Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto or Pokémon!

"Naruto Uzumaki..." The annoyed voice of a woman called out to a figure hidden under a mass of blankets.

"It is the middle of the summer and you've done nothing so far! Those two brats that live in Littleroot are starting their own journey soon, but you're spending your days doing this!" Her irate voice berated the blankets with a twitching eye.

"...Naruto... I feel like you're ignoring me ya know!" With a vicious tug, the blankets were pulled off of the bed, revealing a teenage boy struggling to wake up.

"Mom... really? It's like 8 in the morning..." The blond boy whined out, with his eyes closed he tried to clutch at whatever source of warmth was nearby. Unluckily for him, the blankets were thrown to the cold wood floor.

"I don't care. You can do whatever you want on your journey, but no son of mine will spend his entire summer sleeping the days away!" His mother was quite loud, making him rub at his ears. He knew where he got his voice from it seemed.

Opening bleary blue eyes, Naruto turned his head to see his personal alarm clock for the day, his mother. Kushina Uzumaki was a hot headed woman, all of the Hoenn region knew about her temper. Her waist length fiery red haired framed her beautiful face nicely but her violet eyes were staring at him with motherly anger. Clad in her pajamas, which was a soft looking black robe and slippers, she didn't look that intimidating. To Naruto and literally anyone Kushina came into contact with... well...

"Alright Mom... I'm up..." Pushing himself up with energy he shouldn't have, Naruto sat cross legged on the bed. Kushina started tapping her slipper covered feet against the wood floor, seemingly waiting to him to do more. Her eye twitched violently when he just started at her.

"Naruto..." She growled out slowly. "You are 16 years old and have little to no interest in going on an adventure that kids younger than you usually do..." Hell, even she went on her own Pokémon adventure when she was young. That's how she met her loving, but flaky, husband. "Get your ass up and head out, go explore, challenge gyms, battle trainers, do something."

Naruto sighed before looking into the mirror of his room. The reflection showed his appearance, 16 year old Naruto was the perfect mix of his parents. Blond spiky hair sitting atop his head like his father, yet the somewhat feminine facial features were obviously from his mother. The oddest addition to his face were scars on his cheeks, almost resembling the whiskers of a Meowth or Persian but significantly smaller. His body was quite toned, the athletic build complimented him nicely despite his apparent laziness. His body was covered by a white T-shirt with a pokéball design and a black pair of boxers. Basic sleeping attire for him.

"Mom... I don't want to be like Dad you know this..." His Dad. Minato Namikaze. The man was a retired champion of the region, now he spent his days assisting other gym leaders and those of the league with various tasks he deemed fit. The older blond was a master at Pokémon battles, having been a prodigy since he was younger.

Kushina's eyes softened at her son's words. She knew the pressure that was put on him by everyone in the region whenever they were outside the house. They expected Naruto to be a "chip off the old block" or exactly like his father. To some degree, he was like Minato, Kushina knew that much. Her son was quite smart when the situation called for it, and his two troublesome Pokémon were definitely strong despite his laziness.

"I know honey... but really I don't want you wasting your life away at home. Don't be like your godfather." She felt her annoyance flare up again, his godfather, Jiraiya. The long white haired man lived with them now, having retired from the battling scene for some time. Kushina loved the man, there's no doubt, but he was a gigantic pervert and free loader. He was even banned from the hot springs all over Hoenn for that exact reason.

Naruto gave a small laugh at his mother's words, obviously knowing his godfathers unique nature. He looked away from the mirror and locked eyes with his mother. "I guess it can't hurt to explore a bit right? It's not like much goes on in Petalburg anyway." He shrugged at his own thinking. Despite his father and mother's status in the region, they lived a quiet life in the small city of Petalburg. They were a modest family.

"Good. Who knows maybe you'll find something out there that makes the journey worthwhile." Kushina told him before freezing in place, knowing what made her journey worthwhile. "No girls. My Naruto is not allowed to date any girls without my approval." There it was. Naruto was waiting for her overprotectiveness to rear its head. He supposed she had a reason, many of the girls in Hoenn only liked him for his status or looks. They never really wanted to know Naruto Uzumaki.

