D/C: I own nothing.


It's becoming a drag to hear how Boruto's dad never has time to spend with his family. Always hold up in that office, never coming out unless it has to do with the village or just to come home and sleep. Blah, blah, and more blah. Not only does everyone in the academy know of this, the entire village knows this.

Just look at the massive pranks Boruto does on a day to day bases. It screamed out, "Pay Attention!" or "Bastard Father!", mainly it's a combination of both.

Just utter crap that Shikadai is getting tired of hearing, but never once open his mouth and say aloud. He knew what his best-friend is going through. Far more than what many to most people know of. Boruto did not start doing his massive scaled pranks until Kakashi-sama began to pass off his duties off to Naruto-sama, to the point the guy did everything a Hokage does. It only got worse when Naruto-sama officially became the Hokage and started to spend all his time in his work.

Shikadai never made it a point or competition on how he never saw his father all that often than what many people assume. True, the geezer still comes to dinner, help him with training and the occasionally herding the Nara Deer around the forest. There are times, many times, Shikadai doesn't even see the man for days or even weeks on end.

Shikamaru Nara….

The Head of the Nara Clan.

Planner of the Shinobi Union.

Chunin Proctor.

Sixth and Seventh's Advisor, Bodyguard, and right-hand man.

Heck, Shikadai once heard a rumor his Old Man was even nominated to be Jonin Commander.

Below all that, Shikadai knows his father is none of that the moment he walks through their home.

Family man.

Deer Herder.

Loving husband.

Amazing father.

Shikadai knows his father sacrifices his own time away from his own family to ensure the Seventh could spend time with his family, which is something the guy needs to do… more often.

Shikadai never expressed his feelings on the issue with his father. It's been like this since he was an infant. Even before that, from what his mother had told him. It became such an occurrence, it never bothered him. If he wanted to see his father during the day, dammit, he'll follow him around the office or just sit in the corner while his father does his work. Sure, when he did this when he was younger and they were not be interacting, but seeing him work and occasionally helping file work… it made his day. Made both their day.

Kakashi-sama would occasionally allow him to take his hat, or sit in his chair. He would have one of his desk drawers filled with candy just for him. It stopped when Shikadai entered the Academy and Kakashi-sama stepped down. Still, on occasion, the former Hokage would randomly still give him candy or the occasionally dango.

Still, at least back then, Shikadai made the best out of his situation. Now, it appears Boruto does not seem to grasp sacrifices are needed to be done in order for the village to continue on with peace and ensure no one destroys it. He will listen to his friend complain or watch him do a prank. For Shikadai, he knows that his father will do everything in his father for Boruto's father to spend time with his own family…

Maybe he'll go visit Kakashi-sama if he could stand in for both men… it worked the last time around…