/Hello! Welcome back to the next chapter!

I hope you liked the last chapter. What's your favorite part of the story so far? Anyways, for all of you who didn't figure it out, Blaze is a phoenix and Stella is part kneazle/cat.

Ok so, italicized is Amestrian and regular is English.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!/

Edward's POV

"Let me get this straight, you're going to be teaching Alchemy...at a magic school in England," Winry says after Al and I explained why we are home earlier than planned.

"Yeah. We couldn't get out of it even if we tried," I tell her.

"That's because you want to read the books in their library Brother," Al states.

"It's not like you weren't excited about the library either!"

"Aren't they the same people that got the griffin stolen from under their noses," Pinako.

"Yeah. We've already established that they are terrible at keeping an eye on the magical creatures in their country."

"Don't be so harsh of them Brother. We don't exactly know what has happened over there the past couple of years."

"I know! But serious Al, they haven't recovered from that 'Dark Lord' and it happened 15 years ago. We've bounced back after Father almost 8 times faster!"

"Then you just have to show them to the right path. And try not to plan a coup while you're there," Pinako states as she puffs smoke out of her pipe.

"We'll try. Also Dad, you think you can help Ed and I come up with an outline and some books we could use for our class? We were going to ask Teacher to help us when we visit her and Sig in a month," Al ask.

"Sure. I can help you with that tomorrow. You need to learn English, right?"

"Yeah. Dumbledore gave us a book that is suppose to help us. What about it," I ask him.

"I'm a bit rusty, but I can help you with the language," Hohenheim states.

"Thanks. We can work on it tomorrow or the next day," Al says.

"So when are you leaving to England?"

"Dumbledore is going to be picking us up on August 22nd. Brother and I were thinking about getting back on the 20th. Then we can wrap up unfinished business in Central on the 21st."

"Oh ok. So what's the plan until you guys leave to the school," Winry ask us.

"We were planning on being here for a month, then heading to Teacher's place for two months, then come back here. Al told Mei that in the letter so we plan on sticking to it."

"Alright. Does your arm guard need any fixing? Either way, I should take a look at it before you leave for England. Maybe I could ad those upgrade to it while I'm at it," Winry says as she starts mutter on about the different upgrades.

"I'll go grab the arm guard so that you an work on it. If you need any measurements, I'm going to be working with Dad and Al on English and class books," I tell Winry as I stand up to go grab the arm guard.

"Ok. I'll be in my workshop. Bring the guard down once you find it Ed. I'll take the measurements then," Winry tells me as she heads towards the basement door.

"Will do. Be right back," I say as I disappear.

Alphonse's POV

"I don't think Izumi would like to hear that you guys use magic to do everything," Dad says as Ed reappears with his arm guard.

"We don't. Brother and I usually do things manually. We only use magic when we're in trouble or if we forgot something at our place," I explain. "Brother usually needs to teleport back to our apartment because he's usually the one to forget things."

"I see. What do you use magic usually for," Dad ask me.

"Turning into my cat form. I have a tendency to sleep on Brother's hair," I say as I smile sheepishly.

"It's annoying. Al and Blaze love to chill in my hair. Stella doesn't usually, but she's slept on my hair once or twice," Ed says as he reenters the room.

"You're hair is soft and it's a great nest," I tell Edas he sits next to me.

"My hair isn't a nest!"

"How are Blaze and Stella?"

"They're great. They are playing with Nina outside right now," I tell Dad as Ed huffs next to me.

"That's good. Now then, what do you want to start with?"

"We can start with learning English. Then we can work on our lessons."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's do this," Ed says as Dad smiles.

Izumi's POV

"Izumi. You got a letter from the Elric Brothers," Sig says as he hands the letter to me.

"Thank you. Let's see what my pupils have to say," I say as I open the letter.


Al and I are going to be visiting you in a month.

We are tasked by General Mustang to go the Hogwarts and teach some bratty wizards and witches Alchemy. We were hoping that you will be able to help us come up with a curriculum.

See you soon,

Edward and Alphonse

"Looks like they are going to be teaching kids at a magical school Alchemy," I say as I place the letter down.


"Let's just hope that they don't get lazy. I'm going to test them when they get back," I say as I couch up blood.

Sig then hands me my medicine and I smile.

"Thank you dear," I say as I take m medicine.

"When will they get here?"

"A month. I'll get a room prepared for them in a week or two."