"Yeah yeah Mom." He waved a hand dismissively. "I doubt any girls will be interested in me for any reason besides Dad or you." He frowned slightly at his own words. His eyes widened in slight pain when a fist came crashing down onto his skull.

"That's untrue young man! You're a handsome boy with a good head on his shoulders. Despite your laziness, these Hoenn hussies should be glad to even meet you." His mother said as she removed her fist from his head. She grew up in dojo's around Kanto and Johto, violence was in her blood. She passed some of that attitude onto her son of course. He could be equally as hot tempered as her if the situation called for it.

"Did you have to hit me so hard?! That hurts ya know..." He massaged his scalp lightly, his mother certainly packed a punch.

"Hmph! Don't sell yourself short and I won't have to discipline you. I don't want anyone putting my baby down, not even himself. Only your mother can call out your flaws!" Naruto deadpanned at the logic. "Now, get showered and dressed. Come down for breakfast after that. I'm sure that old pervert is already waiting to eat." Kushina turned around, red hair almost hitting him in the face, and left his room quickly.

Naruto stopped rubbing his head to stand and stretch. Knocking lightly on the frame of his bed, a small figure crawled out from underneath. A bipedal Pokémon that resembled both a cat and weasel greeted him. The color of the Pokémon being blue black with three bright red feathers for its tail and a single one on its left ear. The ear feather is rather short, classifying the Pokémon's gender as female. Her other ear is short and pointed, with narrow red eyes looking up at him. On her forehead and chest are yellow, oval markings. Her long limbs with two large, retractable claws on both hands and feet were stretching similar to Naruto. This was Sneasel, a dark ice type Pokémon, otherwise known as the sharp claw Pokémon.

She gave a cry of joy at seeing Naruto awake before nuzzling against his leg slightly. Naruto bent down to pat her on the head. His Sneasel was quite affectionate, that was not how their relationship started though. He has those "whisker" marks/scars for a reason.

"Hey girl... looks like Mom's making us actually start our journey now." He stopped patting her head when she looked at him with intelligent red eyes. He's had Sneasel for 10 years, she's been his partner for a long time. Red eyes locked onto his face and eyed the scars, she gave a small whine when she noticed what she did to her trainer.

"Hey now, that's all in the past! They don't hurt anymore, and it wasn't even your fault!" He grabbed the small Pokémon gently to lift her up. The Sneasel understood his words easily, knowing he was lying about it not being her fault. It certainly was. She gave another whine when Naruto flicked her on the forehead.

"None of that! We have to get ready, so Mom doesn't throw us out of the house like Jiraiya." She's done it before, it wasn't an idle threat. His partner nodded her head at his words, knowing her trainers mother had a temper. Naruto gave Sneasel a small smile before placing her on his bed that was devoid of any blankets due to his mother's involvement. Stripping out of his shirt, he walked to the bathroom connected to his room in only boxers. Sneasel used her clawed hands to cover her eyes when noticing her trainer stripping his clothes off. Naruto had no shame at times.

A quick shower was all it took for Naruto to feel more awake. He loves sleeping but he wouldn't be able to even make it through Petalburg Woods without feeling refreshed. Walking into his room again to get dressed, he watched Sneasel give a surprised noise as she quickly covered her eyes again. His oldest Pokémon was easily embarrassed by things like this. He never understood why, he was human, she was a Pokémon.

"Sneasel are you okay?" Naruto asked as his eyes swept over various outfits in his closet. Hoenn was a beautiful region, and during the summer the temperature got a bit extreme, so he knew light clothes were necessary.

Sneasel gave a cry signifying she was actually okay as she peeked her red eyes between clawed hands. Secretly watching her trainer get dressed in his nice looking clothes.

