Shinsou carefully jabbed the lift button as he cradled Midoriya in his arms. He would use the stairs, but he wasn't risking carrying Midoriya up and dropping him by accident. Midoriya, while scrawny looking, actually packed a ton of muscles underneath his clothes and was heavier than he looked.

I'm not worth it. Why did he stand up for me? He carefully exited the lift, and found Midoriya's door with his nameplate next to it. He pushed it open, expecting it to be locked, but to his surprise, it wasn't.

Midoriya was still shaking in his arms, as Shinsou gently placed Midoriya on his bed, being extra careful of his broken arm, before he stood back up.

"Do you... want anything? I can go get it for you." Shinsou hesitantly asked, as he looked around the room. All Might merchendise filled Midoriya's walls, his table, even his shelves, and he turned back to look at the green haired boy who had rolled over on his side, trying to grab at Shinsou's arm desperately.

"No no no... please don't leave... I don't wanna be alone again..." He gasped for breath, and tried to turn over, but Shinsou reached over and gently pushed him back down, before sitting down on the ground, leaning against the leg of Midoriya's bed, resting his arms and head on Midoriya's bed.

"Fine. I'll stay."

Midoriya was still sobbing, as he tried to curl in on himself, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you here. I should have known they didn't like you. I'm sorry they were so mean to you. I'm sorry that I couldn't make them change their minds. I'm sorry that I created this situation that would make them call you a villain. I'm so sorry-"

Shinsou reached up to ruffle Midoriya's hair, effectively shutting Midoriya up as he let out a small whine, "Shh. It's not your fault, okay? You didn't know. It was never your fault."

Midoriya was exhausted, his head was pounding, his heart was aching so badly, and his arm was throbbing painfully, and he felt his eyes flutter shut.

Aizawa grit his teeth in frustration, as Iida hastily explained the entire situation to him. Kan had already gone out to fetch Shuzenji, and pretty much all of the students were looking at the floor guiltily. Strangely, Bakugou looked the most guilty out of them all.

Midoriya had done such a good job recently in not breaking himself. The last time he had done so was against Muscular, and Aizawa couldn't even blame him for that because the damned villain was way too strong for pretty much any of the other students.

And then, Midoriya had gone and broken his arm again, this time for a friend.

Aizawa couldn't even get mad at him; if someone he had known for a long time had called Shinsou a villain; he would probably break his own arm as well to prove that he wasn't being brainwashed, if using his quirk on Shinsou still failed to prove his point.

"Monoma, go check on Midoriya. Bring an ice pack up for him as well. As for the rest of you, who were the ones who actively called Shinsou a villain, regardless if it was today, or in the past?" Aizawa ordered.

Ojiro and Aoyoma raised their hands, and Mineta followed suite after everyone else glared at him.

"Now, who has actively avoided talking or interacting with Shinsou, or pulled Midoriya away from talking with him, or had talked about him being a villain behind his back?" Aizawa growled. When he was younger, his quirk was often labeled either as useless, since it wasn't a physical quirk, or villainous, since he could take quirks away from other people. He knew what quirk discrimination felt like, and how people usually reacted to it.

Pretty much everyone in the room, including students in 1-B, looked away from him, guilt written on their features.

"I'm going to be very clear with you now. Quirk discrimination is not tolerated here at UA. I want all of you to think about what you've done and apologise to Shinsou, as well as Midoriya because you've clearly upset him." Aizawa stated, "I don't care how you do it. Write him a note, email him, talk to him face to face, as long as he accepts it, its fine."

"Shit. I didn't think it affected that fucker so much." Bakugou suddenly cursed, out of the blue.

"Bakugou, what are you talking about?" Aizawa asked, walking closer to Bakugou.

"I didn't think that telling Deku to take a swan dive off the roof would affect him that much."

Kirishima, Ashido, Sero and Kaminari stared at Bakugou in pure horror.

"Excuse me, what?!" Aizawa growled, "You told him to what?!"

"I didn't know." Bakugou muttered, without the usual bite in his voice.

"How could you not know that telling Midoriya to kill himself wouldn't hurt him!?" Aizawa demanded, his quirk flaring.

"Everyone else did so!" Bakugou protested, "Ever since he was declared quirkless since he was four, everyone's told him to do so! Adults, other kids, even some of the teachers... I thought it was normal!"

Aizawa promptly released his quirk and turned pale at the revelation.

Just how many people have suicide-baited the problem child?! For how long as the poor kid suffered discrimination for being quirkless!?

He was going to have to get Midoriya and Shinsou to talk to Inui. Being called a villain, quirk discrimination, suicide baiting, all of that had been festering for far too long for it to be healthy.

