Hello! I absolutely love Shadowhunters and I haven't really seen any of these reactions so I thought I would do it. I'm starting with season 3 because that has the most Malec in it and it's my favorite season, but if this is something that will become popular then I will consider doing seasons 1 and 2 as well. So, for now enjoy, send reviews and constructive criticism. I'll try my best to upload these as many as possible, but I will probably be posting every Wednesday. Thanks!

-Patronus Totalus


Izzy, Simon, Maia, Jace, and Clary are all partying not even noticing that Magnus and Alec are gone. They walk over to Luke.

"Hey Luke!" Clary says a little tipsy as she hugs Luke. "Hey kiddo," Luke says returning the hug. When Luke and Maia hug, the Hunter's moon commotion stopped suddenly. There was no more music everyone stopped doing whatever it is they were doing. The group started moving around the bar trying to find out what was going on when the 6 were enveloped in a cloud of dust and gone, no one realizing their disappearance.


"I missed this." Alec says snuggling closer to Magnus as they were cuddling on the couch watching an episode of Project Runway. "Me too," Magnus says as he kisses the top of Alec's head. Alec turns to Magnus and kisses him on his mouth. The show suddenly stops, and both turn their attention back on the T.V. The episode is clearly not finished, yet nothing is making it start again. They shrug it off and turn back to each other continuing their previous… activities. 😉 Then again, the lovers were enveloped in a cloud of dust and gone.


Izzy, Simon, Maia, Jace, Clary, and Luke all land in a room with a screen at the front. "Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Izzy asks as she sees her parents seated in this place. "We don't know. We arrived moments before you." Maryse responds as she gets up to greet 2 of her children. "Where's Alec?" she asks. "I don't know he was with us and then he left I don't know where." Clary responds. Just as she finished two people stumble into the room and hit the floor, yet never letting go of the other.

"Alec? Guess you and Magnus made up then?" Izzy asked with a smirk. Jace was fake gagging, Simon was smiling along with Maia and Luke, Clary was blushing as was Alec, and Magnus gets himself and Alec up and says, "Yes we did. Would you like a demonstration?"

Jace gagged some more followed by Izzy and Alec blushed even more until he noticed his father's disapproving glare and his mother's unphased face, yet her eyes were smiling. "Hi Mom. Dad." Alec said giving a hug to his mother and shakes his father's hand. "Where are we?" Simon finally asked. "I think I an answer that," a voice said from the screen. "I am a warlock much like Magnus, but I have brought you here to help you in your journey. You are all about to fight one of your greatest enemies and you must be prepared. I will be showing you what this year had in store for you if you go on unknowing. Stakes are high as well as tensions so please don't use magic or steles unless absolutely necessary. Time outside has stopped so nothing will happen in your absence. Please take a seat and enjoy."

"Well, let's get this over with then." Magnus says as he sits down and brings Alec along with him. "Guys do you not realize that we have some sort of show about us. How crazy is that!" Maia calms Simon's fangirling down and everyone takes a seat with their significant other or with friends and family.