Having picked out a fitting outfit for the weather and region, Naruto looked into the mirror and gave a smile. A form fitting crimson t-shirt comprised his upper body, the sleeves short to show off his toned arms. His legs were covered by a pair of black and red knee length shorts, which held a black belt with clips for pokéballs, he only had two empty ones at the moment. His shoes were sporty as well, the sneakers matching his outfits color well. It wasn't the most exciting outfit, but he never was one for fashion. Slipping on a small black and red backpack, he turned to Sneasel who gave him a thumbs up with a clawed hand.

"Thanks girl, I know I'm hot!" He boasted to the Pokémon who rolled her eyes at her trainers words. Jumping up quickly and attaching to his shoulder, the Pokémon made sure not to hurt him with her sharp claws. She made a promise to herself years ago that she'd never hurt him again after what happened with his scars.

"Alright, let's go grab our other teammate before getting breakfast!" He marched out of his room, previous laziness gone. He approached the stairs in their two story home that led to the backyard. Pushing the door open, he let his eyes adjust to the sunny weather and whistles loudly. It wasn't long before he heard a noise similar to vibration. Ignoring the slight pain in his head at the noise, he braced for impact.

A dragonfly-like Pokémon slammed into him. It has a small head with two yellow antennae and green bulging eyes with black oval-shaped pupils. Its mouth has two large white teeth protruding from each side giving him a smile as it cried happily. It has a skinny yellow body, four skinny black legs with slender feet, and four green, rhombus-shaped wings with black edges. There are similarly-colored rhombus shapes at the end of its tail. This was Vibrava, his second Pokémon.

"My boy, how was your sleep?" He rubbed the Pokémon on his head. The ground-dragon type nuzzled his head into Naruto's palm and vibrates his wings wildly. The Pokémon couldn't fly for very long due to the wings not being fully developed, but Naruto's Vibrava was always eager. He did prefer sleeping outside as opposed to the Sneasel who mostly slept under or on top of him every night.

"Okay you two! Let's get some food before..." He struck a dramatic pose, making his Pokémon excited. "... I don't have a clue what I'm gonna do. But we will figure it out..." His Pokémon's disappointment was immeasurable but luckily their day wasn't ruined. They were used to Naruto's personality. Sneasel tapped his head lightly, telling him subtly that she was hungry. Reaching over his to his shoulder he patted her on the arm before Vibrava followed after them to the kitchen.

The kitchen was bustling with activity, three adults and one Pokémon were making various amounts of noise. Naruto heard his mother complain about his godfather already.

"Hitmonchan, if Jiraiya acts up you have my permission to punch him." The annoyed voice of his mother called out to the sole Pokémon in the kitchen. Hitmonchan is a tan, humanoid Pokémon. There are five blunt protrusions on top of its head, and it has structures resembling pads over its shoulders. It appears to be wearing a light purple tunic and kilt, as well as red boxing gloves and light purple boxing shoes. Hitmonchan, despite the name and appearance was solely a male Pokémon.

"Oh come on Kushina! I was just saying that robe looks lovely on you!" A deep voice bellowed out from his spot at the table. A long mane of waist length white hair framed his rough face. The man was quite muscled and tall, appearing as a giant to most people. He was wearing long red pajama pants and a red sleeping shirt as he currently pleaded his case of innocence. This was Jiraiya, his godfather.

"Jiraiya... please don't make my wife angry so early in the morning." Lowering his daily newspaper, a handsome blond man gave a shaky smile to Naruto's godfather. His blond hair was a bit longer than his sons, but it was equally as messy. His chiseled facial features made him the crush of many young trainers, male or female, it didn't matter. Minato Namikaze, Naruto's father. Wearing a grey sleeping robe of similar design to Kushina's, revealed his body was also quite fit. Naruto secretly noticed and internally felt smug that he had a bit more muscle than his father.

"Minato! I'm just stating the truth." The older man called to the previous region champion. Jiraiya leant close to Minato and whispered. "They haven't started to sag yet right..." Minato looked at him dryly for those words. Opening his mouth to respond, he didn't get the chance.

