"I'm not sending any of your things."

Prim nodded, but didn't turn around. She rolled a black turtleneck into a tight burrito shape, stuffing it tightly into her suitcase.

"The stuff you leave behind I'll see if Emory wants it. If not, I'll probably give it to Good Will."

Prim blew air from between her lips. She didn't want to sigh too loud, knowing it would set her mother off. Her mother loved getting reactions out of people, especially if they were negative; and by now Prim knew how to evade that and not play into her mother's hands.

"And leave your phone, too," Celia continued, "I'm turning it off."

Prim rolled up a pair of jeans and nodded again, showing her mother that she understood. She'd have to remember to write down the numbers she had in her contacts.

"I'm glad that you were willing to ruin our whole relationship over this," Celia said sarcastically, "I hope it was worth it."

Prim made no acknowledgment of that. Nodding would have been the wrong move and shaking her head would have sent Celia into a whole other tirade and Prim didn't have time for that.

She was too busy packing for Forks.

Kian had called in the middle of the night and Prim wasn't sure what her father had said, but she had heard Celia yelling her responses. It had been a long enough conversation, to the point where Prim had fallen asleep again. She had been woken, by her mother slamming into her room and ripping her blankets off, telling her to pack and to not leave her room until she was finished.

It had been three hours since then, not counting the one she took when Noah had sneaked her up some breakfast.

It was hard for her, choosing what she could and couldn't leave behind. She figured it was going to be really cold in Forks, but what about during the summer? What if there was a sudden heatwave? And she still had to go through her shoes.

"Prim, Prim, Prim, Prim!"

The redhead startled at Noah's frantic, loud tone, dropping the blue shirt she had been holding. Quickly, she picked it up and turned around. Noah was literally throwing shoes out of her closet.

"Hurry up!" Noah snapped at her, "Come on. Mom just called your cab! You have to hurry, now!"

Prim froze for a second. Of course, she hadn't expected her mom to drive her to the airport and she was grateful that Celia had even called her a cab, but still…Celia had just been in her room and very well knew that she wasn't close to being done packing.

She was beginning to feel stressed and rubbed her forehead, groaning. At least she had gotten all of her undergarments and toiletries packed away.

"I'll do your shoes," Noah mumbled, tossing aside a pair of brown wedge heels that Prim never wore, "Trust me, I know what shoes you'll need. Get the rest of your clothes and stuff."

She only had one suitcase and it had been one she had since she was a child. It was beige and had outlines of Hello Kitty plastered all over it.

Before she forgot, Prim ran over to her desk, grabbing a pen and her pad of sticky notes. She went through her phone and scrawled down a few numbers before she did a master reset, wiping her phone completely. She turned it off and left it on the desk. Her hand was shaking.

She placed the note in the pocket of her jeans and went back to her bed to help finish packing. There was so much she wanted to tell her brother, but now wasn't the time.

"I'll try and save some of your stuff before mom goes through it," Noah grunted, pressing a pair of shoes into the suitcase, "I'll hide it in my room and bring it to you when I come visit, okay?"

She nodded again, brushing hair out of her face. She was pretty sure that she was sweating and the humidity she was feeling was making her hair frizzy.

"That's gonna have to do," Noah said, placing another pair of shoes on top of everything, "It's all ready too full. I think you might have to sit on it, so, that I can close it."

Prim's shoulders slumped. That was it? That was all that would fit? It made her sad. She had crammed what she could of her life into this one suitcase, but it wasn't enough. There was so much more…

"Come on, get up there," Noah urged, holding down the top of the suitcase, "I'll zip this side and you zip the other."

Placing both arms on her suitcase, Prim hoisted herself to sit on top. She tried to balance her weight out and tugged the zipper on the right side. She tried not to pull too hard. The last thing she needed was for it to break and everything to come flying out of her suitcase.

"I got this side," Noah said, "You can get down, now."

Prim hopped down, back to the floor and fished zipping her side, her and Noah's hands meeting in the middle. At the brief contact, she felt tears well up in her eyes.

Honk, honk, hoooonk!

Prim's heart skipped a beat and she startled again, having been jumpy all morning. The cab was here already? But she hadn't even double checked that she had everything she needed; or said a proper goodbye to Noah.

"I've got it," Noah grabbed her suitcase by the handle, carrying it with ease. He was tall and filled out, standing at 5'8. He was the second tallest on the basketball team.

She swallowed thickly. She wouldn't be able to watch anymore basketball games.

She gasped as she tripped on the last step. She would've fallen if she hadn't stumbled and caught herself on the wall.

She moved her hand, but kept it on the wall, steadying her breath. Now was not the time to lose it. She was sure the cab was close to leaving and wouldn't wait around forever.