Was that why Midoriya was willing to throw himself away for his friends? For him to hurt himself to make Todoroki use his quirk? To fight Stain to protect Iida? To risk his life to get Kota away from Muscular? To break the rules to save Bakugou?

Was it because he thought that lowly of himself? Because he thought he was expendable?

Gods, he couldn't even attempt to be mad at the problem child because it wasn't even his fault. How Midoriya hadn't tried to follow their words to kill himself, or even turn into a villain was a miracle.

"I got Recovery Girl." Kan entered the dorms, Shuzenji right behind him, and she quickly made her way up the stairs to Midoriya's room.

Monoma quietly knocked on the door, and pushed it open.

"Hey, you guys okay?" Monoma asked as he poked his head in.

"I'm fine." Shinsou stated, before turning to Midoriya, who had started tearing up quietly as he slept, "I don't think he is, though."

He reached upwards, and ran his fingers through Midoriya's fluffy curls. Midoriya whimpered at the contact at first, before he leaned into Shinsou's touch, practically shoving his head at Shinsou's hand. Monoma relaxed at the interaction, and sat down beside Shinsou.

"So... you two seem rather close. I thought you didn't want to make friends."

Shinsou gave a dry laugh, "That was what I thought, until this idiot waltzed his way into my life. I don't even think he knows what kind of effect he has on everyone."

Monoma snorted, "He's an idiot, all right. A completely innocent, flowery, idiot who thinks that everyone can be good."

Shinsou just nodded, and leaned back against the bed.

"Thanks for... you know... not calling me a villain and talking to me... unlike everyone else..."

"You're welcome, I guess?" Monoma shrugged, "My quirk literally lets me copy other people's quirks. I've been called a villain a couple of times when I was younger, though people realised that my quirk only copies people's quirks and doesn't outrightly take them away, and it got better. Never thought that Midoriya lived his life mostly quirkless, though. He seems to be pretty proficient with his quirk. Then again, it makes sense how he tore himself apart fighting Todoroki at the Sports Festival, though."

"I didn't know either. But he probably didn't want to reveal it; he's probably ashamed of it and he was even suicided baited before."

"Oh, that was Bakugou."

Shinsou swerved around to face the blonde, "Excuse me, what?"

"Bakugou admitted that he had told Midoriya to jump off a roof."

Shinsou made a move to stand up, and growled, "Well, now I'm going to have to murder that spiky pomenarian."

"Cool it. Aizawa-sensei's dealing with it. Plus, it wasn't just him, Midoriya was practically suicide baited by pretty much everyone he met, according to Bakugou, and honestly, I don't feel that Bakugou is the kind of person to tell Midoriya that unless he somehow felt that it was completely justified." Monoma mumbled.

"I thought you hated 1-A." Shinsou grumbled.

"I do. They're too stuck up and I need to bring them back to earth, and remind them not to stick their heads too far up their asses. But suicide-baiting... this is huge. I'm not that insensitive."

There was another knock on the door.

"Hello? This is Recovery Girl."

"Can you get the door?" Shinsou mumbled, gesturing to his arm, which Midoriya was currently grabbing with his uninjured arm, "I'm stuck."

Monoma snorted, but he stood up, and opened the door for Shuzenji. The nurse quickly entered the room, before she laid her eyes on Midoriya's swollen arm, before sighing in frustration, "One day, he's going to end up breaking his arms permanantly. There's only that much abuse it can take before it eventually becomes unfixable."

Monoma and Shinsou both froze, as Shuzenji moved in to give Midoriya a kiss on his arm, and couldn't do anything but stare as Midoriya's broken arm erupted into a green glow, his bones and muscles slowly fixing themselves back together.

He knew. Shinsou thought, guilt flooding into his mind, he knew that he couldn't afford to break his arms anymore. And yet, he just casually broke his arm for me. That could have been the very last time that he could have his arm intact, and he risked it for me.

"Shinsou, I know you care about him. Take care of him, okay?" Shuzenji sighed, as she moved to exit the room, "Monoma, I know you hate 1-A, but help him out too, okay?"

Monoma just gave her a sullen nod, and Shuzenji gently close the door behind her.

"Well... I'll go check if dinner is ready. I'll bring a portion up for you, okay?" Monoma stood up, and turned towards the purple haired boy. He found that Midoriya had somehow flipped over in his sleep, and was literally hugging Shinsou's arm like a pillow, much to the taller's chargrin.

"Yeah, like I have much of a choice here." Shinsou grumbled, but he still reached up with his free hand to ruffle Midoriya's fluffy curls.

Monoma let out a sharp bark of laughter, before he pulled the door open, closing it behind him quietly as he made his way to the stairs.