Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto or Pokémon!

The mocking laughter that belonged to the leader of Team Aqua bounced around the walls of the museum. Archie returned Muk to its pokéball in an instant as he watched Naruto scramble over to Sneasel.

"This was all it took to take care of that little Sneasel? Heh, champions son or not, you ain't much kid." Archie signaled to his two grunts to come closer as they held the Devon Good's in their grip. The man they were harassing previously looked forward at the defeated boy.

"Sneasel... Sneasel? Are you okay girl?" Naruto placed his hand on the head of his day one partner. The dark/ice type cried lowly in pain. The Muk's attack did enough damage to leave her like this. Naruto's hands shook in anger as he heard the grunts start to chuckle again.

"The Namikaze kid couldn't even keep up with one of the bosses Pokémon." One remarked with a grin.

"I know. Boss? Do you reckon we should take the girl and use her for leverage over Team Magma?" The other grunt turned curiously to his leader.

"...That line of thinking is way above your title as grunt... I approve! Taking the brat will force that dork Maxie into giving up his dumb plan. Maybe." Archie's anchor chain shuffled when he shrugged. Courtney heard the words and widened her eyes in alarm. She shuffled closer to Naruto's body as the Team Aqua grunts locked onto her.

"She's a weird little thing too. Now I know why Team Magma keeps her around. Look at her skin! We are in Hoenn and she's that pale. For a bunch of land loving nerds, you'd expect a tan." The insult didn't register completely to Courtney. Naruto grit his teeth even harder when hearing it.

"Here. You take the parts, I'll grab the girl." The other grunt handed off the briefcase and walked towards the stationary girl. Courtney didn't know what to do in this situation. With no Pokémon and Naruto being outnumbered, the poor girl was clueless.

The second Archie's grunt got within the personal space of Courtney, Naruto shot to his feet. The grunt was entirely focused on the panicked face of Courtney to notice the fist sailing towards him. Archie had no time to call out to his underling as the attack connected.

Naruto's fist met the cheek of Team Aqua's lowest ranking member and the man was knocked over from the hit. Archie scowled and made a move to deal with the boy. Naruto took a stance his mother taught him as a young boy. There were perks to having a mother who trained in Kanto and Johto's fighting gyms.

"I think I've seen enough of this. Naruto. Stand down." A voice from the stairwell drew in everyone's attention. Long white hair and some island life clothing would have made some dismiss the man as some old geezer that lived in Hoenn. Archie's expression showed he knew quite well who this man was. He also had a reputation. Whether that was for better or worse.

"Jiraiya the Gallant. Now this has become an eventful day. Minato's kid and now his own teacher? I don't think this museum can take a battle between us." Archie eyed the man wearily. Jiraiya had a reputation for his less than appropriate habits in Hoenn, but he also had credibility in the battling scene.

"I can't say I know who you are outside of being the leader of your little group. I will tell you that you're half right though, this museum can't handle my Pokémon. Why don't we all stop this here. It won't end well." Jiraiya walked closer to his godson and the purple haired girl.

"...I'm usually never one to back down from a battle, it's a shame that I have to admit that I'm at a disadvantage after sacrificing Muk to prove a point." Archie frowned at the man. Backing down left a sour taste in his mouth.

Jiraiya turned to his godson and noticed the boy glaring at the grunt who shakily got to his feet. Placing a firm hand on Naruto's shoulder, he held him in place.

"What did I say Naruto? That's enough." His words only made Naruto brush the hand off and tense his body. He was still ready for a fight. Before he could say anything else, the strange voice of Courtney stopped him.

"Naruto. Listen..." The girl was clad in her bathing suit just like Naruto. She reached her hand out with no hesitation and intertwined their fingers which left Jiraiya stunned. As sad as it was to admit it, Jiraiya knew the kid had nobody outside of his family and Pokémon who were close to him. That's why Courtney's action surprised him.

"Courtney. You heard what they wanted. They were going to hold you hostage and after what that bastard did to Sneasel, I-" Naruto got cut off by Courtney once more. She placed her head on his chest and listened to his erratic heartbeat. Naruto threw one more dirty look Archie's way before hugging the girl close.

"Kidnapping a girl doesn't seem very legal to me. You're lucky I'd rather take care of my godson right now instead of dealing with you." Jiraiya firmly told the leader of Team Aqua.

"We wouldn't harm a hair on Maxie's little freak. It would just be a way to stop that loser from pursuing any of his plans. Oh well. No skin off my back." Archie's grunts hightailed it to the exit as their boss continued speaking. The one Naruto landed a hit on smirked as he descended the stairs. Naruto would have paid attention to that, if it weren't for the insults referring to Courtney once more.

"She's not a freak! What the hell do you know?" Naruto spit out at the man as he tightened his grip on Courtney.

"I'm simply stating facts kid. I'll be taking my leave now. Thanks for the parts Captain Stern." Archie smiled wide at the man who observed the events hopelessly.

Once Archie reached the stairwell, he looked at Naruto out of the corner of his eye.

"You're playing a dangerous game here boy. If we do meet again, hopefully you'll give me a better battle than some pathetic Sneasel." The pirate inspired man left the area soon after.

Jiraiya sighed as he went over to the lone Pokémon. Fishing through his bag, he withdrew a pink bottle and sprayed it onto the body of Sneasel. The Pokémon hissed at the sensation before finally opening her eyes as the pain from the Muk's attack was leaving her.

"Thanks old man..." Naruto muttered to Jiraiya as he held Courtney.

"We have to talk Naruto. For now though..." Jiraiya turned to the man that Archie called Captain Stern. "Sorry about that briefcase. I'm assuming it was yours." The man nodded slowly.

"It was meant to be yes. It's alright though. I'm glad nobody ended up getting hurt besides the one who this young man punched." Captain Stern inclined his head in Naruto's direction.

"We were supposed to deliver that from Mr. Stone. Somehow it was stolen from us when we were at the beach. It's our fault Captain Stern." Naruto released Courtney but the girl still kept her arms around him.

"Don't worry. We can always have new parts shipped out. What's important is that this didn't escalate further. I do have to wonder, what is this Team Magma and Aqua business about?" Captain Stern asked the group. Naruto struggled to come up with a believable lie and Courtney didn't care to respond. Jiraiya scratched at his head before blurting something out.

