Chapter 6: Watching - The Plan

Izuku and Ochako laid in the field and continued to kiss, no words being spoken. The two were content to enjoy the other's presence, with Izuku still pinned beneath Ochako, holding her close. Eventually, the kissing subsided and Izuku held the girl close, almost afraid that he'd lose her if he didn't. Ochako nuzzled into Izuku's embrace, her head resting on his chest, enjoying the feeling of his pectoral muscles and strong arms that surrounded her.

Eventually, Ochako raised her head, her brown orbs locking into Izuku's emerald ones. "We should probably head back...Izuku."

Izuku's face flushed as she used his name, though he nodded. "Yea...guess we need to go face the music...O-Ochako."

Said girl giggled and bopped him on the nose with a finger. The two stood, opting to hold hands, and walked back in the direction of the theatre.

Upon arriving, the two were greeted with an...interesting sight. Jon was standing in air, looking down on a glaring blonde haired boy whose head was in his hands, while another new arrival sat on a golden throne that was adorned with a silver wolf's head.

It was Ashido who noticed the couple first, opening her mouth to welcome them back, before the words caught in her throat as she noticed the flushed, ruffled features the two now sported, as well as their linked hands. Taking a deep breath - and flashing Ochako a grin that gave the gravity girl shivers - Ashido screamed.


The ear-splitting scream got everyone's attention, many of whom fell out of their seats - Kaminari and Mineta - or glared at Ashido - pretty much everyone else.

"Ashido." Aizawa growled out, his capture weapon suspending itself. " . !"

Laughing, Ashido pointed a shaking finger at the embarrassed Izuku and Ochako, unable to say anything. Class 1-A erupted in cheers - except for Bakugou and Todoroki, the latter of whom nodded and smiled at his friend, and the former simply huffed, but smiled.

Mirio laughed and clapped along with the others, while Aizawa sighed and nodded. While he wasn't one that agreed with the idea of Hero Couples, he knew that there was no stopping these two. 'And it might help Midoriya's mental state.'

All-Might and Gran Torino did nod at the two, but both were hesitant to congratulate Izuku, as they were reminded of the tragedy of Nana Shimura. Both resolved to discuss this further with Izuku.

Dabi and Shigaraki didn't really care - though the latter put it aside as he had an idea to hurt Izuku. Toga was smiling at the thought of two of her favorite people becoming a well as all the fun this opened up for her.

All for One was silent contemplating things. 'Izuku and this girl...hmmmm.' Silently resolving himself, All for One decided that, during the next break, he would act.

White and the man on the wolf throne were smiling - White himself seemed to be vibrating - while Jon simply sat in his throne and smiled.

"Now before anything else happens, there is one last introduction that needs to be made." The blue man gestured to his fellow throne-sitter, who waved and smiled.

"Yo, call me Wolfe, and yes, I am very similar to Blue Man Group over there." The now identified Wolfe said.

"And I suppose that makes you...Mr. White right?" Izuku asked, causing the all three special guests to laugh.

"Oh boy, am I glad I can't be sued for that." White chuckled. "Just call me White kid."

Izuku nodded and opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off by Jon making a shushing noise and pointing at the open seats. The couple nodded and sat down, getting murmured congratulations and pats on the back from their friends.

"More questions for later!" Jon said, waving his hand. "Now let's start!"

"Alright time to end this!" Tomura smirked.

"Wait, did we skip the USJ?" Kaminari asked.

"Yes, let's finish him." Izuku chuckled, clicking a button. They were currently playing a video game called 'Blood Rage', a multiplayer game based in a post-apocalyptic society. Izuku and Tomura were still on the final boss of the game after dying several times to it.

"Oh, that makes sense."

It took about a month for Tomura Shigaraki to become comfortable with Apotheosis. Comfortable enough to discuss ideas and strategies with each other. Usually over the video games they played together. His strategy was always to go for the weak points of his opponents, while Izuku preferred to create an opening or weak point himself most of the time. For example when they discussed how to beat All-Might, Shigaraki wanted him to be beaten down by a special creature that Izuku had yet to meet called Nomu, but Izuku argued that it would be better to wait it out until the hero reached his limit then crush him.

