Disclosure Hp belongs to Jkr. The storyline, new character development, new events, and new characters are my intellectual property. Glorioux

A/n a short story dedicated to a faithful reader, BlackBanshee. i wrote this long ago but never published. Have fun.

Sirius Angel

A Proposal

Hermione was feeling down. She had grown apart from her friends after her failed marriage with Ron. Hermione sat on her couch, her parents had gone on a trip. She decided to stay home and brood. It was getting late and time for bed. She turned the telly off.

She would go out to Andy's tomorrow. Andy was grilling outside, and Lucius and Narcissa would be there. What a life, twenty-seven, and burned out. Ron was just not for her, his laid back attitude, and his flirting with just every witch, got so bad that she called it quits. Perhaps, she had acted too fast. Tears streamed down her face, what a mess she had made of things, maybe she wanted too much out people.

She felt eyes looking at her and looked up. Sitting up on the air, she saw…what? An angel…Nah, too many mojitos.

She looked closer, it couldn't be, "Sirius?" Or a younger version of him with wings, wearing a tunic with what? Boots?

The angel flew down right in front of her. His hand stretched to dry her tears with his warm fingers, solid flesh, not her imagination.

"Why so sad the best of witches, don't cry. He didn't deserve you, and shame on Harry for marrying the awful Weasley, because that is what he did. Why did he do it, it is a mystery to me."

"Are you really here? An angel?"

"Yes to the first, and sort of to the second." His mischievous smile made her wonder. "Can we seat and perhaps I could have a glass of what you were drinking."

She eyed him, distrustingly, "A drinking angel, who are you?"

"Sirius Black. It is me, but I am not an angel, it was for effect."

"How can you be here?" Hermione asked.

"Let's say I was granted a wish, it happens. It is complicated. I have been following your life and realized you were my ideal witch. Of course, I would have been too old for you. I didn't die, but I am trapped in between here and the next stop. In the place we don't age, everyone looks in their 20s."

"But how are you here," she wanted to know.

"For a very brief time, to tell you that you could get me out. I can show you how, but there is one catch."

"I will do whatever is needed," she would.

His smile was wolffish, now she was wondering if this were Sirius.

"It is me, oops, your thoughts are words to me. A new gift, I guess. You can get me, but you must marry me and must feel love for me. I know you loved me as an adult in your life, and," he grinned, "Miss Young Witch also had a crush on Remus and on me." He raised his eyebrow questioning her.

She had two strong Mojitos with double the Rum and wasn't shy at this moment, "Yes, I was a teenager, what else could you expect. So don't let it go to your head," she grinned, expecting a retreat, nope.

"And you have not answered. Ahem, there is a second stipulation, the marriage must be consummated before midnight tomorrow, and you must get me by I guess today at 12:00. You have a little less than 12 hours."

Now she blushed, having sex with Sirius was heavy stuff.

"I will make it good," he nodded.

"Agh, you can read my mind. Yes, I know it is easy for wizards, Ron was my one and only," Hermione looked sad.

"Is it? You don't say. For your information, Hermione Granger, you have more experience than I do. I went to solitary prison when I was 20. At that time, wizards also saved their bodies for their wife. So there, I was hoping you could, you know," Sirius turned red as a beet.

Hermione broke out in a guffaw, so loud that Camellia, her eight months puppy, woke up barking rather loud. She was a present from Harry since Ginny didn't like dogs. Hagrid gifted her to Harry. She was a fluff-ball, a mystery dog, nobody could figure out how a giant three-headed dog and a tiny white dog could have puppies, but there she was. She was hidden from the MoM.

When she saw Sirius, it was love at first sight, Hermione thought as Camellia jumped on him. "Hello my sweet princess, less licking Miss Naughty," Sirius pretended fending her off.

"The love pup, " Sirius laughed, we know each other.


"She comes to visit thru…well, before I say anything, you answer my proposal, will you marry me today?"

"Do you want a second-hand witch? I thought you were wild, with hundreds of witches after you."

"Legend, the reality was that we were all talk. A lot of talking and zero action, James was the one, but not really, Lily pursued him, so there." He grimaced, "You are not used, you are the best. And I must confess, for me it is easy since I have loved you for years."

Now it was her turn to blush, "Yes, I 'll marry you if this is not a dream."


"I will make you happy, better say, we will make each other happy." Sirius kissed her cheek and sighed.

"We will," Hermione agreed.