"It's official league business for the time being. What you saw was the leader of Team Aqua stealing your goods for whatever reason. In time, he will be held responsible for his actions." Jiraiya sounded convincing to all parties in the room.

"League business is always complicated matters. I will leave that to the professionals then. Thank you for the help with those brutes." Captain Stern reached a hand out to Jiraiya. The taller man shook his hand firmly and smiled.

"Not a problem. Pass on my regards and apologies to Mr. Stone." The Captain nodded once more and broke the handshake. Waving at the defeated Naruto, Captain Stern slowly left the upper floor of the museum.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Naruto. You should be glad I'm here and not Kushina." Jiraiya eyed his godson and the girl.

"Why were you even here Jiraiya?" Naruto scooped Sneasel up into his arms as Courtney kept close to him.

"That hardly seems important now Naruto. Throwing out your name to get into a museum for free? Really? According to that punk, you're involved in this Team Magma and Aqua business. What have you been doing?" The normally jovial tone that his godfather was known for was not present. Naruto tilted his head in the direction of people ascending the stairs, more than likely here to check out the museum. It seems Team Aqua's involvement didn't stop business.

"Not here old man. Let us go change into our clothes. Running around in bathing suits isn't the greatest ya know?" Courtney didn't acknowledge Naruto's comment as she looked the large white haired man up and down.

"Courtney? Where'd you pick this one up?" Jiraiya smiled to relieve some of the tension that was present between the two. Naruto wasn't quick enough to answer before Courtney opened her mouth.

"Naruto is my partner... We are together." Courtney's declaration made the tired Sneasel glare lightly. Naruto's cheeks tinted red at her words.

"Interesting..." Jiraiya could have made some perverted comment, especially considering the girls attire and closeness to his godson, but he refrained from doing so. For now at least.

"Alright Courtney let's go. Meet us at the Pokémon Center." Naruto nodded at his godfather before walking away with Courtney.

Jiraiya groaned as he watched their exit. A presence shifted to his right and the familiar form of his Gengar appeared. The gigantic mischievous grin that all Gengar's wore was gone. The Pokémon showed a degree of concern for the boy it all but watched grow up.

"That boy. I miss the days when all he would do was beg me to train his Pokémon. Did Team Aqua flee already?" Looking at his Pokémon from the corner of his eye, Gengar spoke in the language only fellow Pokémon could understand. To Jiraiya though, it easily served as confirmation. Rubbing his eyes as bystanders gawked at his Gengar, Jiraiya decided to head out finally.

"So much for my plan of getting the brat a bunch of girls..."

Changing out of his swim trunks, Naruto decided against wearing the Team Magma uniform in front of Jiraiya. He clenched his teeth once more as he noticed Sneasel sitting on the bench behind him, her head down and still. Putting on the outfit he originally departed his home with, Naruto retrieved all his pokéball's and placed them safely on his belt.

Kneeling down in front of the Sneasel, Naruto placed a hand onto her head soothingly. Sneasel didn't acknowledge the touch at all.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for throwing you into a battle we weren't ready for. I'm sorry for losing my cool and being a crappy trainer." Naruto began to chuckle, but it wasn't filled with any amusement. "I'm supposed to be some prodigy when it comes to battling because of Dad... that's funny. I get my partner into a mess like this and we've seen the news, kids younger than me are taking over the leagues. All this Team Magma and Aqua business. It's no wonder Sasuke and Sakura left without me huh?" Shaking his head with another chuckle, Naruto winced when he felt claws digging into his forearm. His eyes sought out Sneasel's and the small Pokémon glared deeply at him. Then she began her own barrage of dialogue that Naruto couldn't make out.

Sneasel began speaking rapidly, trying to convey her feelings to her trainer. Naruto knew one thing from watching the Pokémon's face, she was almost livid, especially based on the hisses and glare firmly on him. Using his years of experience due to being her trainer, he realized her anger was over his self depreciating comments. A small smile came to his features.

"I'm still sorry. That Muk... Hah. What a way to lose a battle. We need to get stronger. Stronger than anyone out there." His words were met with a steely eyed gaze and head nod from his first Pokémon. Sneasel stopped digging her claws into him to get closer to his face, which made Naruto watch curiously. The Pokémon reached and laid her clawed hands gently against both sides of his face, touching the scars she gave him years ago. Sneasel cried out happily as she traced the whisker markings. Naruto felt the grin forming on his face at the Pokémon finally looking more lively.

"You'll always be my number one girl right Sneasel?" Naruto laughed loudly when Sneasel appeared to be smug at his statement. "I promise, we will get stronger. I'm going to need you and Vibrava to push our newer teammates okay? I'll also start having you train with Vibrava daily again." Sneasel reflected Naruto's grin with one of her own.

"For now though, I want you to get some rest. I know you hate being in your ball, but until we get you to a Pokémon Center, it'll have to do." Naruto's Sneasel pouted at his words before reluctantly agreeing, she certainly was tired after today. Slowly, Naruto retrieved the ball and recalled Sneasel in a beam of red light.

Getting off the ground of the small locker room that was oddly empty, Naruto ran a hand through his spiky locks and moved to the door. When opening it, the bright sun light would have made him squint, if it weren't for the smaller body blocking it somewhat. Dressed in white short shorts and a red tank top, Naruto realized Courtney finally chose to be out of her iconic uniform. He opened his mouth before Courtney pushed her body against his and Naruto realized he wouldn't be leaving this locker room for a little while longer. How convenient that it was empty.

"Courtney? Are you okay?" He spoke to the girl who attached herself to him again. Naruto felt a spike of anger when he recalled the insults thrown her way from Team Aqua.

"Sorry..." Courtney repeated the word quietly and Naruto reached a hand up to rub her back soothingly. He did his best to not be too awkward, his lack of experience with the opposite gender was rearing its ugly head.

"What are you apologizing for? Team Aqua wanted to take you. I wouldn't allow that. We did lose the Devon Goods though, I'm sure Maxie won't be too happy about that." Naruto's words made Courtney raise her head from his chest and look directly up at him.

"Sneasel and your family. She got hurt. Upon analyzing the data... I am making your family life challenging. I am sorry." Courtney told him in a hushed tone. Naruto placed a finger against her lips to stop her from continuing the apologies. The purple haired girl froze at the contact to her lips.