"Both ideas have merit, but one is more sure-fired than the other." All for One remarked, pleased at the thinking of the two boys, much to the confusion of the others.

'Damn it! Why is Sensei being so...nice to that little All-Might worshiper?' Shigaraki raged internally.

Izuku found Tomura Shigaraki easy enough to get along. Unlike Kacchan who despised everything Izuku did and said, Tomura actually listened most of the time. Under Sensei's orders, he was told to learn everything he could from Apotheosis.

At first Izuku thought Tomura was the leader of the League of Villains, until he met the mysterious figure through the monitor screen that Shigaraki revered above everything. That man asked to be called Sensei, so like Tomura he too called him that. Other than a few minor orders and advice, the man left him alone.

"Wait, wouldn't the evil overlord want his students to learn from him as much as possible?" Sero asked.

"Naive child." All for One remarked. "I want Tomura to become the villain he was meant to be...not a carbon copy of myself. Tomura is not me and I am not him. He does not have my motivation nor my abilities, nor does he have my deposition, intelligence, etc. I want him to grow as an individual, and to do that, he must learn from experience, or in this case, from another."

"But why him!" Tomura cried, his red eyes burning behind his father's hand. "Why does it have to be that hero obsessed, naive brat! Sensei, why...why are you so interested in him." Despite the fire in his voice when he started, Tomura finished his complaint in a depressed tone.

"My dear Tomura," All for One began, his voice soft and comforting, "no one can ever replace you in my eyes. You, my boy, are like a son to me. There's a reason I gave you my name, a reason I found you, a reason for everything that I do for you. You need not worry about anyone replacing you."

Tomura smiled up at his father figure, though his smile faltered when the man continued. "However, I never want you to disregard help that doesn't appeal to your taste for destruction. You chose to kidnap that Bakugou boy because you felt he could be a villain due to his brutality...but if that were true, then you'd be able to sway Pro-Heroes who also have a history of being brash and violent. No, you need to find the outcasts of society, those who have been pushed and abused by the corrupt system. It is those individuals who will fight their hardest, who will contribute the most, who will continue to grow stronger, and who will be more loyal than mad dogs bent only on violence and destruction."

Tomura gnashed his teeth together, about to speak out, but was shushed by Jon as the screen continued playing.

"Dammit!" Tomura growled, disintegrating his controller after they died to the boss again.

"Hm. Don't worry we'll get him eventually", Izuku said cheerfully.

"What makes you so hopeful?" The irritated villain asked.

"When you live in a world where everything is against you. Then you have to remain optimistic, even if everyone tells you to give up. I should give up!? No you should give up!", Izuku said in one breath. "Sorry did I go off again?" He sometimes had moments while hanging out at the bar, certain topics would trigger him and he would go off on rants about how this world's hero society was so unfair. Being around Shigaraki always brought out the worst in him for some reason. Not that the older boy minded.

"He brings up a good point." Aizawa said. "No one is perfect, and certain parts of the world, society, etc., will always insist that you aren't good enough, aren't smart enough, strong enough, whatever. The challenge is showing them that you are worth it."

"That's why UA pushes you to give Plus Ultra in everything you do." All-Might continued. "We want you to succeed, but the road to success is often marred by hardships. Some have worse hardships than others, but if you embrace the idea that you can do it, and that nothing can stop you, then the sky's the limit."

"I need to get back to work and you need another controller", Izuku stood up and walked over to the bar. "Kurogiri-san could you please send me to the lab?" The villain bartender nodded his mist covered head and opened a portal for. "Bye Tomura!" He waved as he walked through the portal.

"What is he always working on there?" Shigaraki asked with genuine curiosity.

"I don't know myself", Kurogiri said while cleaning an empty glass. "The times I've been there I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. Apotheosis likes to work on multiple projects at once"


Taking off his white hoodie Izuku placed over a chair and walked over to the computer. Over the period of his first month with the league he used the money he saved up from the robberies to have equipment, computer parts and materials secretly sent to a nearby location and with a little help from Kurogiri had all of it transported to his new lab. After that it took him a week to get fully set up.

