elliot was going to draw a bath for them to share, Olivia lifted her hands to remove his clothes as well. She was surprised for a second time when he stopped her.

"No, Liv. Not that I wouldn't love to join you, but this is just for you. I'm going to make dinner while you relax."

He kissed her then, and informed her that he would lay clothes out for her on the bed for her to change into. She was surprised to learn that dinner attire tonight wasn't the casual clothes she was accustomed to wearing while at home. Still, she didn't question Elliot's plans. Perhaps he had a special holiday dinner planned for just the two of them.

Olivia pinned her hair up so it wouldn't get wet, and sank down into the bubbles. A contented sigh escaped her lips as the warm water enveloped her body and put her at ease almost immediately. She closed her eyes and let the bath work its magic.

Meanwhile, Elliot was in the kitchen. He had already changed into his clothes, and was working on preparing dinner. While it wasn't anything particularly fancy, it was special to the two of them. This was identical to the first meal they had shared on their first official date. Even the clothes he had selected for them were the same. They had come so far together since that night, but it had been such a pivotal part of their relationship.

Olivia heard Elliot calling to her that dinner was almost ready. She let the water drain, and toweled herself dry. Walking into the bedroom, she saw the clothes Elliot had selected for her laying on the bed. She didn't even need to see him to know what he would be wearing. A smile broke out across her lips. She remembered vividly when she had worn that blouse and pants on their first date, nearly matching identically with Elliot.

Walking into the dining area, what she saw took her breath away. The only light in the room was coming from the tree in the living room and the two candles on the table. Combined, they cast a soft romantic glow.

A bottle of champagne sat by two glasses, and Elliot was carrying over two plates as she made her way to her seat. Tears sprang to her eyes as she realized that for dinner, he had replicated the meal they had shared on their first date. Right down to preparing both of the entrees they had shared.

With Olivia's permission, he opened the champagne and poured them each a glass, then raised his glass toward her. She wasn't sure she could emotionally handle whatever he was about to toast right now, but she copied the gesture anyway.

"Olivia, this past year has changed my life more than I ever thought possible. I almost lost you completely, only to have you become one of the most important parts of my life. I can't ever imagine waking up without you by my side."

The tears that were forming in her eyes spilled over, and as she studied his face, she noticed he was fighting emotions of his own. She set down her glass and reached for his hand. To her surprise, he reached into his pocket first. Her breath caught in her throat when he retrieved a small box.

"Say you'll always be there, Olivia. That you'll be by my side forever, no matter what the world throws at us. Will you marry me?"

As he spoke the last words, he opened the box to reveal the ring. Elliot was now holding his breath as he awaited her answer. He didn't have to wait long. Though her hands were shaking, her voice was clear as she spoke.

"Yes. Yes, Elliot. I'll marry you."

He slipped the ring onto her finger, then pulled her up out of the chair. The dinner momentarily forgotten, they shared a passionate kiss and held one another tightly. She whispered something in his ear, and he looked at her with a smile. Blowing out the candles on the table, he swept her up in his arms and carried her in the bedroom. Her idea of celebration was way better than his.

Olivia woke up on Christmas day, naked in Elliot's arms. She stared in wonder at the ring she now wore on the third finger of her left hand. She was engaged – to Elliot no less. Every dream she'd ever had was finally coming true. The only hard part today would be telling his kids. Maybe they should wait. The last thing she'd want to do is ruin their holiday in case they would be disappointed by the news.

Elliot kissed her temple, pulling her close. He could almost hear her thoughts swirling away in her mind. Knowing he needed to reassure her, he told her the only thing that was certain to calm her down.

"Olivia, you don't need to worry about it. Do you really think I would have asked you to marry me without talking to the kids about it first? They were thrilled with the idea."

Her head turned to look at him then, searching his eyes for answers. When she determined he was telling her the truth, she lay her head on his chest, wrapping her arm around his waist. After all these years of wanting, she finally was going to belong to family. She had people she loved, and she was loved in return.

Knowing they wanted to be at Kathy's in time to see the kids open their presents, Elliot and Olivia hurried to get ready. There was no telling how much traffic they would encounter on the drive to Queens. To save time, they showered together, then got dressed. They opted to skip breakfast, certain that they would be eating more than their fill throughout the day.

An hour later, they were letting themselves into the home Elliot used to share with Kathy. Almost instantly, they were swarmed by children. Not only Elliot's four, but Emily and Evan as well. The two youngsters had grown very familiar with the other adults, and had even given them the honorary titles of Uncle Elliot and Aunt Olivia.

Though she tried her best to keep it under wraps, Kathleen noticed the change in Olivia almost immediately. She had remembered clearly that her father had said he wanted to ask Olivia a certain question at Christmastime, and had been hoping for a positive response. Her eyes had honed in on the woman's left hand the moment she'd seen her.

With an excited squeal, she hugged the woman.

"Congratulations, Olivia! I'm so happy for you!"

Olivia wrapped her arms around the teen, even though a part of her had wished she hadn't spoken quite so loud. She hadn't intended to be the center of attention. Still, all eyes were on her now. Elliot, sensing her nerves, stepped up. Looping his arm around her shoulder, he made the announcement.

"I asked Olivia to marry me last night, and she said yes."

Everyone in the room cheered, and lined up to hug both Olivia and Elliot. Kathy was sincere in offering her blessing, and told the pair that she was truly happy for them both. She had, after all, found happiness of her own with Patrick. They would be having a simple ceremony shortly after the New Year.

As for Elliot and Olivia, they still had a lot to plan. Olivia didn't know yet what kind of wedding she wanted. Plus, they had work to consider, too. All of that could be determined in time. For now, she just wanted to enjoy the holiday.

The living room soon transformed into a whirlwind of wrapping paper as the gifts were opened. Before long, though, that was finished and the only task that remained was to clean up the mess. Reluctantly, the kids agreed, and did as they were told. Then the younger children played with their new toys until dinnertime.

Dinner was delicious, and there was plenty of good food and wine to go around. The rest of the day passed quickly though, and before long it was time for Elliot and Olivia to leave. They would be going home alone tonight, but the kids would be joining them on Monday to spend the second week of their holiday vacation.

Once back at home, Elliot and Olivia settled on their sofa. The tree provided the only lighting, and they kept the television off. Only a few more hours of Christmas remained, and they wanted to make the most of it. Taking her hand in his, Elliot rubbed his thumb over the engagement ring.

"I'm so happy you said 'yes', Olivia. You have truly made me the happiest man alive."

He was going to make her cry again, she just knew it. Still, she didn't fight against the emotions.

"You're the one who has made me happy, El. Because of you, I finally belong to a family."

His hands lifted to cup her face gently. He wouldn't have her doubting herself. Not now.

"Listen to me Olivia Benson, soon to be Stabler. You have always belonged. You were always part of my family. Now, you always will be."

She kissed him then, her heart so completely full. There was only one thing she could think of to say that would encompass everything she was feeling. It seemed so simple, but it spoke volumes.

"I love you, Elliot."

"I love you Olivia."

They shared another kiss, before settling into an embrace. They didn't know exactly what the future held, only that they would face it together. As long as they had each other, they could deal with anything life threw at them.