"Courtney. It's my fault Sneasel got hurt, it'll never happen again. Our Pokémon need to get much stronger. Don't worry about my family okay?" Courtney was momentarily distracted by the finger to notice the shift in his voice. She deduced he was thinking of his father. "Courtney, do you really have to continue this Team Magma stuff? Based on what happened today, it's only going to get messier right?" Naruto couldn't deny that he was becoming close with this girl. Too close in a way. Seeing how Archie would use her to get the upper hand on Maxie, he was concerned.

"... I have to Naruto. I have to. It's my duty." Her words were said completely flat that Naruto was taken back. Courtney's usual vocal range changed sporadically, but this response was not normal. Naruto chewed on his lip slightly as he began thinking. He still wasn't sure how this would end up. Team Magma and Aqua both had goals to change the world and he was placing himself in the middle of that. The purple eyes that stared into his own are what made him think twice about saying "screw it" and leaving. Courtney. She was the only true friend he had now and the only person he connected to this fast. The display at the museum and his worry over the future fueled his next set of words.

"Well... I can't leave you on your own Courtney. You're my admin after all. There was no way I'll ever let some losers in pirate cosplay take you away. I'll just punch em' all!" Naruto leaned back and flexed his arm in a boastful way. Courtney felt her heart beat faster at his expression and action.

"Naruto... will you really stay with me? Forever?" Courtney didn't realize what her question could truly mean. Neither did Naruto. Laughing lightly, Naruto huffed and turned his nose upwards in mock superiority.

"Of course! I have to pay that bastard Archie back anyway for that move he pulled. Besides that, I like you Courtney. You're important to me too now ya know? That's why I had to protect you even if I had no Pokémon left and stood in just my swim trunks." He responded with a wild grin.

"I like you Naruto." Courtney told him as she got into his personal space. Naruto, partially due to his ignorance when it comes to relationships, only continued to smile.

"I'm glad you do. It would be weird if you hated me. You did change my clothes that one time. I'm not over that Courtney." Naruto crossed his arms and looked away playfully. Courtney raised a hand to her lips where his finger previously resided, and her eyes glinted.

'Leader Maxie... he never taught me about these things. I am not sure what I'm doing. I must gather more data. Perhaps books? I do know one thing...' Courtney's eyes traced Naruto completely, taking in every detail before her perfectly. From his teasing expression to the scars that made up his face, she was almost mesmerized.

'Naruto is mine... he likes me. He protected me.'

Courtney was glad she almost fell asleep on the floor of Petalburg Woods. She met the one person who interested her more than any other. That was good enough for her. Taking the initiative, Courtney grasped his hand with a lopsided smile. Naruto noticed the upwards pull of her lips.

"You should smile more Courtney." Naruto's offhanded comment made her blink. The insults from the Team Aqua grunts and leader did leave some impact from before.

"Why? You heard them. I am a freak. Freaks should not smile more." Courtney tilted her head forward and winced when Naruto pinched her arm lightly.

"Those assholes don't know anything. You're not a freak Courtney. You're perfect the way you are. Don't let their insults bother you!" Courtney reflected on that and felt her own face heat up. He called her perfect? That didn't make sense in the least. As someone who studied science and subjects under Maxie, she was aware that perfection is a unrealistic concept. Even Team Magma's goal would not prompt a perfect word. So then why would Naruto claim such a thing? Why did he say things she could not understand? Why did she enjoy hearing them so much?

"Why don't we let Jiraiya wait a little while longer?" Naruto asked her as they walked the beach.

"He is your godfather... and he wants answer. Is this a good idea?" Courtney didn't want his family situation to get worse.

"Blah, that old pervert deserves to wait. Look over there! I'll buy, it'll be my treat." Naruto pointed at a small hut that resided on the beach. Courtney read the sign and realized Naruto remembered the one thing she genuinely liked. Ice cream.

"I have money." She was not used to the concept of 'treating' others. Courtney reached her hand to her pocket to pull out some before it was seized.

"Nope! My treat. What kind of grunt would I be if I didn't get my admin some ice cream?" Naruto grinned playfully at her.

"But... I..."

Naruto laughed before pulling her along to retrieve the frozen delicacy. Courtney watched him wordlessly. Nobody ever bought her ice cream before. Anytime she had it, it was from her own funds and eaten within the privacy of her small room at the Magma hideout.

"I like you Naruto." Courtney repeated herself. The whisker scarred teen turned with a raised eyebrow.

"I told you already, I like you too. Now come on, I'm actually dying to have some ice cream after today."

Today was a mixed bag of emotions for Courtney. As always, she needed to research these feelings in depth. There was no logical conclusion she could draw concerning Naruto making her body temperature rise. Did he produce heat? Similar to a fire type Pokémon? She needed to study him closely.

Tapping his fingers against the counter before him, Jiraiya unashamedly took in the female before him. He was a man that admired female beauty and this specific woman always managed to ensnare him.

"Have I told you that you're quite beautiful, Nurse Joy?" He put on his best charming voice that never failed to hopefully make the Pokémon nurse swoon.

"Personally? No. I'm sure the other Joy's have heard it thousands of times." Nurse Joy didn't even look the man in the eye, but rather she focused on the surprisingly slow moving Pokémon Center. Typically the building was bustling with activity. Jiraiya appeared taken back at her comment.

"Really? Now that you mention it, I've been to other regions in my many years and all of you Joy's look the same. Even as far back as 30 years. I can never tell if a new nurse takes the old ones place. Either it's a coincidence or there's something suspicious going on here." Jiraiya narrowed his eyes at the women, mostly focusing on her bust though.

"Oh, I love mysteries!" Nurse Joy finally looked him in the eye and smiled sweetly. Jiraiya didn't know why he felt put off by that smile. The sound of the Pokémon Center doors opening alerted the Nurse. "Welcome!" Just like that, she acted like Jiraiya was never there. Scratching at his long white hair, he turned to the entrance as well.

Two teenagers entered, both holding an ice cream cone as they walked calmly. Jiraiya's eye twitched when he realized he's been waiting so his godson could go get ice cream with his 'partner'.

"Welcome to the Pokémon Center! We restore your tired Pokémon to full health. Would you like to rest your Pokémon?" Nurse Joy's downright kind sounding voice didn't go well with the look she shot Jiraiya previously. Naruto stopped focusing on his frozen treat to answer the helpful Joy.