She went into the kitchen, but her mom wasn't there. It was empty. Everyone, but Noah must have been in their rooms.

"Are you leaving?"

Prim couldn't hide her surprised expression when she turned to face Emory who stood at the top of the stairs, arms folded across her chest and her lips pursed. When Emory did that, she looked just like their mother.

She blinked at her sister, then nodded, pulling on the ends of her hair. She tried to read Emory's face for any expression, but found none.

Emory casually looked around, then finally looked at Prim again. Emory looked her up and down, scrunched her nose a little, then relaxed. Her eyes darted to the side, then back to Prim.

"Oh," Emory said hesitantly and Prim nodded at her again. She was going to miss her cab and she still hadn't said goodbye to Noah.


Emory spoke the words so fast, that Prim almost didn't understand. Almost.

They were enough to stop Prim from heading towards the door and she faced Emory again who held her stance.

"You're not," Emory stated matter-of-factly, "You're not family. And I don't know why you think everybody's going to put up with you and your silent treatment. Maybe it was cute when you were two, but it's a pain in the ass, now. A piece of paper—a receipt doesn't make you family."

Prim searched the hardness in Emory's eyes, narrowed her own, turned on her heel and left, walking briskly out the door. She slammed it behind her, a goodbye to her sister and her mother.

She met Noah out by the cab, who was waiting patiently.

"He can't run the meter until he knows where he's going," Noah said softly, "So, we're good. You ready?"

Prim nodded slowly, but bit her lip. The tears the spilled down her cheeks, betrayed her head nod.

"Aw, Primmy," Noah rolled his eyes, pulling Prim into a tight hug, "C'mon, don't do that."

"Why are you crying?" he continued, "You're going to be all right. Everything will be fine, now. You'll be safe."

She nodded and bit her lip, keeping in any pitiful noises. She needed to leave. She knew that.

When Noah released her, Prim discreetly touched her fingers to the side of Noah's neck. Noah's hand came up to touch her hand, staring off to the side.

"Yeah," Noah said as if it were obvious, blinking to let his eyes come back into focus, "Yeah, I'll miss you, too," he kissed the top of her head, "But I'd rather visit you in Forks than in a hospital and I'll call you all the time. Oh, and say hi to everyone for me, okay? You better go…"

Prim hesitated.

"You'll be fine," Noah insisted firmly, "And you'll be happier. Go."

She took one last look at Noah and opened the cab door. No matter who it was, she always made sure to sit behind the cab driver. She wasn't sure why, but it was something her mother always said.

"She's heading to the airport," Noah poked his head through the passenger window, speaking to the cabbie, "She needs to be there early, please. Her flight leaves at 11:45."

Prim took a deep breath and more tears welled up in her eyes as the cab pulled out of the driveway. She refused to look. If she did, she would fully breakdown and jump out of the car. It had been hard enough saying goodbye and she didn't want the cab driver seeing her sob all over herself.

The cab ride wasn't bad. The man driving her was quiet, listening to the radio and Prim looked out the window to pass the time. She had Noah's old music player, but she had stupidly packed in with the rest of her things and forgot to grab it. Maybe she'd sleep on the plane.

"A piece of paper—a receipt doesn't make you family."

Prim wiped away a tear before it could fall. Emory was so rude and what she had said really hurt Prim's feelings. She had left that bit out when talking to Noah. She didn't know why…she supposed she was over him fighting her sister or her mother. He'd been getting in trouble all week.

She closed her eyes, though she knew better than to fall asleep. She wanted to relax, even if it was in the back of a cab. She tried to release the tension in her shoulders and take deep breaths, but doing that seemed like it would take all of her strength.

When she reached the airport, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get out of the cab. Truly, she wanted to be back home, resting in bed, sleeping in until it was time for her to do her schoolwork. It was always quiet, her mother barely said a word to her until it was time to go to work. If it was a day where Celia felt untrustworthy, she would call her job and work from home to keep a watchful eye.

It was going to be weird, Prim suddenly thought, thinking of her flight. Washington state was three hours behind and it was going to be a long flight.

She shook her head and opened her eyes. There was so much to think about and there was never going to be enough time to get through all of her thoughts.

"Here we are," the cabbie announced, parallel parking into a drop-off spot, "Need any help with your bags, ma'am?"

Prim shook her head and glanced at the meter, fishing the correct amount of money out of her pocket.

"Thank you very much," the cabbie smiled warmly at her, "Give me a moment and I'll get your change."

Prim shook her head frantically.

"Ma'am, are you sure?" the cabbie asked, pointing to the meter and Prim nodded with a smile.

"Thank you," the cabbie returned the smile, "How kind. I hope you have a safe flight."

