It was just past midday afternoon when Lena casually made her way into the nearly empty SAMCRO clubhouse to start her shift for today. Waving at the other girls, or croweaters, that were already there, she tossed her purse down behind the bar. Then she grabbed a fresh apron and started preparing herself for the day.

Before Lena was ever legal, by law, to drink, she had been working the bar at the clubhouse, located right inside of the Teller-Morrow auto shop. She had been considered family since her grandfather was one of SAMCRO's original Redwood patched First 9, and the clubhouse is where she spent most of her teenage to adult days.

It was about an hour later, she had served a few regulars, that she knew were also close family and friends to the members of the MC, before she heard the familiar sounds of roaring engines pull up.

Each member of SAMCRO entered one by one. Then the butterflies fluttered in the pit of her stomach, when he finally walked through the door. He was dressed in that famous black kutte, with the infamous reaper patched on the back, over a plain white tee. A pair of loose fitting blue jeans barely clung to his narrow hips and fresh white sneakers adorned his feet. His mid length blonde hair laid tucked behind his ears and a pair of dark shades hid his beautiful crystal blue eyes from the world.

Jackson Nathaniel Teller made many emotions run through Lena. 85 percent of the time she wanted to slap that gorgeous cocky smirk off his face. Then there was that other 15 percent. That other 15 percent usually ended up with her panties on the floor and her legs around his waist, as he fucked her silly.

Lena had been in love with Jax since she was fifteen years old, but she had always convinced herself that he'd never feel the same way. There were always something standing in their way. Him taking the Vice President spot in his father's MC. And of course, not to mention the other women like Tara Knowles, his high school sweetheart, and then Wendy, his wife.

It wasn't until four months ago when Jax had kicked his now junkie ex-wife to the curb, and finally decided to take a chance with Lena.

"Hey, beautiful." Jax approached Lena, removing his sunglasses from his face.

"Hey, you." Lena gave him a warm smile. "You want a beer?"

He nodded, but when she turned to walk away, he grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her back toward him. He then leaned forward, cupping her face in his hands and pressing his mouth against hers.

Lena hungrily kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his waist underneath that infamous kutte.

"Alright, you two," the sound of Clay Morrow's voice pulled them apart. "Get a room."

Jax smirked cheekily, throwing his arm over Lena's shoulder. "I got one already." He retorted to his step father and MC President, nodding over to the back of the clubhouse where the apartments resided.

"Alright, we got church." Clay decided to ignore Jax's teasing and stalked off towards the double doors where the Sons always held their meetings. His right hand man, Tig Trager, followed right behind him, but not before throwing a flirty wink Lena's way.

"I'll kiss you later, babe." Jax whispered into Lena's ear, placing a kiss on her temple, and giving her ass a quick smack, before following the rest of his crew in for their meeting.

Lena bit her lip watching the doors to the church close. Boy that Jax Teller had her so wound up, sometimes she had no idea up from down.

She then released a shuddering breath, as she went back to her task of serving and mingling with patrons.

About an hour later, the double doors opened, and out came the crew, aside from Clay and Jax. Chibs and Juice were the first to sit at the bar, and Lena poured them a couple of shots.

"To you, you beautiful fuckin' Lass." Chibs tipped his shot glass back, before slamming it back down on the bar table. "Another."

Lena smiled warmly, feeling her cheeks burn, pouring the Scottsman another one. She then looked over at Juice, who decided to nurse his shot. "So, what's going on in there?" She nodded toward the double doors, where Jax had still yet to walk through.

"Just some club shit," Juice spoke, throwing back his shot back, "you know we can't tell you anything." He gave her a cheeky smile.

Lena shrugged, teasingly, pouring him another shot. "It was worth a shot." She then turned back to place some dirty glasses into the disposal.

As Juice threw back this second shot, he eyed Lena's round and firm backside, as she bent over to grab a couple of beers. "Jax is a lucky motherfucker." He muttered softly.

Lena then turned back around, after hearing what Juice had said, and playfully glared at him. He just shrugged, not regretting his words, as Lena popped off the cap of a beer bottle and handing it to him.