"That'd be great Nurse Joy! What would I do without you?" Naruto asked her cheekily and she waved him off with a giggle.

"I'm always happy to help such nice young men like you." Her response drew two sets of eyes onto her, not that Joy paid them any mind. She had a job to do now.

Courtney didn't know why that response made her grip her ice cream cone just a bit tighter. Jiraiya looked at the nurse similar to the way one would a puzzle.

'Did she flirt with Naruto?' Jiraiya shook his head momentarily, thinking it's all in his head. Surely Naruto would have noticed, but then again, the kid is a product of Minato. The same person who Kushina had to beat into his head that she liked him. They were truly dense when it came to women.

Naruto withdrew his pokéball's from his belt and gently handed them to the Joy. Even if the others didn't battle recently, he saw no harm in letting them rest.

"Would you like me to heal them quickly? Or do a more extensive checkup?" Nurse Joy graciously took the Pokémon. Naruto was surprised at the question and before he could deny a checkup, Courtney nudged him. She was looking at Jiraiya's direction and Naruto supposed they had some time to kill now.

"If you don't mind, can you check them over Nurse Joy?" Naruto asked the woman behind the large desk.

"It's not even the slightest problem. Please rest in the Pokémon Center until I return and let me know if you require anything else." Bowing her head slightly, the signature pink hair of the Nurse Joy's swayed gently.

'I've never been offered a 'extensive checkup' for my Pokémon.' Jiraiya grumbled internally.

'Leader Maxie never mentioned a Pokémon Center providing a service like this.' Courtney shuffled closer to Naruto, licking at her ice cream cone as she stared emotionlessly at the Joy's back.

"Man, Nurse Joy is the best." Naruto exclaimed before going back to eating his ice cream. A loud cough made him sigh and turn to the annoyed visage of his godfather.



"You're flirting with a Nurse Joy. Don't call me a pervert."

Naruto sputtered at the accusation.

"Flirting? With Nurse Joy?" Courtney whispered to herself.

"I'm just being nice, seriously!" Naruto tried hiding his slight blush behind the frozen treat in his grip. Jiraiya stared at his dense godson blankly.

"Sure. Now, spill it. Why're you involved with all this Team Magma and Aqua business?" His godfathers serious question made Naruto avert his eyes and curse under his breath.

"You better sit down, it's a bit of a long story." Naruto led both Courtney and his godfather to a small secluded section of the Pokémon Center. Once seated, Jiraiya discreetly watched how comfortable Naruto was around his companion. They sat shoulder to shoulder, and it was admittedly strange how the girl would focus on licking her ice cream cone to watching his godson like a hungry Braviary.

"It all started when I entered Petalburg Woods..."

Under different circumstances, Courtney would not allow someone to speak of Team Magma's Leader in a negative light like Naruto was while retelling the events to his godfather. However, between her favorite food and her enjoyment of hearing Naruto speak kept Courtney from interrupting.

Jiraiya sat in silence as he studied the two teenagers before him. The situation was not at all what he expected but there's one thing he felt the need to call his godson out on.

"You're still just a child, Naruto."

The remark from Jiraiya made Naruto narrow his eyes in annoyance. Before he could open his mouth, the older man raised a hand.

"It's time to grow up Naruto. You took your time deciding what you want to do with your life, and this was the final decision? All because your father? I'm not blind kid." Jiraiya leaned back and watched Naruto start to show signs of getting angered.

"Forgive me if I don't want to only be known as "Minato's Son" for the rest of my life. Take the gym challenge? Oh! That's Minato's boy! Try to join the league? Oh! He's following daddy's footsteps!" Naruto luckily finished his ice cream during his retelling of the events, it would have no doubt been ruined by his clenched fists. "Nobody in Hoenn sees past his legacy, I can't be anything but my dad's son. You want to know what I was really going to do after messing around in Hoenn? Leave." Courtney watched the snarl on Naruto's face intensify. The admin's eyebrows furrowed as she observed him. This past day introduced her to a more emotional side of her interest.

"Regardless of your future plans, you think this was a good decision? Do you realize what these "teams" are Naruto? Remember Team Rocket? They were known as a organization of criminals. Stealing Pokémon and causing panic throughout Kanto, it was on the news for weeks! You can't drag Minato's name through the mud by doing this. I can't imagine this will end well." Jiraiya tried lecturing the boy out of genuine concern for his wellbeing but the mention of Minato only served to enrage the boy further.

"It always comes back to dad. Everyone's always concerned about HIS name." Naruto barley felt the tight grip that Courtney had on his arm. The girl wasn't familiar with what she was truly doing, though she figured she had to calm him down someway. She noticed when he hugged her, she felt calm. Now wasn't the time for a hug though, judging by the mood of the conversation. Jiraiya's eyes ran over Courtney for a brief second.

"Is this the real reason Naruto? Her?" His simple question confused Courtney and Naruto stood up without another word. He walked to the Pokémon Center counter and as if she could sense his presence, Nurse Joy appeared before him with a tray containing his pokéballs. The pink haired nurse frowned at the look on his face.

"Are you alright young man?" She asked concerned. Naruto gave her a shaky smile that she obviously knew was fake.

"Are my Pokémon alright?" He questioned her quickly. Nurse Joy watched him adjust the pokéballs onto his belt.

"They are all in perfect shape. You have some very healthy Pokémon, you must be a strong trainer." Her words were meant to be a compliment, but Naruto only focused on the last part. Strong. A strong trainer. Like his dad. Naruto nodded half heartedly and turned from the helpful woman. His eyes zeroed in on the curious looking Courtney and stone faced Jiraiya.

"Courtney. I'll be back here after dark. I'm going to train." Naruto watched Courtney tilt her head in slight bewilderment, probably wondering why she couldn't go with him. "I need to focus okay?" She didn't understand but Naruto already made way for the exit.

Jiraiya followed his godson's movement as he got closer to the doors. Was he wrong to bring up Minato to the boy in that way? Partially. Yes, it was hard for him to be seen as nothing more than the former champions son, though he had to move past that. Joining a group of people that were borderline ecological terrorists? He would always watch over Naruto, it was his duty as his godfather, yet he couldn't have the boy getting himself wrapped up in something so dangerous.

"You hurt him." The emotionless words brought the older man's attention back to Naruto's companion. His admin, as he referred to her.

"Look girly, you're responsible for my godson being involved in all of this." There was indeed truth in that statement. Courtney went silent for a few moments.