Prim smiled at him as a way to say thank you and climbed out of the yellow car to get her suitcase out of the trunk. She had no carry-on bag and now regretted the fact. She could have fit more of her stuff, but that was all right. It was too late, now.

When she finally reached her gate, her chest was heaving and her cheeks were flushed as she tried to catch her breath. It had taken her longer than she thought to get through security, the line was so long.

She wanted to slump down in an airport chair and rest until her flight boarded, but her growling stomach kept her from doing so.

Deciding to take her chances, Prim spotted a nearby sandwich place that also had a refrigerator section.

She pursed her lips and made her way over. She purchased a Swiss and turkey sandwich, a bag of chips, and a bottle of water.

"Flight C18 to Seattle, Washington, you may now board," a fake cheery voice said over the intercom, "Flight C18 to Seattle, Washington, you may now board."

She took a deep breath, ready to continue her journey to Forks, Washington.

"Hey, Embry, sweetie? You can go now, if you'd like. I should be fine until closing."

Embry, who was restocking the postcard display, looked up from what he was doing.

"You sure, mom?" he asked, "I'm not even halfway through the box."

His mother, Tiffany waved him off, going through old receipts, "I'm sure, honey," kind, dark brown eyes came to meet his similar shade, "Go ahead. I know you wanted to meet your friends at the beach."

"Yeah," Embry tucked the left side of his hair back behind his ear. It was black in color and chin-length, the right side swinging free. He was trying to grow it out, "Are you still going with uncle Kian?"

"Nooo," his mom drawled, glancing up at him, "I wanted to, but really, him and Primrose are going to need some time together. Get used to being together, you know?"

"I guess," Embry mumbled, but he didn't know, "What's there to get used to? It's not like this is the first time they're meeting."

Primrose or Prim as she liked to be called, was going to be moving to Forks from Indiana. Embry didn't know much about what had happened. His mom, Tiffany had kept it brief. From what he understood, Prim and her mother, Celia had gotten into a pretty nasty fight and Kian had offered to take Prim in.

A lot of it didn't make sense in Embry's head and a lot of things about that story didn't add up. Perhaps Kian had summarized or made up something to get his sister off his back, but Embry knew that Prim would tell him the whole story when she got to Forks and hopefully, came to visit La Push.

Deciding to ask a different question, Embry said, "So, is uncle Kian not moving here anymore? Or I thought he wanted to go back to the Rez?"

"I don't know, Embry," his mother sounded exasperated, "All I know is what your uncle told me. Primrose is coming today and she'll be living with Kian for I don't know how long. For however long she chooses, I suppose. He sounded kind of frazzled on the phone. He didn't have much time to prepare for her arrival. He has to get her room ready, go grocery shopping, actually clean his house."

"I was just asking!" Embry defended himself. He didn't understand why his mom was so stressed about it, "What's the matter?"

Tiffany sighed and waved him off, "It's nothing, son. I—it's grownup stuff and nothing you need to worry about. My brother," she waved an absent hand, "Sometimes, I-I have to wonder what he's thinking."

Embry opened his mouth to ask another question, but his mom beat him to it, cutting him off before he could start talking.

"Are you going to the beach or not?" she asked him, "If you are, go, if you're not, then go in the back and work on some homework. You passed your last math test by three points and that's not acceptable. Not in my home. I work too hard—

"Okay, mom, okay," Embry gently interrupted her, "All right, I'm going. I'll see you later."

"See you later," Tiffany echoed with a smile, "Be safe and don't be home later than 7:30PM, got it? I love you."

"7:30PM, got it," Embry confirmed. He went to grab his backpack from underneath the counter, "No problem. Love you, bye," he kissed his mom on the cheek.

He ran out the door before his mom could change her mind. It was chilly outside and he looked up at the gray sky. The clouds hovering over him looked heavy with rain. He hoped that Jacob and Quil hadn't left yet.

It was a short walk. A brisk wind was coming off the waves of First Beach, cool and briny. The water was dark gray, white-capped and heaving to the gray, rocky, shore. Islands rose out of the steel harbor waters with sheer cliff sides, reaching to uneven summits, and crowned with austere, soaring firs.

"Yo, Call! Heads up!"

Embry jerked to the side just as a sand covered soccer ball went whizzing past his head, the force from the ball ruffling his hair.

He picked up the ball, the white barely visible due to the damp sand that covered it. He tossed it up in the air and caught it with one hand.

"Hey, man! There you are!"

One of his best friends, Jacob Black approached him with a wide grin. His long, glossy black hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck as usual, but a few strands had gotten free, which Jacob had tucked behind his ear. He was 5'10 and had a lanky build, a hint of childish roundedness to his chin. His russet skin looked flushed.