"Back to work", Izuku smiled to himself. He loved his lab. He loved finally having a place all for him, a place he could work on all of his inventions and conduct his research. A nice little building where he could be cut off from the cruel outside world. Walking by each table he checked up on the progress of each project.

"Everyone's got a place that's special to them." White remarked, Aizawa nodding, knowing that his was a cat cafe along with his sleeping bag.

The carbon fiber armor was coming along nicely. It was a special material originally used to capture and detain villains. Izuku figured out that it could be used for a thin lightweight body armor. It was also incredibly malleable making it easy to conform to the shape of his body.

"Pretty good defense against most attacks, but wouldn't amount to much against higher firepower." Yaoyoruzu said.

"Yea, but Apotheosis is smarter than to challenge, say All-Might, in just that." White said, getting some looks. "Look, I'll explain later. I get the feeling that there are people who don't want to hear from me."

Next was the power glove. A device worn on his hand that fired compressed energy waves from the palms and knuckles. It wasn't the Infinity Gauntlet, just a basic weapon to fight with until he could fashion the gauntlet. This was powered by eight battery cells that resembled canisters along the sides of the device that were designed to be immediately ejected should they run out or become damaged to prevent corrosive fluid from leaking out and causing harm to him.

"Seems like he's focusing on long range over short range." Todoroki said.

"Makes sense." Aizawa murmerd. "Problem child didn't really have a concrete fighting until he created his Full Cowling technique, so, going by the assumption that Apotheosis is similar, he wouldn't have a physical fighting style so much as tactical thinking and gadgets...pretty powerful in the right hands."

The hover drones were pretty much finished. Small flying cameras that also recorded data on quirks the same way his scouter did. These drones were equipped with lightweight metals in the body and propellers to keep them silent and unnoticeable. The whole idea was to spy on heroes and any quirk user that catches his interest, but even if the drones were caught it wouldn't matter thanks to a special program that deleted all information should such a thing occur. No one would be able to trace it back to Izuku thanks to his brilliant foresight.

"Good lord, he really thinks of everything." Jirou remarked. "I...I think he's smarter than our Midoriya."

"In some regards." White said, to which Aizawa and All-Might nodded. Seeing the confused looks from others, the dimension traveler continued. "So, it's a general understanding that Midoriya is smart - not the tech genius that Apotheosis is, but still very smart. However, and this is just an assumption, I think that he holds himself back from being his best due to two factors. One is simplistic: the most effective strategies are often the most brutal, thus defying his overall mentality of Heroism. Thus, he limits himself to using less effective, but more heroic tactics."

"Which isn't a bad thing." All-Might remarked, looking back at the young man. "We heroes shouldn't go to extremes in order to capture or defeat villains."

"Yea but that mentality opens up other philosophical and moral debates." Wolfe countered. "But regardless, I think I know the other reason White is talking about."

"Problem Child's past." Aizawa sighed, kneading his forehead. "Let's just continue, we'll discuss this later.'

Sitting in a cushioned arm chair Izuku pressed a button on the side and a keyboard attached to mechanical arms rose up out of the floor, situating itself in a reachable distance in front of him. A large screen then switched on, booting up his computer.

'Files', typing away at the keyboard he brought up the theoretical formula that was the basis for all his research into quirks. According to the equations for the stones to work he couldn't just jam a bunch of quirks together. They had to fit like a jigsaw puzzle. The problem that Izuku was facing was finding the right quirks and getting a DNA sample. He did have a lead on that though. A quirk research laboratory in Hosu City. Supposedly they stored blood samples from various heroes and citizens with quirks, all of which were donated to further the study of quirks. If Izuku could gain access, he could acquire enough DNA samples to start working on the stones. He already had some ideas for the type of quirks he needed.

For the space stone he needed teleportation quirks. Unfortunately for Izuku, warping quirks were very rare and hard to come by. Luckily for him Kurogiri-san had such a quirk, his DNA would be a prime candidate for that stone.

"If Warping Quirks are so rare, why is Kurogiri working for the League?" Shouji asked. "Wouldn't a powerful Quirk like that push someone towards hero work."