"Behave, Juice." She told him, and he gave her another cheeky grin. If her head, and her body, wasn't wrapped so tightly around Jax Teller, Juice could have had some potential.

"Aye, forget it Juicy boy." Chibs wrapped his arm around Juice's shoulder in a joking manner. "There's no way in hell that you'd get a lass with an arse like that. Ever. Not even your little wee boy dreams."

Lena shook her head at the ribbing. This is what they did on a constant. All of the current members of the MC, aside from Clay and Piney, had shown some type of interest in Lena at one point. It was always completely harmless, just some light teasing, but in the end they knew who she belonged.

When Jax finally walked up, he overheard Chibs ribbing Juice, again. "Juice, what do I keep tellin' you about hittin' on my Old Lady?" He propped himself on the bar, before lighting up a cigarette and took a long drag.

Juice said nothing else, grabbed his beer, and slinked off somewhere else in the clubhouse. Chibs followed right behind.

Jax turned to face Lena, blowing out a cloud of smoke and, smiled. Even when he smoked, it was sexy.

Lena handed him the beer that she offered to get him earlier. "Thank you, gorgeous."

"So, you heard from your crazy ex-wife today?"

Jax took a sip and shook his head. "No, I've been calling her and she's not answering."

"That's because she sees you calling." Lena joked, beginning to wipe down the bar top from when she accidentally spilled a bit of whiskey when pouring those shots. "I can go check on her if you want."

Jax shook his head again. "That's not necessary."

Lena sighed heavily, casually tossing the rag over her shoulder. "Jax, she's pregnant with your kid, she never answers your calls, you need to know if she's alright. So, I'll just pop in, make sure she hasn't o'd, and leave."

"You don't have to."

"I know. I want to."

Jax threw another casual smile her way. "Look, just don't engage with her too much."

"I can be cordial, Jax." Lena spat, and Jax gave her a knowing look. "Now. I can be cordial now." She corrected, and he chuckled. "And besides, I don't want anything happening to your kid, so I'll make sure to be extra nice." As much as it pained her to say. Let's just say that Lena and Jax's ex weren't exactly best friends.

He nodded, teasingly. "Yeah, you do that. Listen, I got a few things I need to do. So, I'll—"

"—see me tonight." Lena cut him off, finishing his sentence. She knew this song and dance almost expertly. There were times that she would go days without seeing Jax, but she knew that this was his life.

A life of an outlaw.

Jax reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Thank you. Text me about Wendy, okay."

Lena nodded, grabbing and discarding his now empty beer bottle. She felt him grab her hand, the same hand from before, and kissed the back of it. She then watched as he got up from his seat and followed the rest of SAMCRO out of the clubhouse.

Lena was making her way to her car, searching through her purse to find her keys, when she ran into the last person that she'd ever want to run into; her boyfriend's crazy mother, Gemma Teller-Morrow.

"And where are you going?" Gemma pulled her sunglasses up her head, a suspicious look in her bright green eyes.

Lena sighed, finally retrieving her keys and readjusting the strap of her purse on her shoulder. "I'm just going to check on your daughter in law and grandchild."

Gemma rolled eyes in annoyance, placing her hands on her hips. "That junkie is not my daughter in law."

"Well, you were the one pushing Jax to marry her." Lena spat bitterly, folding her arms across her chest.

Now it was Gemma's turn to sigh. "You need to let that go, sweetheart. You got 'im. He's fuckin' you."

Lena shut her eyes tight, trying to hold her tongue, but it was hard around Gemma. "He's not fucking me, Gem — you know what, I don't have time for this. I gotta go." She brushed past Jax's mother to get to her car.

Once she's in the driver's side, the passenger side door is popped open and Gemma was sliding her way in.

Lena eyed her boyfriend's mother as if she had lost her ever loving mind. "Gemma, what the hell are you doing? Why are you in my car?"

Gemma shut her door closed, before locking in her seatbelt. "I'm going with you." She quickly swiped her blonde streaked bangs from her face, getting comfortable in her seat. "Make sure she hasn't tried to kill my grandchild."