"Hitmonchan. Be a dear and show Jiraiya why he shouldn't ask about my body DAMMMIT!" With a evil smile, Kushina pointed at the paling white haired man who stuck his hand up in defense. As Hitmonchan neared the man with his boxing stance firm, Naruto made his presence known.

"Yo, Hitmonchan don't kill him please." His voice made all the occupants turn to him and admire his dressed form for a second.

"Perfect my godson! You saved me in my time of need, this is why you're my favorite." Jiraiya called to him with a wide smile. Hitmonchan ignored the white haired perverts words and approached Naruto, reaching its long arms around the blond teen, Hitmonchan gave him a quick hug. Kushina's Pokémon treated Naruto like he was their own children as well. It was just how his mother trained them. Family was important after all.

Hugging the boxing Pokémon back and giving it a quick good morning, Naruto approached the table with his Pokémon. He noticed Kushina already said up bowls for his Pokémon to enjoy, she was always one step ahead.

"Good morning Mom, Dad, Perv." Jiraiya sunk into his seat at Naruto's words. Minato gave his son a soft smile and Kushina eyed him from head to toe.

"I approve of the outfit. It brings out your hair color and shows off your body nicely. Of course you can't date any girls without my permission though." She reminded him while pointing a spoon in his direction. Minato laughed at his wife's words. Jiraiya perked up though at the topic.

"Oh? So you're finally leaving for a little adventure eh? Let me tell you Naruto... these Hoenn girls. There's a lot of water in Hoenn but that's not the reason they get so wet if you catch my meaning..." He wiggled his eyebrows at the teen and leant back to avoid Kushina's thrown silverware.

"Thanks for that." Naruto replied with a sweatdrop. "But yeah, I'm leaving today. Mom's kinda forcing me to go, but I can't say I'm not excited to go exploring or doing something interesting." He replied to them easily, avoiding his father's gaze. Minato gave a sigh at his son's words.

"Naruto... you know I'm not forcing you to become a champion or gym challenger. Just because I was, doesn't mean I'm going to make you do it. Still, I hope you enjoy going around Hoenn, and you know if you need us, we are one fly away." His father gave him a grin, alluding to his fast Pokémon who can easily get around in the blink of an eye.

Naruto felt a bit better at his father's words. He always felt like he was disappointing him by not following the same path. Idly chewing on the breakfast his mother prepared and watching his Pokémon eat. Naruto looked his father in the eye.

"I know Dad... but don't worry... once I get a full team of Pokémon... you're mine old man!" He gave his dad a rough grin, reminiscent of the one his mother usually has when up to no good. Minato laughed happily at Naruto's words.

"I look forward to it! Hey, I may be getting older, but my team is as strong as ever." Minato reminded his son, he was a former champion after all. Kushina watched the interaction with a small smile, happy her two boys were so close despite Naruto's path in life.

"Brat, you have to take me on before this flaky boy! I'm the one who taught him everything after all!" Jiraiya paused in his eating to puff his chest out in pride. He deflated at seeing Hitmonchan's raised gloved.

"I'll take you all on one day. Sneasel and Vibrava are already monsters, just wait and see what happens." Naruto grinned down at his Pokémon who chirped happily at his words.

The family continued to eat as they made small talk pertaining to places of interest Naruto could visit. He's been a registered trainer since he was 10, he simply never did anything with it. Minato knew Professor Birch gave his son a Pokédex some time ago, but Naruto wasn't keen on filing it up. His son even denied a starter Pokémon since he had his two partners.

Minato eyed the two Pokémon eating happily.

The Vibrava was actually bred from Minato's own Flygon, meaning that dragonfly Pokémon had quite the pedigree. The Sneasel on the other hand... Minato watched the small bipedal Pokémon look up at his son with a smile on her face.

