Hello all! It's chapter number 50! Wow, what a year. Here's to one more, am I right?

I thought today was Monday for a bit there… it's a good thing I figured it out, or you guys weren't gonna get this chapter today!

Anyway, a sneak peek into the future. Izuku just graduated from UA, and a confrontation is due…

"Are you going to tell me why we are in Tartarus, Deku?" Bakugou growled. "This place is the worst."

"You just don't like it because they take your gauntlets away, Kacchan." Izuku waved away a set of quirk suppression cuffs.

"I'm sorry, you have to wear these. It's the rules." The officer said apologetically, trying to pass off the chainless cuffs again.

"Oh, right." Izuku pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over to him. "I was asked to remove someone's quirk, so I really can't wear those cuffs. I apologise for the confusion."

The officer wrinkled his brow. "But this prisoner has been here for almost 15 years now. Why now?"

Izuku held up his official hero license. "Because I have this now."

"Deku, what the fuck." Bakugou said bluntly. "It's not that hard to tell me that is why we are fucking here."

"You should really watch your language, Kacchan." Izuku teased. "What kind of role model are you?"

"You turned out fine," he grumbled.

"Yes, well." Izuku hummed. "You weren't really a role model of mine, were you?"

Bakugou's head snapped to stare at Izuku, a cold retort on the tip of his tongue, when he saw Izuku smirking to himself. "You're a fucking brat, is what you are."

Izuku let out a short cackle, but the smile soon faded from his face. "This isn't the only reason I'm here, you know."

"Are you gonna tell me, or am I going to have to figure that out myself?"

"We are here, heroes." The officer said, stopping to unlock a door. "Do you need skin contact or anything to do your job?"

"No," Izuku shook his head. "We'll be staying on this side of the glass."

"I'm coming in with you?" Bakugou's brows rose.

"Yeah," Izuku sighed. The cell door slid open with a hiss. "I'm about to get pretty emotional, so you're gonna have to stop me from doing anything too stupid."

"Glad to be of help." Bakugou muttered, semi-sarcastically. He paused. "Wait, why-?"

Izuku stepped into the cell, leaving Bakugou to follow him. He stopped in the dead center of the room, staring at the prisoner through the glass.

"Bakugou," Izuku said, voice blank. "I would like you to meet my biological father."

Bakugou's eyes widened. He felt his throat close as he recognized the bastard that ended All Might.

"You've grown so much, Izuku," All for One crooned.

A look of utter revulsion crossed Izuku's face. "No thanks to you."

"Is that any way to speak to your father?"

"You are not my dad." Izuku spat. "A fucking sperm donor is what you are."

"Hm." AfO frowned. "Then why did you introduce me that way, I wonder…?"

Izuku growled.

"Oi, Deku," Bakugou said quietly. "He's all talk. He twists your words and throws it in your face."

"I know that." Izuku answered angrily.

"Why are you calling my son useless?" AfO asked. "No son of mine would be."

Izuku's hands balled into fists. "I'd rather be helpless and no one than let you claim me as your son. You do not get to call me that!"

"You cannot change who you are," AfO's cruel smile grew wider by the word. "You are, and always will be, my son."

"YOU LOST THAT CLAIM WHEN YOU KILLED MY MOM!" Izuku lunged at the glass. Bakugou caught him before he could trigger an alarm. He grunted as Izuku's nails dug into his arms. "YOU KILLED HER! SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! IT'S YOUR FAULT I BARELY REMEMBER HER!"

"Your mother died in a car crash, Izuku." AfO answered calmly. He gave a deceptively innocent smile. "How could that be my fault?"


"Oh, Izuku, if I had known what was going to happen, don't you think I would have stopped it?" AfO sighed. "Izuku, you were my everything."

"Izuku, calm down. You're just giving him what he wants." Bakugou muttered. The teenager huffed in annoyance, but Bakugou saw some of the tension leave his shoulders.

"You wanted a successor." Izuku hissed. "I 'failed' you, so you turned back to Plan B! Shigaraki deserved better than your manipulative support."

"Yes, I admit I wanted a successor." AfO said. "But Izuku, you were so much more than that."

"My childhood was full of villain attacks." Izuku growled. "I had nightmares of buildings falling on my head, of my mother being crushed. I was only a few weeks old! But I remembered!"

"Why are you here, Izuku? To yell at me? Tell me things I already know?" Suddenly, AfO gave off the feeling of dropping a disguise. "My boy, your mother was a means to an end. She gave me you, and you are perfect."

"You are disgusting." Izuku straightened. Bakugou let go of him. "And you deserve to rot here.

"And as much as I want to," Izuku reached out a hand, barely ghosting the glass. "I can't kill you."

Bakugou felt a shiver go down his spine. What happened to the adorable little bean sprout Bakugou helped babysit?

Meanwhile, Izuku was carefully removing All for One's quirks: all except the ones keeping him alive. A bitter taste filled his mouth. There were undertones of sweet and spicy, savory and salty quirks made Izuku want to puke. He lowered his hand. "Urgh." Izuku gagged. He turned away from the glass. "There were a lot more than I expected."

"You alright, Deku?"

"Get me out of here." Izuku stumbled as he crossed the threshold of the cell. "Where's the nearest quirkless shelter?"

"Not too far." Bakugou said. "Come on; we need to put some distance between you and here."

"I think you just want your gauntlets back," Izuku laughed weakly. "But really, someone get me a barf bag."

And later Bakugou scolded him about all that swearing.

Izuku usually goes to a quirkless shelter or a hospital or somewhere to redistribute the quirks he takes from villains. He hopes it will help bring down suicide rates all over the world. He's also getting his license for quirk counselling, so he can help people learn how to use their quirks safely. He speaks out a lot against bullying and quirkless discrimination, and he is trying to erase the idea of "villanous" quirks. A quirk is a tool that is neither good nor evil.

I have lots of feelings about adult Izuku's contributions to quirk stuff.

Anyway, I can't believe it's been a whole year! It's pretty incredible. As of right now, this story has 360 reviews, 688 followers, 643 favorites, 270,307 views ( ), 442 comments, 1870 kudos, 427 bookmarks, and 31,627 hits (AO3)! Ya'll,,, those are some big numbers. Geez, I'm crying. Holy shit.

You guys are so, so amazing. Your comments/reviews make my day, every single time, and everytime I get a little notification that someone favorited/followed/left kudos/bookmarked, I feel like I've accomplished something. You enjoyed something I made, and, well, it's hard to feel like a failure with all this proof that someone liked this story.

If I made you smile, or laugh, or scream into your pillow, this is all worth it. All I want is to make someone's day better. I hope I managed to do that.

Here's to another year of sweet baby Izuku! Our little bean sprout.

Appreciate you all! ~BlackPolaris