Disclaimer: I don't own the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

Author's Note: This is an idea I've had for a while now, and I finally have the time to do it. I hope you all enjoy, and please tell me your thoughts in a review.


The Gates of the Moon, 278 AC

Despite the agony of labour pains, Lady Rowena Arryn smiled. Finally, after all these years of marriage, she was giving her beloved husband, lord Jon Arryn a child.

For years, Rowena had prayed to the gods for her womb to quicken with a child, and finally, almost nine moons ago, it had happened. Jon had been delighted of course as any soon-to-be father would be, and so had she. She had finally felt as though she was able to do her duty to her house and to her husband.

Another pain hit her, and she cried out, unable to help it as the agony shot through her shaking body.

"Just a few more pushes, my Lady, you're doing well." The maester said encouragingly, and Rowena pushed, sweat breaking out across her forehead as she did.

A short time and several tremendously painful pushes later, a strong clear cry cut through the quiet chamber, and Rowena gave a small, tired smile at the welcome sound.

"It's a boy, my Lady," The maester announced. "A strong, healthy boy."

"Let me hold him," She murmured, but before the maester could oblige, another pain pierced through her, and she let out a surprised cry.

"My Lady?" The maester asked, looking concerned. "What is the matter?"

"I...another pain, maester. I don't understand..."

"Another pain, my Lady?" The maester looked surprised. "By the seven, it seems it will be twins, my Lady. The gods have blessed you indeed."

"Twins?" Rowena asked, clearly astonished. "How..." She trailed off, and cried out again, feeling the urge to push once more. She did, pushing with all her might, and to her joy, another babe's cry sounded through the birthing chamber.

"A little girl, lady Arryn," The maester said, smiling kindly at her. "As strong and healthy as her brother."

"Give them to me please, maester." Rowena Arryn said, her voice coming out weakly. "And send for Jon. Send for my lord husband, he must be introduced to our children."

"Yes, of course my Lady." The maester said, and he carefully placed the two blanket-wrapped babes into her waiting arms. She held them close, and smiled weakly, looking down at her two infants. The babes seemed to gaze back at her, and her heart swelled with her love and joy for them.

The babes would grow strong, she thought, strong and brave and good like their father. Her son would rule the Vale, as Jon did now, and her little girl would become a true beauty of the realm. Already, Rowena felt such pride for them, and she thanked the seven gods for the birth of these precious children.

"Rowena?" The soft voice of her lord husband snapped Rowena from her thoughts. She looked up and smiled, her eyes shining with joy as she looked at him.

"Jon...we have twins," She said as he moved to her side. "A son, and a daughter."

Her husband's smile was one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen. He looked down at their children, and the pride in his expression could have lit up the whole world.

"They are such precious babes, Rowena," He said. "What shall we name them."

Rowena's gaze turned thoughtful as she looked at her twins. "We should name our daughter Alyssa. I know that we both favour that name."

"Lady Alyssa Arryn," Her husband smiled. "Yes, that is a perfect name for her. And what of our son?"

"I thought that you would like to name him." Rowena murmured. "He is your heir now, after all."

Her lord husband thought about this for a few long moments. "Very well. His name will be Artys then, after the founder of our house. Artys of house Arryn, heir of the Vale."

Rowena smiled softly at Jon's choice before suddenly slumping back, her strength failing her at last as a harsh breath left her body.

Her husband looked at her with concern as the little colour she had had drained from her face. She had gone so still, and moments later the babes both began to cry loudly, as though knowing that something was terribly wrong with their mother.

Jon shouted for the maester, his voice cracking with fear for his wife, but he was already too late. His wife had slipped away, the exhaustion of birthing the twins had been too much for her, and now he was left alone, with no wife and with two newborn babes to raise on his own.

I will do right by them, he vowed as he watched his children sleeping in the Arryn nursery later that night. I will do well by them, and our house will endure, as the Arryns always have.

He stayed there, looking down at them for a long time that night. Plans would have to be made for his dear wife's funeral, but for now, all that mattered was his children, and the bright future that Jon would ensure they had. He had love them with all his heart, as only a parent could, and he would do all he could to endure they soared high, like the many Arryn falcons who had come before them, and the many who would come after. For Rowena, and for his love for her, he'd spend his life making sure that these babes would have the best life possible no matter what it took.