When Naruto was 6 they all went on a vacation to Johto. Staying briefly in Blackthorn City, they lost Naruto while they were distracted. It was a terrible moment, Minato suffered the wrath of Kushina for days after the incident. Luckily, Naruto was alright... somewhat. He was close to the Ice Path that connected the city to Route 44, he was crying loudly as a frozen in place Sneasel was watching. Kushina looked ready to kill the poor thing when she noticed the claw marks on Naruto's face, but Minato noticed the genuine concern and tears on the face of the Pokémon. Whatever happened, the Sneasel was regretful of hurting Naruto. That fact saved the Pokémon from Kushina's rage.

After they left the Sneasel and ran with Naruto into town to treat the marks that scarred his face, Minato noticed the little Pokémon stalking them every day. Originally, he was going to do something about it, not knowing it's true intentions. However, once Minato pulled Kushina away for a second, much to her protest. They watched the Pokémon approach a fearful Naruto. Side note, Kushina also beat the shit out of Minato for scaring her baby with the Pokémon again. To their surprise though, the Pokémon threw itself at Naruto's leg and began to cry softly, repeating its name and cries in sorrow. Naruto went from being scared to sad quite quickly, they watched their son hug the Sneasel close to himself and talk to it like a person. That was the beginning of their relationship as reluctant trainer and Pokémon.

To this day Minato was always bewildered at this Pokémon. Sneasel's were vicious little things, always up to no good or being violent with those sharp claws. Yet, Naruto's Sneasel was so close to him despite their first encounter. They slept together, ate together and trained together. Despite him denying the want to be a real trainer, Naruto made sure to keep his Pokémon fit and ready for battle. It made Minato proud.

The older blond broke out of his thoughts when he noticed his son place his utensils down and stand up. The other people at the table waited for him to speak as well.

"Well... I guess I'll be going now?" Naruto scratched the back of his head as he looked to his parents and godfather. His Pokémon waited by his side silently. Kushina stood up first, impressed at how Naruto was growing due to the height difference between them now. She could still remember the little scared boy clinging to her dress.

"Naruto, good luck out there okay? I know I'm forcing you a bit, but it's for your own good ya know?" His mother gave a bashful smile as she leant up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Naruto gave her his own smile back, it was like looking in a mirror for her, they were very similar.

"It's okay Mom, sometimes I need a kick in the ass to get moving... ya know?" That little verbal tic made Minato laugh slightly from his position at the head of the table.

"Minato! Come say goodbye to your son!" Minato jumped up at her words, blinking wildly at her tone. He approached Naruto and gave him a quick hug, the older blond was still taller than his son, which he knew drove Naruto crazy.

"Listen Naruto, if you ever need anything, we are here. Enjoy it son, maybe you'll find a new goal out there." Minato ruffled Naruto's spiky locks quickly, making the boy swat the hand away. Jiraiya appeared behind the boy and threw and arm over his shoulder.

"And Naruto! If you ever need any advice on the ladies in Hoenn, you come to me!" He leant closer to Naruto's ear. "I'll see you around out there, we can get some of these girls together brat." Naruto's eye twitched at his godfathers words. Hitmonchan saw Naruto's face and yanked the older man away. The teenager gave the Pokémon a soft smile at its actions.

"Oh! Before I forget Naruto..." Kushina ran out of the kitchen, only to return with a small yellow device. She placed it in Naruto's hand as he eyed it with confusion. "It's a PokéNav! One of your father's older friends recently developed these little things. I know you have that old dusty Pokédex... that you never used..." Naruto gave her a nervous chuckle. "But this is more modern! Plus, it shows you the savings you have in your account. Don't worry, your father and I put enough in there for you to travel around. I better not see you wasting it though Naruto!" She told him sternly. The boy gave a amused shake of his head before giving his mother a kiss on the cheek like she did to him before. She gave him a bright grin in response.

Naruto took a pokéball off his belt and knelt down to Vibrava, the dragonfly was humming happily.