All for One laughed at that. "You're assuming that Kurogiri wasn't a hero before I acquired him."

That one chilling statement, along with the cold laughter, resulted in the students and teachers - along with White - to stare with abject horror at the Symbol of Evil. However, it was the strangled shout that came from their homeroom teacher that caused them to jump. Aizawa had leapt to his feet, his eyes blazing as he glared bloody murder at All for One, who simply laughed.

"Sen...Sensei?" Midoriya asked, shocked and more than a little scared by Aizawa's reaction. Ignoring his student, Eraserhead's mind continued to put the pieces together, everything about that incident becoming more and more clear. The only thing stopping him from leaping at the faceless villain was All-Might and Mirio, who worked together to hold the man back and force him back into his sea.

Any further actions or statements were silenced as the screen continued playing.

The time stone would be a challenge. Izuku had yet to come across a quirk that could manipulate time in any way. Until he could get into the Hosu lab and find out for himself, he had no leads on that one yet.

The power stone, like the time stone, Izuku had yet to find a good lead on. There were plenty of candidates, but none that fit the requirements of creating an all-powerful quirk. Perhaps he would have to combine a few if it really came down to it.

"Hmph. There's actually a very easy answer. Guess the brat doesn't know about it though." Gran Torino remarked, stroking his beard.

The reality stone was…complicated. This is where his formula would be put to the ultimate test. For this one Izuku needed multiple quirks that allow for the manipulation of matter. There were many quirks out there with various degrees of power and range. Even his own mother had a low level telekinesis. Once he had the DNA samples, he just had to extract the components from their genes that allowed them to bend matter to their will and mesh them together to create an all-powerful quirk.

As for the soul stone, he honestly had no idea what to do. There was no measurable science that could determine what a soul was. Are the soul and mind the same thing? Just what is a soul anyway? Until he came to a conclusion, he would put this stone on hold.

"Yea, how do you take a soul?" Mineta asked.

Behind the arguing students, All for One's smile grew more and more as he put the pieces together - not helped by the looks he received from Wolfe and White.

'Oh this will be fun!'

There was also the issue as to what to make the gauntlet out of. Regular titanium wouldn't cut it. In fact any material he could think of wouldn't be strong enough to house the stones. Something else was required, something new.

"Enough of that", He had to get his gear ready, he'd worry about the stones later. Izuku wanted to be fully prepared for what Tomura Shigaraki had planned. In case he had to tag along.


"Kill All-Might?" Izuku stated with raised brows. "You were serious about that?"

"Of course I was", Tomura glared at him past the fingers that hid his face. "Are you in or not?"

"Why do you want to kill him?" Izuku asked.

"He's the symbol of peace, the pillar of heroic strength. If I topple him the rest of the hero society will follow", Shigaraki explained gleefully.

"That's not enough", Izuku said, interrupting whatever rant he was about to go on.

"What did you say!?" Shigaraki growled. How dare this little bastard disagree with him?

"I'm just saying it will take more than that to destroy the hero society", Izuku chewed on the knuckles of his leather gloves as he paced the bar. "You told me that you wanted people to lose faith in heroes right? But people don't lose hope just like", he snapped his fingers to emphasize. "It takes a while, trust me I know. You have to wear them down Tomura, break them down little by little then deliver the final blow in one big blast that crushes any and all hopes and dreams!" Izuku yelled thinking about how for years he was told by everybody that he couldn't be a hero, then the final nail in the coffin cemented it when the number one hero himself said the same thing. That's right he knew how to absolutely crush someone's spirit. The same way the world did to him.

All the Hero students turned to look at their Midoriya, who was grasping onto Uraraka's hand like a lifeline. They had no idea if their friend had similar thoughts at some point - he had already admitted to being depressed and having a rock-bottom perspective on his own self-worth, but this...this was scary.

"Then what do you suggest, Strategist?" Tomura sneered at him.

"Well since you're so dead set on killing Allmight go ahead and do that" Izuku went on. "You'll also have to take out Endeavor after that, since he'll be taking All-Might's place as the next number one hero. Then the next and the next and the next", Izuku repeated it a few times to make a point. "It will take some time, but eventually the hero society will crumble like a house of cards"

"I don't care how many heroes I have to kill", Tomura spat.