"Team Magma... it gives purpose. You don't understand. You don't understand Naruto." Courtney's way of speaking was an oddity to Jiraiya. He chuckled at the last part of her sentence.

"Purpose? That's rich. You're telling me you understand my godson more than I do?" Jiraiya expected more silence, potentially even being ignored. He didn't expect a fierce head nod and darkened purple eyes.

"He is my interest. We are going to stay together forever. Even after Leader Maxie's goal. Naruto is mine. At Petalburg Wood's... I found another purpose." Courtney stood and left a baffled Jiraiya to stare at her back. She needed to contact Leader Maxie.

Jiraiya's ran a tired hand over his face before the same shadowy presence from earlier today appeared. Gengar.

"Make sure Naruto doesn't lose his cool or do anything stupid." He instructed the ghost type. Gengar raised a hand that was holding a expensive looking camera. Jiraiya shook his head dejectedly.

"Unfortunately, it is not the time for that my ace. The research comes later." Gengar looked equally as upset before vanishing once more, the camera disappearing along with it.

"Awful. Utterly awful."

Jiraiya didn't need to turn around to know that judgmental tone was coming from the lone Joy. No matter what town, Jiraiya's reputation couldn't shake him.

Not that he truly cared, he was Jiraiya the Gallant after all. The biggest pervert in Hoenn!

"Leave my Pokémon Center."

... And he was leaving the Pokémon Center.

Lying on his back and staring at the midday sky, Naruto idly scratched at his cheek. Did he lose his cool back in the Pokémon Center? Definitely. Did he lose it in the museum? No doubt.

"I really need to work on my temper..." A lopsided frown came to his face as he stood to his feet and began to stretch. One look around the clearing he resided in revealed it to be just outside of the bustling Slateport City. Route 110 to be exact. The ever present cycling road was viewable from his position and he was surprised at the amount of bikers that were getting their exercise in. Clearing his thoughts of his reactions to his godfather and the surrounding area, he reached for the pokéballs situated on his belt and released them one by one.

Sneasel and Vibrava wasted no time in barreling towards him in excitement. The small ice/dark type clung to him like a lifeline and his dragon companion buzzed happily. His other two Pokémon watched the interaction somewhat awkwardly, as if they were unsure of the proper action to take.

Naruto hugged Sneasel to him as she typically enjoyed, while Vibrava nuzzled his leg contently. Looking over to his newer teammates, the still new, not so reluctant member of Team Magma called out to them.

"Hey, you two, I know we just met recently but I hope we can all be comfortable around each other you know? You don't have to hug me like Sneasel here, she's really clingy." His assessment earned him a light tapping of Sneasel's deadly claws to the chest. "Though I think it would be nice if we got along."

Aron and Numel slowly made their way over to the trainer who smiled almost radiantly at them. Naruto stuck his free hand out to them, almost telling them to come forward. Then he snapped. The newest members were confused by the noise but judging by Vibrava's body locking up and Sneasel's mildly annoyed hiss, this was serious.

"It is time." Naruto released his hold on Sneasel and the Pokémon lightly fell to the ground. His first Pokémon hated the snapping noise due to the connotation and she especially hated when he released her from his hold.

The native Hoenn Pokémon almost appeared nervous as they understood their trainers words. What was going to happen?

"It's time... to train!" His previous sour mood from Archie and Jiraiya was vanquished as something different took its place. "I'm going to make you all the strongest you can possibly be. Never again will we lose to some pirate wannabes." Despite three of the four Pokémon's confusion at the words, Naruto ignored it and reached into his personal bag. He retrieved the old model Pokédex and flipped it open with ease.

Tapping away at the screen for a few seconds, Naruto easily pulled up what could be considered as the "statistics" or "stats" of his Pokémon team. He had to admit, the Pokédex was certainly a handy invention. Humming to himself, he scrolled away at the information displayed before him.

His team watched with varying reactions to the use of technology. The newcomers were generally confused and a bit anxious as to what would come next. Vibrava seemed content with just being in his trainers presence. Sneasel on the other hand was quickly becoming impatient.

Naruto had only a second to dodge a thin Ice Beam shot towards him. Throwing a dirty look Sneasel's way, he cleared his throat and snapped the Pokédex shut.

"We are going to separate into two groups for the time being. Vibrava, I want you to work with Aron and go all out. The best way for Aron to work on those type weaknesses is to be exposed to it some more. Plus, Aron's ability will ensure that he's not knocked out. On the other hand, Sneasel, I want you helping Numel in regards to fire type moves." Before his snarky and clingy starter can hiss in annoyance, he held a hand up. "As Numel is now, she won't be doing any damage to you, we have to change that. Then after those two are tired I want you and Vibrava to battle against each other until you're worn out." His explanation earned a upturned head from Sneasel and a worried glance from Numel. Vibrava still appeared generally relaxed with the proceeding events as Aron stood close by.

"Alright! We are going to be the strongest these damn leagues, trainers and pirates have ever seen. Dad and Uncle Steven won't know what hit em'." Naruto grinned wildly, his childhood dream of defeating those two was showing once more.

All of his Pokémon cried out happily when they heard the positivity in their trainers voice. Sneasel eyed her trainer fondly despite her questionable attitude. After the events from earlier today, she enjoyed seeing the smiling form of Naruto more than any other.

Although, Sneasel didn't care for when the smile was directed at one person in particular.

Courtney stopped in the middle of the crowded streets of Slateport City as she somehow felt that someone or something was talking about her. Shrugging lightly in her weather appropriate clothes, she continued wandering aimlessly.

Contacting Leader Maxie went just about as she expected. He was disappointed in their loss of the Devon Good's but fortunately he had Tabitha secure some items that would allow them to continue on in Team Magma's plans. When she informed him of Team Aqua's threat of holding her hostage, she did so emotionlessly. She found it strange how Leader Maxie's face seemed to harden over the video call. When he further questioned the situation she went on about how Naruto "physically handled" the grunt that was making his way towards her.

She did not quite understand the sigh of relief that her Leader released at this information.

Anyway, her next mission will apparently be assigned when her and her companion reach Mauville City. Leader Maxie did not seem too keen on revealing details on the off chance that Team Aqua catch wind of it.

While still committed to the cause given to her by the leader of Team Magma, a part of Courtney felt odd when considering that she now has what could be considered free time.

