Author's Note:

Here is the final chapter of this former one-shot! Lol. Sometimes stories just beg to be longer, right? Please read and review. And thank you as always for your support and comments and to MaidenMoonshine for the edits! Happy Tuesday!


Abby woke up Sunday morning to the smell of coffee and pancakes. She stretched a little and remembered after a moment that she was at Gibbs's, not in her coffin at home.

The weekend grounding had actually been enjoyable so far. Gibbs had Abby help him make some shelves for the convent where Abby's bowling nun friends lived, as she had mentioned to him that they were in need awhile ago.

The two had worked most of Saturday and watched a movie Abby had been wanting to see that night. Abby's bottom was still a little sore from her spanking, but she didn't dare complain since the day had gone so well otherwise. Plus, she knew she had deserved her punishment and didn't want to whine about it.

Abby smiled as she thought about how much she enjoyed spending time with her surrogate dad as she dressed and went downstairs, following the delicious scents coming from the kitchen.

Gibbs was seated in his spot with coffee and paper in hand as usual. He had already served Abby a helping of pancakes with strawberries and a Caf-Pow! at her usual seat.

"Morning, Gibbs!" Abby said brightly as she sat down carefully and dug into her meal.

Gibbs responded by lowering his paper to smile at his daughter, who attacked her breakfast with the singular focus of a hungry girl. Gibbs liked to see his girls eat a full meal. It happened too often at work that a case would get in the way of eating. At least when any of his kids were grounded he could make sure they were well fed.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Abby asked as she took a sip of her drink in between bites.

"Well," Gibbs started slowly. "I thought we could deliver the shelves to the convent and catch a bite out before coming home."

Abby nodded as she listened. But she had a funny feeling Gibbs wasn't done.

"Then when we get home, you need to go to your room and write an apology letter to the team for your behavior last week," Gibbs said. "I'll take a look at it and you can give it to them tomorrow. Got it?"

Gibbs looked at Abby carefully and was certain he could see the gears in her head turning. Abby hated writing as punishment. She wasn't the type to sit around and having to be still for that long was always a challenge for Gibbs's youngest.

"Gibbs, do you really-" Abby started.

"Abs," Gibbs cut her off. "Save the argument. I know you've already been punished and that you hate writing assignments but you behaved unacceptably to the whole family last week and they need to hear you're sorry."

Abby went to open in her mouth in protest but Gibbs beat her to the punch a second time.

"And don't even try to bring up Rule No. 3 here," he went on. "You know never apologizing doesn't apply to bad behavior among family."

At that, Abby sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. Gibbs had effectively taken all of her arguments away for not writing a letter. She was at a loss for words.

Gibbs smirked as he got up from the table and took care of his coffee cup and Abby's now empty dishes.

"Go get ready, Abs. We'll leave in 15."

Abby didn't move. She was debating whether to stand her ground or let it go. As she watched Gibbs refill his mug, Abby recalled just how bratty she had been to Tony, Ziva, Tim, Ducky and Palmer. She blushed a little in shame at her behavior and decided she wanted to write the apology letter because she hated the idea that her family felt disrespected.

Gibbs turned around and stared at Abby.

"Ten minutes now."

Abby shook her head to get out of her thoughts. She hopped up from her chair and went over to Gibbs to hug him.

Gibbs was not an easy guy to approach for a hug, but always accepted affection from his kids. It helped him to let go of the hurt he felt when he had to discipline them too.

"Love you, Gibbs," Abby whispered into his shoulder.

"Love you too, Abs."

"I won't fuss about the letter," she said. "I know I need to write it."

"That's my girl," Gibbs praised as he kissed Abby's hair. "Now go get ready."

Abby raced off to grab her jacket and purse. Gibbs set down his empty coffee cup and went to load the shelves in his truck. He hoped Abby would stick to her word. She seemed to be done testing her dad's boundaries but with Abby you never really know.


Abby sat at the desk in her and Ziva's room, surrounded by balled up pieces of paper. She had been attempting her apology letter for the last hour and couldn't take much more of it.

Nothing she wrote sounded right. She squirmed restlessly in her chair and tapped her pen on the desk's edge. Abby wanted to give up and go downstairs but she knew better. Gibbs told her with "the look" that she was to stay in her room until she had a letter to show him.

Abby looked down at her current attempt and sighed. The paper was nearly blank except for the date, the salutation of "dear team," and a smudge of Clownie Cake that stuck to her fingers and got on the paper.

Abby was contemplating throwing the whole notepad, pen and possibly desk out the window when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she called, turning the notebook over so Gibbs wouldn't see how little progress she had made.

Gibbs entered, silently assessed the state of the room and Abby's mood, and sat on the edge of Ziva's bed.

"Having trouble, Abs?"

Abby looked at Gibbs and instantly threw her idea of throwing everything out the window, out the window. She wished she had the letter written and done with by now.

"Yeah," Abby said quietly, turning in her chair to face Gibbs. "I don't know what to say."

"Abs, don't overthink this. You are a brilliant person with a big heart and are almost never at a loss for words. Just write what comes to you."

Abby nodded but didn't seem quite as convinced as Gibbs.

Gibbs got up and went to the door.

"Dinner will be ready in about half an hour," he said. "I expect you'll have something to show me by then."

Abby nodded again and Gibbs left. She turned back around in her chair, looked at a framed picture on the desk of her whole NCIS family and started writing.

Exactly 29 minutes later Abby bounded down the stairs with her letter in hand. Gibbs looked over it quickly, kissed the top of Abby's head in approval, and they sat for dinner.

Abby, as usual, did most of the talking while they ate. Afterward, the two watched a movie before turning in for the night. Abby lay the letter on the desk before she went to bed so that she wouldn't forget it in the morning.

Dear Team,

This letter is an apology for my bratty behavior last week. I'm sorry I was disrespectful, short tempered and generally cranky. McGee, I'm especially sorry for smacking you for no good reason. Tony, I'm sorry I ate your leftover pizza and Ziva – sorry die blaming you for eating it!

I promise to be a better coworker and little sister to you all. I love our family and want you to know how much I appreciate each one of you. I would even give up Caf-Pow! if I had to so that we could always stay a team and family.

Thank you for being patient with me last week (and when you picked me up at the gas station). Your old, happy Abby is back now thanks to your love and support – and maybe a little reinforcement from Dad! ; )



That night Abby slept better than she had in more than a week. She knew her siblings loved her. She knew where her boundaries were with Gibbs at work and home. And most importantly, she had her family all back in one place – which made her feel grateful, safe and most certainly loved.