

Vegeta doesn't appreciate having a place to live after Namak at all...
Baka! (V/B)

It certainly was an odd feeling, this. A certain level of comfort of staying in one place. Vegeta hadn't stayed on a single planet, much less a single building, for longer than a month. Not one that wasn't a hospital.

Or home.

He shook his head, pissed at even the thought that he wasn't pissed about that thought. He slapped at the control panel to turn up the gravity another 50x. Exertion is always the best way to work off anger, he found, and eventually all his feelings became anger in the end. A perfect system for working with both weaklings and tyrants.

Currently though... He had a roof over his head, plenty of food, and his own gravity room, all free of so called "superiors" or backstabbing subordinates. The owners treated him like the Prince he is, at least as well as Humans can. Almost made him wonder if it's really happening.

Sometimes he had to find Kakarot, just to have someone around that he could hate freely, like a normal person. But even that wasn't right, Kakarot would smile each time he showed up, like Vegeta's father had with his drinking buddies. Revolting.

The Woman, well she's infuriating on a different level. When he deigns to command her skills, she impudently will ask for a favor in kind or even Refuse! Like she was his equal! Just because he technically hasn't fixed a microcuboid graviton-emitter while reinforcing the tessellated inertial dampeners to handle a variable load (She enjoyed telling him in a running monologue, marveling over each thing as if a child could do this!) doesn't mean he couldn't.
He just decided not to after they rebuilt the workshop for completely unrelated reasons!

Admittedly, some of the favors were amusing; like simply standing at the back of a boardroom releasing just a touch of his godlike princely aura to make the committee cede entirely to Her demands like a conquering Queen. Or painting a message on the walls of a competitor a warning to never talk about Her in any way besides respect (not with real blood, unfortunately). That was hilarious.

Sometimes he'd watch her and think...

Nopenopenope. No thinking. Get angry. More push-ups. More gravity.