"What's up?" Embry returned the smile, his eyes lighting up, "How long have you guys been here?"

"Not long," Quil jogged up to them, stopping beside Jake and gave Embry a pound hug. "Not long for us, anyway."

Quil was a bit shorter than Embry and had brown eyes. His black hair had been shaved into a buzzcut. He was afro-native, half Black and half Quiluete, his skin darker than the other three.

"Nice," Embry said simply, tossing the ball to Quil, who grinned and impish grin, "Ready to play?"

"We just finished a game," Jake began to walk towards the beach, "I won."

Embry snickered, "Yeah? How long did that take?"

"Two hours!" Quil groaned, running his hands down his face, "God, it took forever! I knew I'd win, though. I always do!"

"Whatever," Jake rolled his eyes and sat on a large piece of driftwood, bleached bone white. The tide line was strewn with them, some piled together against the edge of the forest fringe, some lying solitary, just out of reach of the waves.

Embry picked up an unopened can of soda. It was still cold and he rubbed his free hand on his pants, brushing off the sand. He was about a shade darker than Jacob's russet-colored skin, Embry's undertones being warmer.

"I thought you had to work all day?" Quil asked, "What happened?"

"I did have to work," Embry confirmed, "But my mom let me go early," he shrugged, "I think she might close the shop early. I don't know. She's waiting to hear from Kian."

"That's right," Quil said. He scratched the top of his buzz cut, "Is your cousin still coming? I heard Harry mention something about it."

"Prim," Embry lit up, "Yeah, she is. It's been forever since I've seen her. I can't believe she's moving here!"

"Why is she moving here?" Jake asked, "I mean, like, she has a pretty cushy life in Indiana doesn't she? And Kian always talks about wanting to move out of Forks and to La Push. Last time he was with dad, he even talked about going back to the Rez—going back home."

"I guess," Embry said. Jake was right. Kian did always talk about it, but maybe his plans had changed now that Prim was coming. Embry said as much, "Maybe he's going to wait a little longer. Prim's old. Seventeen."

"She's going to the public school, right?" Quil asked, "She can't go to our school. Or can she not go to the public one, either?"

"I—" Embry began to feel a little defensive over his cousin. Of course he knew that Prim wasn't going to the school on the Rez, but why would she not be able to go to the public school? Everyone else went there.

"I don't know," he mumbled with a shrug, "She was home schooled at her mom's house. It was easier for her."

His friends seemed rather indifferent about that answer and mimicked his shrug.

An awkward silence settled between them and Embry didn't know what to say or what to do. Were his friends mad that Prim moving here might put off Kian's plans for going back to the Rez? Prim could go with Kian, couldn't she? Or maybe not. He didn't really know, but still—what if Prim graduated school early and ran off to college or something? She probably wouldn't be in Forks that long.

"I'm excited for her to come," he stated. He was sure he sounded firmer, this time, "She used—she's, like, my best friend," he quickly corrected himself.

Jacob frowned, "You just said you haven't seen her in forever. And how do you guys talk, you know…if she, er," he scratched his head, "Can't, I guess?"

"It's cool and everything," Quil quickly jumped in, sounding a little too positive, "That she's coming. It'll just be weird having a Pale Face around. And, you know, the Elders have been acting weird, lately. Especially around that Sam guy. You know? Sam Uley?"

"Yeah…" Embry couldn't argue with that. He remembered when he had disappeared for two weeks. He shook his head, visibly dismissing the thought, "But whatever, man. Prim's cool. Seriously, guys! You'll see, just give her a chance."

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Jacob promised, "Sure," he bumped Quil's arm, who nodded through a mouthful of soda.

"Cool," Embry smiled, relieved, "Now, c'mon. Let's go play. First one who kicks the ball into the water has to swim after it in all their clothes."

"Oh, you're on!" Quil wiped his hand across his mouth with an impish grin, "I'll take that challenge!"

"No way I'm losing," Jacob was the first to run off, "You're on, Call!"

Embry laughed and hurried to catch up with his friends. Things were going to be fine and Prim was going to fit in perfectly.

Author's Note: Finally, chapter two is here! I'm so happy that I finally had time to sit down and finish it. Taking breaks like this is hard-I miss writing so much, but I'm glad for the moments I get to do it.

Anyway, don't forget to review! Also, I published another story called 'Shallow Edges Left of Sun' and it's a story centered around Leah Clearwater and includes the wolf pack I'm really excited about it and really looking forward to developing it more. I would really appreciate it if you guys checked it out and left reviews as it's probably going to end up being one of my favorite stories besides 'Over The Midnight Moon.'

Thanks for my BetaReader, Sabrina06!

xx FictionChic