'I must figure out why my body temperature increases around Naruto. As well as the feeling within my stomach whenever he does certain actions. Perhaps Slateport has a library? A store for books even?' Courtney was lost in her thoughts and bumped into a person she didn't wholly enjoy the presence of.

"Eh? What're you up to?" The booming voice of Jiraiya questioned the admin who left him in the Pokémon Center before he was thrown out. Courtney's purple gaze shifted up to the tall man thought on a response for a moment.

"I require a library. I need to perform some research." The minute her last word departed from her mouth, a devious smirk came to the white haired man's face.

Jiraiya was still not at all accepting of Naruto's role with Team Magma or this girls involvement but he'd be damned if he didn't slightly accomplish his original goal. If only Gengar was around to see this.

"Research you say?! Why, I happen to be the best guy around to help with that. What topic do you need help with?" Perversion was in his nature, although he was curious as to what the girl needed.

Courtney thought over revealing her reason behind requiring knowledge and figured there weren't many negatives to revealing it.

"It is in regards to Naruto. Whenever he is present... my body reacts in peculiar... ways. I would need books to analyze this... phenomenon." Her elongated response made Jiraiya's eyes light up. No matter how strange she sounded, he got the gist of her need for reading. Luckily, he had the perfect solution. Digging into the small bag he had with him, he retrieved a orange book. Courtney titled her head at the convenient book.

"Courtney right? Well, you're in luck! I happen to have the answer to all your problems right here. Read this very thoroughly, even twice if you have to. This should answer most of your questions involving my godson." Jiraiya placed the book into the blinking Courtney's hands and patted her on the shoulder. "Now I'm off to do some of my own research. I'll be seeing you and Naruto later. I can't let a beach day like this go to waste!" Jiraiya seemed to forget all about the heated conversation that took place between him and Naruto.

Courtney followed him with her eyes as he strutted through the crowded Slateport on his way to the beach. Her gaze shifted to the orange novel in her hands.

"Make... out... paradise?" She whispered the name to herself and began to move her body forward to walk. Curiously, her hand flipped open past the cover page and her eyes began to follow the sentences displayed before her.

For the rest of the day, Courtney walked around the screeching city streets without hearing any of it. Her mind taking in the finer details of what was unknowingly Jiraiya's favorite work.

Naruto slowly made his way towards his final destination for the day, the towns resident Pokémon Center. After a day of intense training, even his clothes were a mess after his team wreaked havoc in their clearing. All he wanted to do was get some sleep after such a drag of a day. Fortunately, the Pokémon Center always provided housing for trainers should there be available rooms.

Once the familiar red awning came into view, he deadpanned at the sight of Jiraiya sulking outside of a trainers favorite haven.

"What happened perv? Nurse Joy catch you staring at her butt or something?" Naruto squinted at him with a frown. His godfather shook off his sulking and looked down at the current pain in his ass.

"Hah! As if she could catch me staring at her delightful backside!" The talker elder responded proudly.



"She banned you from the building huh?"

"Yeah pretty much."

Naruto sighed before scratching at his spiky blond hair. He needed to go heal his Pokémon again, there wasn't time to waste consoling his godfather.

"Come on old man. I'll convince her to let you stay." Naruto saw the man's face light up happily and rolled his eyes at the expression.

The door's slid open and Naruto took in the surroundings as he did earlier. There were far more trainers hanging out in the area this time. Some were sitting and chatting, while others played with their smaller Pokémon. Upon hearing the door opening, Nurse Joy's eyes shot to the entrance and her face brightened.

"Welcome back!" Jiraiya still couldn't understand why the pink haired nurse was so happy to see his godson. "What is he doing here?" The woman questioned with narrowed eyes. Naruto felt his godfather try to hide behind him, it would have worked too, if the man wasn't a head taller than him .

"Sorry Nurse Joy... he's um... my godfather. Whatever he does, I'll take full responsibility for it. You have my word, and I never go back on that." Naruto stared directly at the woman with steely eyes. If Jiraiya had no experience with woman, he wouldn't have noticed the quick blush that overtook the Joy's face and the subtle way her eyes looked at his godson's ripped shirt from training his Pokémon.

"I-I see. He may stay, but please behave. There are other trainers and I will not tolerate any unjust behavior." Despite her stutter at the beginning, she finished firmly. Naruto nodded seriously and held up four pokéballs to the woman. Nurse Joy's eyes lit up even more when noticing.

"You don't mind healing them again do you Nurse Joy? Sorry to be a pain, you know?" Naruto smiled sheepishly.

"Never think that of yourself young man, I'll be glad to rest your Pokémon back to full health. As a matter of fact... perhaps you'd like to see the healing process more in depth?" The 'innocent' question left Jiraiya slacked jawed at the prospect.

"Oh? I appreciate the offer but I'm not into all that stuff. Never was interested in the Pokémon breeder or healer lifestyle haha." Naruto laughed casually.

'He is a fool. The biggest fool I know. Minato... Steven... even you Kushina... where did we go wrong?' Jiraiya lamented sadly in his head. Naruto didn't seem to grasp the fact that Nurse Joy of all people was flirting with him. Hoenn's biggest pervert remembered a fan writing to him from Kanto mentioning how he was rejected by every single Joy in the region. For Naruto to shrug this aside, he didn't know how to feel.

"That's quite alright." If Nurse Joy was disappointed, Naruto was too dense to realize. "I'll let you know when they are done healing. Please rest up and again, I'm here if you need me." Nurse Joy calmly took his Pokémon and retreated to her machine. Naruto couldn't help the smile coming to his features.

"Why aren't all Nurse Joy's like this? She's the best!" Naruto exclaimed rather loudly, drawing all sorts of attention. As if a set of eyes were probing his skull, he turned to the left and seated in a lone section of the Pokémon Center was...

"Courtney!" Making a dash that betrayed his previously tired state, Naruto got close to the girl for a hug. His admin appeared frozen at seeing him and didn't respond to the hug immediately. The hushed whispers of other trainers didn't even seem to reach their ears.

"Hey. I'm sorry about leaving you alone before." Naruto pulled away from the one sided hug and wondered if she was genuinely upset. Courtney stared deeply into his eyes, and momentarily he felt naked. 'That's really weird.' He gave her a true nervous smile.

"It is fine. You are in a better mood..." Courtney finally spoke up and slid her body closer to him.

