AN: First Mulan fic but I hope you enjoy it. Follow from the final scene of the first movie. I love Mulan and Shang as well so hope I can do justice to their relationship 😊

Honorable Fa Mulan

Chapter One

It had been about three months since Mulan had really been at home. Training usually took longer but they had really amped it up when Shang had been focused and after climbing to get the arrow, Mulan had dedicated herself to the task of getting stronger. She stood in the kitchen at her home holding the tea. Maybe she wasn't the most used to acting in the way a traditional woman acted but she wanted to try.

Li smiled as she watched her daughter. "You didn't disgrace us," she told her and Mulan smiled. "You worried us but we weren't ashamed of you and we aren't ashamed of you." Mulan turned to hear her mother's voice and put the tea down. "I think that man likes you."

"He…he's…" Mulan said gently and then bowed her head. "I like him too but I'm not ready to cage myself into the role of a traditional woman," she tried to explain before taking another look at her father and Shang. She blushed but remained steady with the tea.

"I believe that he fell for you because you are unique," Li attempted to remind her daughter. "He knows who you are. You're the woman who saved China."

"And yet, he might have a woman lined up by a matchmaker," Mulan said.

Grandmother Fa laughed at this, "Nonsense. What does another woman have that you don't have," she told her and Mulan paused. She could think of the answer to that with the last visit to a matchmaker as an example. Then again, the emperor had offered her a place on the council. Maybe it wasn't too late to go back and accept that role. That might make her stand out but she wouldn't be conforming to a role she felt forced to take.

Grandmother Fa took another look at her son and the captain of the branch of the army who had rescued them all. "Go in there, pour them some tea," she said with a little shove. Mulan felt herself stumble but she managed to hold onto the tea. She nervously took some steps over to the table before spilling some of the tea on herself. She grit her teeth as she felt the burn and both men had stood up.

"Mulan," Zhou said as he took in his daughter, "Are you okay? Did you lose your balance?"

"Did you get hurt?" Shang asked, "Let me get you some bandages, a wet cloth at least."

"It's really okay," Mulan said as she faced the sting and she could see from Shang's face his nervous concern over her. Li came out with a cloth and some bandages.

"I apologize for this. I apologize for my dau-"

"You don't have to apologize for her," Shang said before smiling to Mulan though his face still showed a great deal of concern. He loved her and though his strict upbringing made him a little more emotionally reserved, he did love this amazing woman who had saved his life. He had been confused about Ping, he had faced some attraction to him and that had been something that had made him question everything but Ping was actually Mulan and she left him breathless. "She's perfect."

Zhou's eyes widened as he heard Shang say that and Mulan turned a deep red, her mother and grandmother were even blushing a little.

"I…I'll get some more tea and…" Mulan said with a deep bow but her mother placed a hand on her back.

"You should change into some fresh clothing, I'll prepare to the tea," Li said and Shang looked at them.

"Do you need to go?" Mulan asked Shang and he shook his head though anyone could see how protective he was of Mulan, how deep his love for her actually ran.

"No. I don't need to go just yet, I…I wanted to ask you for something but I understand if you want to say no. We don't have to decide anything right now. I want you to be safe and I don't want that burn to continue to hurt you," he said and Mulan nodded slowly.

"I'll get changed then," she said as her grandmother handed her a wet towel.

"You should ask her to marry you," Grandmother Fa joked and Shang looked nervous.

"You don't have to," Mulan said quickly. "It's a big commitment. I don't even know that I'm ready to accept such an offer so please don't feel any pressure to do so."

Shang shifted, "It wasn't a marriage proposal but I wanted to ask that you ride with me to visit my mother," he said and Mulan looked surprised. She smiled though and nodded.

"I'm going to change into something else," she gestured but was excited to see the joy on Shang's face especially knowing that she had provided the reason for such joy.

End of Chapter One

Thank you for reading, reviews are appreciated