"Listen buddy, I know how tough it is for you to travel on foot... or wing... sometimes. So, stay in here for a bit okay?" His Pokémon nodded its head quickly, understanding and agreeing. Clicking the middle of the ball, a small beam of red light enveloped Vibrava's form and pulled it into the ball. Securing it onto his waist, Naruto patted it once, happy Vibrava would be comfortable in there. Sneasel looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sneasel..." The Pokémon cried out in response to Naruto, shaking her head wildly. Naruto snorted at her actions, she hated the ball more than anything. "Don't worry girl, you can travel on my shoulder or by my side okay?" She nodded her head rapidly, always enjoying being with Naruto.

His parents and godfather watched the interaction happily, Naruto was very good with Pokémon. Kushina leant into Minato as they watched Naruto near the entrance to the house.

"I'm off guys!" He turned to them with one more wild smile. His lazy attitude was gone for the time being, he wanted to take in the beautiful summer weather. Jiraiya gave him a big thumbs up while Minato and Kushina smiled back.

"Call us everyday Naruto! If you don't, I'll kick your ass!" Kushina made her threat, making Naruto sweat nervously. He gulped before nodding his head. She was still scary, even as his mother.

Minato watched his son give a wave over his shoulder before closing the door. The retired champion had a weird feeling in his stomach. It wasn't worry... but he couldn't quite place it...

'He's definitely going to get into trouble of some kind huh...' Minato thought with a dull look.

Oh well, Kushina would be in charge of that future problem, not him.

It didn't take long before he reached Petalburg Wood's, it was close to home after all. Naruto decided to visit Rustboro City, maybe something there would catch his interest. Walking with his hands behind his head with Sneasel at his side, he let his eyes roam around the entrance to the wood's. There were some trainers around, but he didn't lock eyes with any of them, showing he had no interest in a battle right now. Some small bug type Wurmple scurried around by his feet, he didn't mind though. He did enjoy seeing the Taillow's fly around overhead though, Naruto always had a bit of a liking towards flying type Pokémon.

Feeling something pull on his short's slightly, Naruto averted his eyes to his partner. Sneasel was pointing a clawed finger at the entrance of the wood's, making him tilt his head curiously. It was an oddly dressed person, Naruto squinted his eyes at their clothes. A hoodie in this Hoenn weather? They must have a death wish. He couldn't see their face and their body was covered in a... dress? Scratching his head at the clothes, he watched them walk into the forest area slowly. They even walked weirdly. Naruto shrugged at Sneasel at the strange occurrence before continuing his own relaxed walk.

Entering the wood's, his ears were assaulted by the cries and chirps of various Pokémon. They were all over the place with trainers few and far between. Petalburg wasn't the most populated place and the woods were no different. Keeping his eyes focused on the path ahead, to avoid any potential Pokémon from rushing out at him, Naruto forged ahead.

He made it halfway through the wood's before a strange sight greeted him. The person from before, lying face down on the ground. They weren't moving. Naruto, despite his inherited temper, was a good person. Weird clothing or not, he had to check on this fallen person.

"Sneasel... I'm going to put you in your ball for a second." He had a bad feeling about the situation, and just in case things went south, he didn't want Sneasel to be separated from him. The dual dark-ice type gave a snappish hiss at his words, not wanting to leave his side.

"Sneasel please..." Naruto locked eyes his blue eyes with the red ones of his partner. The Sneasel looked away with her arms crossed. Feeling Naruto's eyes drilling a hole into her head, the Pokémon dropped its head low in acceptance. Sneasel knew he must have a reason.

"Thanks Sneasel, I owe you for this one okay?" Seeing the Pokémon nod once, Naruto took the designated ball from his belt before returning Sneasel for the time being. "Now to deal with this person who probably passed out from the heat." Seriously, it was Hoenn, not the Sinnoh region.

Approaching the fallen figure slowly, Naruto eyed the surrounding area. The woods were quiet, he couldn't even hear the Pokémon frolicking about. There were no other trainers around or travelers, making the air a bit tense.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" He called out to the prone form. No answer. Naruto got a bit closer. "Yo! Are you awake right now?" He yelled at he neared them. It was a weird question, but he never had to deal with a situation like this, sue him. Crouching down near the body, he raised a hand to tap them on the shoulder. He observed the odd hood of their clothing, it had yellow horns. Admittedly it looked cool to him, but not for this region.