Lena opened her mouth to say something, but quickly thought better of it. There was no use in arguing with Gemma Teller-Morrow. She was the Queen, and the Queen usually ended up getting her way anyhow. So, Lena just started up the car and quickly pulled out of the garage.

No less than 15 minutes later, Lena pulled her car into the driveway of Jax's house. Of course, Jax hadn't been living there since he and Wendy split up. When he found out she was pregnant, he let her stay in the house while he was living part time at the clubhouse and part time at Lena's house.

Lena and Gemma made their way to the front door, and before Lena could knock, Gemma had already beat her to it.

A few seconds went by and there was no answer. Gemma tried again, this time, banging heavily on the door.

"Oh, screw this," Gemma muttered digging in her purse and pulling out her set of keys.

"Gemma," Lena scolded, "what the hell are you doing?"

"That junkie whore probably can't even hear us." She slid her house key into the knob unlocking the door. "And besides this is still my son's house." Gemma finally opened the door, allowing Lena to be the first to step in. "You go check the bedrooms."

Lena rolled her eyes, but nodded anyway, following the direction. She made her way into every room, including the room that was set up to be the nursery, but there was no sign of Jax's ex-wife anywhere.

As she walked back into the living room area, Lena heard a high pitched "shit" coming from the kitchen. She quickly ran inside and her stomach dropped at what she saw.

There, Jax's ex laid collapsed on the floor blood gathering underneath her body. This was definitely not good.

"Jesus Christ." Lena cringed, looking at the track marks up and down Wendy's outstretched arm and in between her fingers. "Should we call 911?" She looked up at Gemma, who just stood there, anger in her eyes. "Gemma!" She called out, and Gemma still didn't break from her trance. "Fuck it." She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone.

"No," Gemma finally spoke, "I got 911, you call Jax."

Lena swallowed thickly, flipping open her phone and hitting the first number on her speed dial. Jax picked up on the second ring. "Hey."

"Hey, is everything alright?"

"Um," Lena looking down at Wendy's lifeless body and then up to Gemma who was speaking on the phone to dispatch, "no. It's Wendy, Jax."

"What about Wendy?" Jax could hear the weariness in Lena's voice. "What's going on, Lee?"

Lena held back the vomit she felt bubbling in her stomach. "Just meet your mom and me at St. Thomas."

"My mom?" Jax asked confused. "Gemma's there?"

"Jax, just, please."

"Alright. I'll be there."

The moment she snapped her phone shut to toss it back in her purse, she heard the sound of the ambulance pulling into the driveway.

It all happened in a blur. The next thing Lena knew, Wendy was being carted off into the ambulance, and she and Gemma were on their way to St. Thomas. Wendy was then rushed into emergency surgery where Jax's son was born via cesarean. The newborn baby boy was not only facing premature birth problems, he was also faced with the Teller curse. The curse that Gemma went through, but took the life of her younger son, Thomas, and was now threatening the life of her new grandson.

Now Lena found herself locked in a bathroom stall, as her stomach released the contents of the breakfast she barely ate this morning. All the shit that had been happening wasn't sitting well with her. As it had been everyday for the past several days.

The moment she finished, she sat back watching those contents swirl together, before reaching up to finally flush it down.

Picking herself up off the stall floor, she unlatched the lock and opened the door. Walking over to the sink, she washed her hands and rinsed her mouth out, before looking at her reflection in the dirty, finger printed bathroom mirror. She cringed at the sight. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her lips were dry and cracked. And her newly straightened locks were now disarray.

She quickly splashed her face with the lukewarm sink water, dabbed her plump lips with some gloss, and grabbed a hair tie from her purse. She then pulled her long tresses into a ponytail with a few tendrils framing her face.

Resituating her purse on her shoulder, she felt presentable enough to finally leave the restroom. She then made her way back to the NICU area, where Jax's son was currently being treated for his birth defects. The moment she rounded the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Lena immediately spotted Jax making his way to the waiting area, speaking with the last person Lena ever thought she'd see again.

Tara Knowles.