"I am now. Today was a mess wasn't it? I can't wait to get some sleep." Naruto grinned down at the girl who wasn't clad in her hooded Team Magma attire for once.

Jiraiya rubbed his chin in thought as he watched the two interact. The way Naruto acted around this girl was something he's only seen a few times in all the years of being his godfather. She supposedly drugged him and inadvertently made him join an organization that can be considering a criminal syndicate. Despite all that, Naruto seemed at ease.

'It's nice to see him smile and act more like the boy I remember from when he was younger. Even if the situation is bizarre.' Jiraiya shook his head at remembering the days when all Naruto would do was jump up and down about wanting to be a champion. After his friends left him behind and he lost his will to go on a journey of his own, Jiraiya was concerned that he'd never leave the house. Now he watched him ruffle the Team Magma members hair playfully while she didn't break eye contact with him for even a second. 'He did pick a weird one.' Courtney was certainly unique.

Deciding to break up the two who were making quite a scene in the Pokémon Center, he moved over to them. "Alright you two, break it up. The whole building is watching you get friendly with each other." Jiraiya laughed at the red coloring on Naruto's cheeks. "How was your research Courtney?" He turned to the girl with a suspicious grin, in Naruto's eyes at least.

Courtney perked up at the mention and she nodded at the man. "I finished the novel." She told him simply.

Jiraiya opened his mouth to form some words but couldn't find the right ones. Naruto looked between the both of them in confusion.

"A-All of it?! Surely you skipped over a lot of the book?" His best work was not something that can be enjoyed in only a few hours.

Courtney shook her head very slowly. "I read it entirely. I will reread for anything I missed... before I sleep." Taking her usual pause in the sentence, she watched the shocked author/pervert.

"Did you enjoy it at least?" Jiraiya didn't even pay any mind to Naruto's confused face looking back and forth between them.

"I have to look over the data... until then I cannot come to a conclusion. However... I can use this knowledge." Courtney's declaration made Jiraiya burst in a fit of perverted giggling.

"What the hell are you two talking about? Books?" Naruto knew his godfather was a pervert, but Kushina was stricter than anything when it came to allowing that to affect her baby boy. In no way was Jiraiya able to give Naruto a copy of his book or even talk of it inside that house. Meaning, he was completely clueless.

"Don't worry about it brat. I'm just helping your girlfriend out." Jiraiya successfully diverted the topic by teasing the boy. Of course, Naruto being Naruto, he turned away at the implication.

"All done! Young man, your Pokémon are fully healed." Nurse Joy waved him over with a sweet smile. Naruto glared at his godfather for the teasing before tapping Courtney on the arm and moving away.

"Thanks again Nurse Joy. I meant what I said before, you really are the best." He accepted the pokéballs gratefully.

"Call me Joy." The woman told him with a subdued smile and lower voice. Naruto, ever the friendly one, responded in kind.

"I will. I just realized I never introduced myself properly, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Giving her his best grin, he stuck his hand out for a handshake. Usually he didn't shake anyone's hands upon meeting them, but Nurse Joy certainly deserved that respect. "You know, the Joy in Rustboro and Dewford were not nearly as friendly."

Accepting his handshake daintily, Nurse Joy tilted her head cutely at him. "That's a shame. I'm sure if they spoke to you some more, they would see what a fetching young man you are Naruto." Her compliment went right over his head.

'I don't know what that word means...' "Thanks!" He responded the only way he knew how.

"Nurse Joy. We require rooms. Now." Courtney appeared at his side in a instant and that startled him somewhat. Nurse Joy's eyes bore into Courtney's for a moment before staring right back at Naruto.

"Three room's I presume? That will be no problem." The Pokémon healer responded.

"Two." Courtney stressed the word.

"Naruto, will you be sharing with your godfather?" Nurse Joy acting familiar with Naruto made Courtney's hand twitch.

"Am I?" Naruto turned to look at his relative. The man shrugged pointlessly.

"No. He gets his own room. Naruto... is with me." Courtney made the final decision and Nurse Joy hesitated.

"Understood. Two room are available to the far left of the Pokémon Center. Please enjoy your stay." The answer was delivered in a way similar to Courtney's usual robotic tone.

The Magma admin didn't even bother responding before she started pulling Naruto away. The whisker scarred boy threw the Joy one last shaky wave before disappearing around the corner. Jiraiya stood there and watched the woman clench her fist.

"... Don't tell me you like my godson." At this point, it was almost comedic.

"You try socializing with anybody else that comes through those doors. Everyone cares about their Pokémon being healed and can't be bothered to hang around for a moment longer. I do not need to explain myself to a crude man such as you. If it weren't for that darling boy, you would already be sleeping outside." The tone and look she shot his way made Jiraiya's eyes widen. "Have a goodnight and enjoy your stay!" Just like that, she gave him a big smile and retreated into a room behind her. The tall elder stood there for a few seconds before chuckling.

"Did you get all that?" Gengar made his presence known and held a recording video camera in victory. Jiraiya shot the ghost type a thumbs up. Whatever trainers were left stared in shock at the strong Gengar. While the Pokémon was somewhat common, Jiraiya's certainly had a unique presence.

"Perhaps our plan can still happen. Courtney hasn't laid her claim on the brat just yet." At Jiraiya's words, his partner grinned in that mischievous Gengar way.

Jiraiya hoped to gather more and more research by following his godson around. He didn't mention that little fact to the boy just yet. He was sure he'd love it, and it would prevent this Team Magma business!

Gengar continued to smile suspiciously.

"It's a pretty nice room. There's only one bed though. I don't mind sleeping on the floor, can you at least spare this grunt a measly pillow?" Naruto smirked at the girl playfully and Courtney watched blankly.


"Cruel. You're cruel my admin."

"My pillows."

"I'll just ask Nurse Joy for some more."

Courtney sat up straighter on the clean bedding and her eyes glinted.


Naruto sighed dramatically before grabbing his bag and sticking his tongue out at the girl. "I'm changing into my pajamas. I'll give you some privacy." He entered the small bathroom attached to the room.

Once the door shut with a click, Courtney reached into her bag, the one that was a copy of Naruto's own, and pulled out the novel given to her. Flipping open to a few pages, she somehow changed into a simple red tank top and shorts of the same color to sleep in while reading the chapter over and over again.