'Okay Naruto... turn them over and check if they are breathing... if they are dead... I hope Mom realizes I didn't do it...' He thought to himself. Grabbing the shoulder of the person gently, he turned them over to remove their face from the ground.

Purple greeted him, a lot of the color purple. Lilac colored hair, eyebrows and even eye color. The eyes were open, blinking slowly. Suppressing his shock at the fact that they were awake, Naruto realized this was indeed a girl. A very cute girl. Shaking his head, now wasn't the time for that she was probably hurt, judging by that blank expression she needed help...?

"Hey, I'll get you some help okay? Maybe it's these clothes, you gotta realize you're in Hoenn, it's hot here ya know?" He told her, still holding her shoulder.

"..." One of the girls lilac colored eyes went to the hand on her shoulder. The fabric of her dress was very soft, a strange part of Naruto's mind noted that fact. Taking in her appearance quickly, he was right about the weird clothes. Besides a red hoodie with yellow horns, a red jacket covering a red thigh length dress covered her body. The dress had a weird symbol on it, some kind of M shape. She also wears heeled red boots with black kneecaps, as well black gloves with red fingers that were supported by red bracers with yellow lines.

"... do you need help getting up?" Naruto watched her nervously, she wasn't speaking. Maybe she hit her head?

"...Who are you...?" The girls dead voice carried out softly. Naruto blinked at her tone, it sounded so flat. That voice wasn't exactly what he expected from her.

"Oh... I'm... I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Nice to meet you..." He trailed off, wanting a name of the potentially hurt girl.

"I am..." The girl looked like she was thinking for a second. "Courtney." She finished slowly.

Naruto gave her a shaky smile, it was like she forgot her name. "Are you alright Courtney? I can take you back to Petalburg for help if you need it?" He asked her kindly.

"Am I alright...?" She tilted her head at him. It made him a bit uncomfortable, it was like she was seeing through him.

"Yeah! I mean you were passed out in the middle of the wood's! I couldn't just leave you, even if these Pokémon aren't that strong, it could be dangerous." He explained his reasoning to the blinking girl.

"...Couldn't leave me..." She repeated his words with her strange speech. Naruto was vaguely reminded of a robot or something, but then he banished that thought. It wasn't right to judge people, he would know...

"...Yes. So, do you need any help? Was it because it was too hot?" She was wearing winter clothes after all.

The girl looked him deeply in the eye, her cute face giving nothing away. "I was tired. I wanted to sleep. Here." She didn't turn her gaze away. Naruto looked even more confused at her words.

"Um, this isn't a good place to sleep without setting up a camp ya know... you could seriously be hurt." It's true he didn't know her, but he didn't want someone being attacked by wild Pokémon.

"I have nowhere to go." She told him very slowly. He looked a bit saddened at her words, was she homeless?

"I'm sorry... can I help you up at least? I can either take you back to Petalburg or Rustboro city if that's okay with you?" Now he felt bad, the girl looked about his age as well, so he wondered if she had family or anything.

"...No. Leader Maxie said I need a partner." Her eyes still didn't leave his face. Naruto scratched the back of his head, Leader Maxie? Was that her family or something...?

"A partner? Like a Pokémon?" He couldn't help his curiosity. But like the saying goes... curiosity killed the Meowth.

"No. A partner. I need a partner. Leader Maxie said do not come back without a partner." She told him again, only serving to add to his confusion. He felt a headache coming on.

"I see... let me help you up at least." Getting out of his crouched position and finally looking away from her penetrating eyes, he offered a hand to her. The girls lilac visage snapped to his hand.




"Um... grab my hand?" Naruto never felt more awkward in his 16 years of existing.

The girl reached a small gloved hand out to his bigger hand. Grasping it very lightly, Naruto pulled her to her feet. She wasn't a very tall girl he noted. The hood gave her a bit more height. Judging by the hair he could see, it was cut short, probably to her neck. A purple fringe covered her forehead. The clothing covered her body well, he really couldn't get a good look at her. Not that he was trying to of course...