"That's my advice to you, I am the strategist as you said", Izuku would have smirked at him if the scarf wasn't hiding the lower half of his face.

The Shigaraki in the theatre sneered. "I don't care about this. All this philosophical, changing society bullshit. I have simple goals, with simple plans: kill whoever pisses me off. I don't have time to find 'reason' to do it, cause that shit doesn't matter!"

Unknown to the theatre, one Katsuki Bakugou found himself agreeing with some of what the madman was saying. 'Life is simple: the strongest are the best. They always win, always succeed. Nothing else matters...right?' Bakugou knew that agreeing with Shigaraki was...well, horrifying, but why put the time and effort into examining useless things like nuances and implications. Those don't help you win fights after all.

While the explosive boy was contemplating this, Toga and Dabi turned to stare at their leader. "Shigaraki," Toga began, shocking the two villains by using the distentigration user's real name while also sounding...relatively sane, "what do you mean by that? I thought we were united around Stain's goal of eliminating the fake heroes and changing the world-"


Shigaraki took several deep breaths, ignorant of the glares that Dabi and Toga were giving him, though the latter's was stained with tears. Looking at each other, the two nodded before standing.

"Where the fuck are you two going?" Shigaraki growled.

"Away from you." Toga said, her voice choking up. "I...I don't want to be a part of your madness." To the shock of many, it seemed like the girl was becoming more and more sane.

"I don't care about mindless destruction." Dabi said, his hands in his pockets. "And I don't really care about killing the Symbol of Peace. I have dedicated my life to the elimination of all fake Heroes...and being with you and the warped my thinking. Attacking children," the scared villain shook his head "Stain would never have done that. You're nothing more than a frustrated nihilist, who wants to destroy all he can without impunity...that's not the justice I'm seeking."

The two moved away from Shigaraki, ignoring the manchild's impotent roaring. Looking around, the two decided to sit in the same row as White, though they pointedly ignored him.


'Oh Tomura. You can't destroy this hero society no matter how hard you try your just one person with one league', Izuku smiled to himself thinking about how pointless Shigaraki's goal was. Why destroy society? Why not change the current society for the better? That's what Izuku Midoriya planned to do. Make a new better world that would never look down on the weak and quirkless like himself.

"Apotheosis doesn't really sound pure evil." Ashido remarked, earning a groan from several in the audience. "What?" She demanded, wanting to know why they took that so bad.

"Look, most of what you call 'evil' or 'villainy' can actually be seen as heavily nuanced debates about the state of society." Wolfe said, giving the alien girl a sideways glare.

"Agreed. Stain is a perfect example: he's frustrated by the fact that the heroes of your world aren't like the perfect heroes from comic books. In his mind, the term 'hero' should only go to someone who selflessly risks their life for another." White stated.

"And according to Stain, only All-Might was worthy." Midoirya remarked.

"Yea. But this is where Stain's rhetoric becomes tricky. Are there heroes who aren't exactly in the business for pure motivations? Yes. But, at the end of the day, if they still manage to save lives, is there really anything to complain about?"

Dabi snarled, his eyes blazing as he glared at White. "You fuck! You have no idea what some people go through, yet you sit there and criticize those who try to change society-"

"I'm not trying to attack people who have been shit on by life. But, the nuance comes in again: if only one man is worthy of being called a 'hero' then what about the other's who do good? Why aren't they worthy? Because they want to have lives of their own? Because they are three-dimensional human beings who aren't just going to dedicate their lives to one cause? And for the record, who is Stain to decide who is guilty and who isn't?" White bite back, ignoring Dabi's glare.

As for killing Allmight. He didn't really want to do that either. He would assist Tomura as best he could, but he really didn't think anything they did would work. The only thing powerful enough to beat him would be his Infinity Gauntlet once it was finished. Izuku wouldn't kill him though, he'd let him live to watch him win. He wanted All-Might to see how wrong he was about him. That a quirkless boy could become a hero. Not just a hero, but also the most powerful being in the world.