"Joy really knows how to keep a place clean." Naruto exited the bathroom a few minutes later and looked around the room once more. "I've never seen a Pokémon Center this neat looking before and they usually all are pristine!" Naruto changed into his own loose pajamas and looked at the stationary Courtney. He averted his eyes when they strayed to the cleavage her tank top was revealing.


At the sound of his name, he looked at her curiously.


"Come here... close." Courtney basically demanded him.

"Okay?" Naruto placed his bag down and reached for a pokéball before looking at her. "Can I release Sneasel first? She always likes sleeping with me." The stare Courtney gave him made the newest grunt lower the ball. He reached the bed and stood in front of the seated girl. "What's up?" He asked easily.

"I like you." Courtney reminded him of a Chatot with how much she said that today.

"We've been over this Courtney. I like you too." Naruto laughed lightly, thinking she was just being herself again.

"No. I like you." She raised her voice a bit more to get the point across.

"I... know? Are you seriously alright?" Naruto looked down at the girl in worry. Courtney bit her lip as she felt an emotion, frustration. Naruto blinked rapidly when he watched her grab her bag and retrieve a book. The book was folded and happened to hide the cover from him.

Courtney skimmed over a few pages before quietly placing the book back into her bag. Her eyes looked up at Naruto's and roamed his entire body. He was about to question her, especially when she paused on his shorts before he felt her move.

Standing quickly, Courtney spun around him and pushed him onto the clean bed. Naruto didn't have time to react as she straddled his hips. He noted the increase in her breathing, it was almost like she was struggling. Then his mind started working again and he realized that he had a girl, one that he was attracted to, sitting on top of him.


"No. I have analyzed the data."

Opening his mouth to speak, he was cut off by a set of lips awkwardly hitting his own. Naruto's eyes widened to the size of saucers when he realized what was happening.

Courtney had absolutely no idea what she was doing. Her lips remained on his and they almost laid there frozen. Her eyes closed and she used her terrific memory to remember specific lines from the book of research.

Naruto was enjoying the extremely soft lips of Courtney pressed against his own and just as he was about to sit up and question her, he felt something wet touch his lips.

'Tongue. Chapter 4 involved the female utilizing her tongue. It was said she battled the male for dominance. Similar to a Pokémon battle, I have to claim victory. It detailed how she fought him and I need to copy it fully.' Courtney's mind was in overdrive as she prodded his lips with her tongue.

'What is happening...?' Naruto experimentally opened his mouth and his eyes shot open again when he felt Courtney's tongue slip in.

The next couple minutes were filled with complete inexperience on both parts, but Naurto and Courtney had no complaints.

Eventually, the admin broke for air and sat up straight on Naruto's prone body.

"Was that acceptable? Upon... my studying... this is natural." Courtney was breathing heavily, and Naruto's eyes were drawn to her rising chest.

"Courtney. Kissing is something only people in relationships do you know?" Naruto needed to make sure she understood what she just did, even if he couldn't believe it.

"Like... boyfriends and girlfriends...? I've heard others refer to me... as yours." Courtney's hands rested in his abdomen as she held eye contact.

"Yeah exactly. People usually tease us. We aren't actually..." Naruto's words died in his throat when he noticed the narrowing eyes of Courtney.

"Naruto. You are my grunt. My partner." She began leaning down. "You are my... only friend." Naruto was frozen as she neared his face. "You are mine Naruto. We promised to be together... forever. Do you not like me the same way?" Courtney's purple eyes almost seemed to be glowing and Naruto was enthralled for a second.

"Courtney. You stabbed me in a forest and brought me to join some organization that wants to get rid of all the water in the world." Naruto reminded her with a dry look. "Do you think I like you the same way?"

The room was silent as Courtney processed his words.

"Yes. You do. We will be together." She sounded so sure of herself and Naruto felt his face warm up.

"This isn't because my dad is a former champion? This isn't to use me for Team Magma?" Naruto's insecurities were coming to light.

"I do not care about a champion. I care about... Naruto. You are fully mine, not Team Magma's." Courtney's response made Naruto turn his face away.

For someone to care about him. Only him. Not a legacy, not a champion, not a family name. Who knew that he would be falling for the weirdest girl he's ever met.

"Courtney. You're weird."

Courtney's lips spread into a smile that Naruto could tell was trying to mimic his own.

"You told me... you like weird."

He laughed. This girl.

"You're right. I do Courtney." He admitted it to her once more.

"We are together now? Forever?" The childish way of asking made him hold back another laugh and he finally relented.

"I guess so. I like you too Courtney, I can't believe it. After everything I'm going through now because of you. I feel like a Venomoth to a flame."

Courtney dropped her face onto his own again and Naruto cringed as their teeth hit against each other in the rushed kiss. The inexperience was showing painfully. He still enjoyed every second of it.

The make out session went on for a while longer before Naruto watched his admin... partner... friend... girlfriend reach into her bag one more time.

'What even is in that book that she keeps reading?' His curiosity was overflowing.

"My body is quite warm, every part of it right now. You caused this... Naruto." Courtney placed the book down and continued to straddle him.


"Chapter 7 states that the female felt like her whole body was on fire after the male placed his rock hard Onix..."

'What? Onix?! What kind of book is that? Who would...' Jiraiya. His godfather. He knew something was up.

"Into her tight and wet Skitty." Courtney finished her quote flatly and Naruto questioned his decisions.

"You do not own an Onix and I... certainly do not have a Skitty. I would like to feel more warmth Naruto. Let me check for another way."

Courtney went back to the book.

Naruto went back to plotting to kill Jiraiya.

A/N - Yeah it's been months. But yeah, without boring people with all the details, I have had almost no free time to myself over the past few months and wrote whenever possible.

I'll never abandon my stories though, so please no PM's or even reviews about that lmao.

Anyway, the completely socially awkward Courtney made her move, hype! And yes, Naruto has some growing up to do. I'm taking a little inspiration from Boruto here with how he originally acted towards his father in canon.

Bit of a longer chapter just to wrap up things in Slateport and establish their relationship some more. As soon as they get to Mauville, there will be more Naruto characters introduced which will of course cause more battles. I even have some teams planned out to fit their characters. May, Brendan and Wally will also be making an appearance.

Love you guys for hopefully still reading my shitty stories despite the long hiatus. Hope you all had a good holiday season! Peace out :^)