Getting all my updating done before travel. Thank you for the kind comments on chap 1. I wrote this after I saw TLJ. I thought Kylo loved Rey but that Rey wasn't quite there yet. I originally titled it "Reys messy attempt at seduction." A more devious Rey (very ooc) trying to use his attraction to her to turn him. I have since changed it to be more Reylo and complementary to the first chapter, since uh, I am a converted Reylo now. Slightly different vibe tho. Story complete for real now guys.

TL;DR: Chapter 2 from Rey's POV.

In the elevator his stoicism is a wall she cannot breech.

Rey reminds herself of their late night discussions and confessions on Ahch-To.

Confessions of her deepest fears and loneliness - he consistently listened without judgement.

He offered her companionship, acceptance, and empathy.


It seems strange to associate empathy with a man who committed patricide. Strange that a man she scarred and spits venom at continued to speak in a soothing tone throughout their force conversations.

She learns that he's felt like a monster for a long time. A rejected and damaged monster who fails everyone. His parents. Uncle. Snoke.


Kylo's loneliness runs as deep as hers.

They understand each other in ways that no one else ever will. He knows things about her that no one else does. Not Finn, not Leia, not Luke.

Rey speaks his name, Ben, and his eyes flicker in her direction.

This is her window.

"I'll help you."

Rey whispers as she moves closer to him.

Her words are laced with something else and he latches onto it.

A single gloved finger lifts her chin and his lips press against hers. She is met with an onslaught of emotions that pour out of him. One rises above them all, and it is a deep ache to be with her.

The intensity of it is unsettling.

She freezes, unsure of what to do next, unsure of what she started.

"I...I never...that was my first...I don't know how…"

Her cheeks burn and she notices the skin around his black collar flush red. She finds his obvious inexperience a relief.

Rey is an active participant when he kisses her again, melting into the softness of his mouth. Her warm body is small against his chest and she nudges him to continue.

A shadow of fear briefly hits her when she senses his smug satisfaction that she is unarmed and in binders. It interrupts her ability to savor whatever this is, and she reminds him that he doesn't own her.

"Ben?" She raises her wrists, her tone demanding the binders be removed. His eyes are shining and bright as the binders hit the floor.

Finally, finally, she touches him and her arms circle around his neck. Kylo cups the back of her head and captures her lips in a slow but powerful kiss. He deepens the kiss with such intensity that she thinks he might swallow her.

Rey's fingers manage to entangle themselves in Kylo's hair and she can't stop the small sigh that escapes her mouth. Her kiss promises him more of this if they get out alive, more after he turns. They are both starved for this human connection.

His hands move to her waist - his touch painfully disciplined and controlled.

She senses that control slip when his hands wander a little lower.

Kylo abruptly pulls away and the binders snap back into place.

It takes them both a moment to regain control of their breathing. When her heart feels like its not in her throat she looks up to meet his pooling dark eyes.

"Rey," he addresses her quietly, "I saw who your parents are."

It is a punch to the gut. His face betrays no emotion as the elevator opens. Rey blinks furiously, willing the moisture in her eyes to go away.

He withheld information she wants desperately.

He says this knowing it will shake her to the core.

Right before she stands facing a triumphant looking Snoke.

Rey's confidence in their bond wavers.

She doesn't want to admit what it might to do her if all this time he was using her deepest insecurities to lure her to Snoke.

It can't be.

The kiss was too gentle, too sweet - and the careful way he held her, as though she might fade away in his arms.

Now he is cold and distant as he escorts her out of the lift. She doesn't dare look behind to see his expression.

Rey faces Snoke and musters as much strength as she can.