"Let me ask again." He cleared his throat slightly. "Do you need help? If not... um good luck?" He finished awkwardly.

"...Why do you keep asking? Asking me that question." Her head tilted, hood following her movements. Those eyes were unmoving from his own, it was making him slightly embarrassed.

"I was worried. You were laying down on the ground, I thought you were hurt or worse." Naruto watched her face, looking for any sort of emotion.

"Worried. Worried for me." She replied back strangely. Her eyes began to take in his form now, making him a bit more embarrassed.

"Y-yeah. But you're good right...? I uh... I'm going to head to Rustboro now." He gave her another small smile.

"You are my partner. I have decided." Courtney told him and he could have sworn she was being stern.

"Excuse me? Listen lady, I don't know what you're talking about. Partner for what?"

"My partner. Leader Maxie said get a partner. I want you. You're my partner. Okay. Naruto Uzumaki." She stepped a bit closer to him now, making his face flush. She really was cute to him, but she was very weird.

"Courtney right...? I don't know who Leader Maxie is... but I'm kind of on my own journey right now so..." Naruto dreaded his mother's reaction if she knew he was with a girl all of a sudden. For Arceus' sake it's only been over an hour since he left home!

"No. You were worried. You're my partner. Okay." She told him as if she made the decision for him. Naruto started getting a bit heated.

"Wait a damn minute, I don't even know what the hell you're talking about?! You're my age right? Are you doing a gym challenge?" This girl was confusing the hell out of him.

"I am 16. You are my partner. No. I'm not with the gym's. I'm with Leader Maxie." She moved even closer to him. He backed up slightly before realizing there was a tree behind him.

"Hey C-Courtney I don't know what you're really talking about so I'm going to go... I'm glad you're okay..." He felt nervous again. Really nervous.

"No." The girl said as her hand moved quickly. He felt something hit his leg. "You are my partner. You worried. My partner." Naruto started blinking faster at her words. He felt tired all of a sudden.

"W-what the hell is happening?!" He felt drowsy. Really tired. Breaking eye contact with the girl he looked down, a very thin needle was stabbed into his leg.

"H-hey! Courtney! What the..." His vision blurred before he felt his eyes close slowly.

"...Now I can go back to Leader Maxie. I have my partner. Naruto Uzumaki." He heard her flat voice tell him as he began to fall to the ground.

'I never regretted wearing shorts until this moment... damn it all...'

Naruto passed out, cursing the heavens for introducing shorts to the world.

Courtney eyed his prone form with an odd look in her eyes. She felt her face become hotter, and it wasn't because of the heavy clothes.

"Worried. Worried about me." She said out loud, the silent wood's didn't respond back.

This was how Naruto Uzumaki became a very very reluctant member of Hoenn's resident Team Magma.

AN - New story! This time it's a Pokémon crossover. Gonna put the nail in the coffin right now, single pairing. Naruto x Courtney. He will barely be able to handle her, no way can he handle a bunch of girls. But yeah, Pokémon! I've been a Pokémon fan since I was a kid, and Courtney is a very weird girl in the games. I'm using the version from Omega Ruby by the way, since her appearance is indeed different in the original. And yes, the way she speaks is very strange.

If you read my Senran Kagura story, you know my favorite girls are the odd ones. Hikage from Senran is the obvious example so that's why I chose Courtney. This is all in the Pokémon universe, but there are obviously Naruto characters. Don't worry, I'm not gonna have the Akatsuki or some random bullshit appear. This is a Humor/Romance story, there won't be shinobi fighting involved.

Why Sneasel and why Vibrava? Well, Weavile is one of my favorite Pokémon and my boy Flygon doesn't get enough love from people.

Not much to say besides that, this is just an idea I've had for a bit. I hope you guys all enjoyed the first chapter, let me know through reviews, PM's whatever you want. I always love reading shit like that.

...Best Pokémon Girl - Cynthia. Don't dare challenge me on this.