'I really hope the gauntlet works. It has to. The universe robbed me of a quirk, it can't take this from me too'

"Well that's...complicated." Mirio said, stretching his arms. "Seems like he just wants to show All-Might - along with everyone else that looked down on him - that they were wrong to do so. Honestly, I can relate."

Most of Class-1A stared at Mirio in shock. "What the hell! You're so strong, how can you relate to...that!?" Kaminiari asked, stunned to hear the older student say that.

"Well, truth be told, I didn't start out in the Hero Course." Mirio said, crossing his arms. "I was a Gen Ed student who worked his butt off to overcome the, frankly terrible, side-effects of my Quirk."

"Yea, but you're OP as hell now!" Kirishima said.

"Because I forced myself to be." Mirio replied, his smile now gone. "Look, I also had people in my life saying that my Quirk wasn't flashy enough or strong enough to help me be a hero. But I pushed through. And it says a lot about how privileged some of you are - in concern of your Quirks - that you don't really recognize that."

Some of the class looked down, while others glared at Mirio. "We've had to struggle to!" Kaminari argued back. "I mean, everyone knows what happens when I overuse my Quirk. And how about Midoriya's Quirk-"

"If I remember correctly," Mirio said, interrupting the boy, "Izuku only had his Quirk for a few months before he gained control. Compare that with some of you, who have had your Quirks your entire lives, yet haven't been thinking about how you can improve - whether that be via training or support equipment - until recently."

"And you're right." Mirio continued, cutting off the incoming rebuttals. "I don't know all your stories. But instead of, say, spending hours of time gaming or finding ways to pick up girls or guys, or looking at fashion, you could be studying the science behind your Quirk. Because you only have three years before you are fully thrusted into the real world - and the real world won't care that you didn't spend time learning and thinking about your Quirk."


School had started and he finally moved out of his apartment and into the dorms of his new high school. He received a very tear filled goodbye from his mother with another promise to visit on weekends and holidays. The arrangement he had with the league worked out really well. After classes he would receive a text giving him a nearby location within walking distance. Once there Kurogiri would warp him to his lab or to the bar if he was needed for a meeting.

Right now the meeting was currently running late with Tomura having failed to show up for the past thirty minutes. Getting bored Izuku took out his computer and began going through his data on quirks until he arrived.

"What is this?" Izuku was sitting at the bar looking over some files on his lap top when Shigaraki appeared through a portal and slapped a phone in front of him. "Is this why you called me here?"

"Just look at it!" Tomura hissed. Picking up the phone he noticed a photo on it. It looked like a class schedule. "That is next week's schedule for U.A. Look! All-Might will be leading a class of wannabe heroes in a rescue exercise in facility called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint"

"I take it you want to use this as an opportunity to mount an attack and kill him?" Izuku asked with a sigh at his colleague's impatience. "Alright I'm getting the board"

"You're getting the board?" Kurogiri asked.

"I'm getting the board", Izuku reaffirmed.

"What the hell is the board?" Tomura asked. Izuku went behind the bar, into a cabinet and pulled out a Japanese version of the board game Risk and placed it on the counter.

"This is the board. Sensei asked me to explain things in a simpler way to you, so this is as simple as I can get", He asked Kurogiri to draw a map on a large sheet of paper of the U.S.J facility based on the info that Shigaraki photographed. "Hey where did you even get this info?" Izuku questioned while they waited for Kurogiri to finish.

"I snuck into U.A" The pale blue haired young man stated like it was no big deal.

"How? Even I wouldn't dare attempt that", the quirkless boy responded.

"I broke the defenses and let the eager media reporters in", Shigaraki chuckled.

"Wait...that was him!" Kaminari cried out, noticing that only a few others - Sero, Kirishima, and Ashido - were reacting like him. "Uh, guys, this is pretty big-"

"It's late news Kaminari." Aizawa said, sighing and kneading his head. "The day of the USJ, we saw that the gates had been turned to dust. After the USJ, he put the pieces together and realized it was Shigaraki."

The Bakusquad - minus Bakugou - slumped down at that.

"Look at you Tomura-san, you're learning", Izuku beamed proud of him.