"You need to dress warm, eat a good meal, but first sleep a few hours, I will wake you up. You will bathe with soap with no fragrance; you can only wear clothes made of cloth, no wool or leather. You must wear heavy socks since you cannot wear leather, but if you have trainers that will do. No jewelry, no perfume, but you must bring a knife and a heavy rope. Now go to sleep."

Hermione curled on the couch and was sleep before a minute had gone by.

Sirius drank the rest of the Mojito pitcher, turned on the telly, went by the kitchen, took whatever he found already cooked, and sat to watch movies until 4:45.

''Raise and shine, my bride to be." He wore her father's clothes. He was very fit and about Sirius height. Camellia was on his shoulder.

She used her wand and fixed them a big breakfast after she dressed. They ate quickly.

"Off we go to my home, my beautiful witch," Sirius' eyes caressed her.

Hermione paled, ''Harry lives there with Ginny."

"For now, it is my home if I am alive, they can fix up the Potter's Home." Sirius shrugged one shoulder.

"Ginny will be angry and blame me. They spent a great deal of money to fix your house. Just this year she built a big ballroom."

"Uhu, with my gold. It is a good thing that Kreacher hid the keys to the big vault. You see, Mother told him that she hoped I was able to get out."

Hermione laughed, "Kreacher despises Ginny because he likes to order him around. Notwithstanding that fact, I still don't think it is a good idea."

"Such is life. I need a magical portrait, and must be one from my family. The others would be either at Malfoy Manor or Hogwarts since Black Manor burned down. Besides, only family can see me and let me in, so that narrows the possibilities. Besides, I also need my wand, despite my new gifts."

"We can Floo,'' Hermione suggested.

"No, no Floo, others could feel me. I won't use Floo ever again," he shivered, "if you only knew what lurks there. I also need to get my family's jewelry. No, Harry didn't get it, Kreacher hid all the good pieces. My mother dislikes Ginny, so she told me where they were."

"Have you talked to your mother?"

"Kind of. I cannot talk about, or I will be stuck. Come, my dear, hold my hand."

Camellia was still on his shoulder.

In a blink of an eye, they were by Wallburga's picture. Hermione nearly fainted expecting a ruckus. Instead, "Come here, pretty girl," and Wallburga smiled. The witch was very pretty when she smiled. Camellia jumped into Wallburga's arms, and to Hermione's horror, she licked Wallburga's face.

Hermione already knew Camellia visited with Severus, she had his portrait in her home so Camellia could visit Hogwarts, but this was amazing.

Damn, a whiny voice, "Darling, go down there's something going on."

"Go to sleep, I am beat, all this bloody partying is killing me. This has to end, I meant it. Probably, Ron, he was pretty drunk, he might have stayed on the couch." Harry answered.

"How can you blame him, it is not his fault, if your friend hadn't left him, this wouldn't be happening." Ginny sounded as a matter of fact.

Hermione wanted to say something, she was boiling inside; but Sirius put his finger over her lips. "Ignorant, foolish words, ignore them."

"She should have done that long ago. At least she had the guts to leave," Harry sounded angry.

"Meaning what?" Ginny sounded angry.

"Meaning whatever you wish, whatever," Harry's voice raised with every other word.

"If you don't apologize…" Ginny's voice was louder and louder; the fighting kept going.

They ignored the screaming and fighting that followed.

"Not so rosy, no honeymoon here," Sirius snickered.

"Now, ah, there is my elf," Sirius grinned

Kreacher was there, he jumped up and down, "Mr. Sirius, you's back!"

"Don't make too much noise," Sirius patted Kreacher's head.

Camellia woofed softly jumping out the portrait.

"We need to go now while they are fighting," Sirius whispered.

Sirius tied the rope to a large column by the steps, the other end he tied around her waist and then his waist.

"Kreacher make sure you start pulling when you see Camellia."

"Now young lady guide, hold my hand. It will be dark. Be prepared because I will disappear. A little later, you will see me. Warning, anyone else you see, ignore them, they are bad things trying to pull you. You only pay attention to me, when you see me, say aloud, "I will marry you, Sirius Black. " Feel free to express any feelings you have for me, then hold my hand and start running. We will be following Camellia now and later. Whatever you do, don't let go of my hand. Kreacher will be helping. Inside, there will be something trying to stop me, have faith, it will be over fast."

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked, not sure why she hadn't asked before.

"Later, I'll tell you later. Now," Sirius jumped up into the frame pulling Hermione, one minute they in Grimmauld, and the next in a Dark Forest. Hermione guessed it was too late for questions.

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