"Shut up and get to work Strategist", Tomura glared at him harshly. Once Kurogiri finished drawing the map he set it down on the counter.

"These twenty blue soldiers will be the class 1-A students, and these sixty red pieces will be the league", placing the tiny plastic men on the map he dug out the special gold piece. "This gold one will be Allmight and this green one will be that Nomu guy who you still won't let me meet"

"It's best you didn't", Kurogiri knew Apotheosis was still just a kid and probably wouldn't have the stomach to see that thing and better he did not know how it was made.

" we really want to know?" Midoriya asked, his voice uneven.

"Corpses." Was the one word response from Jon that sent the hero students into silence, their faces pale. Several of them gagged at the thought, while the Hero's clenched their chairs in anger - All-Might chief among them, his mind going to the darkest of places.

"So Tomura, you first", Izuku handed the reins to him. "What's your plan?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the strategist", Shigaraki snarled at him furiously.

"Yes, but Sensei wants you to learn and I agree", the green haired boy pointed at the tiny men and silently asked him to come up with his best plan.

"All-Might's the final boss so we wear him down with the forces and then Nomu delivers the final blow", Izuku just shook his head negatively.

"You're forgetting something, class 1-A isn't just going to sit there and there's probably other pro heroes teaching there besides Allmight", The boy chewed on his gloves again, a bad habit he was starting to develop with all these challenges the League of Villains threw at him. "I recommend dividing our forces, set some aside to deal with the students and teachers"

"Fine then I'll save Nomu for All-Might", Tomura said while lightly scratching his neck.

"Good idea, keep our best card for the big man", Izuku began moving the pieces on the map around. "Kurogiri can warp large numbers of people, so let's have him split the students up. Send them to the different disaster zones of the U.S.J", he looked at the dark misty man expectantly.

"I can do this", the bartender responded.

"Then while your forces keep them busy, Nomu takes on All-Might", chewing on his fingers a thought occurred to Izuku. "I'm not a hundred percent sure this will work though"

"Why not?" Shigaraki asked. It sounded good to him.

"There's still too many unknown variables.'' Izuku looked at the map and all the plastic men set up around it. "We don't know what type of quirks the students have. We also don't know for sure if All-Might will be there"

"Yes we do." Tomura argued. "He's on the schedule."

"But schedules can change." Izuku replied. "Look, you said All-Might has a limit right? Well if that's the case he might change his schedule around depending on his hero job and if that's the case he will probably be swapped out for a different teacher. We could be doing all of this for nothing"

"Slow down." Kurogiri told him. The boy went off speaking too fast again.

"Sorry, but you get my point." after a long awkward silence Tomura Shigaraki finally spoke.

"We're still mounting the attack. We won't get another opportunity like this again", he said with finality.

"Okay suit yourself" Izuku shrugged and stood up from the bar stool. He wouldn't even be there during the attack anyway. Just when he thought that, the monitor screen came on signaling that 'Sensei' wanted to have a word with them.

"A decent plan, but should things change like you said Apotheosis it would be best if you were there to advise Tomura." of all the luck. Sensei just had to be listening in on their conversation and now Izuku was pretty much ordered to go along with this attack.

"Of course Sensei." Izuku nodded to the mysterious leader of the league. Oh well, at least he could collect data on quirks and test out the hover drones. Who knows? Maybe one of the students would have a viable quirk that could be used to create his stones

The residents of the theatre all sat back in their seats, contemplating what they had seen.

And knowing that the next viewing was going to be far worse than what they had originally been through.

Done. Couple of things:

Chapter dialogue will have individual focuses. Case in point, this chapter was the divide in the league. At this point in canon, Shigaraki doesn't have ideals, etc. So yea, his little nihilistic rant won't work for Dabi and Toga. Also, I'm not entirely sure how "pure" his conversion was from pure nihilistic psychopath to visionary villain...seems sus to me.

The more you demand chapters, the slower I'll go. I've got other projects I'm working on, as well as school, work, and life. So, if you want semi-quick updates, don't bug me about it.

Please don't comment about how "mean" I am to the Bakusquad. I like their characters, but it's worth saying that nearly all of them are pretty stupid.

TheSaintsFollower, signing out.